The London Perl and Raku Workshop takes place on 26th Oct 2024. If your company depends on Perl, please consider sponsoring and/or attending.
package RDF::ACL;

use 5.010;
use strict;
use utf8;

use Data::UUID;
use Error qw(:try);
use RDF::TrineX::Functions -shortcuts;
use RDF::Query;
use RDF::Query::Client;
use Scalar::Util qw(blessed);
use URI;

use constant EXCEPTION => 'Error::Simple';
use constant NS_ACL    => '';
use constant NS_RDF    => '';

our $AUTHORITY = 'cpan:TOBYINK';
our $VERSION   = '0.103';

sub rdf_query
	my ($query, $model) = @_;
	my $class   = (blessed($model) and $model->isa('RDF::Trine::Model'))
		? 'RDF::Query'
		: 'RDF::Query::Client';
	my $results = $class->new($query)->execute($model);
	if ($results->is_boolean)
		{ return $results->get_boolean }
	if ($results->is_bindings)
		{ return $results }
	if ($results->is_graph)
		{ my $m = rdf_parse(); $m->add_hashref($results->as_hashref); return $m }

sub new
	my $class = shift;
	my $model = shift;
	unless (blessed($model) && $model->isa('RDF::Trine::Model'))
		$model = rdf_parse($model, @_);
	my $self  = bless {
		'model' => $model,
		'i_am'  => undef ,
		}, $class;
	return $self;

sub new_remote
	my $class = shift;
	my $ep    = shift;
	my $self  = bless {
		'endpoint' => $ep,
		}, $class;
	return $self;

sub check
	my ($self, $webid, $item, $level, @datas)  = @_;

	EXCEPTION->throw("Must provide WebID to be checked.")
		unless defined $webid;

	EXCEPTION->throw("Must provide item URI to be checked.")
		unless defined $item;

	my $model = $self->_union_model(@datas);
	my $aclvocab = NS_ACL;
	if (defined $level)
		if ($level =~ /^(access|read|write|control|append)$/i)
			$level = $aclvocab . (ucfirst lc $level);
		my $sparql = <<"SPARQL";
PREFIX acl: <$aclvocab>
		{ ?authorisation acl:agentClass ?agentclass . <$webid> a ?agentclass . }
		UNION { ?authorisation acl:agent <$webid> . }
		UNION { ?authorisation acl:agentClass <> . }
		{ ?authorisation acl:accessToClass ?accessclass . <$item> a ?accessclass . }
		UNION { ?authorisation acl:accessTo <$item> . }
		UNION { ?authorisation acl:accessToClass <> . }
		?authorisation acl:mode <$level> .

		return rdf_query($sparql, $model);
		my $sparql = <<"SPARQL";
PREFIX acl: <$aclvocab>
		{ ?authorisation acl:agentClass ?agentclass . <$webid> a ?agentclass . }
		UNION { ?authorisation acl:agent <$webid> . }
		UNION { ?authorisation acl:agentClass <> . }
		{ ?authorisation acl:accessToClass ?accessclass . <$item> a ?accessclass . }
		UNION { ?authorisation acl:accessTo <$item> . }
		UNION { ?authorisation acl:accessToClass <> . }
		?authorisation acl:mode ?level .

		my $iterator = rdf_query($sparql, $model);
		my @rv;
		while (my $result = $iterator->next)
			push @rv, $result->{'level'}->uri
				if blessed($result->{'level'}) && $result->{'level'}->can('uri');
		return @rv;

sub why
	my ($self, $webid, $item, $level, @datas)  = @_;

	EXCEPTION->throw("Must provide WebID to be checked.")
		unless defined $webid;

	EXCEPTION->throw("Must provide item URI to be checked.")
		unless defined $item;

	EXCEPTION->throw("Must provide item URI to be checked.")
		unless defined $item;

	my $model = $self->_union_model(@datas);
	my $aclvocab = NS_ACL;
	if ($level =~ /^(access|read|write|control|append)$/i)
		$level = $aclvocab . (ucfirst lc $level);
	my $sparql = <<"SPARQL";
PREFIX acl: <$aclvocab>
SELECT DISTINCT ?authorisation
		{ ?authorisation acl:agentClass ?agentclass . <$webid> a ?agentclass . }
		UNION { ?authorisation acl:agent <$webid> . }
		UNION { ?authorisation acl:agentClass <> . }
		{ ?authorisation acl:accessToClass ?accessclass . <$item> a ?accessclass . }
		UNION { ?authorisation acl:accessTo <$item> . }
		UNION { ?authorisation acl:accessToClass <> . }
		?authorisation acl:mode <$level> .

	my $iterator = rdf_query($sparql, $model);
	my @rv;
	while (my $result = $iterator->next)
		if (blessed($result->{'authorisation'}) && $result->{'authorisation'}->can('uri'))
			push @rv, $result->{'authorisation'}->uri;
			push @rv, undef;
	return @rv;

sub allow
	my ($self, %args)  = @_;
	EXCEPTION->throw("This ACL is not mutable.")
		unless $self->is_mutable;

	EXCEPTION->throw("Must provide an 'item', 'item_class' or 'container' argument.")
		unless (defined $args{'item'} or defined $args{'item_class'} or defined $args{'container'});

	EXCEPTION->throw("Cannot provide 'container' with an 'item' or 'item_class' argument.")
		if ((defined $args{'container'}) and (defined $args{'item'} or defined $args{'item_class'}));

	$args{'agent_class'} = ''
		unless (defined $args{'webid'} or defined $args{'agent'} or defined $args{'agent_class'});
	$args{'level'} = NS_ACL.'Read'
		unless defined $args{'level'};
	my $predicate_map = {
		'level'       => NS_ACL . 'mode' ,
		'item'        => NS_ACL . 'accessTo' ,
		'item_class'  => NS_ACL . 'accessToClass' ,
		'container'   => NS_ACL . 'defaultForNew' ,
		'agent'       => NS_ACL . 'agent' ,
		'agent_class' => NS_ACL . 'agentClass' ,
		'webid'       => NS_ACL . 'agent' ,

	my $data = {};
	my $authid = $self->_uuid;
	$data->{$authid}->{NS_RDF.'type'} = [
		{ 'type'=>'uri', 'value'=>NS_ACL.'Authorization' },
	foreach my $p (keys %$predicate_map)
		next unless defined $args{$p};
		unless (ref $args{$p} eq 'ARRAY')
			$args{$p} = [ $args{$p} ];

		foreach my $val (@{$args{$p}})
			if (defined $self->who_am_i and $p =~ /^(item|container)$/)
				my $control = $self->check($self->who_am_i, $val, 'Control');
				EXCEPTION->throw("WebID <".$self->who_am_i."> does not have access control for resource <$val>.")
					unless $control;

			if ($p eq 'level' and $val =~ /^(access|read|write|control|append)$/i)
				$val = NS_ACL . (ucfirst lc $val);
			push @{ $data->{$authid}->{$predicate_map->{$p}} },
				{ 'type'=>'uri', 'value'=>$val };
	return $authid;

sub deny
	my ($self, $id) = @_;
	EXCEPTION->throw("This ACL is not mutable.")
		unless $self->is_mutable;
	if (defined $self->who_am_i)
		my $aclvocab = NS_ACL;
		my $sparql = <<"SPARQL";
PREFIX acl: <$aclvocab>
	{ <$id> acl:accessTo ?resource . }
	UNION { <$id> acl:accessTo ?resource . }
		my $iterator = rdf_query($sparql, $self->model);
		while (my $result = $iterator->next)
			next unless $result->{'resource'}->is_resource;
			next if $self->check($self->who_am_i, $result->{'resource'}->uri, 'Control');
			EXCEPTION->throw("WebID <".$self->who_am_i."> does not have access control for resource <".$result->{'resource'}->uri.">.");
	my $auth  = RDF::Trine::Node::Resource->new($id);
	my $count = $self->model->count_statements($auth, undef, undef);
	$self->model->remove_statements($auth, undef, undef);
	return $count;

sub created
	my ($self, $item, $container) = @_;
	EXCEPTION->throw("This ACL is not mutable.")
		unless $self->is_mutable;
	my $aclvocab = NS_ACL;
	my $graph = rdf_query(<<"QUERY", $self->model);
	PREFIX acl: <$aclvocab>
	CONSTRUCT { ?auth ?p ?o . }
		?auth ?p ?o ;
			acl:defaultForNew <$container> .
		FILTER ( sameTerm(?p, acl:mode) || sameTerm(?p, acl:agent) || sameTerm(?p, acl:agentClass) || sameTerm(?p, <>) )

	my $data = $graph->as_hashref;
	my $newdata = {};
	my @rv;
	foreach my $k (keys %$data)
		my $authid = $self->_uuid;
		$newdata->{$authid} = $data->{$k};
		$newdata->{$authid}->{$aclvocab.'accessTo'} = [{
			'type' => 'uri', 'value' => $item
		push @rv, $authid;
	return @rv;

sub i_am
	my $self = shift;
	my $old  = $self->who_am_i;
	$self->{'i_am'} = shift;
	return URI->new($old);

sub who_am_i
	my ($self) = @_;
	return $self->{'i_am'};

sub save
	my ($self, $fmt, $file) = @_;
	EXCEPTION->throw("This ACL is not serialisable.")
		if $self->is_remote;

	return rdf_string(
		type     => $fmt,
		output   => $file,

sub is_remote
	my ($self) = @_;
	return defined $self->endpoint;

sub is_mutable
	my ($self) = @_;
	return defined $self->model;

sub model
	my ($self) = @_;
	return $self->{'model'};

sub endpoint
	my ($self) = @_;
	return undef unless defined $self->{'endpoint'};
	return URI->new(''.$self->{'endpoint'});


# * $acl->_uuid
#   Returns a unique throwaway URI.

sub _uuid
	my ($self) = @_;
	$self->{'uuid_generator'} = Data::UUID->new
		unless defined $self->{'uuid_generator'};
	return 'urn:uuid:' . $self->{'uuid_generator'}->create_str;

# * $acl->_union_model(@graphs)
#   Creates a temporary model that is the union of the ACL
#   object's default data source plus additional graphs.

sub _union_model
	my ($self, @graphs) = @_;
	my $model;
	if ($self->is_remote)
		$model = $self->endpoint;
		EXCEPTION->throw("Cannot provide additional data to consider for remote ACL.")
			if @graphs;
	elsif (@graphs)
		$model = rdf_parse($self->model, model => RDF::TrineX::Functions::model());
		foreach my $given (@graphs)
			my @given = ref($given) eq 'ARRAY' ? @$given : $given;
			rdf_parse(@given, model => $model);
		$model = $self->model;
	return $model;


=head1 NAME

RDF::ACL - access control lists for the semantic web


  use RDF::ACL;
  my $acl  = RDF::ACL->new('access.ttl');
  my $auth = $acl->allow(
    webid => '',
    item  => '',
    level => ['Read', 'Write'],
  $acl->save('turtle', 'access.ttl');
  # later...
  if ($acl->check('',
    print slurp("private/document");
    print "Denied";
  # later...
  foreach my $reason ($acl->why('',
    $acl->deny($reason) if defined $reason;
  $acl->save('turtle', 'access.ttl');


Note that this module provides access control and does not perform

=head2 Constructors

=over 4

=item C<< $acl->new($input, %args) >>

Creates a new access control list based on RDF data defined in
$input. $input can be a serialised string of RDF, a file name,
a URI or any other input accepted by the C<parse> function
of L<RDF::TrineX::Functions>.

C<< new() >> can be called with no arguments to create a
fresh, clean ACL containing no authorisations.

=item C<< $acl->new_remote($endpoint) >>

Creates a new access control list based on RDF data accessed
via a remote SPARQL Protocol 1.0 endpoint.


=head2 Public Methods

=over 4

=item C<< $acl->check($webid, $item, $level, @data) >>

Checks an agent's authorisation to access an item.

$webid is the WebID (URI) of the agent requesting access to the item.

$item is the URL (URI) of the item being accessed.

$level is a URI identifying the type of access required. As special
cases, the case-insensitive string 'read' is expanded to the URI
E<lt><gt>, 'write' to
E<lt><gt>, 'append' to
E<lt><gt> and 'control' to

If the access control list is local (not remote), zero or more
additional RDF graphs can be passed (i.e. @data) containing
data to take into consideration when checking the agent's authorisation.
This data is trusted blindly, so should not include data that the
user has themselves supplied. If the access control list is remote,
then this method throws an error if any additional data is provided.
(A remote ACL cannot take into account local data.)

If $level is provided, this method returns a boolean.

If $level is undefined or omitted, this method returns a list
of URIs which each represent a type of access that the user is

=item C<< $acl->why($webid, $item, $level, @data) >>

Investigates an agent's authorisation to access an item.

Arguments as per C<< check >>, however $level is required.

Returns a list of authorisations that justify a user's access to
the item with the given access level. These authorisations are
equivalent to $authid values provided by C<< allow() >>.

In some cases (especially if the authorisation was created
by hand, and not via C<< allow() >>) an authorisation may not
have an identifier. In these cases, the list will contain

=item C<< $acl->allow(%args) >>

Adds an authorisation to the ACL. The ACL must be mutable.

The method takes a hash of named arguments:

  my $authid = $acl->allow(
    webid => '',
    item  => '',
    level => ['Read', 'Write'],

'item' is the URI of the item to authorise access to. As an alternative,
'item_class' may be used to authorise access to an entire class of items
(using classes in the RDFS/OWL sense of the word). If neither of these
arguments is provided, then the method will throw an error. Both may be
provided. Either or both may be an arrayref, because an authorisation
may authorise access to more than one thing.

'container' is an alternative to using 'item' or 'item_class'. It
specifies the URI for a resource which in some way is a container for
other resources. Setting authorisations for a container allows you
to set a default authorisation for new items created within that
container. (You must use the C<< created() >> method to notify the ACL
about newly created items.)

'webid' is the WebID (URI) of the person or agent being granted access.
As an alternative, 'agent_class' may be used to authorise access to an
entire class of agents. If neither is provided, an agent_class of
E<lt><gt> is assumed. Both may be
provided. Either or both may be an arrayref, because an authorisation
may authorise access by more than one agent. (For consistency with 'item',
'agent' is supported as a synonym for 'webid'.)

'level' is the access level being granted. As with the C<< check >>
method, the shortcuts 'read', 'write', 'append' and 'control' may be used.
An arrayref may be used. If no level is specified, 'read' is assumed.

This authorisation is not automatically saved, so it is probably useful
to call C<< save() >> after adding authorisations.

The method returns an identifier for the authorisation. This identifier
may be needed again if you ever need to C<< deny() >> the authorisation.

This method is aware of C<< i_am() >>/C<< who_am_i() >>.

=item C<< $acl->deny($authid) >>

Completely removes all traces of an authorisation from the ACL.

The authorisation identifier can be found using C<< why() >> or
you may have remembered it when you first allowed the access.
In some cases (especially if the authorisation was created
by hand, and not via C<< allow() >>) an authorisation may not
have an identifier. In these cases, you will have to be creative
in figuring out how to deny access.

Returns the number of statements removed from the ACL's internal model
as a result of the removal. (This will normally be at least 3.)

This authorisation is not automatically saved, so it is probably useful
to call C<< save() >> after removing authorisations.

This method is aware of C<< i_am() >>/C<< who_am_i() >>.

=item C<< $acl->created($item, $container) >>

Finds all authorisations which are the default for new items within
$container and clones each of them for newly created $item.

Returns a list of authorisation identifiers.

=item C<< $acl->i_am($webid) >>

Tells the ACL object to "act like" the agent with the given WebID.

If the ACL object is acting like you, then methods that make changes
to the ACL (e.g. C<< allow() >> and C<< deny() >>) will only work
if you have 'Control' permission over the resources specified.

$webid can be null to restore the usual behaviour.

Returns the previous WebID the ACL was acting like as a L<URI>

=item C<< $acl->who_am_i >>

Returns the WebID of the agent that ACL is acting like (if any).

=item C<< $acl->save($format, $filename) >>

Serialises a local (not remote) ACL.

$format can be any format supported by the C<serialize> function from

If $filename is provided, this method writes to the file
and returns the new file size in bytes.

If $filename is omitted, this method does not attempt to write
to a file, and simply returns the string it would have written.

=item C<< $acl->is_remote >>

Returns true if the ACL is remote; false if local.

=item C<< $acl->is_mutable >>

Can this ACL be modified?

=item C<< $acl->model >>

The graph model against which authorisation checks are made.

Returned as an L<RDF::Trine::Model> object.

=item C<< $acl->endpoint >>

The endpoint URI for remote (non-local) ACL queries.

Returned as a L<URI> object.


=head1 BUGS

Please report any bugs to L<>.

=head1 SEE ALSO



L<>, L<>.

=head1 AUTHOR

Toby Inkster E<lt>tobyink@cpan.orgE<gt>.


This software is copyright (c) 2010-2013 by Toby Inkster.

This is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
the same terms as the Perl 5 programming language system itself.