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package RDF::RDB2RDF::Simple;

use 5.010;
use strict;
use utf8;

use Carp qw[carp croak];
use Data::UUID;
use Digest::MD5 qw[md5_hex];
use DBI;
use JSON qw[];
use overload qw[];
use RDF::Trine qw[statement blank literal];
use RDF::Trine::Namespace qw[rdf rdfs owl xsd];
use Scalar::Util qw[blessed];
use URI::Escape::Optimistic qw[uri_escape_optimistic];

use namespace::clean;
use base qw[

our $AUTHORITY = 'cpan:TOBYINK';
our $VERSION   = '0.008';

sub new
	my ($class, %mappings) = @_;
	my $ns   = delete($mappings{-namespaces}) // +{};
	my $base = delete($mappings{-base})       // '';
	while (my ($k, $v) = each %$ns)
		$ns->{$k} = RDF::Trine::Namespace->new($v)
			unless (blessed($v) and $v->isa('RDF::Trine::Namespace'));
	bless {
		mappings   => \%mappings,
		namespaces => $ns,
		base       => $base,
	}, $class; 

sub mappings
	my ($self) = @_;
	return $self->{mappings};

sub namespaces
	my ($self) = @_;
	my %NS;
	%NS = %{ $self->{namespaces} }
		if (ref $self->{namespaces} eq 'HASH' or blessed($self->{namespaces}));
	%NS = (
		owl  => "$owl",
		rdf  => "$rdf",
		rdfs => "$rdfs",
		xsd  => "$xsd",
		) unless %NS;
	return %NS;

sub template
	my ($self, $template, $data, $types, $process) = @_;
	$process = sub { +shift } unless ref $process eq 'CODE';
	if (blessed($template) and $template->isa('RDF::Trine::Node'))
		return $template;

	if (blessed($template) and $template->isa('RDF::RDB2RDF::R2RML::_COL_'))
		my $col = substr($template, 1, -1);
		return $data->{$col};

	$self->{uuid} = Data::UUID->new unless $self->{uuid};
	$data->{'+uuid'} = $self->{uuid}->create_str;
	$template =~ s(
		(?<!\\) \{               # opening unescaped brace
		(                        # start capturing
			(?: \\\} | [^}] )+    # escaped closing braces and non-brace characters
		)                        # finish capturing
		\}                       # closing brace
		(my $key = $1)
			=~ s/\\\}/\}/g;
		my ($value, $type);
		if ($key =~ /^"(.+)"$/)
			$value = ($data->{$1});
			$type  = ($types->{$1} // 'varchar');
			$value = ($data->{$key}  // $data->{lc $key});
			$type  = ($types->{$key} // $types->{lc $key} // '');
		return unless defined $value;  # Argh! return in a regexp!
		$process->( $self->datatyped_literal($value, $type)->literal_value );
	$template =~ s< \\ ( [{}\\] ) >< $1 >xg;
	return $template;

sub template_irisafe
	template(@_, \&URI::Escape::Optimistic::uri_escape_optimistic);

sub iri
	my ($self, $iri, $graph) = @_;
		unless defined $iri;
	return $iri
		if blessed($iri) && $iri->isa('RDF::Trine::Node');
	return blank()
		if $iri eq '[]';
	if ($iri =~ /^_:(.*)$/)
		my $ident = $1;
		$ident =~ s/([^0-9A-Za-wyz])/sprintf('x%04X', ord($1))/eg;
		if ($graph)
			$ident = md5_hex("$graph").$ident;
		return blank($ident);
	return RDF::Trine::Node::Resource->new("$iri", $self->{base});

sub process
	my ($self, $dbh, $model) = @_;
	$model = RDF::Trine::Model->temporary_model unless defined $model;	
	my $callback = (ref $model eq 'CODE')
		? $model
		: sub { $model->add_statement(@_) };
	my $mappings = $self->mappings;
	TABLE: foreach my $table (keys %$mappings)
		$self->handle_table($dbh, $callback, $table);

	return $model;

sub _mktemplate 
	my ($self, $string) = @_;
	$string =~ s! ( [\\{}] ) !\\$1!gx;
	return $string;

sub _get_types
	my ($self, $sth, $dbh) = @_;
	my %types;
	if (exists $sth->{pg_type})
		# For PostgreSQL, this appears to give better results.
		# Particularly in the case of columns which don't exist
		# in the table itself. (e.g. aggregation, casting,
		# functions, etc)
		@types{ @{$sth->{NAME}} } =
			@{ $sth->{pg_type} };
		@types{ @{$sth->{NAME}} } =
			map {
					? scalar($dbh->type_info($_)->{TYPE_NAME})
					: $_
			@{ $sth->{TYPE} };
	return \%types;

sub handle_table
	my ($self, $dbh, $model, $table) = @_;
	$model = RDF::Trine::Model->temporary_model unless defined $model;	
	my $callback = (ref $model eq 'CODE')?$model:sub{$model->add_statement(@_)};
	my $mappings = $self->mappings;
	my $tmap     = $mappings->{$table};
	# ->{from}
	my $from = $tmap->{from} || $table;

	# ->{select}
	my $select = $tmap->{select} || '*';
	# ->{sql}
	my $sql    = "SELECT $select FROM $from";
	$sql = $tmap->{sql} if $tmap->{sql};# =~ /^\s*SELECT/i;
	### Re-jig mapping structure.
		$tmap->{-maps}  = [];
		$tmap->{-jmaps} = [];
		my %c = %{$tmap->{columns}};
		while (my ($col, $list) = each %c)
			push @{ $tmap->{-maps} },
				map  { {%$_, column => $col}; }
				grep { !defined $_->{join} }
			push @{ $tmap->{-jmaps} },
				grep { defined $_->{join} }
	my $sth = $dbh->prepare($sql) or return;
	my $types = $self->_get_types($sth, $dbh);
	my $row_count = 0;
	ROW: while (my $row = $sth->fetchrow_hashref)
		$self->handle_row($dbh, $callback, $table, $row, $types, $row_count);
	JMAP: foreach my $map (@{ $tmap->{-jmaps} })
		my $method = lc $map->{method};
		$method ||= 'subquery' if $map->{join} =~ /^\s*SELECT/i;
		$method ||= 'table'    if $map->{join} =~ /^[A-Za-z0-9_]+$/i;
		croak sprintf("Cannot join to '' without method.", $map->{join})
			unless $method eq 'subquery' || $method eq 'table';
		my $evil_sql = sprintf('SELECT * FROM %s AS "r2r_join_parent", %s AS "r2r_join_child"',
			sprintf(($method eq 'subquery' ? '(%s)' : '"%s"'), $map->{join}),
			($tmap->{sql} or $tmap->{select}) ? "($sql)" : $from,
		if (@{ $map->{on} })
			$evil_sql .= ' WHERE ' .
				join ' AND ',
				map { sprintf('"r2r_join_parent"."%s"="r2r_join_child"."%s"', $_->{parent}, $_->{child}) }
				@{ $map->{on} };
		my $evil_sth = $dbh->prepare($evil_sql);
		my $types = $self->_get_types($sth, $dbh);
		my $evil_row_count = 0;
		ROW: while (my $evil_row = $evil_sth->fetchrow_hashref)
			$self->handle_jmap($dbh, $callback, $table, $map, $evil_row, $types, $evil_row_count);
	delete $tmap->{-maps};
	delete $tmap->{-jmaps};
	return $callback;

sub handle_row
	my ($self, $dbh, $model, $table, $row, $types, $row_count) = @_;
	$model = RDF::Trine::Model->temporary_model unless defined $model;	
	my $callback = (ref $model eq 'CODE')?$model:sub{$model->add_statement(@_)};
	my $mappings = $self->mappings;
	my $tmap     = $mappings->{$table};	
	# ->{graph}
	my $graph = undef;
	$graph = $self->iri( $self->template_irisafe($tmap->{graph}, $row, $types) )
		if defined $tmap->{graph};
	# ->{about}
	my $subject = $self->_extract_subject_from_row($tmap, $row, $types);
	return unless defined $subject;
	# ->{typeof}
	foreach (@{ $tmap->{typeof} })
		$_ = $self->iri($_, $graph) unless ref $_;
		$callback->(statement($self->iri($subject, $graph), $rdf->type, $_));

	foreach (@{ $tmap->{-maps} })
		$self->handle_map($dbh, $model, $table, $row, $types, $row_count, $_, $graph, $subject);

sub _extract_subject_from_row
	my ($self, $tmap, $row, $types) = @_;
	if ($tmap->{about} and $tmap->{_about_is_template})
		return $self->template_irisafe($tmap->{about}, $row, $types);
	elsif ($tmap->{about} and $tmap->{about} =~ m< ^ {\" ([^}]+?) \"} $ >x)
		return $row->{$1};
	elsif ($tmap->{about} and $tmap->{about} =~ m< ^ { ([^}]+?) } $ >x)
		return $row->{$1} if exists $row->{$1};
		return $row->{lc $1};
	return ($tmap->{about} // '[]');

sub handle_jmap
	my ($self, $dbh, $model, $table, $jmap, $row, $types, $row_count) = @_;
	$model = RDF::Trine::Model->temporary_model unless defined $model;	
	my $callback = (ref $model eq 'CODE')?$model:sub{$model->add_statement(@_)};
	my $mappings = $self->mappings;
	my $tmap     = $mappings->{$table};
	# ->{graph}
	my $graph = undef;
	$graph = $self->iri( $self->template_irisafe($tmap->{graph}, $row, $types) )
		if defined $tmap->{graph};
	# ->{about}
	my $subject = $self->_extract_subject_from_row($tmap, $row, $types);
	$self->handle_map($dbh, $model, $table, $row, $types, $row_count, $jmap, $graph, $subject);

sub handle_map
	my ($self, $dbh, $model, $table, $row, $types, $row_count, $map, $graph, $subject) = @_;
	state $parsers = {};
	$model = RDF::Trine::Model->temporary_model unless defined $model;	
	my $callback = (ref $model eq 'CODE')?$model:sub{$model->add_statement(@_)};
	my $mappings = $self->mappings;
	my $tmap     = $mappings->{$table};	
	my %row      = %$row;
	my $column   = $map->{column};
	my ($predicate, $value, $lang, $loose);
	if ($column =~ /^"(.+)"$/)
		{ $column = $1; $value = $row{$column} }
	elsif (exists $row{$column})
		{ $loose = 1; $value = $row{$column} }
	elsif (exists $row{lc $column})
		{ $loose = 1; $value = $row{lc $column} }
	if (my $lang_col = $map->{lang_col})
		if ($lang_col =~ /^"(.+)"$/)
			{ $lang = $row{$1} }
		elsif (defined $lang_col)
			{ $lang = $row{$lang_col} // $row{lc $lang_col} }
	$lang //= $map->{lang};
	my $lgraph = defined $map->{graph}
		? $self->iri($self->template_irisafe($map->{graph}, $row, $types))
		: $graph;
	if (defined $map->{parse} and uc $map->{parse} eq 'TURTLE')
		return unless length $value;
		my %NS = $self->namespaces;
		my $turtle =
			join '',
			(map { sprintf("\@prefix %s: <%s>.\n", $_, $NS{$_}) } keys %NS),
			sprintf("\@base <%s>.\n", $subject->uri),
		return eval {
			$parsers->{ $map->{parse} } = RDF::Trine::Parser->new($map->{parse});
			$parsers->{ $map->{parse} }->parse(
				($lgraph ? sub { $callback->($_[0], $lgraph) } : $callback),

	if ($map->{rev} || $map->{rel})
		$predicate = $map->{rev} || $map->{rel};
		if ($map->{resource})
			$value = $self->template_irisafe($map->{resource}, +{ %row, '_' => $value }, $types);
		$value = $self->iri($value, $lgraph);
	elsif ($map->{property})
		$predicate = $map->{property};
		if ($map->{content})
			$value = $self->template($map->{content}, +{ %row, '_' => $value }, $types);
		if ($lang)
			$value = literal($value, $lang);
			if ($map->{datatype})
				$value = literal($value, undef, $map->{datatype});
			elsif (!defined $map->{content})
				my $type = $types->{$column};
				$type = $types->{lc $column} if $loose && not exists $types->{$column};
				$value = $self->datatyped_literal($value, $type);
				$value = literal($value);
	if (defined $predicate and defined $value)
		if (blessed($predicate) && $predicate->isa('RDF::RDB2RDF::R2RML::_COL_')
		or not ref $predicate)
			$predicate = $self->template_irisafe($predicate, +{ %row, '_' => $value }, $types);
			$predicate = $self->iri($predicate, $lgraph) ;
		my $lsubject = $self->iri($subject, $lgraph);
		if ($map->{about})
			$lsubject = $self->iri($self->template_irisafe($map->{about}, $row, $types), $lgraph);
		return unless defined $lsubject;

		my $st = $map->{rev}
			? statement($value, $predicate, $lsubject) 
			: statement($lsubject, $predicate, $value);
		if ($lgraph)
			$callback->($st, $lgraph);

sub process_turtle
	my ($self, $dbh, %options) = @_;

	my $rv;
	unless ($options{no_json})
		my $json = $self->to_json(canonical=>1, pretty=>1);
		$json =~ s/^/# /gm;
		$json = "# MAPPING\n#\n${json}\n";
		$rv .= $json;

	$rv .= $self->SUPER::process_turtle($dbh, namespaces => {$self->namespaces});

sub to_hashref
	my ($self) = @_;
	return {
		-namespaces => $self->_export( {$self->namespaces} ),
		%{ $self->_export( $self->mappings ) },

*TO_JSON = \&to_hashref;

sub to_json
	my ($self, %opts) = (exists $_[1] and ref $_[1] eq 'HASH') ? ($_[0], %{ $_[1] }) : @_;
	$opts{convert_blessed} = 1;
	JSON::to_json($self, {%opts});

sub _export
	my ($self, $thingy) = @_;
	return undef unless defined $thingy;
	if (ref $thingy eq 'HASH' or (blessed($thingy) and $thingy->isa('RDF::Trine::NamespaceMap')))
		my $hash = {};
		while (my ($k, $v) = each %$thingy)
			$hash->{$k} = ref $v ? $self->_export($v) : $v;
		return $hash;

	if (ref $thingy eq 'ARRAY')
		return [ map { ref $_ ? $self->_export($_) : $_ } @$thingy ];
	if (blessed($thingy) and $thingy->isa('RDF::RDB2RDF::R2RML::_COL_'))
		return "$thingy";

	if (blessed($thingy) and $thingy->isa('RDF::Trine::Node::Resource'))
		return $self->_mktemplate($thingy->uri);

	if (blessed($thingy) and $thingy->isa('RDF::Trine::Node::BlankNode'))
		return '_:'.$self->_mktemplate($thingy->identifier);

	if (blessed($thingy) and $thingy->isa('RDF::Trine::Node::Literal'))
		warn "This shouldn't happen!";
		return $self->_mktemplate($thingy->literal_value);
	if (blessed($thingy) and $thingy->isa('RDF::Trine::Namespace'))
		return $self->_mktemplate($thingy->uri->uri);
	warn "This shouldn't happen either!" if ref $thingy;
	return "$thingy";



=encoding utf8

=head1 NAME

RDF::RDB2RDF::Simple - map relational database to RDF easily


 my $mapper = RDF::RDB2RDF->new('Simple', %mappings, -namespaces => \%ns);
 print $mapper->process_turtle($dbh);


This module makes it reasonably easy to dump a relational SQL database as
an RDF graph.

=head2 Constructor


=item * C<< RDF::RDB2RDF::Simple->new(%mappings [, -namespaces=>\%ns]) >>

=item * C<< RDF::RDB2RDF->new('Simple', %mappings [, -namespaces=>\%ns]) >>

The constructor takes a hash of mappings. (See MAPPINGS below.) You may also
pass a reference to a set of namespaces. This can be a hashref, or an


=head2 Methods


=item * C<< process($dbh [, $destination]) >>

Given a database handle, produces RDF data. Can optionally be passed a
destination for triples: either an existing model to add data to, or a
reference to a callback function.

Returns a L<RDF::Trine::Model>.

=item * C<< process_turtle($dbh, %options) >>

As per C<process>, but returns a string in Turtle format.

The mapping is included as a JSON comment at the top of the Turtle. Passing
C<< no_json => 1 >> can disable that feature.

Returns a string.

=item * C<< to_hashref >>

Creates a hashref of the mappings and namespaces, which can later be fed
back to the constructor to re-produce this object.

Returns a hashref.

=item * C<< to_json(%options) >>

Produces the JSON equivalent of C<to_hashref>. Any valid options for the
L<JSON> module's C<to_json> function can be passed.

Returns a string.

=item * C<< namespaces >>

The namespaces known about by the object.

Returns a hash.

=item * C<< mappings >>

The mappings.

Returns a hashref.



It's best just to show you...

 use RDF::Trine::Namespace qw[rdf rdfs owl xsd];
 my $foaf = RDF::Trine::Namespace->new('');
 my $bibo = RDF::Trine::Namespace->new('');
 my $dc   = RDF::Trine::Namespace->new('');
 my $skos = RDF::Trine::Namespace->new('');

 my %simple_mapping = (
   -namespaces => {
     bibo  => "$bibo",
     dc    => "$dc",
     foaf  => "$foaf",
     rdfs  => "$rdfs",
     skos  => "$skos",
   books => {
     about     => '{book_id}',
     typeof    => [$bibo->Book],
     columns   => {
       title    => [{property => $rdfs->label, lang=>'en'},
                    {property => $dc->title, lang=>'en'}],
       turtle   => [{parse => 'Turtle'}],
   authors => {
     select    => "*, forename||' '||surname AS fullname",
     about     => '{author_id}',
     typeof    => [$foaf->Person],
     columns   => {
       forename => [{property => $foaf->givenName}],
       surname  => [{property => $foaf->familyName}],
       fullname => [{property => $rdfs->label},
                    {property => $foaf->name}],
       turtle   => [{parse => 'Turtle'}],
   topics => {
     about     => '{topic_id}',
     typeof    => [$skos->Concept],
     columns   => {
       label    => [{property => $rdfs->label, lang=>'en'},
                    {property => $skos->prefLabel, lang=>'en'}],
       turtle   => [{parse => 'Turtle'}],
   book_authors => {
     about     => '{book_id}',
     columns   => {
       author_id=> [{rel => $dc->creator,
                     resource => '{author_id}'},
                    {rel => $foaf->maker,
                     resource => '{author_id}'},
                    {rev => $foaf->made,
                     resource => '{author_id}'},
                    {rel => $bibo->author,
                     resource => '{author_id}'}],
   book_topics => {
     about     => ['{book_id}'],
     columns   => {
       topic_id => [{rel => $dc->subject,
                     resource => '{topic_id}'}],
Looking at the "books" mapping alone for now, we see:

     about     => '{book_id}',

This tells us that for each row of the "books" table in the database, generate
a subject URI using the template C<<{book_id} >>. Note 
that column names appearing in curly braces get substituted for the relevent

Generating blank nodes is easy: either use a template along the lines of
C<< _:book{book_id} >> or simply omit the "about" line altogether.

     typeof    => [$bibo->Book],

This is a shorthand for assigning classes to the subject URI.

     columns   => {
       title    => [{property => $rdfs->label, lang=>'en'},
                    {property => $dc->title, lang=>'en'}],

This says to map the "title" column of the table to rdfs:label and dc:title.
These will be literals, with language tag "en".

       turtle   => [{parse => 'Turtle'}],

This last bit is somewhat weird and experimental. If you have a varchar/text
column in your database that includes chunks of Turtle, these can be parsed
into the model too. They are parsed using the current namespace map, with
a base URI corresponding to the URI from "about".

In addition to the "about", "typeof" and "columns" options there are also
"select" and "from" options allowing you to fine tune exactly what data the
mapping is processing. And indeed, there is an "sql" option which overrides
both. An example of "select" is shown in the authors mapping above.

Note that within:

  {property => $dc->title, lang=>'en'}

there is a whole lot of interesting stuff going on. The object of the triple
here is a literal. If it were a URI, we'd do this:

  {rel => $dc->title}

Note that these correspond with the meanings of "property" and "rel" in RDFa.
Like RDFa, there is also "rev" which reverses the subject and object of the
triple. An example can be seen in the "book_authors" mapping above for

For literals "lang" and "datatype" further qualify them.

Usually, the contents of the database field are used. For example:

     columns   => {
	    book_id   => [{ property => $dc->identifier }],

However, sometimes you might want to slot the data from the database into
a template:

     columns   => {
	    book_id   => [{ property => $dc->identifier,
		                 content  => 'urn:example:book:{book_id}' }],

In these cases, the column mapping key becomes pretty irrelevent. The following
will still work fine on the same database:

     columns   => {
	    foobar    => [{ property => $dc->identifier,
		                 content  => 'urn:example:book:{book_id}' }],

When "rel" or "rev" are used (i.e. not "property"), then "resource" should be
used (i.e. not "content").

Pretty much anywhere where a URI or literal value is expected, you can either
give a string, or an L<RDF::Trine::Node>. In cases of strngs, they will be
interpolated as templates. L<RDF::Trine::Node>s are not interpolated.

=head1 BUGS

Please report any bugs to

=head1 SEE ALSO



=head1 AUTHOR

Toby Inkster E<lt>tobyink@cpan.orgE<gt>.


Copyright 2011-2013 Toby Inkster

This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
under the same terms as Perl itself.