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package RDF::vCard::Entity::WithXmlSupport;

use 5.008;
use strict;
use warnings;
no warnings qw(uninitialized);
use constant NS => 'urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:vcard-4.0';

use Scalar::Util qw[blessed];
use XML::LibXML;

use base qw'RDF::vCard::Entity';
use namespace::clean;

our $VERSION = '0.012';

sub promote
	my ($class, $self) = @_;
	die "Cannot promote non-RDF::vCard::Entity object!\n"
		unless blessed($self) && $self->isa('RDF::vCard::Entity');
	warn ("RDF::vCard::XML::Entity may not work property when used with %s input.", ref($self))
		unless ref($self) eq 'RDF::vCard::Entity'
		    || ref($self) eq 'RDF::vCard::XML::Entity';
	return bless $self, $class;

sub to_xml
	my ($self) = @_;	
	my $document = XML::LibXML->new->parse_string(sprintf('<vcards xmlns="%s" />', NS));
	return $document->toString;

sub add_to_document
	my ($self, $document) = @_;
	my $root   = $document->documentElement->addNewChild(NS, 'vcard');
	my @sorted = sort
		{ $a->property_order cmp $b->property_order }
		@{ $self->{lines} };
	foreach my $l (@sorted)
		next if $l->property =~ /^(version|prodid)$/i;
		$self->_add_line_to_node($l, $root);
	return $root;

sub _add_line_to_node
	my ($self, $line, $node) = @_;
	my $prop_node = $node->addNewChild(NS, lc $line->property);
	my $method = sprintf('_add_value_to_node_%s', lc $line->property);
	$method = '_add_value_to_node_GENERIC' unless $self->can($method);
	$self->$method($line, $prop_node);
	return $prop_node;

sub _add_value_to_node_GENERIC
	my ($self, $line, $node) = @_;
	my $type = lc $line->type_parameters->{value} ||  'text';
	my $val_node = $node->addNewChild(NS, $type);
	my %params = %{ $line->type_parameters };
	delete $params{value};
	if (%params)
		my $params_node = $node->addNewChild(NS, 'parameters');
		while (my ($p,$v) = each %params)
			next unless length $p && defined $v;
			if (ref $v eq 'ARRAY')
				foreach my $v2 (@$v)
					$params_node->addNewChild(NS, lc $p)->appendText($v2||'');
				$params_node->addNewChild(NS, lc $p)->appendText($v||'');
	return $val_node;

sub _add_value_to_node_n
	my ($self, $line, $node) = @_;
	my @child_names = qw(surname given additional prefix suffix);
	my @components  = @{ $line->nvalue };
	for (my $i = 0; defined $child_names[$i]; $i++)
		my $component_node = $node->addNewChild(NS, $child_names[$i]);
		foreach my $value (@{ $components[$i] })
			$component_node->addNewChild(NS, 'text')->appendText($value);
	return $node->childNodes;

sub _add_value_to_node_adr
	my ($self, $line, $node) = @_;
	my @child_names = qw(pobox ext street locality region code country);
	my @components  = @{ $line->nvalue };
	for (my $i = 0; defined $child_names[$i]; $i++)
		my $component_node = $node->addNewChild(NS, $child_names[$i]);
		foreach my $value (@{ $components[$i] })
			$component_node->addNewChild(NS, 'text')->appendText($value);
	return $node->childNodes;



=head1 NAME

RDF::vCard::Entity::WithXmlSupport - subclass of RDF::vCard::Entity


Subclass of L<RDF::vCard::Entity> with XML output support.

Requires L<XML::LibXML>.

=head2 Constructor


=item * C<< new(%options) >>

As per L<RDF::vCard::Entity>.

=item * C<< promote($entity) >>

Clones an existing L<RDF::vCard::Entity>, but adds XML support.


=head2 Methods

As per L<RDF::vCard::Entity>, but also:


=item * C<< to_xml() >>

Formats the object according to the vCard XML Internet Draft.

=item * C<< add_to_document($document) >>

Given an L<XML::LibXML::Document> object, adds the vCard data to the document
as a child of the root element.


=head1 SEE ALSO



=head1 AUTHOR

Toby Inkster E<lt>tobyink@cpan.orgE<gt>.


Copyright 2011 Toby Inkster

This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
under the same terms as Perl itself.