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use strict;
use warnings;

use File::Spec;

use Test::More 0.88;


# There's actually a few tests here of the import routine.  I don't
# really know how to quantify them though.  If we fail to compile and
# there's an error from the Exception::Class::Base class then
# something here failed.
    package FooException;

    use Throwable::Factory;
    use base Throwable::Factory::Base;

use Throwable::Factory (
    'YAE' => { isa => 'SubTestException' },

    'SubTestException' => {
        isa         => 'TestException',
        description => q|blah'\\blah|


    'FooBarException',# => { isa => 'FooException' },

    'FieldsException' => { isa => 'YAE', fields => [qw( foo bar )] },
    'MoreFieldsException' => { isa => 'FieldsException', fields => ['yip'] },


    'Bool' => { fields => ['something'] },


#$Exception::Class::BASE_EXC_CLASS = 'FooException';

# Accessors
    eval { Throwable::Factory::Base->throw( message => 'err' ); };

    my $e = $@;

    isa_ok( $e, Throwable::Factory::Base, '$@' );

        $e->error, 'err',
        "Exception's error message should be 'err'"

        $e->message, 'err',
        "Exception's message should be 'err'"

        $e->description, 'Generic exception',
        "Description should be 'Generic exception'"

        $e->package, 'main',
        "Package should be 'main'"

    my $expect = File::Spec->catfile( 't', 'ec', 'basic.t' );
        $e->file, $expect,
        "File should be '$expect'"

        $e->line, 49,
        "Line should be 49"

    #~ is(
        #~ $e->pid, $$,
        #~ "PID should be $$"
    #~ );

    #~ is(
        #~ $e->uid, $<,
        #~ "UID should be $<"
    #~ );

    #~ is(
        #~ $e->euid, $>,
        #~ "EUID should be $>"
    #~ );

    #~ is(
        #~ $e->gid, $(,
        #~ "GID should be $("
    #~ );

    #~ is(
        #~ $e->egid, $),
        #~ "EGID should be $)"
    #~ );

    #~ ok(
        #~ defined $e->trace,
        #~ "Exception object should have a stacktrace"
    #~ );

# Test subclass creation
    eval { TestException->throw( message => 'err' ); };
    my $e = $@;

    isa_ok( $e, TestException );

        $e->description, 'Generic exception',
        "Description should be 'Generic exception'"

    eval { SubTestException->throw( message => 'err' ); };

    $e = $@;

    isa_ok( $e, SubTestException );

    isa_ok( $e, TestException );

    isa_ok( $e, Throwable::Factory::Base );

        $e->description, q|blah'\\blah|,
        q|Description should be "blah'\\blah"|

    eval { YAE->throw( message => 'err' ); };

    $e = $@;

    isa_ok( $e, SubTestException );

    eval { BlahBlah()->throw( message => 'yadda yadda' ); };

    $e = $@;

#    isa_ok( $e, FooException );

    isa_ok( $e, Throwable::Factory::Base );

# Trace related tests
#~ {
    #~ ok(
        #~ !Exception::Class::Base->Trace,
        #~ "Exception::Class::Base class 'Trace' method should return false"
    #~ );

    #~ eval {
        #~ Exception::Class::Base->throw(
            #~ error      => 'has stacktrace',
            #~ show_trace => 1,
        #~ );
    #~ };

    #~ my $e = $@;

    #~ like(
        #~ $e->as_string, qr/Trace begun/,
        #~ "Setting show_trace to true should override value of Trace"
    #~ );

    #~ Exception::Class::Base->Trace(1);

    #~ ok(
        #~ Exception::Class::Base->Trace,
        #~ "Exception::Class::Base class 'Trace' method should return true"
    #~ );

    #~ eval { argh(); };

    #~ $e = $@;

    #~ ok(
        #~ $e->trace->as_string,
        #~ "Exception should have a stack trace"
    #~ );

    #~ eval {
        #~ Exception::Class::Base->throw(
            #~ error      => 'has stacktrace',
            #~ show_trace => 0,
        #~ );
    #~ };

    #~ $e = $@;

    #~ unlike(
        #~ $e->as_string, qr/Trace begun/,
        #~ "Setting show_trace to false should override value of Trace"
    #~ );

    #~ my @f;
    #~ while ( my $f = $e->trace->next_frame ) { push @f, $f; }

    #~ ok(
        #~ ( !grep { $_->package eq 'Exception::Class::Base' } @f ),
        #~ "Trace should contain frames from Exception::Class::Base package"
    #~ );
#~ }

# overloading
#~ {
    #~ Exception::Class::Base->Trace(0);
    #~ eval { Exception::Class::Base->throw( error => 'overloaded' ); };

    #~ my $e = $@;

    #~ is(
        #~ "$e", 'overloaded',
        #~ "Overloading in string context"
    #~ );

    #~ Exception::Class::Base->Trace(1);
    #~ eval { Exception::Class::Base->throw( error => 'overloaded again' ); };

#~ SKIP:
    #~ {
        #~ skip( "Perl 5.6.0 is broken.  See README.", 1 ) if $] == 5.006;

        #~ my $re = qr/overloaded again.+eval \{...\}/s;

        #~ my $x = "$@";
        #~ like(
            #~ $x, $re,
            #~ "Overloaded stringification should include a stack trace"
        #~ );
    #~ }
#~ }

#~ # Test using message as hash key to constructor
#~ {
    #~ eval { Exception::Class::Base->throw( message => 'err' ); };

    #~ my $e = $@;

    #~ is(
        #~ $e->error, 'err',
        #~ "Exception's error message should be 'err'"
    #~ );

    #~ is(
        #~ $e->message, 'err',
        #~ "Exception's message should be 'err'"
    #~ );
#~ }


        package X::Y;

        use Throwable::Factory 'XY';

        sub xy_die () { XY->throw( message => 'dead' ); }

        eval {xy_die};

    my $e = $@;

        $e->error, 'dead',
        "Error message should be 'dead'"

# subclass overriding as_string

	no strict 'refs';
	*{Exc__AsString.'::TO_STRING'} = sub { return uc($_[0]->error) };

    eval { Exc__AsString->throw( message => 'upper case' ) };

    my $e = $@;

        "$e", 'UPPER CASE',
        "Overriding as_string in subclass"

# fields

    eval { FieldsException->throw( message => 'error', foo => 5 ) };

    my $e = $@;

    can_ok( $e, 'foo' );

        $e->foo, 5,
        "Exception's foo method should return 5"

# more fields.
    eval {
        MoreFieldsException->throw( message => 'error', yip => 10, foo => 15 );

    my $e = $@;

    can_ok( $e, 'foo' );

        $e->foo, 15,
        "Exception's foo method should return 15"

    can_ok( $e, 'yip' );

        $e->yip, 10,
        "Exception's foo method should return 10"

#~ sub FieldsException::full_message {
    #~ return join ' ', $_[0]->message, "foo = " . $_[0]->foo;
#~ }

#~ # fields + full_message

#~ {
    #~ eval { FieldsException->throw( error => 'error', foo => 5 ) };

    #~ my $e = $@;

    #~ like(
        #~ "$e", qr/error foo = 5/,
        #~ "FieldsException should stringify to include the value of foo"
    #~ );
#~ }

# single arg constructor
    eval { YAE->throw('foo') };

    my $e = $@;

        "Single arg constructor should work"

        $e->error, 'foo',
        "Single arg constructor should just set error/message"

#~ # no refs
#~ {
    #~ ObjectRefs2->NoRefs(0);

    #~ eval { Foo->new->bork2 };
    #~ my $exc = $@;

    #~ my @args = ( $exc->trace->frames )[1]->args;

    #~ ok(
        #~ ref $args[0],
        #~ "References should be saved in the stack trace"
    #~ );
#~ }

#~ # aliases
#~ {

    #~ package FooBar;

    #~ use Exception::Class (
        #~ 'SubAndFields' => {
            #~ fields => 'thing',
            #~ alias  => 'throw_saf',
        #~ }
    #~ );

    #~ eval { throw_saf 'an error' };
    #~ my $e = $@;

    #~ ::ok( $e, "Throw exception via convenience sub (one param)" );
    #~ ::is( $e->error, 'an error', 'check error message' );

    #~ eval { throw_saf error => 'another error', thing => 10 };
    #~ $e = $@;

    #~ ::ok( $e, "Throw exception via convenience sub (named params)" );
    #~ ::is( $e->error, 'another error', 'check error message' );
    #~ ::is( $e->thing, 10, 'check "thing" field' );

    #~ ::is( $e->package, __PACKAGE__, 'package matches current package' );
#~ }

#~ {

    #~ package BarBaz;

    #~ use overload '""' => sub {'overloaded'};
#~ }

#~ {
    #~ sub throw { TestException->throw( error => 'dead' ) }

    #~ TestException->Trace(1);

    #~ eval { throw( bless {}, 'BarBaz' ) };
    #~ my $e = $@;

    #~ unlike(
        #~ $e->as_string, qr/\boverloaded\b/,
        #~ 'overloading is ignored by default'
    #~ );

    #~ TestException->RespectOverload(1);

    #~ eval { throw( bless {}, 'BarBaz' ) };
    #~ $e = $@;

    #~ like( $e->as_string, qr/\boverloaded\b/, 'overloading is now respected' );
#~ }

#~ {
    #~ my %classes = map { $_ => 1 } Exception::Class::Classes();

    #~ ok( $classes{TestException},
        #~ 'TestException should be in the return from Classes()' );
#~ }

#~ {
    #~ sub throw2 { TestException->throw( error => 'dead' ); }

    #~ eval { throw2('abcdefghijklmnop') };
    #~ my $e = $@;

    #~ like( $e->as_string, qr/'abcdefghijklmnop'/,
        #~ 'arguments are not truncated by default' );

    #~ TestException->MaxArgLength(10);

    #~ eval { throw2('abcdefghijklmnop') };
    #~ $e = $@;

    #~ like(
        #~ $e->as_string, qr/'abcdefghij\.\.\.'/,
        #~ 'arguments are now truncated'
    #~ );
#~ }


sub argh {
    Exception::Class::Base->throw( message => 'ARGH' );

package Foo;

sub new {
    return bless {}, shift;

sub bork {
    my $self = shift;


sub bork2 {
    my $self = shift;


=head1 PURPOSE

This is a slightly modified version of Dave Rolsky's C<< t/basic.t >>
from L<Exception::Class>.

It should demonstrate a fair degree of compatibility between
L<Throwable::Factory> and L<Exception::Class>.

=head1 AUTHOR

Dave Rolsky E<lt>autarch@urth.orgE<gt>


This software is Copyright (c) 2010 by Dave Rolsky.

This is free software, licensed under:

	The Artistic License 2.0 (GPL Compatible)
