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=head1 PURPOSE

Tests L<Error::TypeTiny> interaction with L<Moo>.


Requires Moo 1.002001 or above; skipped otherwise.

=head1 AUTHOR

Toby Inkster E<lt>tobyink@cpan.orgE<gt>.


This software is copyright (c) 2013-2014, 2017 by Toby Inkster.

This is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
the same terms as the Perl 5 programming language system itself.


use strict;
use warnings;
use lib qw( ./lib ./t/lib ../inc ./inc );

use Test::More;
use Test::Fatal;
use Test::Requires { "Moo" => "1.002001" };

	require Method::Generate::Accessor;
		or "Moo"->VERSION =~ /^1\.006/
		or plan skip_all => "Method::Generate::Accessor exception support seems missing!!!";

	package Goo;
	use Moo;
	use Types::Standard qw(Int);
	has number => (is => "rw", isa => Int);

my $e_constructor = exception { Goo->new(number => "too") };

isa_ok($e_constructor, 'Error::TypeTiny::Assertion', '$e_constructor');
# Expect the error message to contain this file, 'exceptions.t'
like($e_constructor, qr/exceptions\.t/, '$e_constructor location');
ok($e_constructor->has_attribute_name, '$e_constructor->has_attribute_name');
is($e_constructor->attribute_name, 'number', '$e_constructor->attribute_name');
ok($e_constructor->has_attribute_step, '$e_constructor->has_attribute_step');
is($e_constructor->attribute_step, 'isa check', '$e_constructor->attribute_step');
is($e_constructor->varname, '$args->{"number"}', '$e_constructor->varname');
is($e_constructor->value, "too", '$e_constructor->value');
is($e_constructor->type, Types::Standard::Int, '$e_constructor->type');

my $e_accessor    = exception { Goo->new->number("too") };

isa_ok($e_accessor, 'Error::TypeTiny::Assertion', '$e_accessor');
ok($e_accessor->has_attribute_name, '$e_accessor->has_attribute_name');
is($e_accessor->attribute_name, 'number', '$e_accessor->attribute_name');
ok($e_accessor->has_attribute_step, '$e_accessor->has_attribute_step');
is($e_accessor->attribute_step, 'isa check', '$e_accessor->attribute_step');
is($e_accessor->value, "too", '$e_accessor->value');
is($e_accessor->type, Types::Standard::Int, '$e_accessor->type');
