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# $Id: apache.t,v 1.28 1999/08/26 23:39:52 john Exp $

use strict;
use Cwd;
use IO::Socket;
use Net::Ident;

# GET uri from server
sub GET {
    my($server, $uri) = @_;
    my($header, $content);

    print "# GET http://$server$uri\n";
    eval {
	my $sock = new IO::Socket::INET PeerAddr => $server,
				        Timeout => 10;
	$sock or die "cannot connect to $server: $!\n";
	local $SIG{ALRM} = 
	    sub { die "Timeout in GET\n" };
	print $sock <<HTTP;
GET $uri HTTP/1.0\r
User-Agent: t/apache.t\r
Host: $server\r
Connection: close\r

	my $resp = join("", <$sock>);
	($header, $content) = $resp =~ /\A((?:.*\n)+)\r?\n([\s\S]*)\Z/;
	$header or die "server returned garbage: $resp\n";
	wantarray ? ($content, $header) : $content;

use vars qw($apache_bin $apache_addr $apache_root $username $ourpid);

    # make sure apache dies when we exit, but only if we exit ourselves
    return if ! $ourpid || $ourpid != $$;
    if ( defined $apache_root &&
	-r "$apache_root/logs/" &&
	open(PID, "$apache_root/logs/") )
	my $pid = <PID>;
	chomp $pid;
	close PID;
	kill TERM => $pid and
	    print "# stopped apache\n";
	sleep 2;
	kill KILL => $pid;

# Initialise apache test. If the below dies at any point, it means the
# apache setup failed. This does NOT fail the test, however...
eval {
    # get current directory
    my $cwd = cwd();
    # set our PID, for the END{} routine
    $ourpid = $$;

    # verify the apache test is configured
    -f "$cwd/t/apache/conf/" or
	die "Apache test not configured\n";
    # read configuration data
    require "$cwd/t/apache/conf/";

    # write file containing current @INC, to be used by the apache
    # mod_perl programs.
    open(INC, ">$apache_root/perl/inc") or
	die "cannot write $apache_root/perl/inc: $!\n";
    print INC '@INC = ("',
	    map {
		$_ = "$cwd/$_" unless m-^/-;
	    } @INC),
    close INC;

    # OK! Let's have fun!
    print "# Starting apache...\n";
    system($apache_bin, "-f", "$apache_root/conf/httpd.conf") and
	die "Apache returned non-zero exit status: $?\n";
    my $startuptime = 3 + time;

    # do a really silly loopback connection and ident lookup on this
    # to find out what identd returns. We assume previous tests
    # already established the proper functioning of Net::Ident in
    # "normal" circumstances!
    my $listen = new IO::Socket::INET Listen => 5,
    				      LocalAddr => 'localhost',
				      Timeout => 10;
    $listen or die "SLEEP: Cannot create listening socket: $!\n";
    my $listenport = $listen->sockport;
    my $pid = fork;
    defined $pid or die "SLEEP: cannot fork: $!\n";
    if ( $pid == 0 ) {
	# child. connect from here to prevent deadlocks
	my $connect = new IO::Socket::INET PeerAddr => "localhost:$listenport";
	$connect or exit 0; # can't generate error.
	my $dummy = <$connect>;
	exit 0;
    # parent. wait for an incoming connection, or possibly time out
    my $accept = $listen->accept;
    $accept or die "SLEEP: Error in accept: $!\n";
    # phew. we have an incoming connection from ourselves. let's do the
    # actual ident lookup.
    my($os, $error);
    ($username, $os, $error) = Net::Ident::lookup($accept, 10);
    defined $username or
	die "SLEEP: Couldn't perform ident lookup: $error\n";
    print "# identd tells us we're $username\n";
    print $accept "you are $username\n";
    close $accept;
    close $listen;

    # if you think the above is an extremely silly way to do getpwuid($<),
    # think again. Just for fun, let's compare the ID we got with getpwuid
    # and co... sometimes it IS different (for privacy-enhanced identd)
    if ( (getpwuid($<) && $username ne getpwuid($<)) &&
	 (getlogin() && $username ne getlogin()) &&
	 ($ENV{USER} && $username ne $ENV{USER}) )
	print "# Hmm... that doesn't look like getpwuid(\$<) = \"",
	    getpwuid($<) || "(undef)", "\"\n";
	print "# nor like getlogin() = \"", getlogin() || "(undef)", "\"\n";
	print "# nor like $ENV{USER} = \"", $ENV{USER} || "(undef)", "\"\n";

    # let apache warm up some more, if necessary
    sleep $startuptime - time if $startuptime > time;

    # test apache itself
    my $result = GET($apache_addr, "/testapache.txt");
    defined $result and $result =~ /^Apache OK/ or
	die "Apache not ready\n";
    print "# standard Apache OK\n";
    GET($apache_addr, "/perl/testmodperl") =~ /^mod_perl OK/ or
	die "mod_perl not ready\n";
    print "# mod_perl OK\n";

if ( $@ ) {
    my $reason = $@;
    if ( $reason =~ /^SLEEP: (.*)$/s ) {
	# we died too soon, apache is still starting up.
	$reason = $1;
	# make sure apache starts properly, else we can't kill it
	sleep 5;
    print "# $reason";
    print "\n" unless $reason =~ /\n$/;
    print "1..0\n";
    exit 0;

# when we get here, identd is responding, apache is running, and mod_perl
# is functioning. Let's finally do some testing of Net::Ident

print "1..4\n";
my $i = 1;
my($reply, $header) = GET($apache_addr, "/perl/testident");
if ( ! defined $reply ) {
    print "not ok $i\n"; $i++;
    exit 0;
print "ok $i\n"; $i++;
if ( $header !~ m{\AHTTP/[\d.]+\s+(\d+)\s} || $1 ne "200" ) {
    print "# apache barfed\n";
    print "not ok $i\n"; $i++;
    print STDERR "$header\n\n$reply\n";
    exit 0;
print "ok $i\n"; $i++;
my ($func, $meth) = $reply =~ m{
if ( ! defined $meth ) {
    print "not ok $i\n"; $i++;
    exit 0;
print "# ident lookup via apache returned: \"$func\" and \"$meth\"\n";
print( ($func eq $username) ? "ok $i\n" : "not ok $i\n"); $i++;
print( ($meth eq $username) ? "ok $i\n" : "not ok $i\n"); $i++;