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use strict;
use warnings;
use Test::More;

use constant USER   => $ENV{USER} || $ENV{DBI_USER};
use constant PASS   => $ENV{PASS} || $ENV{DBI_PASS};
use constant DBNAME => $ENV{DB}   || 'test';
use constant HOST   => $ENV{HOST} || ( $^O eq 'cygwin' ) ? '' : 'localhost';

use DBI;
use Tie::DBI;

######################### End of black magic.

if ( $ENV{DBI_DSN} && !$DRIVER ) {
    ( $DRIVER = $ENV{DBI_DSN} ) =~ s/^dbi:([^:]+):.*$/$1/i;

unless ($DRIVER) {
    local ($^W) = 0;    # kill uninitialized variable warning
                        # I like mysql best, followed by Oracle and Sybase
    my ($count) = 0;
    my (%DRIVERS) = map { ( $_, $count++ ) } qw(Informix Pg Ingres mSQL Sybase Oracle mysql SQLite);    # ExampleP doesn't work;
    ($DRIVER) = sort { $DRIVERS{$b} <=> $DRIVERS{$a} } grep { exists $DRIVERS{$_} } DBI->available_drivers(1);

if ($DRIVER) {
    plan tests => 26;
    diag("DBI.t - Using DBD driver $DRIVER...");
else {
    plan skip_all => "Found no DBD driver to use.\n";

my %TABLES = (
    'CSV' => <<END,
produce_id       char(15),
price            real,
quantity         int,
description      char(30)
    'mSQL' => <<END,
produce_id       char(15),
price            real,
quantity         int,
description      char(30)
CREATE UNIQUE INDEX idx1 ON testTie (produce_id)
    'Pg' => <<END,
produce_id       varchar(15) primary key,
price            real,
quantity         int,
description      varchar(30)

use constant DEFAULT_TABLE => <<END;
produce_id       char(15) primary key,
price            real,
quantity         int,
description      char(30)

my @fields    = qw(produce_id     price quantity description);
my @test_data = (
    [ 'strawberries', 1.20, 8,  'Fresh Maine strawberries' ],
    [ 'apricots',     0.85, 2,  'Ripe Norwegian apricots' ],
    [ 'bananas',      1.30, 28, 'Sweet Alaskan bananas' ],
    [ 'kiwis',        1.50, 9,  'Juicy New York kiwi fruits' ],
    [ 'eggs',         1.00, 12, 'Farm-fresh Atlantic eggs' ]

sub initialize_database {
    local ($^W) = 0;
    my $dsn;
    if ( $ENV{DBI_DSN} ) { $dsn = $ENV{DBI_DSN}; }
    elsif ( $DRIVER eq 'Pg' ) { $dsn = "dbi:$DRIVER:dbname=${\DBNAME}"; }
    else                      { $dsn = "dbi:$DRIVER:${\DBNAME}:${\HOST}"; }
    my $dbh = DBI->connect( $dsn, USER, PASS, { PrintError => 0 } ) || return undef;
    $dbh->do("DROP TABLE testTie");
    return $dbh if $DRIVER eq 'ExampleP';
    my $table = $TABLES{$DRIVER} || DEFAULT_TABLE;

    foreach ( split( ';', $table ) ) {
        $dbh->do($_) || warn $DBI::errstr;

sub insert_data {
    my $h = shift;
    my ( $record, $count );
    foreach $record (@test_data) {
        my %record = map { $fields[$_] => $record->[$_] } ( 0 .. $#fields );
        $h->{ $record{produce_id} } = \%record;
    return $count == @test_data;

sub chopBlanks {
    my $a = shift;
    $a =~ s/\s+$//;

my %h;
my $dbh = initialize_database;
    local ($^W) = 0;
    ok( $dbh, "DBH returned from init_db" ) or die("Couldn't create test table: $DBI::errstr");
isa_ok( tie( %h, 'Tie::DBI', { db => $dbh, table => 'testTie', key => 'produce_id', CLOBBER => 3, WARN => 0 } ), 'Tie::DBI' );

%h = () unless $DRIVER eq 'ExampleP';
is( scalar( keys %h ), 0, '%h is empty' );

    local $^W = 0;
    ok( insert_data( \%h ), "Insert data into db" );
ok( exists( $h{strawberries} ) );
ok( defined( $h{strawberries} ) );
is( join( " ", map { chopBlanks($_) } sort keys %h ), "apricots bananas eggs kiwis strawberries" );
is( $h{eggs}->{quantity}, 12 );
$h{eggs}->{quantity} *= 2;
is( $h{eggs}->{quantity}, 24 );

my $total_price = 0;
my $count       = 0;
my ( $key, $value );
while ( ( $key, $value ) = each %h ) {
    $total_price += $value->{price} * $value->{quantity};
is( $count, 5 );
cmp_ok( abs( $total_price - 85.2 ), '<', 0.01 );

$h{'cherries'} = { description => 'Vine-ripened cherries', price => 2.50, quantity => 200 };
is( $h{'cherries'}{quantity}, 200 );

$h{'cherries'} = { price => 2.75 };
is( $h{'cherries'}{quantity}, 200 );
is( $h{'cherries'}{price},    2.75 );
is( join( " ", map { chopBlanks($_) } sort keys %h ), "apricots bananas cherries eggs kiwis strawberries" );

ok( delete $h{'cherries'} );
is( exists $h{'cherries'}, '' );

my $array = $h{ 'eggs', 'strawberries' };
is( $array->[1]->{'description'}, 'Fresh Maine strawberries' );

my $another_array = $array->[1]->{ 'produce_id', 'quantity' };
is( "@{$another_array}", 'strawberries 8' );

is( @fields = tied(%h)->select_where('quantity > 10'), 2 );
is( join( " ", sort @fields ), 'bananas eggs' );

    skip "Skipping test for CSV driver...", 1 if ( $DRIVER eq 'CSV' );

    delete $h{strawberries}->{quantity};
    ok( !defined $h{strawberries}->{quantity}, 'Quantity was deleted' );

ok( $h{strawberries}->{quantity} = 42 );
ok( $h{strawberries}->{quantity} = 42 );    # make sure update statement works when nothing changes
is( $h{strawberries}->{quantity}, 42 );

# RT 19833 - Trailing space inappropriatley stripped.
use constant TEST_STRING => '  extra spaces  ';
my $before = TEST_STRING;
$h{strawberries}->{description} = $before;
my $after = $h{strawberries}->{description};
is( $after, $before, "blanks aren't chopped" );