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package SQL::Maker::Select;
use strict;
use warnings;
use utf8;
use SQL::Maker::Condition;
use SQL::Maker::Util;
use SQL::Maker::Condition;
use Class::Accessor::Lite (
    new => 0,
    wo => [qw/distinct for_update/],
    rw => [qw/prefix/],
    ro => [qw/quote_char name_sep new_line/],
use Scalar::Util ();

sub offset {
    if (@_==1) {
        return $_[0]->{offset};
    } else {
        $_[0]->{offset} = $_[1];
        return $_[0];

sub limit {
    if (@_==1) {
    } else {
        $_[0]->{limit} = $_[1];
        return $_[0];

sub new {
    my $class = shift;
    my %args = @_ == 1 ? %{$_[0]} : @_;
    my $self = bless {
        select             => +[],
        distinct           => 0,
        select_map         => +{},
        select_map_reverse => +{},
        from               => +[],
        joins              => +[],
        index_hint         => +{},
        group_by           => +[],
        order_by           => +[],
        prefix             => 'SELECT ',
        new_line           => "\n",
    }, $class;

    return $self;

sub new_condition {
    my $self = shift;

        quote_char => $self->{quote_char},
        name_sep   => $self->{name_sep},

sub bind {
    my $self = shift;
    my @bind;
    push @bind, @{$self->{subqueries}} if $self->{subqueries};
    push @bind, $self->{where}->bind  if $self->{where};
    push @bind, $self->{having}->bind if $self->{having};
    return wantarray ? @bind : \@bind;

sub add_select {
    my ($self, $term, $col) = @_;

    $col ||= $term;
    push @{ $self->{select} }, $term;
    $self->{select_map}->{$term} = $col;
    $self->{select_map_reverse}->{$col} = $term;
    return $self;

sub add_from {
    my ($self, $table, $alias) = @_;
    if ( Scalar::Util::blessed( $table ) and $table->can('as_sql') ) {
        push @{ $self->{subqueries} }, $table->bind;
        push @{$self->{from}}, [ \do{ '(' . $table->as_sql . ')' }, $alias ];
    else {
        push @{$self->{from}}, [$table, $alias];
    return $self;

sub add_join {
    my ($self, $table_ref, $joins) = @_;
    my ($table, $alias) = ref($table_ref) eq 'ARRAY' ? @$table_ref : ($table_ref);

    if ( Scalar::Util::blessed( $table ) and $table->can('as_sql') ) {
        push @{ $self->{subqueries} }, $table->bind;
        $table = \do{ '(' . $table->as_sql . ')' };

    push @{ $self->{joins} }, {
        table => [ $table, $alias ],
        joins => $joins,
    return $self;

sub add_index_hint {
    my ($self, $table, $hint) = @_;

    $self->{index_hint}->{$table} = {
        type => $hint->{type} || 'USE',
        list => ref($hint->{list}) eq 'ARRAY' ? $hint->{list} : [ $hint->{list} ],
    return $self;

sub _quote {
    my ($self, $label) = @_;

    return $$label if ref $label eq 'SCALAR';
    SQL::Maker::Util::quote_identifier($label, $self->{quote_char}, $self->{name_sep})

sub as_sql {
    my $self = shift;
    my $sql = '';
    my $new_line = $self->new_line;
    if (@{ $self->{select} }) {
        $sql .= $self->{prefix};
        $sql .= 'DISTINCT ' if $self->{distinct};
        $sql .= join(', ',  map {
            my $alias = $self->{select_map}->{$_};
            if (!$alias) {
            } elsif ($alias && $_ =~ /(?:^|\.)\Q$alias\E$/) {
            } else {
                $self->_quote($_) . ' AS ' .  $self->_quote($alias)
        } @{ $self->{select} }) . $new_line;

    $sql .= 'FROM ';

    ## Add any explicit JOIN statements before the non-joined tables.
    if ($self->{joins} && @{ $self->{joins} }) {
        my $initial_table_written = 0;
        for my $j (@{ $self->{joins} }) {
            my ($table, $join) = map { $j->{$_} } qw( table joins );
            $table = $self->_add_index_hint(@$table); ## index hint handling
            $sql .= $table unless $initial_table_written++;
            $sql .= ' ' . uc($join->{type}) . ' JOIN ' . $self->_quote($join->{table});
            $sql .= ' ' . $self->_quote($join->{alias}) if $join->{alias};

            if ( defined $join->{condition} ) {
                if (ref $join->{condition} && ref $join->{condition} eq 'ARRAY') {
                    $sql .= ' USING ('. join(', ', map { $self->_quote($_) } @{ $join->{condition} }) . ')';
                else {
                    $sql .= ' ON ' . $join->{condition};
        $sql .= ', ' if @{ $self->{from} };

    if ($self->{from} && @{ $self->{from} }) {
        $sql .= join ', ',
          map { $self->_add_index_hint($_->[0], $_->[1]) }
             @{ $self->{from} };

    $sql .= $new_line;
    $sql .= $self->as_sql_where()   if $self->{where};

    $sql .= $self->as_sql_group_by  if $self->{group_by};
    $sql .= $self->as_sql_having    if $self->{having};
    $sql .= $self->as_sql_order_by  if $self->{order_by};

    $sql .= $self->as_sql_limit     if $self->{limit};

    $sql .= $self->as_sql_for_update;
    $sql =~ s/${new_line}+$//;

    return $sql;

sub as_sql_limit {
    my $self = shift;
    my $n = $self->{limit} or
        return '';
    die "Non-numerics in limit clause ($n)" if $n =~ /\D/;
    return sprintf "LIMIT %d%s" . $self->new_line, $n,
           ($self->{offset} ? " OFFSET " . int($self->{offset}) : "");

sub add_order_by {
    my ($self, $col, $type) = @_;
    push @{$self->{order_by}}, [$col, $type];
    return $self;

sub as_sql_order_by {
    my ($self) = @_;

    my @attrs = @{$self->{order_by}};
    return '' unless @attrs;

    return 'ORDER BY '
           . join(', ', map {
                my ($col, $type) = @$_;
                if (ref $col) {
                } else {
                    $type ? $self->_quote($col) . " $type" : $self->_quote($col)
           } @attrs)
           . $self->new_line;

sub add_group_by {
    my ($self, $group, $order) = @_;
    push @{$self->{group_by}}, $order ? $self->_quote($group) . " $order" : $self->_quote($group);
    return $self;

sub as_sql_group_by {
    my ($self,) = @_;

    my $elems = $self->{group_by};

    return '' if @$elems == 0;

    return 'GROUP BY '
           . join(', ', @$elems)
           . $self->new_line;

sub set_where {
    my ($self, $where) = @_;
    $self->{where} = $where;
    return $self;

sub add_where {
    my ($self, $col, $val) = @_;

    $self->{where} ||= $self->new_condition();
    $self->{where}->add($col, $val);
    return $self;

sub add_where_raw {
    my ($self, $term, $bind) = @_;

    $self->{where} ||= $self->new_condition();
    $self->{where}->add_raw($term, $bind);
    return $self;

sub as_sql_where {
    my $self = shift;

    my $where = $self->{where}->as_sql();
    $where ? "WHERE $where" . $self->new_line : '';

sub as_sql_having {
    my $self = shift;
    if ($self->{having}) {
        'HAVING ' . $self->{having}->as_sql . $self->new_line;
    } else {

sub add_having {
    my ($self, $col, $val) = @_;

    if (my $orig = $self->{select_map_reverse}->{$col}) {
        $col = $orig;

    $self->{having} ||= $self->new_condition();
    $self->{having}->add($col, $val);
    return $self;

sub as_sql_for_update {
    my $self = shift;
    $self->{for_update} ? ' FOR UPDATE' : '';

sub _add_index_hint {
    my ($self, $tbl_name, $alias) = @_;
    my $quoted = $alias ? $self->_quote($tbl_name) . ' ' . $self->_quote($alias) : $self->_quote($tbl_name);
    my $hint = $self->{index_hint}->{$tbl_name};
    return $quoted unless $hint && ref($hint) eq 'HASH';
    if ($hint->{list} && @{ $hint->{list} }) {
        return $quoted . ' ' . uc($hint->{type} || 'USE') . ' INDEX (' . 
                join (',', map { $self->_quote($_) } @{ $hint->{list} }) .
    return $quoted;


=head1 NAME

SQL::Maker::Select - dynamic SQL generator


    my $sql = SQL::Maker::Select->new()
    # => "SELECT foo, bar, baz FROM table_name"


=head1 METHODS

=over 4

=item my $sql = $stmt->as_sql();

Render the SQL string.

=item my @bind = $stmt->bind();

Get bind variables.

=item $stmt->add_select('*')

=item $stmt->add_select($col => $alias)

=item $stmt->add_select(\'COUNT(*)' => 'cnt')

Add new select term. It's quote automatically.

=item $stmt->add_from($table :Str | $select :SQL::Maker::Select) : SQL::Maker::Select

Add new from clause. You can specify the table name or instance of L<SQL::Maker::Select> for sub-query.

I<Return:> $stmt itself.

=item $stmt->add_join(user => {type => 'inner', table => 'config', condition => 'user.user_id = config.user_id'});

=item $stmt->add_join(user => {type => 'inner', table => 'config', condition => ['user_id']});

Add new JOIN clause. If you pass arrayref for 'condition' then it uses 'USING'.

    my $stmt = SQL::Maker::Select->new();
        user => {
            type      => 'inner',
            table     => 'config',
            condition => 'user.user_id = config.user_id',
    # => 'FROM user INNER JOIN config ON user.user_id = config.user_id'

    my $stmt = SQL::Maker::Select->new();
        user => {
            type      => 'inner',
            table     => 'config',
            condition => ['user_id'],
    # => 'SELECT name FROM user INNER JOIN config USING (user_id)'

    my $subquery = SQL::Maker::Select->new();
    $subquery->add_from( 'foo' );
    $subquery->add_where( 'hoge' => 'fuga' );
    my $stmt = SQL::Maker::Select->new();
        [ $subquery, 'bar' ] => {
            type      => 'inner',
            table     => 'baz',
            alias     => 'b1',
            condition => 'bar.baz_id = b1.baz_id'
    # => "FROM (SELECT * FROM foo WHERE (hoge = ?)) bar INNER JOIN baz b1 ON bar.baz_id = b1.baz_id";

=item $stmt->add_index_hint(foo => {type => 'USE', list => ['index_hint']});

    my $stmt = SQL::Maker::Select->new();
    $stmt->add_index_hint(user => {type => 'USE', list => ['index_hint']});
    # => "SELECT name FROM user USE INDEX (index_hint)"

=item $stmt->add_where('foo_id' => 'bar');

Add new where clause.

    my $stmt = SQL::Maker::Select->new()
                                   ->add_where('name' => 'john')
                                   ->add_where('type' => {IN => [qw/1 2 3/]})
    # => "SELECT c FROM foo WHERE (name = ?) AND (type IN (?, ?, ?))"

=item $stmt->add_where_raw('id = ?', [1])

Add new where clause from raw placeholder string and bind variables.

    my $stmt = SQL::Maker::Select->new()
                                   ->add_where_raw('EXISTS(SELECT * FROM bar WHERE name = ?)' => ['john'])
                                   ->add_where_raw('type IS NOT NULL')
    # => "SELECT c FROM foo WHERE (EXISTS(SELECT * FROM bar WHERE name = ?)) AND (type IS NOT NULL)"

=item $stmt->set_where($condition)

Set the where clause.

$condition should be instance of L<SQL::Maker::Condition>.

    my $cond1 = SQL::Maker::Condition->new()
                                       ->add("name" => "john");
    my $cond2 = SQL::Maker::Condition->new()
                                       ->add("type" => {IN => [qw/1 2 3/]});
    my $stmt = SQL::Maker::Select->new()
                                   ->set_where($cond1 & $cond2)
    # => "SELECT c FROM foo WHERE ((name = ?)) AND ((type IN (?, ?, ?)))"

=item $stmt->add_order_by('foo');

=item $stmt->add_order_by({'foo' => 'DESC'});

Add new order by clause.

    my $stmt = SQL::Maker::Select->new()
                                   ->add_order_by('name' => 'DESC')
    # => "SELECT c FROM foo ORDER BY name DESC, id"

=item $stmt->add_group_by('foo');

Add new GROUP BY clause.

    my $stmt = SQL::Maker::Select->new()
    # => "SELECT c FROM foo GROUP BY id"

    my $stmt = SQL::Maker::Select->new()
                                   ->add_group_by('id' => 'DESC')
    # => "SELECT c FROM foo GROUP BY id DESC"

=item $stmt->add_having(cnt => 2)

Add having clause

    my $stmt = SQL::Maker::Select->new()
                                   ->add_select(\'COUNT(*)' => 'cnt')
                                   ->add_having(cnt => 2)
    # => "SELECT COUNT(*) AS cnt FROM foo HAVING (COUNT(*) = ?)"


=head1 SEE ALSO
