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#!/usr/bin/env perl
use strict;
use warnings;
use 5.010000;
use Pithub;
use LWP::UserAgent;
use HTTP::Request;
use JSON;
use Data::Dumper; sub p { warn Dumper(@_); }
use autodie ':system';
use File::Basename ();
use Cwd ();
use Getopt::Long;
use Term::ReadKey;
use Sys::Hostname;
use Pod::Usage;
use Term::ANSIColor;
use Encode ();
use Encode::Locale;

our $VERSION = '0.08';

if (-t) {
    binmode STDOUT, ":encoding(console_out)";
    binmode STDERR, ":encoding(console_out)";

sub prompt {
    my ($prompt, @args) = @_;
    push @args, 1 if @args % 2;
    my %args = @args;
    local $| = 1;
    my $phrase = '';
    print $prompt;
    ReadMode 'cbreak';
    while (1) {
        my $c = ReadKey ~0/2-1;
        if ($c =~ /[\r\n]/) {
            print "\n";
        elsif ($c eq "\b" || ord $c == 127) {
            next unless length $phrase;
            chop $phrase;
            next if defined $args{-echo} && length $args{-echo} eq 0;
            print "\b \b";
        elsif (ord $c) {
            $phrase .= $c;
            print defined $args{-echo} ?  $args{-echo} : $c;
    ReadMode 'restore';
    $args{-yes} ? ($phrase =~ /^y/i) : $phrase;

my $agent = LWP::UserAgent->new(timeout => 10);
$agent->env_proxy(); # for mattn
my $token = `git config --get ph.token`;
my $me = `git config --get ph.user`;
chomp $me;
unless ($token && $me) {
my $pithub = Pithub->new(
    token => $token,
    ua    => $agent,

# ------------------------------------------------------------------------- 
sub main {
    my $cmd = shift @ARGV || 'help';
    my $cmd_code = __PACKAGE__->can("CMD_$cmd")
        or die "Unknown command $cmd\n";

# ------------------------------------------------------------------------- 

sub CMD_help {
    pod2usage(-verbose => 2);

sub CMD_version {
    print "$VERSION\n";
    exit 0;

sub CMD_issues {
    my ($user, $repo) = _get_user_repo_with_current_repo('issues');
    my $res = $pithub->issues->list(user => $user, repo => $repo);
    while ( my $row = $res->next ) {
        printf("#%s %s - %s\n", colored(['green'], $row->{number}), $row->{title}, colored(['Cyan'], $row->{user}->{login}));
        printf("%s\n\n", colored(['white'], $row->{html_url}));

sub CMD_info {
    my ($user, $repo) = _get_user_repo('info');
    my $res = $pithub->repos->get(user => $user, repo => $repo);
    $res->success or die dump_content($res->content);

sub CMD_clone {
    my $fork;
    if ($ARGV[0] eq '--fork') {
        $fork = 1;
        shift @ARGV;
    my ($user, $repo) = _get_user_repo('clone');
    if ($fork) {
        my $res = $pithub->repos->forks->create(user => $user, repo => $repo);
        $res->success or die dump_content($res->content);
        $user = $me;
    my $res = $pithub->repos->get(user => $user, repo => $repo);
    $res->success or die dump_content($res->content);
    my $url = $res->content->{ssh_url} or die "Cannot get ssh_url";
    system("git", "clone", $url);

sub CMD_fork {
    my ($user, $repo) = _get_user_repo_with_current_repo('fork');
    print("Forking $user/$repo\n");
    my $res = $pithub->repos->forks->create(user => $user, repo => $repo);
    $res->success or die dump_content($res->content);
    my $ssh_url = $res->content->{ssh_url} // die dump_content($res->content);
    system("git", "remote", "add", $me, $ssh_url);
    system("git remote -v"); # show current settings.

sub CMD_pull {
    my ($num) = pop @ARGV;
    my $remote;
    if (@ARGV) {
        $remote = shift @ARGV;
    else {
        my $branch = `git symbolic-ref -q HEAD`;
        chomp $branch;
        $branch ||= 'master';
        $branch =~ s{refs/heads/}{};
        warn $branch;
        $remote = `git config branch.$branch.remote`;
        chomp $remote;
    warn join(" ", "git", "fetch", $remote, "refs/pull/$num/head:pull-$num");
    system("git", "fetch", $remote, "refs/pull/$num/head:pull-$num");

sub CMD_pullreq {
    my ($title, $branch, $desc) = splice(@ARGV, 2);
    $title or die "Usage: $0 pullreq tokuhirom ph 'pull req title'\n";
    $branch ||= `git symbolic-ref -q HEAD` || 'master';
    $desc   ||= '';

    my ($user, $repo) = _get_user_repo('clone');
    my $res = $pithub->pull_requests->create(
        user => $user,
        repo => $repo,
        data => {
            title => $title,
            body  => $desc,
            head  => "$me:$branch",
            base  => 'master',
    $res->success or die dump_content($res->content);

sub CMD_add {
    my ($user, $repo) = _get_user_repo('clone');
    my $res = $pithub->repos->get(user => $user, repo => $repo);
    $res->success or die dump_content($res->content);
    my $url = $res->content->{ssh_url} or die "Cannot get ssh_url";
    system("git remote add $user $url");
    system("git fetch $user");

sub CMD_all {
    my ($user) = shift @ARGV;
    $user or die "Usage: $0 all tokuhirom\n";
    my $res = $pithub->repos->list(user => $user);
    $res->success or die dump_content($res->content);
    while (my $row = $res->next) {
        say("-------- $row->{name} --------");
        next if $row->{fork}; # skip forked repos
        next if -e $row->{name};
        system("git", "clone", $row->{ssh_url});

sub CMD_import {
    my $remote = 'origin';
    my $homepage = '';
    my $description = '';
    my $private = 0;
        'remote=s'      => \$remote,
        'homepage=s'    => \$homepage,
        'description=s' => \$description,
        'private'       => \$private,
    if (`git config --local --get remote.$remote.fetch`) {
        Carp::croak "Remote [$remote] already exists. Try specifying another one using --remote.";

    my $pwd = Cwd::getcwd();
    my $name = File::Basename::basename($pwd);
    exit unless prompt("Can I import $pwd to $name in github? [y/N] ", -yes);
    my $res = $pithub->repos->create(
        data => {
            name        => $name,
            homepage    => $homepage,
            description => $description,
            public      => $private ? 0 : 1,
    $res->success or die dump_content($res->content);
    my $ssh_url = $res->content->{ssh_url} // die "Missing ssh_url";

    print "Adding GitHub repo $name as remote [$remote].\n";
    system(qw(git remote add), $remote, $ssh_url);

    if (!`git config --get branch.master.remote`) {
        print "Setting up remote [$remote] for master branch.\n";
        system(qw(git config branch.master.remote), $remote);
        system(qw(git config branch.master.merge refs/heads/master));
        my $rebase = `git config --get branch.autosetuprebase`;
        chomp $rebase;
        if ($rebase && ($rebase eq 'remote' || $rebase eq 'always')) {
            system(qw(git config branch.master.rebase true));

    print "Pushing to remote [$remote]\n";
    system(qw(git push), $remote, qw(master));
    print "Done.\n";

# ------------------------------------------------------------------------- 

sub _get_user_repo_simple() {
    my ($repo, $user);
    if (@ARGV==2) {
        ($user, $repo) = @ARGV;
    } elsif (@ARGV==1) {
        if ($ARGV[0] =~ m{/}) {
            ($user, $repo) = split m{/}, $ARGV[0];
        else {
            ($user, $repo) = ($me, $ARGV[0]);
    return ($user, $repo);

sub _get_user_repo {
    my ($cmd) = @_;
    my ($user, $repo) = _get_user_repo_simple();
    $user // die "Usage: $0 $cmd miyagawa/Plack\n";
    return ($user, $repo);

sub _get_user_repo_with_current_repo {
    my ($cmd) = @_;
    my ($user, $repo) = _get_user_repo_simple();
    unless ($user && $repo) {
        my $remote = `git remote -v`;
        if ($remote =~ m{git://github\.com\/([^/ ]+)\/([^/ ]+)\.git}) {
            ($user, $repo) = ($1, $2);
        } elsif ($remote =~ m{git\@github\.com:([^/]+)/([^/]+)\.git}) {
            ($user, $repo) = ($1, $2);
        } else {
            die "Usage: $0 $cmd plack/Plack\n";
    return ($user, $repo);

our $DUMP_DEPTH = 0;
sub dump_content {
    local $DUMP_DEPTH = 0;
    my $c = shift;
sub _dump_content {
    my $c = shift;
    if (ref $c eq 'HASH') {
        for my $key (sort keys %$c) {
            print(' ' x ($DUMP_DEPTH*2));
            print($key . ': ');
            if (ref $c->{$key} eq 'HASH') {
                local $DUMP_DEPTH = $DUMP_DEPTH + 1;
            } else {

# ------------------------------------------------------------------------- 
sub setup {
    say("setup ph. please input your id/pw to this prompt. password will not save to any location.");
    $me = prompt('user: ');
    my $pass = prompt('pass: ', -echo => '*');
    my $res = $agent->request(
        do {
            my $req = HTTP::Request->new(
                POST => ''
                # GET => ',public_repo,repo,gist,user'
                    note   => 'App::ph on ' . Sys::Hostname::hostname,
                    scopes => [qw(delete_repo public_repo repo gist user)],
            $req->authorization_basic($me, $pass);
    $res->is_success or die $res->as_string;
    my $dat = decode_json($res->content);
    $token = $dat->{token} || die "Cannot get token from API:\n\n" . $res->as_string;
    $token =~ /^[A-Za-z0-9_-]+$/ or die "API token contains bad char: $token";
        no autodie;
        system("git config --global --unset-all ph.user");
        system("git config --global --unset-all ph.token");
    system("git config --global --add ph.user $me") == 0 or die;
    system("git config --global --add ph.token $token") == 0 or die;



=head1 NAME

ph - Github CLI client


    $ ph info mattn gal-vim
    $ ph clone mattn gal-vim
    $ ph import


ph is yet another Github CLI client.


=head2 ph import

    % ph import

This command import current directory to the github.

=head2 ph fork

    % ph fork tokuhirom Minilla

This command forks the repository to your github account.

=head2 ph info

   % ph info mattn gal-vim

This command displays information of the repository.

=head2 ph help

    % ph help

Shows this help page.

=head2 ph all

    % ph all $USERNAME

Clone all repository in your account

=head2 ph version

Show the version number.

=head2 ph issues

    % ph issues

Show list of issues for current project.