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#!perl -w
use strict;
use Test::More tests => 95;
use Imager;
use Imager::Test qw(is_color3 is_image is_imaged test_image_double test_image isnt_image is_image_similar);


-d "testout" or mkdir "testout";


my $img=Imager->new() or die "unable to create image object\n";

my $nimg = $img->copy();
ok($nimg, "copy returned something");

# test if ->copy() works

my $diff = Imager::i_img_diff($img->{IMG}, $nimg->{IMG});
is_image($img, $nimg, "copy matches source");

  my $empty = Imager->new;
  ok(!$empty->copy, "fail to copy an empty image");
  is($empty->errstr, "copy: empty input image", "check error message");

# test if ->flip(dir=>'h')->flip(dir=>'h') doesn't alter the image
is_image($nimg, $img, "double horiz flipped matches original");

# test if ->flip(dir=>'v')->flip(dir=>'v') doesn't alter the image
is_image($nimg, $img, "double vertically flipped image matches original");

# test if ->flip(dir=>'h')->flip(dir=>'v') is same as ->flip(dir=>'hv')
is_image($img, $nimg, "check flip with hv matches flip v then flip h");

  my $empty = Imager->new;
  ok(!$empty->flip(dir => "v"), "fail to flip an empty image");
  is($empty->errstr, "flip: empty input image", "check error message");

  my $imsrc = test_image_double;
  my $imcp = $imsrc->copy;
  is_imaged($imsrc, $imcp, "copy double image");
  is_imaged($imsrc, $imcp, "flip v twice");
  is_imaged($imsrc, $imcp, "flip h twice");
  is_imaged($imsrc, $imcp, "flip h,v,hv twice");

  my $impal = test_image()->to_paletted;
  my $imcp = $impal->copy;
  is($impal->type, "paletted", "check paletted test image is");
  is($imcp->type, "paletted", "check copy test image is paletted");
  ok($impal->flip(dir => "h"), "flip paletted h");
  isnt_image($impal, $imcp, "check it changed");
  ok($impal->flip(dir => "v"), "flip paletted v");
  ok($impal->flip(dir => "hv"), "flip paletted hv");
  is_image($impal, $imcp, "should be back to original image");
  is($impal->type, "paletted", "and still paletted");

rot_test($img, 90, 4);
rot_test($img, 180, 2);
rot_test($img, 270, 4);
rot_test($img, 0, 1);

my $pimg = $img->to_paletted();
rot_test($pimg, 90, 4);
rot_test($pimg, 180, 2);
rot_test($pimg, 270, 4);
rot_test($pimg, 0, 1);

my $timg = $img->rotate(right=>90)->rotate(right=>270);
is(Imager::i_img_diff($img->{IMG}, $timg->{IMG}), 0,
   "check rotate 90 then 270 matches original");
$timg = $img->rotate(right=>90)->rotate(right=>180)->rotate(right=>90);
is(Imager::i_img_diff($img->{IMG}, $timg->{IMG}), 0,
     "check rotate 90 then 180 then 90 matches original");

# this could use more tests
my $rimg = $img->rotate(degrees=>10);
ok($rimg, "rotation by 10 degrees gave us an image");
if (!$rimg->write(file=>"testout/t64_rot10.ppm")) {
  print "# Cannot save: ",$rimg->errstr,"\n";

# rotate with background
$rimg = $img->rotate(degrees=>10, back=>Imager::Color->new(builtin=>'red'));
ok($rimg, "rotate with background gave us an image");
if (!$rimg->write(file=>"testout/t64_rot10_back.ppm")) {
  print "# Cannot save: ",$rimg->errstr,"\n";

  # rotate with text background
  my $rimg = $img->rotate(degrees => 45, back => '#FF00FF');
  ok($rimg, "rotate with background as text gave us an image");
  # check the color set correctly
  my $c = $rimg->getpixel(x => 0, 'y' => 0);
  is_deeply([ 255, 0, 255 ], [ ($c->rgba)[0, 1, 2] ],
            "check background set correctly");

  # check error handling for background color
  $rimg = $img->rotate(degrees => 45, back => "some really unknown color");
  ok(!$rimg, "should fail due to bad back color");
  cmp_ok($img->errstr, '=~', "^No color named ", "check error message");
{ # rotate in double mode
  my $dimg = $img->to_rgb16;
  my $rimg = $dimg->rotate(degrees => 10);
  ok($rimg, "rotate 16-bit image gave us an image")
    or skip("could not rotate", 3);
  ok($rimg->write(file => "testout/t64_rotf10.ppm", pnm_write_wide_data => 1),
     "save wide data rotated")
    or diag($rimg->errstr);

  # with a background color
  my $rimgb = $dimg->rotate(degrees => 10, back => "#FF8000");
  ok($rimgb, "rotate 16-bit image with back gave us an image")
    or skip("could not rotate", 1);
  ok($rimgb->write(file => "testout/t64_rotfb10.ppm", pnm_write_wide_data => 1),
     "save wide data rotated")
    or diag($rimgb->errstr);
{ # rotate in paletted mode
  my $rimg = $pimg->rotate(degrees => 10);
  ok($rimg, "rotated paletted image 10 degrees");
  ok($rimg->write(file => "testout/t64_rotp10.ppm"),
     "save paletted rotated")
    or diag($rimg->errstr);

my $trimg = $img->matrix_transform(matrix=>[ 1.2, 0, 0,
                                             0,   1, 0,
                                             0,   0, 1]);
ok($trimg, "matrix_transform() returned an image");
  or print "# Cannot save: ",$trimg->errstr,"\n";

$trimg = $img->matrix_transform(matrix=>[ 1.2, 0, 0,
                                             0,   1, 0,
                                             0,   0, 1],
ok($trimg, "matrix_transform() with back returned an image");

  or print "# Cannot save: ",$trimg->errstr,"\n";

  my $empty = Imager->new;
  ok(!$empty->matrix_transform(matrix => [ 1, 0, 0,
					   0, 1, 0,
					   0, 0, 1 ]),
     "can't transform an empty image");
  is($empty->errstr, "matrix_transform: empty input image",
     "check error message");

sub rot_test {
  my ($src, $degrees, $count) = @_;

  my $cimg = $src->copy();
  my $in;
  for (1..$count) {
    $in = $cimg;
    $cimg = $cimg->rotate(right=>$degrees)
      or last;
    ok($cimg, "got a rotated image")
      or skip("no image to check", 4);
    my $diff = Imager::i_img_diff($src->{IMG}, $cimg->{IMG});
    is($diff, 0, "check it matches source")
      or skip("didn't match", 3);

    # check that other parameters match
    is($src->type, $cimg->type, "type check");
    is($src->bits, $cimg->bits, "bits check");
    is($src->getchannels, $cimg->getchannels, "channels check");

{ #
  my $warning;
  local $SIG{__WARN__} = 
    sub { 
      $warning = "@_";
      my $printed = $warning;
      $printed =~ s/\n$//;
      $printed =~ s/\n/\n\#/g; 
      print "# ",$printed, "\n";
  my $img = Imager->new(xsize=>10, ysize=>10);
  cmp_ok($warning, '=~', 'void', "correct warning");
  cmp_ok($warning, '=~', 'copyflip\\.t', "correct file");
  $warning = '';
  cmp_ok($warning, '=~', 'void', "correct warning");
  cmp_ok($warning, '=~', 'copyflip\\.t', "correct file");
  $warning = '';
  $img->matrix_transform(matrix=>[1, 1, 1]);
  cmp_ok($warning, '=~', 'void', "correct warning");
  cmp_ok($warning, '=~', 'copyflip\\.t', "correct file");

  # 29936 - matrix_transform() should use fabs() instead of abs()
  # range checking sz 

  # this meant that when sz was < 1 (which it often is for these
  # transformations), it treated the values out of range, producing a
  # blank output image

  my $src = Imager->new(xsize => 20, ysize => 20);
  $src->box(filled => 1, color => 'FF0000');
  my $out = $src->matrix_transform(matrix => [ 1, 0, 0,
					       0, 1, 0,
					       0, 0, 0.9999 ])
    or print "# ", $src->errstr, "\n";
  my $blank = Imager->new(xsize => 20, ysize => 20);
  # they have to be different, surely that would be easy
  my $diff = Imager::i_img_diff($out->{IMG}, $blank->{IMG});
  ok($diff, "RT#29936 - check non-blank output");

  my $im = Imager->new(xsize => 10, ysize => 10, channels => 4);
  $im->box(filled => 1, color => 'FF0000');
  my $back = Imager::Color->new(0, 0, 0, 0);
  my $rot = $im->rotate(degrees => 10, back => $back);
  # drop the alpha and make sure there's only 2 colors used
  my $work = $rot->convert(preset => 'noalpha');
  my $im_pal = $work->to_paletted(make_colors => 'mediancut');
  my @colors = $im_pal->getcolors;
  is(@colors, 2, "should be only 2 colors")
    or do {
      print "# ", join(",", $_->rgba), "\n" for @colors;
  @colors = sort { ($a->rgba)[0] <=> ($b->rgba)[0] } @colors;
  is_color3($colors[0], 0, 0, 0, "check we got black");
  is_color3($colors[1], 255, 0, 0, "and red");

{ # RT #77063 rotate with degrees => 270 gives a black border
  # so be a little less strict about rounding up
  # I've also:
  #  - improved calculation of the rotation matrix
  #  - added rounding to interpolation for 1/3 channel images
  my $im = test_image;
  $im->box(color => "#00F");
  my $right = $im->rotate(right => 270);
  my $deg = $im->rotate(degrees => 270, back => "#FFF");
  is($deg->getwidth, 150, "check degrees => 270 width");
  is($deg->getheight, 150, "check degrees => 270 height");
  ok($deg->write(file => "testout/t64rotdeg270.ppm"), "save it");
  $right->write(file => "testout/t64rotright270.ppm");
  is_image($deg, $right, "check right and degrees result the same");
  #$deg = $deg->convert(preset => "addalpha");
  # $right = $right->convert(preset => "addalpha");
  # my $diff = $right->difference(other => $deg, mindist => 1);
  # $diff->write(file => "testout/t64rotdiff.png");

  my $empty = Imager->new;
  ok(!$empty->rotate(degrees => 90), "can't rotate an empty image");
  is($empty->errstr, "rotate: empty input image",
     "check error message");