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package Net::Ifconfig::Wrapper;

use strict;


require Exporter;

@ISA = qw(Exporter);
# Items to export into callers namespace by default. Note: do not export
# names by default without a very good reason. Use EXPORT_OK instead.
# Do not simply export all your public functions/methods/constants.
@EXPORT = qw();

%EXPORT_TAGS = ('Ifconfig' => [qw(Ifconfig)]);

foreach (keys(%EXPORT_TAGS))
        { push(@{$EXPORT_TAGS{'all'}}, @{$EXPORT_TAGS{$_}}); };

	and @EXPORT_OK = ( @{ $EXPORT_TAGS{'all'} } );

$VERSION = '0.11';

use POSIX;
my ($OsName, $OsVers) = (POSIX::uname())[0,2];

my $Win32_FormatMessage   = undef;
my %Win32API = ();
my %ToLoad = ('iphlpapi' => {'GetAdaptersInfo' => [['P','P'],             'N'],
                             #'GetIpAddrTable'  => [['P','P','I'],         'N'],
                             'AddIPAddress'    => [['N','N','N','P','P'], 'N'],
                             'DeleteIPAddress' => [['N'],                 'N'],

my $Win32_ERROR_BUFFER_OVERFLOW     = undef;
my $Win32_NO_ERROR                  = undef;

my $ETHERNET = 'ff:ff:ff:ff:ff:ff';

(($^O eq 'openbsd') &&
 (`/usr/sbin/arp -a 2>&1` =~ m/(?:\A|\n).+\s+at\s+([a-f\d]{1,2}(?:\:[a-f\d]{1,2}){5})\s+static\s*(?:\n|\Z)/i))
	and $ETHERNET = $1;

if (($^O eq 'MSWin32') || ($^O eq 'cygwin'))
	eval 'use Win32::API;
	      use Win32::WinError;
	      	or die "Only WinNT (from Win2K) is supported";

	      $Win32_FormatMessage = sub { return Win32::FormatMessage(@_); };
	      $Win32_NO_ERROR                  = NO_ERROR;

	      foreach my $DLib (keys(%ToLoad))
	      	foreach my $Func (keys(%{$ToLoad{$DLib}}))
	      		$Win32API{$DLib}{$Func} = Win32::API->new($DLib, $Func, $ToLoad{$DLib}{$Func}->[0], $ToLoad{$DLib}{$Func}->[1])
	      			or die "Cannot import function \'$Func\' from \'$DLib\' DLL: $^E";
	$@ and die $@;

my $MAXLOGIC = 65535;

my %Hex2Mask  = ('00000000' => '',         '80000000' => '',
                 'c0000000' => '',       'e0000000' => '',
                 'f0000000' => '',       'f8000000' => '',
                 'fc000000' => '',       'fe000000' => '',
                 'ff000000' => '',       'ff800000' => '',
                 'ffc00000' => '',     'ffe00000' => '',
                 'fff00000' => '',     'fff80000' => '',
                 'fffc0000' => '',     'fffe0000' => '',
                 'ffff0000' => '',     'ffff8000' => '',
                 'ffffc000' => '',   'ffffe000' => '',
                 'fffff000' => '',   'fffff800' => '',
                 'fffffc00' => '',   'fffffe00' => '',
                 'ffffff00' => '',   'ffffff80' => '',
                 'ffffffc0' => '', 'ffffffe0' => '',
                 'fffffff0' => '', 'fffffff8' => '',
                 'fffffffc' => '', 'fffffffe' => '',
                 'ffffffff' => '',

my $Inet2Logic = undef;
my $Logic2Inet = undef;

my $Name2Index = undef;

my %Ifconfig = ();

my $RunCmd = sub($$)
	my ($CName, $Iface, $Logic, $Addr, $Mask) = @_;

	my $Cmd = (defined($Ifconfig{$CName}{$^O}{$OsName}{$OsVers}{'ifconfig'}) ?
	           $Ifconfig{$CName}{$^O}{$OsName}{$OsVers}{'ifconfig'}          :
	           $Ifconfig{$CName}{$^O}{'ifconfig'}).' 2>&1';

	#print "\n=== RunCmd ===\n\$CName: $CName, \$Iface: $Iface, \$Logic: $Logic, \$Addr: $Addr, \$Mask: $Mask\n";

	$Cmd =~ s{%Iface%}{$Iface}gsex;
	$Cmd =~ s{%Logic%}{$Logic}gsex;
	$Cmd =~ s{%Addr%}{$Addr}gsex;
	$Cmd =~ s{%Mask%}{$Mask}gsex;
	my $saveLang = $ENV{'LANG'} || '';

	$ENV{'LANG'} = 'C';
	my @Output   = `$Cmd`;
	$ENV{'LANG'} = $saveLang;

	$@ = "Command '$Cmd', exit code '".(defined($?) ? $? : '!UNDEFINED!')."'".join("\t", @Output);
        $? ? return : return \@Output;

my $SolarisList = sub($$$$)
        $Inet2Logic = undef;
        $Logic2Inet = undef;

        my $Output = &{$RunCmd}('list', '', '', '', '')
        	or return;

        $Inet2Logic = {};
        $Logic2Inet = {};

        my $Iface = undef;
        my $Logic = undef;
        my $LogUp = undef;
        my $Info  = {};
	foreach (@{$Output})
		if    (($_ =~ m/\A([a-z]+\d+)(?:\:(\d+))?\:\s+flags=[^\<]+\<(?:\w+\,)*(up)?(?:\,\w+)*\>.*\n?\Z/io) ||
		       ($_ =~ m/\A([a-z]+\d+)(?:\:(\d+))?\:\s+flags=[^\<]+\<(?:\w+(?:\,\w+)*)*\>.*\n?\Z/io))
			$Iface = $1;
			$Logic = defined($2) ? $2 : '';
			$LogUp = 1 && $3;
			#$Info->{$Iface}{'status'} = ($Info->{$Iface}{'status'} || $LogUp) ? 1 : 0;
			$Info->{$Iface}{'status'} = $Info->{$Iface}{'status'} || $LogUp;
		elsif (!$Iface)
		elsif ($_ =~ m/\A\s+inet\s+(\d{1,3}(?:\.\d{1,3}){3})\s+netmask\s+(?:0x)?([a-f\d]{8})(?:\s.*)?\n?\Z/io)
				and $Info->{$Iface}{'inet'}{$1} = $Hex2Mask{$2};
			$Inet2Logic->{$Iface}{$1} = $Logic;
			$Logic2Inet->{$Iface}{$Logic} = $1;
		elsif (($_ =~ m/\A\s+media\:?\s+(ethernet.*)\s*\n?\Z/io) && !$Info->{$Iface}{'ether'})
			$Info->{$Iface}{'ether'} = $ETHERNET;
			if (!$Info->{$Iface}{'media'})
				{$Info->{$Iface}{'media'} = $1; };
		elsif (($_ =~ m/\A\s+supported\s+media\:?\s+(.*)\s*\n?\Z/io) && !$Info->{$Iface}{'media'})
			$Info->{$Iface}{'media'} = $1;
		elsif ($_ =~ m/\A\s+ether\s+([a-f\d]{1,2}(?:\:[a-f\d]{1,2}){5})(?:\s.*)?\n?\Z/io)
			$Info->{$Iface}{'ether'} = $1;

	return $Info;

my $LinuxList = sub($$$$)
        $Inet2Logic = undef;
        $Logic2Inet = undef;

        my $Output = &{$RunCmd}('list', '', '', '', '')
        	or return;

        $Inet2Logic = {};
        $Logic2Inet = {};

        my $Iface = undef;
        my $Logic = undef;
        my $Info  = {};
	foreach (@{$Output})
		if    ($_ =~ m/\A([a-z]+(?:\d+)?)(?:\:(\d+))?\s+link\s+encap\:(?:ethernet\s+hwaddr\s+([a-f\d]{1,2}(?:\:[a-f\d]{1,2}){5}))?.*\n?\Z/io)
			$Iface = $1;
			$Logic = defined($2) ? $2 : '';
				and $Info->{$Iface}{'ether'} = $3;
			$Info->{$Iface}{'status'} = 0;
		elsif (!$Iface)
		elsif ($_ =~ m/\A\s+inet\s+addr\:(\d{1,3}(?:\.\d{1,3}){3})\s+(?:.*\s)?mask\:(\d{1,3}(?:\.\d{1,3}){3}).*\n?\Z/io)
			$Info->{$Iface}{'inet'}{$1} = $2;
			$Inet2Logic->{$Iface}{$1} = $Logic;
			$Logic2Inet->{$Iface}{$Logic} = $1;
		elsif ($_ =~ m/\A\s+up(?:\s+[^\s]+)*\s*\n?\Z/io)
			$Info->{$Iface}{'status'} = 1;

	return $Info;

	['Next'      => 'L',   #struct _IP_ADDR_STRING*
	 'IpAddress' => 'a16', #IP_ADDRESS_STRING
	 'IpMask'    => 'a16', #IP_MASK_STRING
	 'Context'   => 'L'    #DWORD

my $MAX_ADAPTER_NAME_LENGTH        = 256;

	['Next'                => 'L',                                     #struct _IP_ADAPTER_INFO*
	 'ComboIndex'          => 'L',                                     #DWORD
	 'AdapterName'         => 'a'.($MAX_ADAPTER_NAME_LENGTH+4),        #char[MAX_ADAPTER_NAME_LENGTH + 4]
	 'AddressLength'       => 'L',                                     #UINT
	 'Index'               => 'L',                                     #DWORD
	 'Type'                => 'L',                                     #UINT
	 'DhcpEnabled'         => 'L',                                     #UINT
	 'CurrentIpAddress'    => 'L',                                     #PIP_ADDR_STRING
	 'IpAddressList'       => $st_IP_ADDR_STRING,                      #IP_ADDR_STRING
	 'GatewayList'         => $st_IP_ADDR_STRING,                      #IP_ADDR_STRING 
	 'DhcpServer'          => $st_IP_ADDR_STRING,                      #IP_ADDR_STRING
	 'HaveWins'            => 'L',                                     #BOOL
	 'PrimaryWinsServer'   => $st_IP_ADDR_STRING,                      #IP_ADDR_STRING
	 'SecondaryWinsServer' => $st_IP_ADDR_STRING,                      #IP_ADDR_STRING
	 'LeaseObtained'       => 'L',                                     #time_t
	 'LeaseExpires'        => 'L',                                     #time_t

#	['dwAddr'       => 'L', #DWORD              
#	 'dwIndex'      => 'L', #DWORD              
#	 'dwMask'       => 'L', #DWORD              
#	 'dwBCastAddr'  => 'L', #DWORD              
#	 'dwReasmSize'  => 'L', #DWORD              
#	 'unused1'      => 'S', #unsigned short     
#	 'unused2'      => 'S', #unsigned short     
#	];

my %UnpackStrCache = ();
my $UnpackStr = undef;
$UnpackStr = sub($$)
	my ($Struct, $Repeat) = @_;
	$Repeat or $Repeat = 1;

	my $StructUpStr = '';

	if (!defined($UnpackStrCache{$Struct}))
		for (my $RI = 1; defined($Struct->[$RI]); $RI += 2)
			$StructUpStr .= ref($Struct->[$RI]) ?
			                   &{$UnpackStr}($Struct->[$RI], 1) :
		$UnpackStrCache{$Struct} = $StructUpStr;
		{ $StructUpStr = $UnpackStrCache{$Struct}; };

	my $UpStr = '';
	for (; $Repeat > 0; $Repeat--)
		{ $UpStr .= $StructUpStr; };

	return $UpStr;

my $ShiftStruct = undef;
$ShiftStruct = sub($$)
	my ($Array, $Struct) = @_;

	my $Result = {};
	#tie(%{$Result}, 'Tie::IxHash');

	for (my $RI = 0; defined($Struct->[$RI]); $RI += 2)
		$Result->{$Struct->[$RI]} = ref($Struct->[$RI+1]) ?
		                             &{$ShiftStruct}($Array, $Struct->[$RI+1]) :
	return $Result;

my $UnpackStruct = sub($$)
	my ($pBuff, $Struct) = @_;

	my $UpStr = &{$UnpackStr}($Struct);

	my @Array = unpack($UpStr, ${$pBuff});

	substr(${$pBuff}, 0, length(pack($UpStr)), '');

	return &{$ShiftStruct}(\@Array, $Struct);

my $if_hwaddr = sub($$)
	my($len, $addr) = @_;
	return join(':', map {sprintf '%02x', $_ } unpack('C' x $len, $addr));

sub if_ipaddr
	my ($addr) = @_;
	return join(".", unpack("C4", pack("L", $addr)));

my $Win32List = sub($$$$)
        $Inet2Logic = undef;
        $Logic2Inet = undef;
        $Name2Index = undef;

	my $Buff = '';
	my $BuffLen = pack('L', 0);

	my $Res = $Win32API{'iphlpapi'}{'GetAdaptersInfo'}->Call(0, $BuffLen);

	while ($Res == $Win32_ERROR_BUFFER_OVERFLOW)
		$Buff = "\0" x unpack("L", $BuffLen);
		$Res = $Win32API{'iphlpapi'}{'GetAdaptersInfo'}->Call($Buff, $BuffLen);

	if ($Res != $Win32_NO_ERROR)
		$! = $Res;
		$@ = "Error running 'GetAdaptersInfo' function: ".&{$Win32_FormatMessage}($Res);

	my $Info = {};

        $Inet2Logic = {};
        $Logic2Inet = {};
        $Name2Index = {};

	while (1)
		my $ADAPTER_INFO = &{$UnpackStruct}(\$Buff, $st_IP_ADAPTER_INFO);

		foreach my $Field ('AdapterName', 'Description')
			{ $ADAPTER_INFO->{$Field} =~ s/\x00+\Z//o; };

		foreach my $AddrField ('IpAddressList', 'GatewayList', 'DhcpServer', 'PrimaryWinsServer', 'SecondaryWinsServer')
			foreach my $Field ('IpAddress', 'IpMask')
				{ $ADAPTER_INFO->{$AddrField}{$Field} =~ s/\x00+\Z//o; };

	        $ADAPTER_INFO->{'Address'} = &{$if_hwaddr}($ADAPTER_INFO->{'AddressLength'}, $ADAPTER_INFO->{'Address'});

		foreach my $IpList ('IpAddressList', 'GatewayList')
			my $ADDR_STRING = $ADAPTER_INFO->{$IpList};
			$ADAPTER_INFO->{$IpList} = [$ADDR_STRING,];
			while ($ADDR_STRING->{'Next'})
				$ADDR_STRING = &{$UnpackStruct}(\$Buff, $st_IP_ADDR_STRING);
				foreach my $Field ('IpAddress', 'IpMask')
					{ $ADDR_STRING->{$Field} =~ s/\x00+\Z//o; };
				push(@{$ADAPTER_INFO->{$IpList}}, $ADDR_STRING);

		my $Iface = $ADAPTER_INFO->{'AdapterName'};

	        $Info->{$Iface}{'descr'}  = $ADAPTER_INFO->{'Description'};
	        $Info->{$Iface}{'ether'}  = $ADAPTER_INFO->{'Address'};
		$Info->{$Iface}{'status'} = 1;
	        foreach my $Addr (@{$ADAPTER_INFO->{'IpAddressList'}})
	        	($Addr->{'IpAddress'} eq '')
	        		and next;
	        	$Info->{$Iface}{'inet'}{$Addr->{'IpAddress'}} = $Addr->{'IpMask'};
			$Inet2Logic->{$Iface}{$Addr->{'IpAddress'}} = $Addr->{'Context'};
			$Logic2Inet->{$Iface}{$Addr->{'Context'}} = $Addr->{'IpAddress'};

	        $Name2Index->{$Iface} = $ADAPTER_INFO->{'Index'};

			or last;

	#$Buff = '';
	#$BuffLen = pack('L', 0);
	#$Res = $Win32API{'iphlpapi'}{'GetIpAddrTable'}->Call($Buff, $BuffLen, 0);
	#	{
	#	$Buff = "\0" x unpack("L", $BuffLen);
	#	$Res = $Win32API{'iphlpapi'}{'GetIpAddrTable'}->Call($Buff, $BuffLen, 0);
	#	};
	#if ($Res != $Win32_NO_ERROR)
	#	{
	#	$! = $Res;
	#	$@ = "Error running 'GetIpAddrTable' function: ".&{$Win32_FormatMessage}($Res);
	#	return;
	#	};
	#my $IpAddrTable = &{$UnpackStruct}(\$Buff, ['Len' => 'L']);
	#my %Info1 = ();
	#for (; $IpAddrTable->{'Len'} > 0; $IpAddrTable->{'Len'}--)
	#	{
	#	my $IPADDRROW = &{$UnpackStruct}(\$Buff, $st_MIB_IPADDRROW);
	#	$Info->{$IPADDRROW->{'dwIndex'}}
	#		and next;
	#        $Info1{$IPADDRROW->{'dwIndex'}}{'inet'}{if_ipaddr($IPADDRROW->{'dwAddr'})} = if_ipaddr($IPADDRROW->{'dwMask'});
	#	};
	#foreach my $Iface (keys(%Info1))
	#	{ $Info->{$Iface} = $Info1{$Iface}; };

	return wantarray ? %{$Info} : $Info;

$Ifconfig{'list'} = {'solaris' => {'ifconfig' => '/sbin/ifconfig -a',
                                   'function' => $SolarisList},
                     'openbsd' => {'ifconfig' => '/sbin/ifconfig -A',
                                   'function' => $SolarisList},
                     'linux'   => {'ifconfig' => '/sbin/ifconfig -a',
                                   'function' => $LinuxList},
                     'MSWin32' => {'ifconfig' => '',
                                   'function' => $Win32List,},

$Ifconfig{'list'}{'freebsd'} = $Ifconfig{'list'}{'solaris'};
$Ifconfig{'list'}{'darwin'}  = $Ifconfig{'list'}{'solaris'};
$Ifconfig{'list'}{'cygwin'}  = $Ifconfig{'list'}{'MSWin32'};

my $UpDown = sub($$$$)
	my ($CName, $Iface, $Addr, $Mask) = @_;

	if (!(defined($Iface) && defined($Addr) && defined($Mask)))
		$@ = "Command '$CName': interface, inet address and netmask have to be defined";

        my $Output = &{$RunCmd}($CName, $Iface, '', $Addr, $Mask);

        $Inet2Logic = undef;
        $Logic2Inet = undef;

	$Output ? return $Output : return;        

my $UpDownNewLog = sub($$$$)
	my ($CName, $Iface, $Addr, $Mask) = @_;

	if (!(defined($Iface) && defined($Addr) && defined($Mask)))
		$@ = "Command '$CName': interface, inet address and netmask have to be defined";

		or (defined($Ifconfig{'list'}{$^O}{$OsName}{$OsVers}{'function'}) ?
	            &{$Ifconfig{'list'}{$^O}{$OsName}{$OsVers}{'function'}}()     :
		or return;

	my $Logic = $Inet2Logic->{$Iface}{$Addr};

	my $RunIndex = 1;
	for(; !defined($Logic); $RunIndex++)
		if ($RunIndex > $MAXLOGIC)
			$@ = "Command '$CName': maximum number of logic interfaces ($MAXLOGIC) on interface '$Iface' exceeded";
			or $Logic = $RunIndex;
        my $Output = &{$RunCmd}($CName, $Iface, $Logic, $Addr, $Mask);

        $Inet2Logic = undef;
        $Logic2Inet = undef;

	$Output ? return $Output : return;        

my $UpDownReqLog = sub($$$$)
	my ($CName, $Iface, $Addr, $Mask) = @_;

	if (!(defined($Iface) && defined($Addr) && defined($Mask)))
		$@ = "Command '$CName': interface, inet address and netmask have to be defined";

		or (defined($Ifconfig{'list'}{$^O}{$OsName}{$OsVers}{'function'}) ?
	            &{$Ifconfig{'list'}{$^O}{$OsName}{$OsVers}{'function'}}()     :
		or return;

	my $Logic = $Inet2Logic->{$Iface}{$Addr};

	if (!defined($Logic))
		$@ = "Command '$CName': can not get logic interface for interface '$Iface', inet address '$Addr'";
        my $Output = &{$RunCmd}($CName, $Iface, $Logic, $Addr, $Mask);

        $Inet2Logic = undef;
        $Logic2Inet = undef;

	$Output ? return $Output : return;        

#my $Win32UpDown = sub($$)
#	{
#	my ($Iface, $State) = @_;
#	};
#my $Win32Inet = sub($$$$)
#	{
#	my ($CName, $Iface, $Addr, $Mask) = @_;
#	if (!(defined($Iface) && defined($Addr) && defined($Mask)))
#		{
#		$@ = "Command '$CName': interface, inet address and netmask have to be defined";
#		return;
#		};
#	$Win32Up($Iface)
#		or return;
#	$Win32AddIP($Iface, $Addr, $Mask)
#		or return;
#        my $Output = &{$RunCmd}('inet', '$Iface', '', '$Addr', '$Mask');
#        $Inet2Logic = undef;
#        $Logic2Inet = undef;
#	$Output ? return $Output : return;        
#	};

my $PackIP = sub($)
	my @Bytes = split('\.', $_[0]);
	return unpack("L", pack('C4', @Bytes));

my $Win32AddAlias = sub($$$$)
	my ($CName, $Iface, $Addr, $Mask) = @_;

	if (!(defined($Iface) && defined($Addr) && defined($Mask)))
		$@ = "Command '$CName': interface, inet address and netmask have to be defined";

		or (defined($Ifconfig{'list'}{$^O}{$OsName}{$OsVers}{'function'}) ?
	            &{$Ifconfig{'list'}{$^O}{$OsName}{$OsVers}{'function'}}()     :
		or return;

	my $NTEContext  = pack('L', 0);
	my $NTEInstance = pack('L', 0);

	my $Index = $Name2Index->{$Iface};

	if (!defined($Index))
		$@ = "Command '$CName': can not get interface index for interface '$Iface'";
	my $Res = $Win32API{'iphlpapi'}{'AddIPAddress'}->Call(&{$PackIP}($Addr), &{$PackIP}($Mask), $Index, $NTEContext, $NTEInstance);

	if ($Res != $Win32_NO_ERROR)
		$! = $Res;
		$@ = &{$Win32_FormatMessage}($Res)
			or $@ = 'Unknown error :(';

        $Inet2Logic = undef;
        $Logic2Inet = undef;
	return ['Command completed successfully'];

my $Win32RemAlias = sub($$$$)
	my ($CName, $Iface, $Addr, $Mask) = @_;

	if (!(defined($Iface) && defined($Addr) && defined($Mask)))
		$@ = "Command '$CName': interface, inet address and netmask have to be defined";

		or (defined($Ifconfig{'list'}{$^O}{$OsName}{$OsVers}{'function'}) ?
	            &{$Ifconfig{'list'}{$^O}{$OsName}{$OsVers}{'function'}}()     :
		or return;

	my $Logic = $Inet2Logic->{$Iface}{$Addr};

	if (!defined($Logic))
		$@ = "Command '$CName': can not get logic interface for interface '$Iface', inet address '$Addr'";
	my $Res = $Win32API{'iphlpapi'}{'DeleteIPAddress'}->Call($Logic);

	if ($Res != $Win32_NO_ERROR)
		$! = $Res;
		$@ = &{$Win32_FormatMessage}($Res);

        $Inet2Logic = undef;
        $Logic2Inet = undef;
	return ['Command completed successfully'];

$Ifconfig{'inet'} = {'solaris' => {'ifconfig' => '/sbin/ifconfig %Iface% inet %Addr% netmask %Mask% up',
                                   'function' => $UpDown},
#                     'MSWin32' => {'ifconfig' => '',
#                                   'function' => $Win32Inet,},
$Ifconfig{'inet'}{'freebsd'} = $Ifconfig{'inet'}{'solaris'};
$Ifconfig{'inet'}{'openbsd'} = $Ifconfig{'inet'}{'solaris'};
$Ifconfig{'inet'}{'linux'}   = $Ifconfig{'inet'}{'solaris'};
$Ifconfig{'inet'}{'darwin'}  = $Ifconfig{'inet'}{'solaris'};

$Ifconfig{'up'} = $Ifconfig{'inet'};

$Ifconfig{'down'}{'solaris'} = {'ifconfig' => '/sbin/ifconfig %Iface% down',
                                  'function' => $UpDown,
$Ifconfig{'down'}{'freebsd'} = $Ifconfig{'down'}{'solaris'};
$Ifconfig{'down'}{'openbsd'} = $Ifconfig{'down'}{'solaris'};
$Ifconfig{'down'}{'linux'}   = $Ifconfig{'down'}{'solaris'};
$Ifconfig{'down'}{'darwin'}  = $Ifconfig{'down'}{'solaris'};

$Ifconfig{'+alias'} = {'freebsd' => {'ifconfig' => '/sbin/ifconfig %Iface%         inet %Addr% netmask %Mask% alias',
                                     'function' => $UpDown},
                       'solaris' => {'ifconfig' => '/sbin/ifconfig %Iface%:%Logic% inet %Addr% netmask %Mask% up',
                                     'function' => $UpDownNewLog},
                       'MSWin32' => {'ifconfig' => '',
                                     'function' => $Win32AddAlias,},
$Ifconfig{'+alias'}{'openbsd'} = $Ifconfig{'+alias'}{'freebsd'};
$Ifconfig{'+alias'}{'linux'}   = $Ifconfig{'+alias'}{'solaris'};
$Ifconfig{'+alias'}{'darwin'}  = $Ifconfig{'+alias'}{'freebsd'};

$Ifconfig{'+alias'}{'solaris'}{'SunOS'}{'5.8'}{'ifconfig'}  = '/sbin/ifconfig %Iface%:%Logic% plumb; /sbin/ifconfig %Iface%:%Logic% inet %Addr% netmask %Mask% up';
$Ifconfig{'+alias'}{'solaris'}{'SunOS'}{'5.9'}{'ifconfig'}  = $Ifconfig{'+alias'}{'solaris'}{'SunOS'}{'5.8'}{'ifconfig'};
$Ifconfig{'+alias'}{'solaris'}{'SunOS'}{'5.10'}{'ifconfig'} = $Ifconfig{'+alias'}{'solaris'}{'SunOS'}{'5.8'}{'ifconfig'};

$Ifconfig{'alias'} = $Ifconfig{'+alias'};

$Ifconfig{'-alias'} = {'freebsd' => {'ifconfig' => '/sbin/ifconfig %Iface% inet %Addr% -alias',
                                     'function' => $UpDown},
                       'solaris' => {'ifconfig' => '/sbin/ifconfig %Iface%:%Logic% down',
                                     'function' => $UpDownReqLog},
                       'MSWin32' => {'ifconfig' => '',
                                     'function' => $Win32RemAlias,},
$Ifconfig{'-alias'}{'openbsd'} = $Ifconfig{'-alias'}{'freebsd'};
$Ifconfig{'-alias'}{'linux'}   = $Ifconfig{'-alias'}{'solaris'};
$Ifconfig{'-alias'}{'darwin'} = $Ifconfig{'-alias'}{'freebsd'};

$Ifconfig{'-alias'}{'solaris'}{'SunOS'}{'5.9'}{'ifconfig'} = '/sbin/ifconfig %Iface%:%Logic% unplumb';

sub Ifconfig
	my ($CName, $Iface, $Addr, $Mask) = @_;
	if (!($CName && $Ifconfig{$CName} && $Ifconfig{$CName}{$^O}))
		$@ = "Command '$CName' is not defined for system '$^O'";
		or (defined($Ifconfig{'list'}{$^O}{$OsName}{$OsVers}{'function'}) ?
	            &{$Ifconfig{'list'}{$^O}{$OsName}{$OsVers}{'function'}}()     :
		or return;

	my $Output = (defined($Ifconfig{$CName}{$^O}{$OsName}{$OsVers}{'function'}) ?
	              &{$Ifconfig{$CName}{$^O}{$OsName}{$OsVers}{'function'}}($CName, $Iface, $Addr, $Mask) :
	              &{$Ifconfig{$CName}{$^O}{'function'}}($CName, $Iface, $Addr, $Mask));

	$Output ? return $Output : return;        

# Below is stub documentation for your module. You better edit it!

=head1 NAME

Net::Ifconfig::Wrapper - provides a unified way to configure network interfaces
on FreeBSD, OpenBSD, Solaris, Linux, OS X, and WinNT (from Win2K).

I<Version 0.11>


  #!/usr/local/bin/perl -w
  # The unified ifconfig command.
  # Works the same way on FreeBSD, OpenBSD, Solaris, Linux, OS X, WinNT (from Win2K).

  # Note: due of Net::Ifconfig::Wrapper limitations 'inet' and 'down' commands
  # are not working on WinNT. +/-alias are working, of course.
  use strict;
  use Net::Ifconfig::Wrapper;
  my $Usage = << 'EndOfText';         # Print this notice -a      # Print info about all interfaces <iface> # Print info obout specified interface <iface> down
                          # Bring specified interface down <iface> inet <AAA.AAA.AAA.AAA> mask <MMM.MMM.MMM.MMM>
                          # Set the specified address on the specified interface
                          # and bring this interface up <iface> inet <AAA.AAA.AAA.AAA> mask <MMM.MMM.MMM.MMM> [+]alias
                          # Set the specified alias address
                          # on the specified interface <iface> inet <AAA.AAA.AAA.AAA> [mask <MMM.MMM.MMM.MMM>] -alias
                          # Remove specified alias address
                          # from the specified interface
  my $Info = Net::Ifconfig::Wrapper::Ifconfig('list', '', '', '')
  	or die $@;
  	or die "No one interface found. Something wrong?\n";
  if (!scalar(@ARGV))
  	print $Usage;
  	exit 0;
  if ($ARGV[0] eq '-a')
  		and die $Usage;
  	foreach (sort(keys(%{$Info})))
  		{ print IfaceInfo($Info, $_); };
  	exit 0;
  	or die "Interface '$ARGV[0]' is unknown\n";
  if    (!defined($ARGV[1]))
  	print IfaceInfo($Info, $ARGV[0]);
  	exit 0;
  my $CmdLine = join(' ', @ARGV);
  my $Result = undef;
  if    ($CmdLine =~ m/\A\s*([\w\{\}\-]+)\s+down\s*\Z/i)
  	$Result = Net::Ifconfig::Wrapper::Ifconfig('down', $1, '', '');
  elsif ($CmdLine =~ m/\A\s*([\w\{\}\-]+)\s+inet\s+(\d{1,3}(?:\.\d{1,3}){3})\s+mask\s+(\d{1,3}(?:\.\d{1,3}){3})\s*\Z/i)
  	$Result = Net::Ifconfig::Wrapper::Ifconfig('inet', $1, $2, $3);
  elsif ($CmdLine =~ m/\A\s*([\w\{\}\-]+)\s+inet\s+(\d{1,3}(?:\.\d{1,3}){3})\s+mask\s+(\d{1,3}(?:\.\d{1,3}){3})\s+\+?alias\s*\Z/i)
  	$Result = Net::Ifconfig::Wrapper::Ifconfig('+alias', $1, $2, $3);
  elsif ($CmdLine =~ m/\A\s*([\w\{\}\-]+)\s+inet\s+(\d{1,3}(?:\.\d{1,3}){3})\s+(:?mask\s+(\d{1,3}(?:\.\d{1,3}){3})\s+)?\-alias\s*\Z/i)
  	$Result = Net::Ifconfig::Wrapper::Ifconfig('-alias', $1, $2, '');
  	{ die $Usage; };
  	or die $@;
  exit 0;
  sub IfaceInfo
  	my ($Info, $Iface) = @_;
  	my $Res = "$Iface:\t".($Info->{$Iface}{'status'} ? 'UP' : 'DOWN')."\n";
  	while (my ($Addr, $Mask) = each(%{$Info->{$Iface}{'inet'}}))
  		{ $Res .= sprintf("\tinet %-15s mask $Mask\n", $Addr); };
  		and $Res .= "\tether ".$Info->{$Iface}{'ether'}."\n";
  		and $Res .= "\tdescr '".$Info->{$Iface}{'descr'}."'\n";
  	return $Res;


This module provides a unified way to configure the network interfaces
on FreeBSD, OpenBSD, Solaris, Linux, OS X, and WinNT (from Win2K) systems.

I<B<Only C<inet> (IPv4) and C<ether> (MAC) addresses are supported at the moment>>

On Unixes this module calls the system C<ifconfig> command to perform the actions.
On Windows the functions from IpHlpAPI.DLL are called.

For all supported Unixes C<Net::Ifconfig::Wrapper> expect C<ifconfig>
command to be C</sbin/ifconfig>.

Module was tested on FreeBSD 4.7,4.8,5.3 (Intel), RedHat 6.2,7.3,8.0 (Intel),

Win2000 Pro (Intel), OpenBSD 3.1 (SPARC), Solaris 7 (SPARC),

OS X 10.3 (aka Panther), OS X 10.4 (aka Tiger).

I<In MSWin32 family only WinNT is supported. In WinNT family only Win2K or later is supported.>

=head1 The Net::Ifconfig::Wrapper methods

=over 4

=item C<Ifconfig(I<Command>, I<Interface>, I<Address>, I<Netmask>);>

The first and the last method of the  C<Net::Ifconfig::Wrapper> module. Do all the job.
The particular action is described by the C<$Command> parameter.

C<$Command> could be:

=over 8

=item 'list'

C<Ifconfig('list', '', '', '')> will return the reference to the hash
contains the information about interfaces.

The structure of this hash is the following:

  {IfaceName => {'status' => 0|1          # The status of the interface. 0 means down, 1 means up
                 'ether'  => MACaddr,     # The ethernet address of the interface if available
                 'descr'  => Description, # The description of the interface if available
                 'inet'   => {IPaddr1 => NetMask, # The IP address and his netmask, both are in AAA.BBB.CCC.DDD notation
                              IPaddr2 => NetMask,

I<Interface>, I<Address>, I<Netmask> parameters are ignored.

The following programs are called:

=over 12

=item FreeBSD

C</sbin/ifconfig -a>

=item Solaris

C</sbin/ifconfig -a>

=item OpenBSD

C</sbin/ifconfig -A>

=item Linux

C</sbin/ifconfig -a>

=item OS X

C</sbin/ifconfig -a>

=item MSWin32

C<GetAdaptersInfo> function from C<IpHlpAPI.DLL>



OpenBSD: C</sbin/ifconfig -A> command is not returning information about MAC addresses
so we are trying to get it from C<'/usr/sbin/arp -a'> command (first I<C<'static'>> entry).
If no one present the I<C<'ff:ff:ff:ff:ff'>> address is returned.

MSWin32: C<GetAdaptersInfo> function is not returning information about interface
which have address C<> binded
so  C<Net::Ifconfig::Wrapper> have no ability to display it.

Not limitation but little problem: MSWin32 interface names are not human-readable,
they looks like C<{843C2077-30EC-4C56-A401-658BB1E42BC7}> (on Win2K at least).

=item 'inet'

This function is used to set IPv4 address on interface. It have to be called as

  Ifconfig('inet', $IfaceName, $Addr, $Mask);

I<C<$IfaceName>> is an interface name as displayed by C<'list'> command

I<C<$Addr>> is an IPv4 address in the C<AAA.AAA.AAA.AAA> notation

I<C<$Mask>> is an IPv4 subnet mask in the C<MMM.MMM.MMM.MMM> notation

The following actual C<ifconfig> programs are called

=over 12

=item FreeBSD

C</sbin/ifconfig %Iface% inet %Addr% netmask  %Mask% up>

=item Solaris

C</sbin/ifconfig %Iface% inet %Addr% netmask %Mask% up>

=item OpenBSD

C</sbin/ifconfig %Iface% inet %Addr% netmask  %Mask% up>

=item Linux

C</sbin/ifconfig %Iface% inet %Addr% netmask  %Mask% up>

=item OS X

C</sbin/ifconfig %Iface% inet %Addr% netmask  %Mask% up>

=item MSWin32:

nothing :(



MSWin32: I did not find the relaible way to recognize the "main" address on the Win32
network interface, so I have disabled this functionality. If you know the way please let me know.

=item 'up'

Just a synonym for C<'inet'>

=item 'down'

This function is used to bring specified interface down. It have to be called as

  Ifconfig('inet', $IfaceName, '', '');

I<C<$IfaceName>> is an interface name as displayed by C<'list'> command

I<Address> and I<Netmask> are ignored.

The following actual C<ifconfig> programs are called

=over 12

=item FreeBSD

C</sbin/ifconfig %Iface% down>

=item Solaris

C</sbin/ifconfig %Iface% down>

=item OpenBSD

C</sbin/ifconfig %Iface% down>

=item Linux

C</sbin/ifconfig %Iface% down>

=item OS X

C</sbin/ifconfig %Iface% down>

=item MSWin32

nothing :(



MSWin32: I did not find the way to implement the C<'up'> command so I did not implement C<'down'>.

=item '+alias'

This function is used to set IPv4 alias address on interface. It have to be called as

  Ifconfig('+alias', $IfaceName, $Addr, $Mask);

I<C<$IfaceName>> is an interface name as displayed by C<'list'> command

I<C<$Addr>> is an IPv4 address in the C<AAA.AAA.AAA.AAA> notation

I<C<$Mask>> is an IPv4 subnet mask in the C<MMM.MMM.MMM.MMM> notation

The following actual C<ifconfig> programs are called

=over 12

=item FreeBSD

C</sbin/ifconfig %Iface%         inet %Addr% netmask  %Mask% alias>

=item Solaris

C</sbin/ifconfig %Iface%:%Logic% inet %Addr% netmask %Mask% up>

=item OpenBSD

C</sbin/ifconfig %Iface%         inet %Addr% netmask  %Mask% alias>

=item Linux

C</sbin/ifconfig %Iface%:%Logic% inet %Addr% netmask  %Mask% up>

=item OS X

C</sbin/ifconfig %Iface%         inet %Addr% netmask  %Mask% alias>

=item MSWin32

C<AddIPAddress> function from C<IpHlpAPI.DLL>


I<First available logic interface is taken automaticaly for Solaris and Linux>

=item 'alias'

Just a synonim for C<'+alias'>

=item '-alias'

This function is used to remove IPv4 alias address from interface. It have to be called as

  Ifconfig('-alias', $IfaceName, $Addr, '');

I<C<$IfaceName>> is an interface name as displayed by C<'list'> command

I<C<$Addr>> is an IPv4 address in the C<AAA.AAA.AAA.AAA> notation

I<Netmask>> parameter is ignored

The following actual C<ifconfig> programs are called

=over 12

=item FreeBSD

C</sbin/ifconfig %Iface% inet %Addr% -alias>

=item Solaris

C</sbin/ifconfig %Iface%:%Logic% down>

=item OpenBSD

C</sbin/ifconfig %Iface% inet %Addr% -alias>

=item Linux

C</sbin/ifconfig %Iface%:%Logic% down>

=item OS X

C</sbin/ifconfig %Iface% inet %Addr% -alias>

=item MSWin32

C<DeleteIPAddress> function from C<IpHlpAPI.DLL>


I<Appropriate logic interface is obtained automaticaly for Solaris and Linux>


On success C<Ifconfig(...)> returns the defined value.
Actually, it is a reference to the array contains the output
of the actual I<C<ifconfig>> program called.

In case of troubles C<Ifconfig(...)> returns C<'undef'> value,
C<$@> variable contains the error message.


=head2 EXPORT

None by default.

=head1 AUTHOR

Daniel Podolsky, E<lt>tpaba@cpan.orgE<gt>

=head1 SEE ALSO

L<ifconfig>(8), I<Internet Protocol Helper> in I<Platform SDK>.
