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#!/usr/local/bin/perl -w

=head1 NAME - Limit window of context around a target word specified in a Senseval-2 input file


Suppose we have a very small Senseval-2 file (small-test.xml) with just 
2 instances. We would like to limit the surrounding context to 5 words 
to the left and 5 words to the right of the target word: small.xml 5

Output => 

 <?xml version="1.0" encoding="iso-8859-1" ?>
 <corpus lang='english' tagged="NO">
 <lexelt item="begin.v">
 <instance id="begin.555">
 <answer instance="begin.555" senseid="begin%2:30:01::"/>
 greats hardly knowns and unknowns <head>begin</head> a game three month season
 <instance id="begin.557">
 <answer instance="begin.557" senseid="begin%2:30:01::"/>
 late november it expects to <head>begin</head> construction by year end and

This is from the first two lines of the file begin.v-test.xml.  You can 
see the full contexts at /samples/Data.

Type C< --help> for a quick summary of options


Limits the contexts of given instances to W tokens around the target word.


=head1 INPUT

=head2 Required Arguments:

=head3 SVAL2

SVAL2 must be a tokenized and preprocessed instance file in the Senseval-2 

=head3 W

Should be a positive integer number specifying the window size. windower
will display only the tokens that appear in the window of [-W, +W] centered 
around the target word.

=head2 Optional Arguments:

=head3 --plain 

Output will be displayed in plain text format showing context of each instance
on a single separate line. i.e. each i'th line on stdout will show the context 
of the i'th instance in the given SVAL2 file. By default, output is created in 
Senseval-2 format.

=head3 --token TOKENREGEX

TOKENREGEX should be a file containing Perl regular expressions that define
the tokenization scheme in SVAL2. windower recognizes only those character
sequences from SVAL2 that match the specified token regex/s, everything else
will be ignored. If --token is not specified, windower searches the default
token.regex file in the current directory.

=head3 --target TARGETREGEX

Specify a file containing Perl regular expressions that define the target 
word/s. Target words must be valid tokens recognizable by the specified 
tokenization scheme (via --token or token.regex)

Following are some of the examples of TARGET word regex files - 

=over 4 

=item 1. 


which specifies that the target word could be 

 line, Line, lines or Lines 

delimited in <head> and </head> tags.

=item 2.

Above regex can also be specified as multiple regexes in TARGET as -





with a single regex per line

=item 3.



shows a more general regex for target words marked in <head> tags

=item 4.



Shows the regex for matching target words in the original Senseval-2 

=item 5.


shows that any occurrence of words - Line, line, Lines, lines are target words 
(that are not delimited in any special tags).


=head3 Other Options :

=head4 --help

Displays this message.

=head4 --version

Displays the version information.

=head1 OUTPUT

When --plain is not selected, OUTPUT is in Senseval-2 format that looks same 
as the input SVAL2 file except the context of each instance shows atmost W 
words around the target word.

When --plain is ON, OUTPUT shows each context on a single line i.e. context of i'th instance in the given SVAL2 file is shown on the i'th line on stdout.

=head1 AUTHORS

Amruta Purandare, University of Pittsburgh

Ted Pedersen, University of Minnesota, Duluth
tpederse at


Copyright (c) 2002-2008, Amruta Purandare and Ted Pedersen

This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software
Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later

This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS
FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details.

You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with
this program; if not, write to

The Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
59 Temple Place - Suite 330,
Boston, MA  02111-1307, USA.



#                               THE CODE STARTS HERE


#                           ================================
#                            COMMAND LINE OPTIONS AND USAGE
#                           ================================

# command line options
use Getopt::Long;
GetOptions ("help","version","target=s","token=s","plain");
# show help option
if(defined $opt_help)

# show version information
if(defined $opt_version)

# show minimal usage message if no arguments


#                       ================================
#                          INITIALIZATION AND INPUT
#                       ================================

#$0 contains the program name along with
#the complete path. Extract just the program
#name and use in error messages

#check if the source file is specified
if(!defined $ARGV[0])
        print STDERR "ERROR($0):
        Please specify the input SVAL2 file ...\n";
        exit 1;
#accept the input file name

#check if exists
if(!-e $infile)
        print STDERR "ERROR($0):
        SVAL2 file <$infile> doesn't exist...\n";
        exit 1;
#open and get handle
open(IN,$infile) || die "Error($0):
        Error(code=$!) in opening input SVAL2 file <$infile>.\n";

# -------
# Window
# -------
#check if the window value is specified
if(!defined $ARGV[1])
        print STDERR "ERROR($0):
        Please specify the window size...\n";
        exit 1;
#accept the window size

# -------------------
# Target Word regex
# -------------------

#file containing regex/s for target word
if(defined $opt_target)
	if(!(-e $target_file))
        	print STDERR "ERROR($0):
        Target regex file <$target_file> doesn't exist.\n";
	        exit 1;
	if(!-e $target_file)
		print STDERR "ERROR($0):
	Please copy the target.regex file into the current directory or specify
	the target regex file via --target option.\n";
		exit 1;

# ------------------------
# creating target regex
# ------------------------

open(REG,$target_file) || die "ERROR($0):
        Error(error code=$!) in opening the target regex file <$target_file>.\n";

                print STDERR "ERROR($0):
        Regular Expression <$_> should start with '/'\n";
                exit 1;
                print STDERR "ERROR($0):
        Regular Expression <$_> should end with '/'\n";
                exit 1;

if(!defined $target)
	print STDERR "ERROR($0):
	No valid Perl regular expression found in the target regex file 
	exit 1;
	chop $target;

# -----------------------
# creating token regex
# -----------------------
if(defined $opt_token)
	if(!(-e $token_file))
        	print STDERR "ERROR($0):
        Token regex file <$token_file> doesn't exist.\n";
	        exit 1;
	if(!(-e $token_file))
        	print STDERR "ERROR($0):
        Please copy the file token.regex into the current directory
	or specify the token regex file via --token option.\n";
	        exit 1;

open(TOK,$token_file) || die "ERROR($0):
	Error(error code=$!) in opening token regex file <$token_file>.\n";
                print STDERR "ERROR($0):
        Regular Expression <$_> should start with '/'\n";
                exit 1;
                print STDERR "ERROR($0):
        Regular Expression <$_> should end with '/'\n";
                exit 1;

if(!defined $token_regex)
        print STDERR "ERROR($0):
        No valid Perl regular expression found in token regex file
        exit 1;
        chop $token_regex;


#			=========================
#			       CODE SECTION
#			=========================

$tempfile="tempfile" . time() . ".windower";
if(-e $tempfile)
	print STDERR "ERROR($0):
	Temporary file <$tempfile> already exists.\n";
	exit 1;
open(TEMP,">$tempfile") || die "ERROR($0):
	Error(code=$!) in opening temporary internal file <$tempfile>.\n";

	# instance start
	if(/instance id\s*=\s*\"([^"]+)\"/)
	# instance ends
		undef $instance;
	# end of context
		undef $data_start;
		if(!defined $got_target)
			print STDERR "ERROR($0):
	No matching target word found in the context of instance <$instance>
	in SVAL2 file <$infile>.\n";
			exit 1;
		# actual windowing now !
		foreach $index (0..$#text_line)
        	        #check if the target word
                	if($text_line[$index] =~ /$target/)
        	                #find the lower and upper bounds for window
                	        $lower=($index-$window)<0 ? 0 : $index-$window;
        	                $upper=($index+$window)>$#text_line ? $#text_line : $index+$window;
				# display the window words
	                        foreach $windex ($lower..$upper)
                                       	print TEMP "$text_line[$windex] ";
        	print TEMP "\n";
	# context data
	if(defined $data_start)
		# tokenize
			# check if target 
			if($token =~ /$target/)
				# error on multiple targets
                        	if(defined $got_target)
        	                        print STDERR "ERROR($0):
        Multiple target words matched in the context of instance <$instance> 
	in SVAL2 file <$infile>.\n";
                	                exit 1;
			push @text_line,$token;
	if(!defined $data_start && !defined $opt_plain)
                print TEMP $_;
	# context start
		if(!defined $instance)
			print STDERR "ERROR($0):
	No instance id found for the context at line <$line_num> in SVAL2 file
			exit 1;
		undef $got_target;
		undef @text_line;

# -----------------------
#  printing to stdout
# -----------------------

close TEMP;
open(TEMP,$tempfile) || die "ERROR($0):
	Error(code=$!) in opening temporary internal file <$tempfile>.\n";
close TEMP;
unlink "$tempfile";

undef $opt_plain;


#                      ==========================
#                          SUBROUTINE SECTION
#                      ==========================

#show minimal usage message
sub showminimal()
        print "Usage: SVAL2 W";
        print "\nTYPE --help for help\n";

#show help
sub showhelp()
	print "Usage: SVAL2 W

Context of each instance in the given SVAL2 file is limited to W tokens around
the target word. Input and output are both in Senseval-2 format.

	A tokenized and preprocessed input instance file in Senseval-2 format.

	Window size. Limits the contexts to W tokens on left and right of the 
	target word.


	Output will be in plain text format showing context of each instance
	on a single line. By default, output is in Senseval-2 format.

	A file containing Perl regex/s that define the target word/s.
	By default, file target.regex is searched in the current directory.
	A file containing Perl regex/s that define valid tokens in the SVAL2 
	file. By default, file token.regex is searched in the current directory.

        Displays this message.

        Displays the version information.

Type 'perldoc' to view detailed documentation of windower.\n";

#version information
sub showversion()
#        print "      -       Version 0.07\n";
	print '$Id:,v 1.13 2008/03/29 20:52:30 tpederse Exp $';
        print "\nLimit contexts in a Senseval-2 file to N tokens around the target word\n";
#        print "Copyright (c) 2002-2005, Amruta Purandare & Ted Pedersen.\n";
#        print "Date of Last Update:     27/07/2006\n";
