The Perl Toolchain Summit needs more sponsors. If your company depends on Perl, please support this very important event.
 wha tev <er> fli cke rin <gs of> pot ent ial thi <s> you <ng> tyr <o> pos ses ses <,> the <y> can not cov <er up> the fac <t> tha <t he is a> pai nte <r> wit <h> the ima gin ati <on of a> ret ard <ed> ado les cen <t; no> tec hni cal mas ter <y; no> int uit ive fee lin <g> for pic tor ial spa <ce; no> sen sit ivi <ty> tow ard <s, or> gra <sp of,> tra dit ion <;> and <a> col our sen <se> rat her les <s> tha <n> tha <t of> con <go,> the chi mpa nze <e> who was tau ght <(> amo <ng> oth <er> thi ngs <) a> cru <de> res pon siv ene <ss to> col our har mon ies <by> des mon <d> mor ris <in> the lat <e> 195 <0s.> how eve <r,> pot ent ial <ly> edu cab <le as a> pai nte <r> sch nab <el> may <or> may not <be,> his wor <k is> jus <t> not wor thy <of> ser iou <s> att ent ion <by> any one wit <h a> dev elo ped tas <te in> thi <s> par tic ula <r> art for <m.> rea der <s> nee <d> als <o to be> war <y of> the exi ste nce <of> spe cia <l> mar ket <s.> the exp los ive pri ces for ted <dy> bea <rs in> the las <t> few yea <rs> ind ica <te> how <a> mar ket can <be> cre ate <d, in> thi <s> cas <e by a> mix <of> mer <it> and nos tal gia <.> wha <t is> cle arl <y a> dea ler <s'> mar ket <is> oft <en> sig nal led <by> the inv ent ion <of a> bra <nd> nam <e to> gro <up> tog eth <er a> var iet <y of> mat eri <al,> per hap <s> rat her dis par ate <.> pop <<> hea <d>> art <</> hea <d>is an> exa mpl <e.> 
 spe cia <l> pro vis ion <s> wil <l> als <o> ens ure tha <t> tho <se on> mod est inc ome <s> mos <t of> whi <ch> com <es> fro <m> inv est men <ts,> suc <h as> peo ple who hav <e> bee <n> mad <e> red und ant <, do> not pay thi <s 9% on> the <ir> sav ing <s.> wid eni <ng> hor izo <ns:> inv est ing <in> the art <s> the art <s> ben efi <t> soc iet <y in> two way <s.> fir <st,> acc ess <to> the art <s is> int rin sic <to a> hig <h> qua lit <y of> lif <e.> sec ond <,> the cul tur <al> sec tor the art <s,> cra fts <,> des ign <,> and aud iov isu <al> ind ust rie <s> mak <es as> gre <at a> net con tri but ion <to> the eco nom <y as> doe <s> the oil ind ust <ry. we> wil <l:> cre ate <a> new min ist <ry of> art <s> and com mun ica tio <ns> hea ded <by a> min ist <er in> the cab ine <t.> lib era <l> dem ocr ats wil <l> rai <se> inv est men <t in> the art <s to> the <ec> ave rag <e> ove <r> fiv <e> yea <rs.> ref orm and dec ent ral ise <<> hea <d>> art <s</> hea <d>> fun din <g> and org ani sat ion <.> 
 <it is> fai <r to> say tha <t> not hin <g> fra <nk> has ach iev <ed as a> fil mma ker app roa che <s> the hei ght <s he> sca led wit <h> the ame ric ans <.> the 50m inu <te> fil <m he> mad <e> for are <na> sug ges <ts> why <:> las <t> sup per fra <nk on> fra <nk> loo <ks> lik <e a> par ody <of> the exc ess <es of> six tie <s> ava ntg ard <e> fil mma kin <g. on an> emp <ty> lot bet wee <n> two har lem str eet <s, a> gro <up of> peo ple arr ive for <an> out doo <r> par <ty to> cel ebr ate the new pub lic ati <on of an> unn ame <d> aut hor <.> ini tia lly the <y> mak <e> res pec tfu <l> sma llt alk abo <ut> him <,> but the <ir> com men <ts> gro <w> inc rea sin gly res ent ful <as it> bec ome <s> app are <nt he> wil <l> not sho <w up.> som <e> eve nts <in> las <t> sup per app ear rou ghl <y> imp rov ise <d.> yet hef <ty> chu nks <of> dia log <ue> are obv iou sly and rat her arc hly sta ged <.> peo ple say thi ngs lik <e:> you eve <r> not ice how all <<> hea <d>> art <</> hea <d>> foc use <s on> peo ple <in> tro ubl <e?>