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#!/usr/bin/perl -w 

use strict;
#use BerkeleyDB;
#use MLDBM qw (DB_File);
use Net::IP::LPM;
use POSIX;
use Sys::Syslog qw(:DEFAULT setlogsock); 
use Getopt::Std;

my $VERSION 	= "0.04";

# path to bgpdump, wget 
# bgpdump is available on 
# please compile it and place into $PATH 
my $BGPDUMP		= "bgpdump -vm %s";
my $WGET		= "wget -q -O %s %s";
my $GUNZIP		= "gunzip -t %s";

# any source with valid bgpdata can be used. The bgp 
# databases from ripe becoons is available on 
my $BVIEW_URL	= "";

# directory where download and updated file will be stored
# the directory must be writable 
my $DBDIR		= "/var/db/flowtools";

my $ASN_DB		= $DBDIR.'/asns.db';
my $ASN_DB_TXT	= $DBDIR.'/asns.txt';
my $BVIEW_DB	= $DBDIR.'/latest-bview.gz';

my $DEBUG		= 1;
my $LOGNAME 	= substr($0, rindex($0, "/") + 1);;

my $LPM;
my %OPTS;
my %ASNS;

# logging rutine
sub mylog {
	my ($msg, @par) = @_;
	my $lmsg = sprintf($msg, @par);
	if ($DEBUG > 0) {
		printf "%s[%d]: %s\n", strftime("%Y-%m-%d.%H:%M:%S", localtime), $$, $lmsg;
	openlog("$LOGNAME\[$$\]", 'ndelay', 'user');
	syslog($LOGFACILITY, $lmsg);

sub usage() {

	printf "Command downloads bgpdump database from URL and converts to BerkeleyDB format\n";
	printf "Options: \n\n";
	printf " -d <level> : debug level 1 - prints logs output to stdout, 10 - more detailed\n";
	printf " -w         : do not fetch bgpview file (%s) from URL\n", $BVIEW_DB;
	printf " -u <url>   : overwrite default URL %s \n", $BVIEW_URL;
	printf " -a <file>  : overwrite default database ASN file %s \n", $ASN_DB;
	printf " -t <file>  : overwrite default text database ASN file %s \n", $ASN_DB_TXT;
	printf " -b <file>  : overwrite bgpview file %s \n\n", $BVIEW_DB;
	printf " Version: %s \n", $VERSION;

if (!getopts("d:wu:a:b:t:", \%OPTS)) {
	exit 1;

$DEBUG = $OPTS{"d"} if (defined($OPTS{"d"}));
$BVIEW_URL = $OPTS{"u"} if (defined($OPTS{"u"}));
$BVIEW_DB = $OPTS{"b"} if (defined($OPTS{"b"}));
$ASN_DB = $OPTS{"a"} if (defined($OPTS{"a"}));
$ASN_DB_TXT = $OPTS{"t"} if (defined($OPTS{"t"}));

# download bgpdata file 
if (!defined($OPTS{'w'})) {
	mylog("Downloading bgpview database from %s", $BVIEW_URL);
	system(sprintf($WGET, $BVIEW_DB, $BVIEW_URL));
	if ($? != 0) {
		mylog("Can not dowload bgpview database from %s", $BVIEW_URL);
		exit 1;

# verify file
system(sprintf($GUNZIP, $BVIEW_DB));
if ($? != 0) {
	mylog("Invalid bgpview database %s", $BVIEW_DB);
	exit 1;

mylog("Updating ASN database %s", $ASN_DB);
my $cmd = sprintf($BGPDUMP, $BVIEW_DB);
open F1, "$cmd |";

#if (!tie %ASN, 'MLDBM', $ASN_DB.".tmp") {
$LPM = Net::IP::LPM->new($ASN_DB.".tmp");
if (!$LPM) {
 	mylog "Can not open $ASN_DB.tmp: $!";
	exit 1; 

my $cnt = 1;
while (<F1>) {

	my @a1 = split(/\|/);

my ($prefix, $aspath) = ($a1[5], $a1[6]);

    # empty AS ptaht - locally connected networks
	next if (!defined($aspath) || $aspath eq "");
	# AS in { }
	$aspath =~ s/{//g;
	$aspath =~ s/}//g;
	$aspath =~ s/,/ /g;
	my ($origin) = reverse(split(/ /, $aspath));
    if (defined($prefix) && defined($origin) ) {
		printf "Adding: %s -> %s \n", $prefix, $origin if ($DEBUG > 10);
		if (!$LPM->add($prefix, $origin)) {
			mylog("Cannot add entry %s -> %s. Exiting.", $prefix, $origin);
			exit 1;
		$ASNS{$prefix} = $origin;
	} else {
		mylog("Invalid line form bgpdump ($_). Exiting.");
		exit 1;

mylog("Rebuilding prefix database");

close F1;

mylog("Dumping text format database into %s", $ASN_DB_TXT);
open FT, " > $ASN_DB_TXT";

foreach  my $p ( sort keys %ASNS )  {
	printf FT "%s %s\n", $p, $ASNS{$p};	
close FT;

rename($ASN_DB.".tmp", $ASN_DB);

mylog("ASN database %s updated (%d recs processed)", $ASN_DB, $cnt);