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# Before `make install' is performed this script should be runnable with
# `make test'. After `make install' it should work as `perl NoSQL-PL2SQL.t'


# change 'tests => 1' to 'tests => last_test_to_print';

use Test::More tests => 59 ;

	use_ok('Scalar::Util') ;
	use_ok('XML::Parser::Nodes') ;
	use_ok('NoSQL::PL2SQL::Node') ;
	use_ok('NoSQL::PL2SQL::Perldata') ;
	use_ok('NoSQL::PL2SQL::Object') ;
	use_ok('NoSQL::PL2SQL') ;

	use_ok('NoSQL::PL2SQL::DBI::SQLite') ;


use Storable qw( freeze thaw store retrieve dclone ) ;
use Digest::MD5 ;
use Data::Dumper ;

my $collision = 1 ;
my $rebuild = 1 ;
my $adjust = 6 ;
my @retr = () ;
my @rowct = 0 ;
my $assignedid = 0 ;

my $tablename = 'objectdata' ;
my $dsn = new NoSQL::PL2SQL::DBI::SQLite $tablename ;

is( @$dsn, 2 ) ;
is( $dsn->table, $tablename ) ;
is( ref $dsn->db, 'NoSQL::PL2SQL::DBI::Null' ) ;
is( $dsn->lastinsertid, 0 ) ;
is( my @ct = $dsn->schema, 2 ) ; 	## MySQL

sub objectvalue {
	my $o = shift ;
	my $scalar = Storable::freeze( $o ) ;
	return Digest::MD5::md5_hex( $scalar ) ;

# my @rowct = $dsn->rows_array('SELECT COUNT(*) FROM %s') ;
# is( $rowct[0][0], 0 ) ;

# Insert your test code below, the Test::More module is use()ed here so read
# its man page ( perldoc Test::More ) for help writing this test script.

is( NoSQL::PL2SQL::Node::typeis( 1 ), 'integer' ) ;
is( NoSQL::PL2SQL::Node::typeis( 1.0 ), 'double' ) ;
is( NoSQL::PL2SQL::Node::typeis( "1" ), 'string' ) ;

# @TestRequest::ISA = qw( NoSQL::PL2SQL ) ;
do {
	package TestRequest ;
	use base qw( NoSQL::PL2SQL ) ;
	} ;

my $request = bless {
    'QBMSXML' => {
        'MsgsRq' => [ 
                'CreditCard' => {
                    'Amount' => '10.00',
                    'Year' => '2012',
                    'Number' => '4111111111111111',
                    'RequestID' => '546696356386',
                    'Month' => '12',
                    'CardPresent' => 'false'
                'CreditCard' => {
                    'Amount' => '20.00',
                    'Year' => '2014',
                    'Number' => '4123111111111111',
                    'RequestID' => '546696356387',
                    'Month' => '8',
                    'CardPresent' => 'false'
        'Singon' => {
            'Desktop' => {
                'DateTime' => '2012-02-29T12:40:09',
                'Ticket' => 'gas8p9ee-re2s9old-ref2i6t',
                'Login' => ''
    }, 'TestRequest' ;

my @nodes = NoSQL::PL2SQL::Node->factory( $dsn, $request ) ;
is( scalar @nodes, 33 ) ;

my @combined = NoSQL::PL2SQL::Node->combine( @nodes ) ;
is( scalar @combined, 25 ) ;

## Connect to database
$dsn->connect('dbi:SQLite:dbname=:memory:','','') ;

do {
	$o = TestRequest->sqlobject( $dsn, 0 ) ;
	warn "\n", Dumper( $o ) ;
	exit ;
	} unless $rebuild ;

do {
#	$dsn->do('DROP TABLE %s') ;
	## Create datasource
	$dsn->loadschema ;
	@rowct = $dsn->rows_array('SELECT COUNT(*) FROM %s') ;
	is( 0, $rowct[0][0], 'table deleted' ) ;
	my $o = TestRequest->SQLObject( $dsn, $request ) ;
	is( ref $o, ref $request, 'test empty object' ) ;
	$assignedid = $o->SQLObjectID ;
	ok( defined $assignedid ) ;
	} if $rebuild ;

sub testchanges {
	die join ' ', caller unless @_ == 2 ;
	my $name = shift ;
	my $fun = shift ;
	my $retr = TestRequest->sqlobject( $dsn => $assignedid ) ;
	map { &$fun( $_ ) } ( $retr, $request ) ;
	undef $retr ;

	$retr = TestRequest->sqlobject( $dsn => $assignedid ) ;
	return ( $retr ) if wantarray ;

	my $ct = ( caller )[-1] ;
	is( objectvalue( $retr->sqlclone ), objectvalue( $request ), 
			"$ct $name" ) ;

## Used for debugging
sub funchanges {
warn "\n" ;
	my $name = shift ;
	my $fun = shift ;
	my $retr = TestRequest->sqlobject( $dsn => $assignedid ) ;

	map { &$fun( $_ ) } ( $retr, $request ) ;
$dsn->sqldump(1) ;
	undef $retr ;
#warn join "\n", '', $dsn->sqldump ;
	$retr = TestRequest->sqlobject( $dsn => $assignedid ) ;

warn join "\n", '', Dumper( $retr->sqlclone ), '', Dumper( $request ) ;
	return ( $retr ) if wantarray ;
	is( objectvalue( $retr->sqlclone ), objectvalue( $request ) ) ;

testchanges( 'initial load', sub {} ) ;

# splice a hashref
testchanges( 'splice a hashref element', sub { 
		splice @{ $_[0]->{QBMSXML}->{MsgsRq} }, 1, 0, 
		  bless( { hello => 'world' }, 'gymbag' ) ;
		} ) ;

# change hashref to hashref
testchanges( 'replace a hashref', sub {
		$_[0]->{QBMSXML}->{MsgsRq}->[1] = 
		  bless( {'a'..'n'}, 'gymbag' ) ;
		} ) ;

# change hashref to arrayref
testchanges( 'hashref to arrayref', sub {
		$_[0]->{QBMSXML}->{MsgsRq}->[1] = 
		  bless( [ 'hello', 'world' ], 'gymbag' ) ;
		} ) ;

# change hashref to string
testchanges( 'hashref to string', sub {
		$_[0]->{QBMSXML}->{MsgsRq}->[1] = 'fantasy' ;
		} ) ;

# change hashref to integer
testchanges( 'hashref to integer', sub {
		$_[0]->{QBMSXML}->{MsgsRq}->[0] = 20 ;
		} ) ;
# push-pop
testchanges( 'push-pop', sub {
		push @{ $_[0]->{QBMSXML}->{MsgsRq} }, [ 'a'..'e' ] ;
		my $oo = pop @{ $_[0]->{QBMSXML}->{MsgsRq} } ;
		} ) ;

# push-pop-push-unshift 
testchanges( 'push-pop-push-unshift', sub {
		push @{ $_[0]->{QBMSXML}->{MsgsRq} }, [ 1..5 ] ;
		my $oo = pop @{ $_[0]->{QBMSXML}->{MsgsRq} } ;
		push @{ $_[0]->{QBMSXML}->{MsgsRq} }, "mister mystery" ;
		unshift @{ $_[0]->{QBMSXML}->{MsgsRq} }, $oo ;
		} ) ;

# undef
testchanges( 'undef element', sub {
		$_[0]->{QBMSXML}->{Null} = undef ;
		} ) ;

# large scalar
$alpha = join '', ('a'..'z') ;
testchanges( 'large scalar', sub {
		$_[0]->{QBMSXML}->{Singon} = $alpha x100 ;
		} ) ;
is ( length $request->{QBMSXML}->{Singon}, 2600, "large scalar baseline" ) ;

# larger scalar
local( *H ) ;
my $fh = *H ;
ok( open( $fh, "$0" ), 'can\'t open text file' ) ;
our $buff = '' ;
do { 
	undef $/ ;
	$buff = <$fh> ;
	} ;

testchanges( 'larger scalar', sub {
		$_[0]->{QBMSXML}->{Singon} = $buff ;
		} ) ;
is ( $request->{QBMSXML}->{Singon}, $buff, 'larger scalar baseline' ) ;

# smaller scalar
testchanges( 'large scalar to small scalar', sub {
		$_[0]->{QBMSXML}->{Singon} = 'Jim Schueler' ;
		} ) ;

# add another hash
testchanges( 'yet another hashref element', sub {
		delete $_[0]->{QBMSXML}->{Singon} ;
		$_[0]->{QBMSXML}->{Singon} =
		  bless( { hello => 'world' }, 'gymbag' ) ;
		} ) ;

# add existing internal reference
@retr = testchanges( 'add internal reference', sub {
		$_[0]->{QBMSXML}->{Singup} = 
		  bless( { hello => 'tokyo' }, 'gymshoes' ) ;
		$_[0]->{QBMSXML}->{Singup} = $_[0]->{QBMSXML}->{Singon} ;
		} ) ;

$request->{QBMSXML}->{Singup}->{hello} = 'welt' ;
$retr[0]->{QBMSXML}->{Singup}->{hello} = 'welt' ;
is( $retr[0]->{QBMSXML}->{Singon}->{hello}, 'welt', 
		'modify internal reference' ) ;
@retr = () ;

# delete internal reference
testchanges( 'delete internal reference', sub {
		delete $_[0]->{QBMSXML}->{Singon} ;
		} ) ;

# add new internal reference
@retr = testchanges( undef, sub {
		$_[0]->{QBMSXML}->{SingSong}->[0] = 
				[ qw( do re mi ) ] ;
		push @{ $_[0]->{QBMSXML}->{SingSong} },
				$_[0]->{QBMSXML}->{SingSong}->[0] ;
		} ) ;

push @{ $request->{QBMSXML}->{SingSong}->[0] }, 'fa' ;
push @{ $retr[0]->{QBMSXML}->{SingSong}->[0] }, 'fa' ;
is( $retr[0]->{QBMSXML}->{SingSong}->[-1]->[-1], 'fa', 
		'internal reference baseline' ) ;
@retr = () ;

@retr = testchanges( undef, sub {} ) ;

my $clone = $retr[0]->sqlclone ;
$clone->{QBMSXML}->{SingSong}->[0]->[2] = 'jim' ;
is( $clone->{QBMSXML}->{SingSong}->[2]->[2],
		'clone internal reference' ) ;

## v1.20
my $save = $request ;
$save = dclone( dclone( $request ) ) if $collision ;
is( objectvalue( $save ), objectvalue( $request ), 'dclone operation' ) ;

$retr[0]->{QBMSXML}->{collision} = 1 ;
$save->{QBMSXML}->{collision} = 1 ;
@retr = () unless $collision ;

## These changes are transient under collision
testchanges( 'internal reference to new element', sub {
		shift @{ $_[0]->{QBMSXML}->{SingSong} } ;
		} ) ;

@rowct = $dsn->rows_array('SELECT COUNT(*) FROM %s') ;
is( $rowct[0][0], 56 +$adjust -$collision, 'internal record count' ) ;

## These changes are transient under collision
testchanges( 'delete orphaned records', sub {
		$_[0]->{QBMSXML}->{MsgsRq} = [ qw( fee fi fo fum ) ] ;
		} ) ;

if ( $collision ) {
	@retr = () ;
	$request = $save ;

## end v1.20

@rowct = $dsn->rows_array('SELECT COUNT(*) FROM %s') ;
my $ct = $collision? 27: 43 ;
is( $rowct[0][0], $ct +$adjust, 'confirm deleted records' ) ;

@retr = testchanges( 'delete internal reference', sub {
		$_[0]->{QBMSXML}->{Singon} = $_[0]->{QBMSXML}->{Singup} ;
		delete $_[0]->{QBMSXML}->{Singup} ;
		$_[0]->{QBMSXML}->{Singup} = \"magic!" ;
		$_[0]->{QBMSXML}->{Singon} = $_[0]->{QBMSXML}->{Singup} ;
		} ) ;

is( ${ $retr[0]->{QBMSXML}->{Singup} }, 
		${ $retr[0]->{QBMSXML}->{Singon} }, 
		'reference value preserved' ) ;

my $longstring = $alpha x30 ;
$request->{QBMSXML}->{Singon} = \$longstring ;
${ $retr[0]->{QBMSXML}->{Singup} } = $longstring ;
is( ${ $retr[0]->{QBMSXML}->{Singon} }, ${ $request->{QBMSXML}->{Singon} },
		'reference to large scalar' ) ;
@retr = () ;

testchanges( 'clean up references', sub {
		delete $_[0]->{QBMSXML}->{Singup} ;
		} ) ;

testchanges( 'manipulate an array ref', sub {
		$_[0]->{QBMSXML}->{MsgsRq}->[2] = 'do' ;
		unshift @{ $_[0]->{QBMSXML}->{MsgsRq} }, 'dee', 'di' ;
		} ) ;

@retr = testchanges( undef, sub {} ) ;
my $clone = $retr[0]->sqlclone ;
is( $clone, $clone->sqlclone, 'test clone invocations' ) ;
$retr[0]->{mirage} = [ 'ocean' ] ;
$retr[0]->{mirage}->[1] = 'mist' ;
is( $retr[0]->sqlclone->{mirage}->[0], $retr[0]->{mirage}->[0],
		'clone new element' ) ;
is( $retr[0]->sqlclone->{mirage}->[1], $retr[0]->{mirage}->[1],
		'add new element to new element and clone' ) ;
my $iran =<<eof ;
 It is alleged that Iran is ‘four years closer to having a nuclear weapon.’ There is no solid evidence that Iran even has a nuclear weapons program, as opposed to a civilian nuclear enrichment program to produce fuel for electricity-generating plants (the US has 100 of these and generates the fuel for them). If it doesn’t have a nuclear weapons program, it can’t be closer to having a bomb. The question is being begged here, which is a logical fallacy and bad policy.

$assignedid = 2 ;
$request = bless [ 
                'CreditCard' => {
                    'Amount' => '10.00',
                    'Year' => '2012',
                    'Number' => '4111111111111111',
                    'RequestID' => '546696356386',
                    'Month' => '12',
                    'CardPresent' => 'false'
                'CreditCard' => {
                    'Amount' => '20.00',
                    'Year' => '2014',
                    'Number' => '4123111111111111',
                    'RequestID' => '546696356387',
                    'Month' => '8',
                    'CardPresent' => 'false'
            $iran x 10,
            ], 'TestRequest' ;

TestRequest->SQLObject( $dsn, $assignedid => $request ) ;
testchanges( 'create array object', sub {} ) ;

$assignedid = 3 ;
my $string = 'NoSQL::PL2SQL' ;
$request = bless \$string, 'TestRequest' ;
TestRequest->SQLObject( $dsn, $assignedid => $request ) ;

testchanges( 'create scalar object', sub {} ) ;

testchanges( 'change scalar object', sub {
	${ $_[0] } = 'turquoise' ;
	} ) ;

my @user = () ;

push @user, {
	Name => 'Meg Satellite',
	Email => '',
        CreditCard => {
                    'Amount' => '20.00',
                    'Year' => '2014',
                    'Number' => '4123111111111111',
                    'RequestID' => '546696356387',
                    'Month' => '8',
                    'CardPresent' => 'false'
	Purchases =>  [
	} ;

push @user, {
	Name => 'Ruby Oracle',
	Email => '',
        CreditCard => {
                    'Amount' => '20.00',
                    'Year' => '2014',
                    'Number' => '4123111111111111',
                    'RequestID' => '546696356387',
                    'Month' => '8',
                    'CardPresent' => 'false'
	Purchases =>  [
	} ;

push @user, {
	Name => 'Anna McKinley',
	Email => '',
        CreditCard => {
                    'Amount' => '20.00',
                    'Year' => '2014',
                    'Number' => '4123111111111111',
                    'RequestID' => '546696356387',
                    'Month' => '8',
                    'CardPresent' => 'false'
	Purchases =>  [
	} ;
## Test of update 1.03
$assignedid = 4 ;
$request = bless {}, 'TestRequest' ;
TestRequest->SQLObject( $dsn, $assignedid => $request ) ;

testchanges( 'test empty container', sub {} ) ;

my $ignore =<<'eof' ;
testchanges( 'confirm empty container', sub {
		$_->{Hello} = undef ;
		} ) ;

my $i = 0 ;
NoSQL::PL2SQL::SQLObject( $user[$i]->{Email}, $dsn, 0 => $user[$i] ) ;

$i++ ;
NoSQL::PL2SQL::SQLObject( $user[$i]->{Email}, $dsn, 0 => $user[$i] ) ;

$i++ ;
NoSQL::PL2SQL::SQLObject( $user[$i]->{Email}, $dsn, 0 => $user[$i] ) ;

sub stringtest {
	die join ' ', caller unless @_ == 2 ;
	my $name = shift ;
	my $i = shift ;
	$retr = NoSQL::PL2SQL::SQLObject( $user[$i]->{Email}, $dsn, 0 ) ;
	is( objectvalue( NoSQL::PL2SQL::SQLClone( $retr ) ), 
			objectvalue( $user[$i] ), $name ) ;

stringtest( 'key on string', 0 ) ;
stringtest( 'another key on string', 1 ) ;
stringtest( 'yaks', 2 ) ;