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use strict;
use Test;

BEGIN { plan tests => 6 }

use Schedule::Oncall;

my $s = new Schedule::Oncall;

# test 1
if (defined $s)
    ok (1);

    ok (0, 1, "create instance of Schedule::Oncall")

# test 2
if (!defined $s->load ("file" =>  "test-sched"))
    ok (0, 1, "load test-sched: " . $s->{"error"});

ok (1);

# test 3
# tue 10:44
my $person = $s->oncall (1031064279);

ok ($person, "johnd", "lookup of oncall");

# test 4
if (!defined $s->load ("file" =>  "test-sched-override"))
    ok (0, 1, "load override " . $s->{"error"});

ok (1);

# test 5
# tue 10:44
my $person = $s->oncall (1031064279);

ok ($person, "gwb", "lookup of oncall overlay");

# test 6
my %info = $s->info ("gwb");

ok ($info{"email"}->[0], "gwb\", "email info for gwb");


print $s->oncall, " is on call at this time\n";

my %info = $s->info ($s->oncall); 

foreach my $key (sort keys %info)
	print "   $key = ";
	for (my $i=0; $i<@{$info{$key}}; $i++)
	    print "[$info{$key}->[$i]] ";
	print "\n";

print "\n";