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package Net::iTMS::Album;
# Written by Thomas R. Sibley, <>
use warnings;
use strict;

use vars '$VERSION';
$VERSION = '0.15';

use Net::iTMS::Error;

use overload
	'""'     => sub { shift->as_string },
	fallback => 1;

sub as_string {
    my $self = shift;
    return defined $self
            ? $self->name
            : undef;

=head1 NAME

Net::iTMS::Album - Represents an album in the iTunes Music Store


    use Net::iTMS::Album;

    my $album = Net::iTMS::Album->new($iTMS, $id);
    print "Album: ", $album->title, "\n";

    # $track will be a Net::iTMS::Song object
    for my $track ($album->tracks) {    # also $album->songs
        print "\t ", $track->number, ": ", $track->title, "\n";


Net::iTMS::Album represents an album in the iTMS and encapsulates the
associated data.  If a piece of information hasn't been fetched from the
iTMS, it will transparently fetch and store it for later use before

If any method, excepting C<id>, C<record_label>, and C<thumb>, is called,
the information for the others will be fetched in the same request.  This
means, for these methods, the first call to one will have a time hit for the
HTTP request, but subsequent calls won't.

=head2 Methods

=over 12

=item new($itms, $albumId)

The first argument must be an instance of Net::iTMS, the second an
iTMS album ID.

Returns a blessed hashref (object) for Net::iTMS::Album.

sub new {
    my ($class, $itms, $id, %prefill) = @_;
    my $self = bless {
        id    => $id,
        error => '',
        debug => defined $itms->{debug} ? $itms->{debug} : 0,
        _itms => $itms,
    }, $class;
    if (%prefill) {
        $self->{$_} = $prefill{$_}
            for keys %prefill;
    return $self;

=item id

Returns the ID of the album (C<albumId>).

=item title

=item name

Returns the title of the album.

=item artist

Returns a L<Net::iTMS::Artist> object for the album's artist.

=item genre

Returns a L<Net::iTMS::Genre> object for the album's genre.

=item cover

Returns a hashref with the keys C<url>, C<width>, and C<height> which
are for the album's cover.

=item thumb

Returns a hashref with the keys C<url>, C<width>, and C<height> which
are for the thumbnail of the album's cover (if available).

=item tracks

=item songs

Returns an array or arrayref (depending on context) of L<Net::iTMS::Song> objects
representing the tracklist of the album (in order of track number).

=item total_songs

Returns the total number of songs on the album available from the iTMS.

=item released

Returns the release date of the album (if available).

=item copyright

Returns the copyright information for the album (if available).

=item path

Returns an arrayref of hashrefs representing the album's "path" in the iTMS.
The hashrefs contain the name of the node in the path and the iTMS URL of that

sub id { return $_[0]->{id} }

sub title {
    my $self = shift;
        if not exists $self->{title};
    return $self->{title};

sub name { return $_[0]->title }

sub artist {
    my $self = shift;
        if not exists $self->{artist};
    return $self->{artist};

sub genre {
    my $self = shift;
        if not exists $self->{genre};
    return $self->{genre};

sub cover {
    my $self = shift;
        if not exists $self->{cover};
    return $self->{cover};

sub thumb {
    my $self = shift;
    return $self->{thumb};

sub record_label {
    my $self = shift;
    return $self->{record_label};

sub copyright {
    my $self = shift;
        if not exists $self->{copyright};
    return $self->{copyright};

sub released {
    my $self = shift;
        if not exists $self->{released};
    return $self->{released};

sub tracks {
    my $self = shift;
        if not exists $self->{tracks};
    return wantarray ? @{$self->{tracks}} : $self->{tracks};

sub songs { return $_[0]->tracks }

sub total_songs {
    my $self = shift;
        if not exists $self->{total_songs};
    return $self->{total_songs};

sub info {
    my $self = shift;
        if not exists $self->{info};
    return wantarray ? @{$self->{info}} : $self->{info};

sub notes {
    my $self = shift;
        if not exists $self->{notes};
    return wantarray ? @{$self->{notes}} : $self->{notes};

sub path {
    my $self = shift;
        if not exists $self->{path};
    return wantarray ? @{$self->{path}} : $self->{path};

# This populates the basic data from a viewAlbum request
sub _get_basic_info {
    my $self = shift;
    my $twig = $self->{_itms}->{_request}->url('viewAlbum', $self->id);
    my $root = $twig->root;
    my $path = $root->first_child('Path');
    my $sv   = $root->first_child('ScrollView');
    $self->{genre} = $self->{_itms}->get_genre($root->att('genreId'));
    # Path
    for my $child ($path->children('PathElement')) {
        push @{$self->{path}}, {
            name => $child->att('displayName'),
            url  => $child->trimmed_text,

    # Name and cover
    # We could just depend on the right twig being the first
    # in the document everytime, but let's not
    my $album;
    for my $child ($sv->descendants('ViewAlbum')) {
        if (defined $child->{att}{draggingName}
                and $child->first_child_matches('PictureView')) {
            # This is the one we want, so break out
            $album = $child;
    $self->{title} = $album->att('draggingName');

    my $pic = $album->first_child('PictureView');
    $self->{cover} = {
        height => $pic->att('height'),
        width  => $pic->att('width'),
        url    => $pic->att('url'),

    if ($root->att('genreId') == 50000024) {
        # have to bail for now

    # Artist
    if (not defined $self->{artist}) {
        my $artist;
        for my $child ($sv->descendants('ViewArtist')) {
            if (defined $child->{att}{id}
                    and $child->{att}{id} eq $root->att('artistId')) {
                # This is the one we want, so break out
                $artist = $child;

        if (defined $artist) {
            $self->{artist} = $self->{_itms}->get_artist(
                                    name => $artist->trimmed_text,
    # Info
    for my $text ($sv->first_child('MatrixView')
                     ->children('TextView')) {
        if ($text->contains_only_text and $text->trimmed_text ne '') {
            my $val = $text->trimmed_text;
            push @{$self->{info}}, $val;
            $val =~ s/^\s*//;
            $val =~ s/\s*$//;
            if    ($val =~ s/^Release Date:\s*//) { $self->{released}    = $val; }
            elsif ($val =~ s/^Total Songs:\s*//)  { $self->{total_songs} = $val; }
            elsif ($val =~ s/^Genre:\s*//)        { $self->{genre}{name} = $val; }
            elsif ($val =~ s/^.+\s*(?>\d{4})//)   { $self->{copyright}   = $val; }
    # Notes
    my $notes = $sv->first_child('MatrixView')

    if (defined $notes) {
        $notes = $notes->first_child('VBoxView');
        if (defined $notes) {
            for my $text ($notes->first_child('TextView')
                                ->next_siblings('TextView')) {
                push @{$self->{notes}}, $text->trimmed_text;
    # Tracks
    my $plist = $root->first_child('TrackList')
    $self->{tracks} = [ ];
    for my $dict ($plist->children('dict')) {
        my %data;
        for my $key ($dict->children('key')) {
            $data{$key->trimmed_text} = $key->next_sibling('#ELT')->trimmed_text;

        $data{releaseDate} =~ s/A-Za-z//g;
        $data{copyright}   =~ s/^.+\s*(?>\d{4})//;
        $data{copyright}   =~ s/\s*$//;
        push @{$self->{tracks}},
                    title       => $data{songName},
                    album       => $self,
                    artist      => $self->{artist},
                    genre       => $self->{_itms}->get_genre(
                                        name => $data{genre},
                    year        => $data{year},
                    number      => $data{trackNumber},
                    count       => $data{trackCount},
                    disc_number => $data{discNumber},
                    disc_count  => $data{discCount},
                    explicit    => $data{explicit},
                    comments    => $data{comments},
                    copyright   => $data{copyright},
                    preview_url => $data{previewURL},
                    released    => $data{releaseDate},
                    price       => $data{priceDisplay},
                    vendor      => $data{vendorId},
    $self->{total_songs} = $self->{tracks}[0]{count}
        if not $self->{total_songs};


=head1 LICENSE

Copyright 2004, Thomas R. Sibley.

You may use, modify, and distribute this package under the same terms as Perl itself.

=head1 AUTHOR

Thomas R. Sibley, L<>

=head1 SEE ALSO

L<Net::iTMS>, L<Net::iTMS::Song>, L<Net::iTMS::Artist>, L<Net::iTMS::Genre>

