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#!/usr/bin/perl -w

use Test::More;

    use Config;
    unless (config_value("usedl")) {
        plan skip_all => "no usedl";

plan "no_plan";

# use warnings;
use ExtUtils::MakeMaker;
use ExtUtils::Constant < qw (C_constant);
use File::Spec;
use Cwd;

# For debugging set this to 1.
my $keep_files = 0;

# Because were are going to be changing directory before running Makefile.PL
my $perl = $^EXECUTABLE_NAME;
$perl = File::Spec->rel2abs ($perl);
# ExtUtils::Constant::C_constant uses $^X inside a comment, and we want to
# compare output to ensure that it is the same. We were probably run as ./perl
# whereas we will run the child with the full path in $perl. So make $^X for
# us the same as our child will see.
my $lib = env::var('PERL_CORE') ?? '../../../lib' !! '../../blib/lib';
my $runperl = "$perl \"-I$lib\"";
diag "perl=$perl";

my $make = env::var('MAKE') // config_value("make");
if ($^OS_NAME eq 'MSWin32' && $make eq 'nmake') { $make .= " -nologo"; }

# VMS may be using something other than MMS/MMK
my $mms_or_mmk = 0;
if ($^OS_NAME eq 'VMS') {
   $mms_or_mmk = 1 if (($make eq 'MMK') || ($make eq 'MMS'));

# Renamed by make clean
my $makefile = ($mms_or_mmk ?? 'descrip' !! 'Makefile');
my $makefile_ext = ($mms_or_mmk ?? '.mms' !! '');
my $makefile_rename = $makefile . ($mms_or_mmk ?? '.mms_old' !! '.old');

my $output = "output";
my $package = "ExtTest";
my $dir = "ext-$^PID";
my $subdir = 0;
# The real test counter.

my $orig_cwd = cwd;
my $updir = File::Spec->updir;
die "Can't get current directory: $^OS_ERROR" unless defined $orig_cwd;

diag "$dir being created...";
mkdir $dir, 0777 or die "mkdir: $^OS_ERROR\n";

  if (defined $orig_cwd and length $orig_cwd) {
    chdir $orig_cwd or die "Can't chdir back to '$orig_cwd': $^OS_ERROR";
    use File::Path;
    diag "$dir being removed...";
    rmtree($dir) unless $keep_files;
  } else {
    # Can't get here.
    die "cwd at start was empty, but directory '$dir' was created" if $dir;

chdir $dir or die $^OS_ERROR;
push $^INCLUDE_PATH, '../../lib', '../../../lib';

package main;

sub check_for_bonus_files {
  my $dir = shift;
  my %expect = %( < @+: map { @: ($^OS_NAME eq 'VMS' ?? lc($_) !! $_), 1}, @_ );

  my $fail;
  opendir my $dh, $dir or die "opendir '$dir': $^OS_ERROR";
  while (defined (my $entry = readdir $dh)) {
    $entry =~ s/\.$// if $^OS_NAME eq 'VMS';  # delete trailing dot that indicates no extension
    next if %expect{$entry};
    diag "Extra file '$entry'";
    $fail = 1;

  closedir $dh or warn "closedir '.': $^OS_ERROR";
  ok( ! $fail );

sub build_and_run($tests, $expect, $files) {
  my $core = env::var('PERL_CORE') ?? ' PERL_CORE=1' !! '';
  my @perlout = @( `$runperl Makefile.PL $core` );
  if ($^CHILD_ERROR) {
      fail("$runperl Makefile.PL failed: $^CHILD_ERROR");
      diag "$_" foreach  @perlout;
  } else {

  ok(-f "$makefile$makefile_ext");

  my @makeout;

  if ($^OS_NAME eq 'VMS') { $make .= ' all'; }

  # Sometimes it seems that timestamps can get confused

  # make failed: 256
  # Makefile out-of-date with respect to Makefile.PL
  # Cleaning current config before rebuilding Makefile...
  # make -f Makefile.old clean > /dev/null 2>&1 || /bin/sh -c true
  # ../../perl "-I../../../lib" "-I../../../lib" Makefile.PL "PERL_CORE=1"
  # Checking if your kit is complete...                         
  # Looks good
  # Writing Makefile for ExtTest
  # ==> Your Makefile has been rebuilt. <==
  # ==> Please rerun the make command.  <==
  # false

  my $timewarp = (-M "Makefile.PL") - (-M "$makefile$makefile_ext");
  # Convert from days to seconds
  $timewarp *= 86400;
  diag "Makefile.PL is $timewarp second(s) older than $makefile$makefile_ext";
  if ($timewarp +< 0) {
      # Sleep for a while to catch up.
      $timewarp = -$timewarp;
      $timewarp = 10 if $timewarp +> 10;
      diag "Sleeping for $timewarp second(s) to try to resolve this";
      sleep $timewarp;

  diag "make = '$make'";
  @makeout = @( `$make` );
  if ($^CHILD_ERROR) {
      fail("$make failed: $^CHILD_ERROR");
      diag "$_" foreach  @makeout;
  } else {

  if ($^OS_NAME eq 'VMS') { $make =~ s{ all}{}; }

  ok 1, "This is dynamic linking, so no need to make perl";

  my $maketest = "$make test";
  diag "make = '$maketest'";

  @makeout = @( `$maketest` );

  if (open my $outputfh, "<", "$output") {
    local $^INPUT_RECORD_SEPARATOR = undef; # Slurp it - faster.
    print $^STDOUT, ~< *$outputfh;
    close $outputfh or print $^STDOUT, "# Close $output failed: $^OS_ERROR\n";
  } else {
    # Harness will report missing test results at this point.
    print $^STDOUT, "# Open <$output failed: $^OS_ERROR\n";

  my $tb = Test::Builder->new();
  $tb->current_test += $tests;

  if ($^CHILD_ERROR) {
      fail("$maketest failed: $^CHILD_ERROR");
      diag "$_" foreach  @makeout;
  } else {

  if (defined $expect) {
      my $regen = `$runperl -x $package.xs`;
      if ($^CHILD_ERROR) {
	  fail("$runperl -x $package.xs failed: $^CHILD_ERROR");
      } else {

      is($expect eq $regen, "regen worked");
  } else {
    for (0..1) {
      ok(1, "skip no regen or expect for this set of tests");

  my $makeclean = "$make clean";
  diag "make = '$makeclean'";
  @makeout = @( `$makeclean` );
  if ($^CHILD_ERROR) {
      fail("$make failed: $^CHILD_ERROR");
      diag "$_" foreach  @makeout;
  } else {

  check_for_bonus_files ('.', < @$files, $output, $makefile_rename, '.', '..');

  rename $makefile_rename, $makefile . $makefile_ext
    or die "Can't rename '$makefile_rename' to '$makefile$makefile_ext': $^OS_ERROR";

  unlink $output or warn "Can't unlink '$output': $^OS_ERROR";

  # Need to make distclean to remove ../../lib/
  my $makedistclean = "$make distclean";
  diag "make = '$makedistclean'";
  @makeout = @( `$makedistclean` );
  if ($^CHILD_ERROR) {
      fail("$make failed: $^CHILD_ERROR");
      diag "$_" foreach  @makeout;
  } else {

  check_for_bonus_files ('.', < @$files, '.', '..');

  unless ($keep_files) {
    foreach ( @$files) {
      unlink $_ or warn "unlink $_: $^OS_ERROR";

  check_for_bonus_files ('.', '.', '..');

sub Makefile_PL {
    my $package = shift;
    ################ Makefile.PL
    # We really need a Makefile.PL because make test for a no dynamic linking perl
    # will run Makefile.PL again as part of the "make perl" target.
    my $makefilePL = "Makefile.PL";
    open my $fh, ">", "$makefilePL" or die "open >$makefilePL: $^OS_ERROR\n";
    print $fh, <<"EOT";
#!$perl -w
use ExtUtils::MakeMaker;
              'NAME'		=> "$package",
              'VERSION_FROM'	=> "$", # finds \$VERSION
              #ABSTRACT_FROM => "$", # XXX add this
              AUTHOR     => "$^PROGRAM_NAME",

    close $fh or die "close $makefilePL: $^OS_ERROR\n";
    return $makefilePL;

  my @files = @_;
  ################ MANIFEST
  # We really need a MANIFEST because make distclean checks it.
  my $manifest = "MANIFEST";
  push @files, $manifest;
  open my $fh, ">", "$manifest" or die "open >$manifest: $^OS_ERROR\n";
  print $fh, "$_\n" foreach  @files;
  close $fh or die "close $manifest: $^OS_ERROR\n";
  return @files;

sub write_and_run_extension($name, $items, $export_names, $package, $header, $testfile, $num_tests,
      $wc_args) {

  my $c = '';
  open my $c_fh, '>>', \$c or die;
  my $xs = '';
  open my $xs_fh, '>>', \$xs or die;

  ExtUtils::Constant::WriteConstants(C_FH => $c_fh,
				     XS_FH => $xs_fh,
				     NAME => $package,
				     NAMES => $items,
                                     PROXYSUBS => 1,
				     < @$wc_args,

  my $C_code = $c;
  my $XS_code = $xs;

  # Don't check the regeneration code if we specify extra arguments to
  # WriteConstants. (Fix this to give finer grained control if needed)
  my $expect;
  $expect = $C_code . "\n#### XS Section:\n" . $XS_code unless $wc_args;

  diag "$name\n$dir/$subdir being created...";
  mkdir $subdir, 0777 or die "mkdir: $^OS_ERROR\n";
  chdir $subdir or die $^OS_ERROR;

  my @files;

  ################ Header
  my $header_name = "test.h";
  push @files, $header_name;
  open my $fh, ">", "$header_name" or die "open >$header_name: $^OS_ERROR\n";
  print $fh, $header or die $^OS_ERROR;
  close $fh or die "close $header_name: $^OS_ERROR\n";

  ################ XS
  my $xs_name = "$package.xs";
  push @files, $xs_name;
  open $fh, ">", "$xs_name" or die "open >$xs_name: $^OS_ERROR\n";

  print $fh, <<"EOT";
#include "EXTERN.h"
#include "perl.h"
#include "XSUB.h"
#include "$header_name"

MODULE = $package		PACKAGE = $package

  close $fh or die "close $xs: $^OS_ERROR\n";

  ################ PM
  my $pm = "$";
  push @files, $pm;
  open $fh, ">", "$pm" or die "open >$pm: $^OS_ERROR\n";
  print $fh, "package $package;\n";

  print $fh, <<'EOT';

  printf $fh, "use warnings;\n";
  print $fh, <<'EOT';

require Exporter;
require DynaLoader;

$VERSION = '0.01';
@ISA = qw(Exporter DynaLoader);
  # Having this qw( in the here doc confuses cperl mode far too much to be
  # helpful. And I'm using cperl mode to edit this, even if you're not :-)
  print $fh, "\@EXPORT_OK = qw(\n";

  # Print the names of all our autoloaded constants
  print $fh, "\t$_\n" foreach @( (< @$export_names));
  print $fh, ");\n";
  print $fh, "$package->bootstrap(\$VERSION);\n1;\n__END__\n";
  close $fh or die "close $pm: $^OS_ERROR\n";

  my $testpl = "";
  push @files, $testpl;
  open $fh, ">", "$testpl" or die "open >$testpl: $^OS_ERROR\n";
  # Standard test header (need an option to suppress this?)
  print $fh, <<"EOT" or die $^OS_ERROR;
use $package < qw($(join ' ',@$export_names));

print \$^STDOUT, "1..1\n";
print \$^STDOUT, "ok 1\n";
open \$^STDOUT, ">", "$output" or die "Failed to open '$output': \$^OS_ERROR";
  print $fh, $testfile or die $^OS_ERROR;
  close $fh or die "close $testpl: $^OS_ERROR\n";

  push @files, Makefile_PL($package);
  @files = MANIFEST (< @files);

  build_and_run ($num_tests, $expect, \@files);

  chdir $updir or die "chdir '$updir': $^OS_ERROR";

# Tests are arrayrefs of the form
# $name, [items], [export_names], $package, $header, $testfile, $num_tests
my @tests;
my $before_tests = 4; # Number of "ok"s emitted to build extension
my $after_tests = 8; # Number of "ok"s emitted after make test run
my $dummytest = 1;

my $here;
sub start_tests {
  $dummytest += $before_tests;
  $here = $dummytest;
sub end_tests($name, $items, $export_names, $header, $testfile, ?$args) {
  push @tests, \@($name, $items, $export_names, $package, $header, $testfile,
               $dummytest - $here, $args);
  $dummytest += $after_tests;

use utf8;

my $pound;
$pound = "pound" . chr(163); # A pound sign. (Currency)

my @common_items = @(
                    \%(name=>"perl", type=>"PV",),
                    \%(name=>"*/", type=>"PV", value=>'"CLOSE"', macro=>1),
                    \%(name=>"/*", type=>"PV", value=>'"OPEN"', macro=>1),
                    \%(name=>$pound, type=>"PV", value=>'"Sterling"', macro=>1),

my @args = @( undef );
push @args, \@(PROXYSUBS => 1);
foreach my $args ( @args)
  # Simple tests
  my $parent_rfc1149 =
    'A Standard for the Transmission of IP Datagrams on Avian Carriers';
  # Test the code that generates 1 and 2 letter name comparisons.
  my %compass = %(
                 N => 0, 'NE' => 45, E => 90, SE => 135,
                 S => 180, SW => 225, W => 270, NW => 315

  my $header = << "EOT";
#define FIVE 5
#define OK6 "ok 6\\n"
#define OK7 1
#define FARTHING 0.25
#define NOT_ZERO 1
#define Yes 0
#define No 1
#define Undef 1
#define RFC1149 "$parent_rfc1149"
#undef NOTDEF
#define perl "rules"

  while (my @(?$point, ?$bearing) =@( each %compass)) {
    $header .= "#define $point $bearing\n"

  my @items = @("FIVE", \%(name=>"OK6", type=>"PV",),
               \%(name=>"OK7", type=>"PVN",
                value=>\@('"not ok 7\n\0ok 7\n"', 15)),
               \%(name => "FARTHING", type=>"NV"),
               \%(name => "NOT_ZERO", type=>"UV", value=>"~(UV)0"),
               \%(name => "OPEN", type=>"PV", value=>'"/*"', macro=>1),
               \%(name => "CLOSE", type=>"PV", value=>'"*/"',
                macro=>\@("#if 1\n", "#endif\n")),
               \%(name => "ANSWER", default=>\@("UV", 42)), "NOTDEF",
               \%(name => "Yes", type=>"YES"),
               \%(name => "No", type=>"NO"),
               \%(name => "Undef", type=>"UNDEF"),
  # OK. It wasn't really designed to allow the creation of dual valued
  # constants.
               \%(name=>"RFC1149", type=>"SV", value=>"sv_2mortal(temp_sv)",
                pre=>"SV *temp_sv = newSVpv(RFC1149, 0); "
                . "(void) SvUPGRADE(temp_sv,SVt_PVIV); SvIOK_on(temp_sv); "
                . "SvIV_set(temp_sv, 1149);"),

  push @items, $_ foreach keys %compass;

  # Automatically compile the list of all the macro names, and make them
  # exported constants.
  my @export_names = map {(ref $_) ?? $_->{name} !! $_}, @items;

  # Exporter::Heavy (currently) isn't able to export the last 3 of these:
  push @items, < @common_items;

  my $test_body = <<"EOT";

my \$test = $dummytest;


  $test_body .= <<'EOT';
# What follows goes to the temporary file.
# IV
my $five = FIVE;
if ($five == 5) {
  print $^STDOUT, "ok $test\n";
} else {
  print $^STDOUT, "not ok $test # \$five\n";

# PV
if (OK6 eq "ok 6\n") {
  print $^STDOUT, "ok $test\n";
} else {
  print $^STDOUT, "not ok $test # \$five\n";

# PVN containing embedded \0s
$_ = OK7;
print $^STDOUT, $_;

# NV
my $farthing = FARTHING;
if ($farthing == 0.25) {
  print $^STDOUT, "ok $test\n";
} else {
  print $^STDOUT, "not ok $test # $farthing\n";

# UV
my $not_zero = NOT_ZERO;
if ($not_zero +> 0 && $not_zero == ^~^0) {
  print $^STDOUT, "ok $test\n";
} else {
  print $^STDOUT, "not ok $test # \$not_zero=$not_zero ^~^0=" . (^~^0) . "\n";

# Value includes a "*/" in an attempt to bust out of a C comment.
# Also tests custom cpp #if clauses
my $close = CLOSE;
if ($close eq '*/') {
  print $^STDOUT, "ok $test\n";
} else {
  print $^STDOUT, "not ok $test # \$close='$close'\n";

# Default values if macro not defined.
my $answer = ANSWER;
if ($answer == 42) {
  print $^STDOUT, "ok $test\n";
} else {
  print $^STDOUT, "not ok $test # What do you get if you multiply six by nine? '$answer'\n";

# not defined macro
my $notdef = try { NOTDEF; };
if (defined $notdef) {
  print $^STDOUT, "not ok $test # \$notdef='$notdef'\n";
} elsif ($^EVAL_ERROR->{description} !~ m/Your vendor has not defined the requested ExtTest macro/) {
  warn $^EVAL_ERROR->message;
  print $^STDOUT, "not ok $test\n";
} else {
  print $^STDOUT, "ok $test\n";

# not a macro
my $notthere = try { ExtTest::NOTTHERE(); };
if (defined $notthere) {
  print $^STDOUT, "not ok $test # \$notthere='$notthere'\n";
} elsif ($^EVAL_ERROR->{description} !~ m/Undefined subroutine .*NOTTHERE called/) {
  chomp $^EVAL_ERROR;
  print $^STDOUT, "not ok $test # \$^EVAL_ERROR='$^EVAL_ERROR'\n";
} else {
  print $^STDOUT, "ok $test\n";

# Truth
my $yes = Yes;
if ($yes) {
  print $^STDOUT, "ok $test\n";
} else {
  print $^STDOUT, "not ok $test # $yes='\$yes'\n";

# Falsehood
my $no = No;
if (defined $no and !$no) {
  print $^STDOUT, "ok $test\n";
} else {
  print $^STDOUT, "not ok $test # \$no=" . defined ($no) ?? "'$no'\n" !! "undef\n";

# Undef
my $undef = Undef;
unless (defined $undef) {
  print $^STDOUT, "ok $test\n";
} else {
  print $^STDOUT, "not ok $test # \$undef='$undef'\n";

# invalid macro (chosen to look like a mix up between No and SW)
$notdef = try { ExtTest::So() };
if (defined $notdef) {
  print $^STDOUT, "not ok $test # \$notdef='$notdef'\n";
} elsif ($^EVAL_ERROR->{description} !~ m/^Undefined subroutine .*So called/) {
  print $^STDOUT, "not ok $test # \$^EVAL_ERROR='$^EVAL_ERROR'\n";
} else {
  print $^STDOUT, "ok $test\n";

# invalid defined macro
$notdef = try { ExtTest::EW() };
if (defined $notdef) {
  print $^STDOUT, "not ok $test # \$notdef='$notdef'\n";
} elsif ($^EVAL_ERROR->{description} !~ m/^Undefined subroutine .*EW called/) {
  print $^STDOUT, "not ok $test # \$^EVAL_ERROR='$^EVAL_ERROR'\n";
} else {
  print $^STDOUT, "ok $test\n";

my %compass = %(

while (my @(?$point, ?$bearing) =@( each %compass)) {
  $test_body .= "'$point' => $bearing, "

$test_body .= <<'EOT';


my $fail;
while (my @(?$point, ?$bearing) = @: each %compass) {
  my $val = eval $point;
  if ($^EVAL_ERROR) {
    print $^STDOUT, "# $point: \$^EVAL_ERROR='$^EVAL_ERROR'\n";
    $fail = 1;
  } elsif (!defined $bearing) {
    print $^STDOUT, "# $point: \$val=undef\n";
    $fail = 1;
  } elsif ($val != $bearing) {
    print $^STDOUT, "# $point: \$val=$val, not $bearing\n";
    $fail = 1;
if ($fail) {
  print $^STDOUT, "not ok $test\n";
} else {
  print $^STDOUT, "ok $test\n";


$test_body .= <<"EOT";
my \$rfc1149 = RFC1149;
if (\$rfc1149 ne "$parent_rfc1149") \{
  print \$^STDOUT, "not ok \$test # '\$rfc1149' ne '$parent_rfc1149'\n";
\} else \{
  print \$^STDOUT, "ok \$test\n";

if (\$rfc1149 != 1149) \{
  printf \$^STDOUT, "not ok \$test # \\\%d != 1149\n", \$rfc1149;
\} else \{
  print \$^STDOUT, "ok \$test\n";


$test_body .= <<'EOT';
# test macro=>1
my $open = OPEN;
if ($open eq '/*') {
  print $^STDOUT, "ok $test\n";
} else {
  print $^STDOUT, "not ok $test # \$open='$open'\n";

  end_tests("Simple tests", \@items, \@export_names, $header, $test_body,

# XXX I think that I should merge this into the utf8 test above.
sub explict_call_constant($string, $expect) {
  # This does assume simple strings suitable for ''
  my $test_body = <<"EOT";
do \{
  my \@(?\$error, ?\$got) = \@: $($package)::constant ('$string');\n;

  if (defined $expect) {
    # No error expected
    $test_body .= <<"EOT";
  if (\$error or \$got ne "$expect") \{
    print $^STDOUT, "not ok $dummytest # error '\$error', expect '$expect', got '\$got'\n";
  \} else \{
    print $^STDOUT, "ok $dummytest\n";
  } else {
    # Error expected.
    $test_body .= <<"EOT";
  if (\$error) \{
    print \$^STDOUT, "ok $dummytest # error='\$error' (as expected)\n";
  \} else \{
    print \$^STDOUT, "not ok $dummytest # expected error, got no error and '\$got'\n";
  return $test_body . <<'EOT';

# Simple tests to verify bits of the switch generation system work.
sub simple {
  # Deliberately leave $name in @_, so that it is indexed from 1.
  my @($name, @< @items) =  @_;
  my $test_header;
  my $test_body = "my \$value;\n";
  foreach my $counter (1 .. ((nelems @_)-1)) {
    my $thisname = @_[$counter];
    $test_header .= "#define $thisname $counter\n";
    $test_body .= <<"EOT";
\$value = $thisname;
if (\$value == $counter) \{
  print \$^STDOUT, "ok $dummytest\n";
\} else \{
  print \$^STDOUT, "not ok $dummytest # $thisname gave \$value\n";
    # Yes, the last time round the loop appends a z to the string.
    for my $i (0 .. length $thisname) {
      my $copyname = $thisname;
      substr ($copyname, $i, 1, 'z');
      $test_body .= explict_call_constant ($copyname,
                                           $copyname eq $thisname
                                             ?? $thisname !! undef);
  # Ho. This seems to be buggy in 5.005_03:
  # # Now remove $name from @_:
  # shift @_;
  end_tests($name, \@items, \@items, $test_header, $test_body);

# Check that the memeq clauses work correctly when there isn't a switch
# statement to bump off a character
simple ("Singletons", "A", "AB", "ABC", "ABCD", "ABCDE");
# Check the three code.
simple ("Three start", < qw(Bea kea Lea lea nea pea rea sea tea Wea yea Zea));
# There were 162 2 letter words in /usr/share/dict/words on FreeBSD 4.6, which
# I felt was rather too many. So I used words with 2 vowels.
simple ("Twos and three middle", < qw(aa ae ai ea eu ie io oe era eta));
# Given the choice go for the end, else the earliest point
simple ("Three end and four symetry", < qw(ean ear eat barb marm tart));

write_and_run_extension < @$_ foreach  @tests;

# This was causing an assertion failure (a C<confess>ion)
# Any single byte > 128 should do it.
C_constant ($package, undef, undef, undef, undef, undef, chr 255);

print $^STDERR, "# You were running with \$keep_files set to $keep_files\n"
  if $keep_files;