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    if(env::var('PERL_CORE')) {
        chdir 't';
        $^INCLUDE_PATH = @( '../lib' );

use Pod::Simple::Search;
use Test::More;
BEGIN { plan tests => 7 }

print $^STDOUT, "# ", __FILE__,
 ": Testing the scanning of several (well, two) docroots...\n";

my $x = Pod::Simple::Search->new;
die "Couldn't make an object!?" unless ok defined $x;


$x->callback(sub {
  print $^STDOUT, "#  ", join("  ", map { "\{$_\}" }, @_), "\n";

use File::Spec;
use Cwd;
my $cwd = cwd();
print $^STDOUT, "# CWD: $cwd\n";

sub source_path {
    my $file = shift;
    if (env::var('PERL_CORE')) {
        my $updir = File::Spec->updir;
        my $dir = File::Spec->catdir($updir, 'lib', 'Pod', 'Simple', 't');
        return File::Spec->catdir ($dir, $file);
    } else {
        return $file;

my($here1, $here2);
if(        -e ($here1 = source_path('testlib1'))) {
  die "But where's $here2?"
    unless -e ($here2 = source_path('testlib2'));
} elsif(   -e ($here1 = File::Spec->catdir($cwd, 't', 'testlib1'      ))) {
  die "But where's $here2?"
    unless -e ($here2 = File::Spec->catdir($cwd, 't', 'testlib2'));
} else {
  die "Can't find the test corpora";
print $^STDOUT, "# OK, found the test corpora\n#  as $here1\n# and $here2\n";
ok 1;

print $^STDOUT, $x->_state_as_string;

use Pod::Simple;
*pretty = \&Pod::Simple::BlackBox::pretty;

print $^STDOUT, "# OK, starting run...\n# [[\n";
my@($name2where, $where2name) = @($x->survey($here1, $here2), $x->path2name);
print $^STDOUT, "# ]]\n#OK, run done.\n";

my $p = pretty( $where2name, $name2where )."\n";
$p =~ s/, +/,\n/g;
$p =~ s/^/#  /mg;
print $^STDOUT, $p;

do {
    my $names = join "|", sort values %$where2name;
    skip '-- case may or may not be preserved', 1 if $^OS_NAME eq 'VMS';

do {
    my $names = join "|", sort keys %$name2where;
    skip '-- case may or may not be preserved', 1 if $^OS_NAME eq 'VMS';

like( ($name2where->{?'squaa'} || 'huh???'), '/squaa\.pm$/');

is nelems(grep( { m/squaa\.pm/ }, keys %$where2name) ), 1;

ok 1;
