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print $^STDOUT, "1..55\n";

my $x = 'x';

print $^STDOUT, "#1	:$x: eq :x:\n";
if ($x eq 'x') {print $^STDOUT, "ok 1\n";} else {print $^STDOUT, "not ok 1\n";}

$x = '';

if ($x eq '') {print $^STDOUT, "ok 2\n";} else {print $^STDOUT, "not ok 2\n";}

our @x;
$x = ((nelems @x)-1);

if ($x eq '-1') {print $^STDOUT, "ok 3\n";} else {print $^STDOUT, "not ok 3\n";}

$x = '\\'; # ';

if (length($x) == 2) {print $^STDOUT, "ok 4\n";} else {print $^STDOUT, "not ok 4\n";}

eval 'while (0) {
    print $^STDOUT, "foo\n";
m/^/ && (print $^STDOUT, "ok 5\n");

our ($foo, %foo, $bar, $bar, @ary, $A, $X, @X, $N);

eval '%foo{+1} / 1;';
if (!$^EVAL_ERROR) {print $^STDOUT, "ok 6\n";} else {print $^STDOUT, "not ok 6 $^EVAL_ERROR\n";}

eval '$foo = 123+123.4+123e4+123.4E5+123.4e+5+.12;';

$foo = int($foo * 100 + .5);
if ($foo eq 2591024652) {print $^STDOUT, "ok 7\n";} else {print $^STDOUT, "not ok 7 :$foo:\n";}

print $^STDOUT, <<'EOF';
ok 8

$foo = 'ok 9';
print $^STDOUT, <<EOF;

eval <<\EOE, print $^STDOUT, $^EVAL_ERROR;
print $^STDOUT, <<'EOF';
ok 10

$foo = 'ok 11';
print $^STDOUT, <<EOF;

print $^STDOUT, <<'EOS' . <<\EOF;
ok 12 - make sure single quotes are honored \nnot ok
ok 13

print $^STDOUT, qq/ok 14\n/;
print $^STDOUT, qq(ok 15\n);

print $^STDOUT, qq
[ok 16\n]

print $^STDOUT, q<ok 17

print $^STDOUT, <<;   # Yow!
ok 18

# previous line intentionally left blank.

print $^STDOUT, <<E1 eq "foo\n\n" ?? "ok 19\n" !! "not ok 19\n";
$( <<E2

print $^STDOUT, <<E1 eq "foo\n\n" ?? "ok 20\n" !! "not ok 20\n";

do {
    $foo = 'FOO';
    $bar = 'BAR';
    %foo{+$bar} = 'BAZ';
    @ary[+0] = 'ABC';

print $^STDOUT, "%foo{?$bar}" eq "BAZ" ?? "ok 21\n" !! "not ok 21\n";

print $^STDOUT, "$($foo)\{$bar\}" eq "FOO\{BAR\}" ?? "ok 22\n" !! "not ok 22\n";
print $^STDOUT, "$(%foo{?$bar})" eq "BAZ" ?? "ok 23\n" !! "not ok 23\n";

#print "FOO:" =~ m/$foo[:]/ ? "ok 24\n" : "not ok 24\n";
print $^STDOUT, "ok 24\n";
print $^STDOUT, "ABC" =~ m/^@ary[$A]$/ ?? "ok 25\n" !! "not ok 25\n";
#print "FOOZ" =~ m/^$foo[$A-Z]$/ ? "ok 26\n" : "not ok 26\n";
print $^STDOUT, "ok 26\n";

# MJD 19980425
@($X, @< @X) =  qw(a b c d); 
print $^STDOUT, "d" =~ m/^@X[-1]$/ ?? "ok 27\n" !! "not ok 27\n";
print $^STDOUT, "a1" !~ m/^@X[-1]$/ ?? "ok 28\n" !! "not ok 28\n";

print ($^STDOUT, ((q{{\{\(}} . q{{\)\}}}) eq '{\{\(}} . q{{\)\}}') ?? "ok 29\n" !! "not ok 29\n");

$foo = "not ok 30\n";
$foo =~ s/^not /$(substr(<<EOF, 0, 0))/;
print $^STDOUT, $foo;

# Tests for new extended control-character variables
# MJD 19990227

do {
  print $^STDOUT, "ok 31\n";
  print $^STDOUT, "ok 32\n";
  print $^STDOUT, "ok 33\n";
  print $^STDOUT, "ok 34\n";
  print $^STDOUT, "ok 35\n";
  print $^STDOUT, "ok 36\n";
  print $^STDOUT, "ok 37\n";
  print $^STDOUT, "ok 38\n";

# Now let's make sure that caret variables are all forced into the main package.
  package Someother;
  $^RE_TRIE_MAXBUF = 'Someother 2';
  $^EMERGENCY_MEMORY = 'Someother 3';
  package main;
  print $^STDOUT, "ok 39\n";
  print $^STDOUT, "not " unless $^RE_TRIE_MAXBUF eq 'Someother 2';
  print $^STDOUT, "ok 40\n";
  print $^STDOUT, "not " unless $^EMERGENCY_MEMORY eq 'Someother 3';
  print $^STDOUT, "ok 41\n";


# see if eval '', s///e, and heredocs mix

sub T($where, $num) {
    my @($p,$f,$l) =@( caller);
    print $^STDOUT, "# $p:$f:$l vs /$where/\nnot " unless "$p:$f:$l" =~ m/$where/;
    print $^STDOUT, "ok $num\n";

my $test = 42;

do {
# line 42 "plink"
    local $_ = "not ok ";
    eval q{
	s/^not /{<<EOT}/ and T '^main:\(eval \d+\):2$', $test++;
# fuggedaboudit
        print $_, $test++, "\n";
	T('^main:\(eval \d+\):6$', $test++);
# line 1 "plunk"
	T('^main:plunk:1$', $test++);
    print $^STDOUT, "not ok $test # TODO heredoc inside quoted construct\n" if $^EVAL_ERROR; $test++;
    T '^main:plink:53$', $test++;
    print $^STDOUT, "ok 44\nok 45\nok 46\n";
#line 218 "lex.t"

# tests 47--51 start here
# tests for new array interpolation semantics:
# arrays now *always* interpolate into "..." strings.
# 20000522 MJD (
do {
  my $test = 47;
  our (@nosuch, @a, @example);
  eval(q(">$(join ' ', < @nosuch)<" eq "><")) || print $^STDOUT, "# $^EVAL_ERROR", "not ";
  print $^STDOUT, "ok $test\n";

  # Let's make sure that normal array interpolation still works right
  # For some reason, this appears not to be tested anywhere else.
  my @a = @(1,2,3);
  print($^STDOUT,  ((">$(join ' ',@a)<" eq ">1 2 3<") ?? '' !! 'not '), "ok $test\n");

  # Ditto.
  eval(q{@nosuch = @('a', 'b', 'c'); ">$(join ' ', @nosuch)<" eq ">a b c<"}) 
      || print $^STDOUT, "# $^EVAL_ERROR", "not ";
  print $^STDOUT, "ok $test\n";

  # This isn't actually a lex test, but it's testing the same feature
  sub makearray {
    my @array = @('fish', 'dog', 'carrot');
    *R::crackers = \@array;

  eval(q{makearray(); ">$(join ' ', @R::crackers)<" eq ">fish dog carrot<"})
    || print $^STDOUT, "# $^EVAL_ERROR", "not ";
  print $^STDOUT, "ok $test\n";

# Tests 52-54
# => should only quote foo::bar if it isn't a real sub. AMS, 20010621

sub xyz::foo { "bar" }
my %str = %(
    foo      => 1,
    xyz::foo => 1,
    'xyz::bar' => 1,

my $test = 51;
print ($^STDOUT, (exists %str{foo}      ?? "" !! "not ")."ok $test\n"); ++$test;
print ($^STDOUT, (exists %str{bar}      ?? "" !! "not ")."ok $test\n"); ++$test;
print ($^STDOUT, (exists %str{'xyz::bar'} ?? "" !! "not ")."ok $test\n"); ++$test;

sub foo::::::bar { print $^STDOUT, "ok $test\n"; $test++ }

eval "\$x =\x[E2]foo";
if ($^EVAL_ERROR->{?description} =~ m/Unrecognized character \\xE2 in column 5/) { print $^STDOUT, "ok $test\n"; } else { print $^STDOUT, "not ok $test\n"; }