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    $^WARN_HOOK = sub { die "Dying on warning: ", < @_ };

    require "./";

use warnings;
use Config;

plan tests => 30;

my $Is_MSWin32  = $^OS_NAME eq 'MSWin32';
my $Is_NetWare  = $^OS_NAME eq 'NetWare';
my $Is_VMS      = $^OS_NAME eq 'VMS';
my $Is_Dos      = $^OS_NAME eq 'dos';
my $Is_os2      = $^OS_NAME eq 'os2';
my $Is_Cygwin   = $^OS_NAME eq 'cygwin';
my $Is_MacOS    = $^OS_NAME eq 'MacOS';
my $Is_MPE      = $^OS_NAME eq 'mpeix';		
my $Is_miniperl = env::var('PERL_CORE_MINITEST');
my $Is_BeOS     = $^OS_NAME eq 'beos';

my $PERL = env::var('PERL')
    || ($Is_NetWare           ?? 'perl'   !!
       ($Is_MacOS || $Is_VMS) ?? $^EXECUTABLE_NAME      !!
       $Is_MSWin32            ?? '.\perl' !!

eval 'env::var("FOO") = "hi there";';	# check that ENV is inited inside eval
# cmd.exe will echo 'variable=value' but 4nt will echo just the value
# -- Nikola Knezevic
if ($Is_MSWin32)  { ok `set FOO` =~ m/^(?:FOO=)?hi there$/; }
elsif ($Is_MacOS) { ok "1 # skipped", 1; }
elsif ($Is_VMS)   { ok `write sys\$output f\$trnlnm("FOO")` eq "hi there\n"; }
else              { ok `echo \$FOO` eq "hi there\n"; }

unlink 'ajslkdfpqjsjfk';
$^OS_ERROR = 0;
open(my $foo, "<",'ajslkdfpqjsjfk');
close $foo; # just mention it, squelch used-only-once

# regex vars

# $?, $@, $$
if ($Is_MacOS) {
    skip('$? + system are broken on MacPerl') for 1..2;
else {
    system qq[$PERL "-I../lib" -e "use vmsish qw(hushed); exit(0)"];
    ok $^CHILD_ERROR == 0, '$?';
    system qq[$PERL "-I../lib" -e "use vmsish qw(hushed); exit(1)"];
    ok $^CHILD_ERROR != 0, '$?';

try { die "foo\n" };
ok $^EVAL_ERROR->{?description} eq "foo\n", '$@';

ok $^PID +> 0, $^PID;
try { $^PID++ };

ok $^EVAL_ERROR->{?description} =~ m/^Modification of the read-only magic variable \$\^PID attempted/;

our ($wd, $script);

# $^X and $0
do {
    if ($^OS_NAME eq 'qnx') {
	chomp($wd = `/usr/bin/fullpath -t`);
    elsif($Is_Cygwin || config_value('d_procselfexe')) {
       # Cygwin turns the symlink into the real file
       chomp($wd = `pwd`);
       $wd =~ s#/t$##;
       if ($Is_Cygwin) {
	   $wd = Cygwin::win_to_posix_path( <Cygwin::posix_to_win_path($wd, 1));
    elsif($Is_os2) {
       $wd = Cwd::sys_cwd();
    elsif($Is_MacOS) {
       $wd = ':';
    else {
	$wd = '.';
    my $perl = ($Is_MacOS || $Is_VMS) ?? $^EXECUTABLE_NAME !! "$wd/perl";
    my $headmaybe = '';
    my $middlemaybe = '';
    my $tailmaybe = '';
    $script = "$wd/show-shebang";
    if ($Is_MSWin32) {
	chomp($wd = `cd`);
	$wd =~ s|\\|/|g;
	$perl = "$wd/perl.exe";
	$script = "$wd/show-shebang.bat";
	$headmaybe = <<EOH ;
\@rem ='
\@echo off
$perl -x \%0
goto endofperl
\@rem ';
	$tailmaybe = <<EOT ;

    elsif ($Is_os2) {
      $script = "./show-shebang";
    elsif ($Is_MacOS) {
      $script = ":show-shebang";
    elsif ($Is_VMS) {
      $script = "[]show-shebang";
    elsif ($Is_Cygwin) {
      $middlemaybe = <<'EOX'
$^EXECUTABLE_NAME = Cygwin::win_to_posix_path(Cygwin::posix_to_win_path($^EXECUTABLE_NAME, 1));
$^PROGRAM_NAME = Cygwin::win_to_posix_path(Cygwin::posix_to_win_path($^PROGRAM_NAME, 1));
    if ($^OS_NAME eq 'os390' or $^OS_NAME eq 'posix-bc' or $^OS_NAME eq 'vmesa') {  # no shebang
	$headmaybe = <<EOH ;
    eval 'exec ./perl -S \$0 \$\{1+"\$\@"\}'
        if 0;
    my $s1 = "\$^EXECUTABLE_NAME is $perl, \$^PROGRAM_NAME is $script\n";
    ok open(my $script_fh, ">", "$script"), '$!';
    ok print($script_fh, $headmaybe . <<EOB . $middlemaybe . <<'EOF' . $tailmaybe), '$!';
    ok close($script_fh), '$!';
    ok chmod(0755, $script), '$!';
    $_ = ($Is_MacOS || $Is_VMS) ?? `$perl $script` !! `$script`;
    s/\.exe//i if $Is_Dos or $Is_Cygwin or $Is_os2;
    s{./$script}{$script} if $Is_BeOS; # revert BeOS execvp() side-effect
    s{\bminiperl\b}{perl}; # so that test doesn't fail with miniperl
    s{is perl}{is $perl}; # for systems where $^X is only a basename
    ok((($Is_MSWin32 || $Is_os2) ?? uc($_) eq uc($s1) !! $_ eq $s1), ' :$_:!=:$s1:');
    $_ = `$perl $script`;
    s/\.exe//i if $Is_Dos or $Is_os2 or $Is_Cygwin;
    s{./$perl}{$perl} if $Is_BeOS; # revert BeOS execvp() side-effect
    ok(($Is_MSWin32 || $Is_os2) ?? uc($_) eq uc($s1) !! $_ eq $s1) or diag " :$_:!=:$s1: after `$perl $script`";
    ok unlink($script) or diag $^OS_ERROR;

# $], $^O, $^T
ok $^OS_NAME;
ok $^BASETIME +> 850000000, $^BASETIME;

if ($Is_VMS || $Is_Dos || $Is_MacOS) {
    skip("\%ENV manipulations fail or aren't safe on $^OS_NAME") for 1..4;
else {
	if (env::var('PERL_VALGRIND')) {
	    skip("clearing \%ENV is not safe when running under valgrind");
	} else {
	    my $PATH = env::var('PATH');
	    my $PDL = env::var('PERL_DESTRUCT_LEVEL') || 0;
	    env::var('foo' ) = "bar";
            for (env::keys()) {
                env::var($_) = undef;
	    env::var('PATH' ) = $PATH;
	    env::var('PERL_DESTRUCT_LEVEL' ) = $PDL || 0;
	    ok ($Is_MSWin32 ?? (`set foo 2>NUL` eq "")
			    !! (`echo \$foo` eq "\n") );

	env::var('__NoNeSuCh' ) = "foo";
	$^PROGRAM_NAME = "bar";
# cmd.exe will echo 'variable=value' but 4nt will echo just the value
# -- Nikola Knezevic
       ok ($Is_MSWin32 ?? (`set __NoNeSuCh` =~ m/^(?:__NoNeSuCh=)?foo$/)
			    !! (`echo \$__NoNeSuCh` eq "foo\n") );
	if ($^OS_NAME =~ m/^(linux|freebsd)$/ &&
	    open my $cmdline, '<', "/proc/$^PID/cmdline") {
	    chomp(my $line = scalar ~< $cmdline);
	    my $me = (split m/\0/, $line)[0];
	    ok($me eq $^PROGRAM_NAME, 'altering $0 is effective (testing with /proc/)');
	    close $cmdline;
            # perlbug #22811
            my $mydollarzero = sub {
              my@($arg) =@( shift);
              $^PROGRAM_NAME = $arg if defined $arg;
	      # In FreeBSD the ps -o command= will cause
	      # an empty header line, grab only the last line.
              my $ps = @(`ps -o command= -p $^PID`)[-1];
              return if $^CHILD_ERROR;
              chomp $ps;
              printf $^STDOUT, "# 0[\%s]ps[\%s]\n", $^PROGRAM_NAME, $ps;
            my $ps = $mydollarzero->("x");
            ok(!$ps  # we allow that something goes wrong with the ps command
	       # In Linux 2.4 we would get an exact match ($ps eq 'x') but
	       # in Linux 2.2 there seems to be something funny going on:
	       # it seems as if the original length of the argv[] would
	       # be stored in the proc struct and then used by ps(1),
	       # no matter what characters we use to pad the argv[].
	       # (And if we use \0:s, they are shown as spaces.)  Sigh.
               || $ps =~ m/^x\s*$/
	       # FreeBSD cannot get rid of both the leading "perl :"
	       # and the trailing " (perl)": some FreeBSD versions
	       # can get rid of the first one.
	       || ($^OS_NAME eq 'freebsd' && $ps =~ m/^(?:perl: )?x(?: \(perl\))?$/),
		       'altering $0 is effective (testing with `ps`)');
	} else {
	    skip("\$0 check only on Linux and FreeBSD") for @( 0, 1);

do {
    my $ok = 1;
    my $warn = '';
    local $^WARN_HOOK = sub { $ok = 0; $warn = join '', @_; };
    $^OS_ERROR = undef;
    ok($ok, $warn, $Is_VMS ?? "'\$!=undef' does throw a warning" !! '');

SKIP: do {
    # test case-insignificance of %ENV (these tests must be enabled only
    # when perl is compiled with -DENV_IS_CASELESS)
    skip('no caseless %ENV support', 3) unless $Is_MSWin32 || $Is_NetWare;
    for (env::keys()) {
        env::var($_) = undef;
    env::var('Foo' ) = 'bar';
    env::var('fOo' ) = 'baz';
    ok (nelems(env::keys()) == 1);
    ok defined(env::var('FOo'));
    env::var('foO') = undef;
    ok (nelems(env::keys()) == 0);

try { ok $^EXCEPTIONS_BEING_CAUGHT == 1 };
eval " BEGIN \{ ok ! defined \$^S \} ";

# Tests for the magic get of $\
do {
    my $ok = 0;
    # [perl #19330]
    do {
    ok $ok;
    $ok = 0;
    do {
	local $^OUTPUT_RECORD_SEPARATOR = "a\0b";
	$ok = "a$($^OUTPUT_RECORD_SEPARATOR)b" eq "aa\0bb";
    ok $ok;

# Test for bug [perl #36434]
do {
    our @ISA;
    local @ISA;
    # This used to be __PACKAGE__, but that causes recursive
    #  inheritance, which is detected earlier now and broke
    #  this test
    try { push @ISA, __FILE__ };
    ok( $^EVAL_ERROR eq '', 'Push a constant on a magic array');
    $^EVAL_ERROR and print "# $^EVAL_ERROR";