package Tk::TextHighlight::HTML;

use vars qw($VERSION);
$VERSION = '0.2';

use strict;
use base('Tk::TextHighlight::Template');

sub new {
	my ($proto, $rules) = @_;
	my $class = ref($proto) || $proto;
	if (not defined($rules)) {
		$rules =  [
			['Tag', -foreground => 'brown'],
			['Attr', -foreground => 'darkblue'],
			['Comment', -foreground => 'lightblue'],
			['Value', -foreground => 'orange'],
			['String', -foreground => 'red'],
			['SpChar', -foreground => 'magenta'],
	my $self = $class->SUPER::new($rules);
	bless ($self, $class);
	return $self;

sub highlight {
	my $hlt = shift;
	my @in = split //o, shift;
	my $out = $hlt->out;
	@$out = ();
	foreach my $c (@in) {
		if ($c eq '<') {
			if ($hlt->stackTop eq 'Text') {
#				print "opening Tag\n";
			} else {
		} elsif ($c eq '>') {
			if ($hlt->stackTop eq 'Tag') {
#				print "closing Tag\n";
			} elsif (($hlt->stackTop eq 'Value') or ($hlt->stackTop eq 'Attr') or ($hlt->stackTop eq 'Comment')) {
#				print "closing Tag\n";
			} else {
		} elsif ($c eq '"') {
			if (($hlt->stackTop eq 'Value') or ($hlt->stackTop eq 'Comment')) {
#				print "opening String\n";
			} elsif ($hlt->stackTop eq 'String') {
#				print "closing String\n";
			} else {
		} elsif ($c eq '!') {
			if ($hlt->stackTop eq 'Tag') {
#				print "opening Comment\n";
			} else {
		} elsif ($c eq '&') {
			if ($hlt->stackTop eq 'Text') {
#				print "opening SpChar\n";
			} else {
		} elsif ($c eq ';') {
			if ($hlt->stackTop eq 'SpChar') {
#				print "closing SpChar\n";
			} else {
		} elsif ($c eq '=') {
			if ($hlt->stackTop eq 'Attr') {
#				print "opening Value\n";
			} else {
		} elsif ($c =~ /\s/o) {
			if ($hlt->stackTop eq 'Tag') {
#				print "opening Attr\n";
			} elsif ($hlt->stackTop eq 'Value') {
			} elsif ($hlt->stackTop eq 'SpChar') {
			} else {
		} else {
	return @$out;



=head1 NAME

Tk::TextHighlight::HTML - a Plugin for HTML syntax highlighting


 require Tk::TextHighlight::HTML;
 my $sh = new Tk::TextHighlight::HTML($textwidget, [
   ['Tag', -foreground => 'brown'],
   ['Attr', -foreground => 'darkblue'],
   ['Comment', -foreground => 'lightblue'],
   ['Value', -foreground => 'orange'],
   ['String', -foreground => 'red'],
   ['SpChar', -foreground => 'magenta'],


Tk::TextHighlight::HTML is a  plugin module that provides syntax highlighting
for HTML to a Tk::TextHighlight text widget.

It works quite fine, but can use refinement and optimization.

It inherits Tk::TextHighlight::None. See also there.

=head1 METHODS

=over 4

=item B<highlight>(I<$string>);

returns a list of string snippets and tags that can be inserted
in a Tk::Text like widget instantly.

=item B<syntax>

returns 'HTML'.



=head1 AUTHOR

Hans Jeuken (


=head1 BUGS

