The London Perl and Raku Workshop takes place on 26th Oct 2024. If your company depends on Perl, please consider sponsoring and/or attending.

   Copyright (c) 2003-2014 Greg Sabino Mullane and others: see the Changes file
   You may distribute under the terms of either the GNU General Public
   License or the Artistic License, as specified in the Perl README file.


    Please do not edit the C portions of this file directly. 
    It is automatically generated by the enclosed Perl script.

#include "Pg.h"

static sql_type_info_t pg_types[] = {
 {PG_ABSTIMEARRAY      ,"_abstime"         ,1,',',"array_out"           ,quote_string,dequote_string,{0},0},
 {PG_ACLITEMARRAY      ,"_aclitem"         ,1,',',"array_out"           ,quote_string,dequote_string,{0},0},
 {PG_BITARRAY          ,"_bit"             ,1,',',"array_out"           ,quote_string,dequote_string,{0},0},
 {PG_BOOLARRAY         ,"_bool"            ,1,',',"array_out"           ,quote_string,dequote_string,{0},3},
 {PG_BOXARRAY          ,"_box"             ,1,';',"array_out"           ,quote_string,dequote_string,{0},0},
 {PG_BPCHARARRAY       ,"_bpchar"          ,1,',',"array_out"           ,quote_string,dequote_string,{0},0},
 {PG_BYTEAARRAY        ,"_bytea"           ,1,',',"array_out"           ,quote_string,dequote_string,{0},0},
 {PG_CHARARRAY         ,"_char"            ,1,',',"array_out"           ,quote_string,dequote_string,{0},0},
 {PG_CIDARRAY          ,"_cid"             ,1,',',"array_out"           ,quote_string,dequote_string,{0},0},
 {PG_CIDRARRAY         ,"_cidr"            ,1,',',"array_out"           ,quote_string,dequote_string,{0},0},
 {PG_CIRCLEARRAY       ,"_circle"          ,1,',',"array_out"           ,quote_string,dequote_string,{0},0},
 {PG_CSTRINGARRAY      ,"_cstring"         ,1,',',"array_out"           ,quote_string,dequote_string,{0},0},
 {PG_DATEARRAY         ,"_date"            ,1,',',"array_out"           ,quote_string,dequote_string,{0},0},
 {PG_DATERANGEARRAY    ,"_daterange"       ,1,',',"array_out"           ,quote_string,dequote_string,{0},0},
 {PG_FLOAT4ARRAY       ,"_float4"          ,1,',',"array_out"           ,quote_string,dequote_string,{0},2},
 {PG_FLOAT8ARRAY       ,"_float8"          ,1,',',"array_out"           ,quote_string,dequote_string,{0},2},
 {PG_GTSVECTORARRAY    ,"_gtsvector"       ,1,',',"array_out"           ,quote_string,dequote_string,{0},0},
 {PG_INETARRAY         ,"_inet"            ,1,',',"array_out"           ,quote_string,dequote_string,{0},0},
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 {PG_INT2VECTORARRAY   ,"_int2vector"      ,1,',',"array_out"           ,quote_string,dequote_string,{0},0},
 {PG_INT4ARRAY         ,"_int4"            ,1,',',"array_out"           ,quote_string,dequote_string,{0},1},
 {PG_INT4RANGEARRAY    ,"_int4range"       ,1,',',"array_out"           ,quote_string,dequote_string,{0},0},
 {PG_INT8ARRAY         ,"_int8"            ,1,',',"array_out"           ,quote_string,dequote_string,{0},0},
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 {PG_INTERVALARRAY     ,"_interval"        ,1,',',"array_out"           ,quote_string,dequote_string,{0},0},
 {PG_JSONARRAY         ,"_json"            ,1,',',"array_out"           ,quote_string,dequote_string,{0},0},
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 {PG_OIDARRAY          ,"_oid"             ,1,',',"array_out"           ,quote_string,dequote_string,{0},1},
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 {PG_PATHARRAY         ,"_path"            ,1,',',"array_out"           ,quote_string,dequote_string,{0},0},
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 {PG_REGPROCEDUREARRAY ,"_regprocedure"    ,1,',',"array_out"           ,quote_string,dequote_string,{0},0},
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 {PG_TEXTARRAY         ,"_text"            ,1,',',"array_out"           ,quote_string,dequote_string,{0},0},
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 {PG_TIMEARRAY         ,"_time"            ,1,',',"array_out"           ,quote_string,dequote_string,{0},0},
 {PG_TIMESTAMPARRAY    ,"_timestamp"       ,1,',',"array_out"           ,quote_string,dequote_string,{0},0},
 {PG_TIMESTAMPTZARRAY  ,"_timestamptz"     ,1,',',"array_out"           ,quote_string,dequote_string,{0},0},
 {PG_TIMETZARRAY       ,"_timetz"          ,1,',',"array_out"           ,quote_string,dequote_string,{0},0},
 {PG_TINTERVALARRAY    ,"_tinterval"       ,1,',',"array_out"           ,quote_string,dequote_string,{0},0},
 {PG_TSQUERYARRAY      ,"_tsquery"         ,1,',',"array_out"           ,quote_string,dequote_string,{0},0},
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 {PG_TSTZRANGEARRAY    ,"_tstzrange"       ,1,',',"array_out"           ,quote_string,dequote_string,{0},0},
 {PG_TSVECTORARRAY     ,"_tsvector"        ,1,',',"array_out"           ,quote_string,dequote_string,{0},0},
 {PG_TXID_SNAPSHOTARRAY,"_txid_snapshot"   ,1,',',"array_out"           ,quote_string,dequote_string,{0},0},
 {PG_UUIDARRAY         ,"_uuid"            ,1,',',"array_out"           ,quote_string,dequote_string,{0},0},
 {PG_VARBITARRAY       ,"_varbit"          ,1,',',"array_out"           ,quote_string,dequote_string,{0},0},
 {PG_VARCHARARRAY      ,"_varchar"         ,1,',',"array_out"           ,quote_string,dequote_string,{0},0},
 {PG_XIDARRAY          ,"_xid"             ,1,',',"array_out"           ,quote_string,dequote_string,{0},0},
 {PG_XMLARRAY          ,"_xml"             ,1,',',"array_out"           ,quote_string,dequote_string,{0},0},
 {PG_ABSTIME           ,"abstime"          ,1,',',"abstimeout"          ,quote_string,dequote_string,{0},0},
 {PG_ACLITEM           ,"aclitem"          ,1,',',"aclitemout"          ,quote_string,dequote_string,{0},0},
 {PG_ANY               ,"any"              ,1,',',"any_out"             ,quote_string,dequote_string,{0},0},
 {PG_ANYARRAY          ,"anyarray"         ,1,',',"anyarray_out"        ,quote_string,dequote_string,{0},0},
 {PG_ANYELEMENT        ,"anyelement"       ,1,',',"anyelement_out"      ,quote_string,dequote_string,{0},0},
 {PG_ANYENUM           ,"anyenum"          ,1,',',"anyenum_out"         ,quote_string,dequote_string,{0},0},
 {PG_ANYNONARRAY       ,"anynonarray"      ,1,',',"anynonarray_out"     ,quote_string,dequote_string,{0},0},
 {PG_ANYRANGE          ,"anyrange"         ,1,',',"anyrange_out"        ,quote_string,dequote_string,{0},0},
 {PG_BIT               ,"bit"              ,1,',',"bit_out"             ,quote_string,dequote_string,{0},0},
 {PG_BOOL              ,"bool"             ,1,',',"boolout"             ,quote_bool  ,dequote_bool  ,{SQL_BOOLEAN},3},
 {PG_BOX               ,"box"              ,1,';',"box_out"             ,quote_geom  ,dequote_string,{0},0},
 {PG_BPCHAR            ,"bpchar"           ,1,',',"bpcharout"           ,quote_string,dequote_char  ,{SQL_CHAR},0},
 {PG_BYTEA             ,"bytea"            ,1,',',"byteaout"            ,quote_bytea ,dequote_bytea ,{SQL_VARBINARY},0},
 {PG_CHAR              ,"char"             ,1,',',"charout"             ,quote_string,dequote_char  ,{SQL_CHAR},0},
 {PG_CID               ,"cid"              ,1,',',"cidout"              ,quote_string,dequote_string,{0},0},
 {PG_CIDR              ,"cidr"             ,1,',',"cidr_out"            ,quote_string,dequote_string,{0},0},
 {PG_CIRCLE            ,"circle"           ,1,',',"circle_out"          ,quote_circle,dequote_string,{0},0},
 {PG_CSTRING           ,"cstring"          ,1,',',"cstring_out"         ,quote_string,dequote_string,{0},0},
 {PG_DATE              ,"date"             ,1,',',"date_out"            ,quote_string,dequote_string,{SQL_TYPE_DATE},0},
 {PG_DATERANGE         ,"daterange"        ,1,',',"range_out"           ,quote_string,dequote_string,{0},0},
 {PG_EVENT_TRIGGER     ,"event_trigger"    ,1,',',"event_trigger_out"   ,quote_string,dequote_string,{0},0},
 {PG_FDW_HANDLER       ,"fdw_handler"      ,1,',',"fdw_handler_out"     ,quote_string,dequote_string,{0},0},
 {PG_FLOAT4            ,"float4"           ,1,',',"float4out"           ,quote_float ,null_dequote  ,{0},2},
 {PG_FLOAT8            ,"float8"           ,1,',',"float8out"           ,quote_float ,null_dequote  ,{SQL_FLOAT},2},
 {PG_GTSVECTOR         ,"gtsvector"        ,1,',',"gtsvectorout"        ,quote_string,dequote_string,{0},0},
 {PG_INET              ,"inet"             ,1,',',"inet_out"            ,quote_string,dequote_string,{0},0},
 {PG_INT2              ,"int2"             ,1,',',"int2out"             ,quote_int   ,null_dequote  ,{SQL_SMALLINT},1},
 {PG_INT2VECTOR        ,"int2vector"       ,1,',',"int2vectorout"       ,quote_string,dequote_string,{0},0},
 {PG_INT4              ,"int4"             ,1,',',"int4out"             ,quote_int   ,null_dequote  ,{SQL_INTEGER},1},
 {PG_INT4RANGE         ,"int4range"        ,1,',',"range_out"           ,quote_string,dequote_string,{0},0},
 {PG_INT8              ,"int8"             ,1,',',"int8out"             ,quote_int   ,null_dequote  ,{SQL_BIGINT},0},
 {PG_INT8RANGE         ,"int8range"        ,1,',',"range_out"           ,quote_string,dequote_string,{0},0},
 {PG_INTERNAL          ,"internal"         ,1,',',"internal_out"        ,quote_string,dequote_string,{0},0},
 {PG_INTERVAL          ,"interval"         ,1,',',"interval_out"        ,quote_string,dequote_string,{0},0},
 {PG_JSON              ,"json"             ,1,',',"json_out"            ,quote_string,dequote_string,{0},0},
 {PG_JSONB             ,"jsonb"            ,1,',',"jsonb_out"           ,quote_string,dequote_string,{0},0},
 {PG_LANGUAGE_HANDLER  ,"language_handler" ,1,',',"language_handler_out",quote_string,dequote_string,{0},0},
 {PG_LINE              ,"line"             ,1,',',"line_out"            ,quote_geom  ,dequote_string,{0},0},
 {PG_LSEG              ,"lseg"             ,1,',',"lseg_out"            ,quote_geom  ,dequote_string,{0},0},
 {PG_MACADDR           ,"macaddr"          ,1,',',"macaddr_out"         ,quote_string,dequote_string,{0},0},
 {PG_MONEY             ,"money"            ,1,',',"cash_out"            ,quote_string,dequote_string,{0},0},
 {PG_NAME              ,"name"             ,1,',',"nameout"             ,quote_name  ,null_dequote  ,{SQL_VARCHAR},0},
 {PG_NUMERIC           ,"numeric"          ,1,',',"numeric_out"         ,quote_float ,null_dequote  ,{SQL_DECIMAL},2},
 {PG_NUMRANGE          ,"numrange"         ,1,',',"range_out"           ,quote_string,dequote_string,{0},0},
 {PG_OID               ,"oid"              ,1,',',"oidout"              ,quote_int   ,null_dequote  ,{0},1},
 {PG_OIDVECTOR         ,"oidvector"        ,1,',',"oidvectorout"        ,quote_string,dequote_string,{0},0},
 {PG_OPAQUE            ,"opaque"           ,1,',',"opaque_out"          ,quote_string,dequote_string,{0},0},
 {PG_PATH              ,"path"             ,1,',',"path_out"            ,quote_path  ,dequote_string,{0},0},
 {PG_PG_ATTRIBUTE      ,"pg_attribute"     ,1,',',"record_out"          ,quote_string,dequote_string,{0},0},
 {PG_PG_CLASS          ,"pg_class"         ,1,',',"record_out"          ,quote_string,dequote_string,{0},0},
 {PG_PG_LSN            ,"pg_lsn"           ,1,',',"pg_lsn_out"          ,quote_string,dequote_string,{0},0},
 {PG_PG_NODE_TREE      ,"pg_node_tree"     ,1,',',"pg_node_tree_out"    ,quote_string,dequote_string,{0},0},
 {PG_PG_PROC           ,"pg_proc"          ,1,',',"record_out"          ,quote_string,dequote_string,{0},0},
 {PG_PG_TYPE           ,"pg_type"          ,1,',',"record_out"          ,quote_string,dequote_string,{0},0},
 {PG_POINT             ,"point"            ,1,',',"point_out"           ,quote_geom  ,dequote_string,{0},0},
 {PG_POLYGON           ,"polygon"          ,1,',',"poly_out"            ,quote_geom  ,dequote_string,{0},0},
 {PG_RECORD            ,"record"           ,1,',',"record_out"          ,quote_string,dequote_string,{0},0},
 {PG_REFCURSOR         ,"refcursor"        ,1,',',"textout"             ,quote_string,dequote_string,{0},0},
 {PG_REGCLASS          ,"regclass"         ,1,',',"regclassout"         ,quote_string,dequote_string,{0},0},
 {PG_REGCONFIG         ,"regconfig"        ,1,',',"regconfigout"        ,quote_string,dequote_string,{0},0},
 {PG_REGDICTIONARY     ,"regdictionary"    ,1,',',"regdictionaryout"    ,quote_string,dequote_string,{0},0},
 {PG_REGOPER           ,"regoper"          ,1,',',"regoperout"          ,quote_string,dequote_string,{0},0},
 {PG_REGOPERATOR       ,"regoperator"      ,1,',',"regoperatorout"      ,quote_string,dequote_string,{0},0},
 {PG_REGPROC           ,"regproc"          ,1,',',"regprocout"          ,quote_string,dequote_string,{0},0},
 {PG_REGPROCEDURE      ,"regprocedure"     ,1,',',"regprocedureout"     ,quote_string,dequote_string,{0},0},
 {PG_REGTYPE           ,"regtype"          ,1,',',"regtypeout"          ,quote_string,dequote_string,{0},0},
 {PG_RELTIME           ,"reltime"          ,1,',',"reltimeout"          ,quote_string,dequote_string,{0},0},
 {PG_SMGR              ,"smgr"             ,1,',',"smgrout"             ,quote_string,dequote_string,{0},0},
 {PG_TEXT              ,"text"             ,1,',',"textout"             ,quote_string,dequote_string,{SQL_LONGVARCHAR},0},
 {PG_TID               ,"tid"              ,1,',',"tidout"              ,quote_geom  ,dequote_string,{0},0},
 {PG_TIME              ,"time"             ,1,',',"time_out"            ,quote_string,dequote_string,{SQL_TYPE_TIME},0},
 {PG_TIMESTAMP         ,"timestamp"        ,1,',',"timestamp_out"       ,quote_string,dequote_string,{SQL_TIMESTAMP},0},
 {PG_TIMESTAMPTZ       ,"timestamptz"      ,1,',',"timestamptz_out"     ,quote_string,dequote_string,{SQL_TYPE_TIMESTAMP_WITH_TIMEZONE},0},
 {PG_TIMETZ            ,"timetz"           ,1,',',"timetz_out"          ,quote_string,dequote_string,{0},0},
 {PG_TINTERVAL         ,"tinterval"        ,1,',',"tintervalout"        ,quote_string,dequote_string,{0},0},
 {PG_TRIGGER           ,"trigger"          ,1,',',"trigger_out"         ,quote_string,dequote_string,{0},0},
 {PG_TSQUERY           ,"tsquery"          ,1,',',"tsqueryout"          ,quote_string,dequote_string,{0},0},
 {PG_TSRANGE           ,"tsrange"          ,1,',',"range_out"           ,quote_string,dequote_string,{0},0},
 {PG_TSTZRANGE         ,"tstzrange"        ,1,',',"range_out"           ,quote_string,dequote_string,{0},0},
 {PG_TSVECTOR          ,"tsvector"         ,1,',',"tsvectorout"         ,quote_string,dequote_string,{0},0},
 {PG_TXID_SNAPSHOT     ,"txid_snapshot"    ,1,',',"txid_snapshot_out"   ,quote_string,dequote_string,{0},0},
 {PG_UNKNOWN           ,"unknown"          ,1,',',"unknownout"          ,quote_string,dequote_string,{0},0},
 {PG_UUID              ,"uuid"             ,1,',',"uuid_out"            ,quote_string,dequote_string,{0},0},
 {PG_VARBIT            ,"varbit"           ,1,',',"varbit_out"          ,quote_string,dequote_string,{0},0},
 {PG_VARCHAR           ,"varchar"          ,1,',',"varcharout"          ,quote_string,dequote_string,{SQL_VARCHAR},0},
 {PG_VOID              ,"void"             ,1,',',"void_out"            ,quote_string,dequote_string,{0},0},
 {PG_XID               ,"xid"              ,1,',',"xidout"              ,quote_string,dequote_string,{0},0},
 {PG_XML               ,"xml"              ,1,',',"xml_out"             ,quote_string,dequote_string,{0},0},

sql_type_info_t* pg_type_data(int sql_type)
	switch(sql_type) {

		case PG_ABSTIMEARRAY:       return &pg_types[0];
		case PG_ACLITEMARRAY:       return &pg_types[1];
		case PG_BITARRAY:           return &pg_types[2];
		case PG_BOOLARRAY:          return &pg_types[3];
		case PG_BOXARRAY:           return &pg_types[4];
		case PG_BPCHARARRAY:        return &pg_types[5];
		case PG_BYTEAARRAY:         return &pg_types[6];
		case PG_CHARARRAY:          return &pg_types[7];
		case PG_CIDARRAY:           return &pg_types[8];
		case PG_CIDRARRAY:          return &pg_types[9];
		case PG_CIRCLEARRAY:        return &pg_types[10];
		case PG_CSTRINGARRAY:       return &pg_types[11];
		case PG_DATEARRAY:          return &pg_types[12];
		case PG_DATERANGEARRAY:     return &pg_types[13];
		case PG_FLOAT4ARRAY:        return &pg_types[14];
		case PG_FLOAT8ARRAY:        return &pg_types[15];
		case PG_GTSVECTORARRAY:     return &pg_types[16];
		case PG_INETARRAY:          return &pg_types[17];
		case PG_INT2ARRAY:          return &pg_types[18];
		case PG_INT2VECTORARRAY:    return &pg_types[19];
		case PG_INT4ARRAY:          return &pg_types[20];
		case PG_INT4RANGEARRAY:     return &pg_types[21];
		case PG_INT8ARRAY:          return &pg_types[22];
		case PG_INT8RANGEARRAY:     return &pg_types[23];
		case PG_INTERVALARRAY:      return &pg_types[24];
		case PG_JSONARRAY:          return &pg_types[25];
		case PG_JSONBARRAY:         return &pg_types[26];
		case PG_LINEARRAY:          return &pg_types[27];
		case PG_LSEGARRAY:          return &pg_types[28];
		case PG_MACADDRARRAY:       return &pg_types[29];
		case PG_MONEYARRAY:         return &pg_types[30];
		case PG_NAMEARRAY:          return &pg_types[31];
		case PG_NUMERICARRAY:       return &pg_types[32];
		case PG_NUMRANGEARRAY:      return &pg_types[33];
		case PG_OIDARRAY:           return &pg_types[34];
		case PG_OIDVECTORARRAY:     return &pg_types[35];
		case PG_PATHARRAY:          return &pg_types[36];
		case PG_PG_LSNARRAY:        return &pg_types[37];
		case PG_POINTARRAY:         return &pg_types[38];
		case PG_POLYGONARRAY:       return &pg_types[39];
		case PG_RECORDARRAY:        return &pg_types[40];
		case PG_REFCURSORARRAY:     return &pg_types[41];
		case PG_REGCLASSARRAY:      return &pg_types[42];
		case PG_REGCONFIGARRAY:     return &pg_types[43];
		case PG_REGDICTIONARYARRAY: return &pg_types[44];
		case PG_REGOPERARRAY:       return &pg_types[45];
		case PG_REGOPERATORARRAY:   return &pg_types[46];
		case PG_REGPROCARRAY:       return &pg_types[47];
		case PG_REGPROCEDUREARRAY:  return &pg_types[48];
		case PG_REGTYPEARRAY:       return &pg_types[49];
		case PG_RELTIMEARRAY:       return &pg_types[50];
		case PG_TEXTARRAY:          return &pg_types[51];
		case PG_TIDARRAY:           return &pg_types[52];
		case PG_TIMEARRAY:          return &pg_types[53];
		case PG_TIMESTAMPARRAY:     return &pg_types[54];
		case PG_TIMESTAMPTZARRAY:   return &pg_types[55];
		case PG_TIMETZARRAY:        return &pg_types[56];
		case PG_TINTERVALARRAY:     return &pg_types[57];
		case PG_TSQUERYARRAY:       return &pg_types[58];
		case PG_TSRANGEARRAY:       return &pg_types[59];
		case PG_TSTZRANGEARRAY:     return &pg_types[60];
		case PG_TSVECTORARRAY:      return &pg_types[61];
		case PG_TXID_SNAPSHOTARRAY: return &pg_types[62];
		case PG_UUIDARRAY:          return &pg_types[63];
		case PG_VARBITARRAY:        return &pg_types[64];
		case PG_VARCHARARRAY:       return &pg_types[65];
		case PG_XIDARRAY:           return &pg_types[66];
		case PG_XMLARRAY:           return &pg_types[67];
		case PG_ABSTIME:            return &pg_types[68];
		case PG_ACLITEM:            return &pg_types[69];
		case PG_ANY:                return &pg_types[70];
		case PG_ANYARRAY:           return &pg_types[71];
		case PG_ANYELEMENT:         return &pg_types[72];
		case PG_ANYENUM:            return &pg_types[73];
		case PG_ANYNONARRAY:        return &pg_types[74];
		case PG_ANYRANGE:           return &pg_types[75];
		case PG_BIT:                return &pg_types[76];
		case PG_BOOL:               return &pg_types[77];
		case PG_BOX:                return &pg_types[78];
		case PG_BPCHAR:             return &pg_types[79];
		case PG_BYTEA:              return &pg_types[80];
		case PG_CHAR:               return &pg_types[81];
		case PG_CID:                return &pg_types[82];
		case PG_CIDR:               return &pg_types[83];
		case PG_CIRCLE:             return &pg_types[84];
		case PG_CSTRING:            return &pg_types[85];
		case PG_DATE:               return &pg_types[86];
		case PG_DATERANGE:          return &pg_types[87];
		case PG_EVENT_TRIGGER:      return &pg_types[88];
		case PG_FDW_HANDLER:        return &pg_types[89];
		case PG_FLOAT4:             return &pg_types[90];
		case PG_FLOAT8:             return &pg_types[91];
		case PG_GTSVECTOR:          return &pg_types[92];
		case PG_INET:               return &pg_types[93];
		case PG_INT2:               return &pg_types[94];
		case PG_INT2VECTOR:         return &pg_types[95];
		case PG_INT4:               return &pg_types[96];
		case PG_INT4RANGE:          return &pg_types[97];
		case PG_INT8:               return &pg_types[98];
		case PG_INT8RANGE:          return &pg_types[99];
		case PG_INTERNAL:           return &pg_types[100];
		case PG_INTERVAL:           return &pg_types[101];
		case PG_JSON:               return &pg_types[102];
		case PG_JSONB:              return &pg_types[103];
		case PG_LANGUAGE_HANDLER:   return &pg_types[104];
		case PG_LINE:               return &pg_types[105];
		case PG_LSEG:               return &pg_types[106];
		case PG_MACADDR:            return &pg_types[107];
		case PG_MONEY:              return &pg_types[108];
		case PG_NAME:               return &pg_types[109];
		case PG_NUMERIC:            return &pg_types[110];
		case PG_NUMRANGE:           return &pg_types[111];
		case PG_OID:                return &pg_types[112];
		case PG_OIDVECTOR:          return &pg_types[113];
		case PG_OPAQUE:             return &pg_types[114];
		case PG_PATH:               return &pg_types[115];
		case PG_PG_ATTRIBUTE:       return &pg_types[116];
		case PG_PG_CLASS:           return &pg_types[117];
		case PG_PG_LSN:             return &pg_types[118];
		case PG_PG_NODE_TREE:       return &pg_types[119];
		case PG_PG_PROC:            return &pg_types[120];
		case PG_PG_TYPE:            return &pg_types[121];
		case PG_POINT:              return &pg_types[122];
		case PG_POLYGON:            return &pg_types[123];
		case PG_RECORD:             return &pg_types[124];
		case PG_REFCURSOR:          return &pg_types[125];
		case PG_REGCLASS:           return &pg_types[126];
		case PG_REGCONFIG:          return &pg_types[127];
		case PG_REGDICTIONARY:      return &pg_types[128];
		case PG_REGOPER:            return &pg_types[129];
		case PG_REGOPERATOR:        return &pg_types[130];
		case PG_REGPROC:            return &pg_types[131];
		case PG_REGPROCEDURE:       return &pg_types[132];
		case PG_REGTYPE:            return &pg_types[133];
		case PG_RELTIME:            return &pg_types[134];
		case PG_SMGR:               return &pg_types[135];
		case PG_TEXT:               return &pg_types[136];
		case PG_TID:                return &pg_types[137];
		case PG_TIME:               return &pg_types[138];
		case PG_TIMESTAMP:          return &pg_types[139];
		case PG_TIMESTAMPTZ:        return &pg_types[140];
		case PG_TIMETZ:             return &pg_types[141];
		case PG_TINTERVAL:          return &pg_types[142];
		case PG_TRIGGER:            return &pg_types[143];
		case PG_TSQUERY:            return &pg_types[144];
		case PG_TSRANGE:            return &pg_types[145];
		case PG_TSTZRANGE:          return &pg_types[146];
		case PG_TSVECTOR:           return &pg_types[147];
		case PG_TXID_SNAPSHOT:      return &pg_types[148];
		case PG_UNKNOWN:            return &pg_types[149];
		case PG_UUID:               return &pg_types[150];
		case PG_VARBIT:             return &pg_types[151];
		case PG_VARCHAR:            return &pg_types[152];
		case PG_VOID:               return &pg_types[153];
		case PG_XID:                return &pg_types[154];
		case PG_XML:                return &pg_types[155];
		default: return NULL;

static sql_type_info_t sql_types[] = {
 {SQL_BOOLEAN,"SQL_BOOLEAN",1,',', "none", quote_bool, dequote_bool, {PG_BOOL}, 3},
 {SQL_CHAR,"SQL_CHAR",1,',', "none", quote_string, dequote_char, {PG_BPCHAR}, 0},
 {SQL_VARBINARY,"SQL_VARBINARY",1,',', "none", quote_bytea, dequote_bytea, {PG_BYTEA}, 0},
 {SQL_CHAR,"SQL_CHAR",1,',', "none", quote_string, dequote_char, {PG_CHAR}, 0},
 {SQL_TYPE_DATE,"SQL_TYPE_DATE",1,',', "none", quote_string, dequote_string, {PG_DATE}, 0},
 {SQL_FLOAT,"SQL_FLOAT",1,',', "none", quote_float, null_dequote, {PG_FLOAT8}, 2},
 {SQL_DOUBLE,"SQL_DOUBLE",1,',', "none", quote_float, null_dequote, {PG_FLOAT8}, 2},
 {SQL_NUMERIC,"SQL_NUMERIC",1,',', "none", quote_float, null_dequote, {PG_FLOAT8}, 2},
 {SQL_REAL,"SQL_REAL",1,',', "none", quote_float, null_dequote, {PG_FLOAT8}, 2},
 {SQL_SMALLINT,"SQL_SMALLINT",1,',', "none", quote_int, null_dequote, {PG_INT2}, 1},
 {SQL_TINYINT,"SQL_TINYINT",1,',', "none", quote_int, null_dequote, {PG_INT2}, 1},
 {SQL_INTEGER,"SQL_INTEGER",1,',', "none", quote_int, null_dequote, {PG_INT4}, 1},
 {SQL_BIGINT,"SQL_BIGINT",1,',', "none", quote_int, null_dequote, {PG_INT8}, 0},
 {SQL_VARCHAR,"SQL_VARCHAR",1,',', "none", quote_name, null_dequote, {PG_NAME}, 0},
 {SQL_DECIMAL,"SQL_DECIMAL",1,',', "none", quote_float, null_dequote, {PG_NUMERIC}, 2},
 {SQL_LONGVARCHAR,"SQL_LONGVARCHAR",1,',', "none", quote_string, dequote_string, {PG_TEXT}, 0},
 {SQL_TYPE_TIME,"SQL_TYPE_TIME",1,',', "none", quote_string, dequote_string, {PG_TIME}, 0},
 {SQL_TIMESTAMP,"SQL_TIMESTAMP",1,',', "none", quote_string, dequote_string, {PG_TIMESTAMP}, 0},
 {SQL_TYPE_TIMESTAMP,"SQL_TYPE_TIMESTAMP",1,',', "none", quote_string, dequote_string, {PG_TIMESTAMP}, 0},
 {SQL_TYPE_TIME_WITH_TIMEZONE,"SQL_TYPE_TIME_WITH_TIMEZONE",1,',', "none", quote_string, dequote_string, {PG_TIMESTAMPTZ}, 0},
 {SQL_VARCHAR,"SQL_VARCHAR",1,',', "none", quote_string, dequote_string, {PG_VARCHAR}, 0},

sql_type_info_t* sql_type_data(int sql_type)
	switch(sql_type) {
		case SQL_BOOLEAN:                      return &sql_types[0];
		case SQL_CHAR:                         return &sql_types[1];
		case SQL_VARBINARY:                    return &sql_types[2];
		case SQL_TYPE_DATE:                    return &sql_types[4];
		case SQL_FLOAT:                        return &sql_types[5];
		case SQL_DOUBLE:                       return &sql_types[6];
		case SQL_NUMERIC:                      return &sql_types[7];
		case SQL_REAL:                         return &sql_types[8];
		case SQL_SMALLINT:                     return &sql_types[9];
		case SQL_TINYINT:                      return &sql_types[10];
		case SQL_INTEGER:                      return &sql_types[11];
		case SQL_BIGINT:                       return &sql_types[12];
		case SQL_DECIMAL:                      return &sql_types[14];
		case SQL_LONGVARCHAR:                  return &sql_types[15];
		case SQL_TYPE_TIME:                    return &sql_types[16];
		case SQL_TIMESTAMP:                    return &sql_types[17];
		case SQL_TYPE_TIMESTAMP:               return &sql_types[18];
		case SQL_TYPE_TIMESTAMP_WITH_TIMEZONE: return &sql_types[19];
		case SQL_TYPE_TIME_WITH_TIMEZONE:      return &sql_types[20];
		case SQL_VARCHAR:                      return &sql_types[21];
		default: return NULL;


## Autogenerate all type information and populate 
## all files referencing type information.

## You should only run this if you are developing DBD::Pg and 
## understand what this script does

## Usage: perl -x $0 "path-to-pgsql-source"

use strict;
use warnings;

my $arg = shift || die "Usage: $0 path-to-pgsql-source\n";

-d $arg or die qq{Sorry, but "$arg" is not a directory!\n};

my $file = "$arg/src/include/catalog/pg_type.h";
my $typefile = $file;

open my $fh, '<', $file or die qq{Could not open file "$file": $!\n};
my $maxlen = 1;
my %pgtype;
my $thisname = 0;
while(<$fh>) {
	if (/^DATA\(insert OID\s+=\s+(\d+)\s+\(\s+(\S+)\s+\S+ \S+\s+\S+\s+[t|f]\s+. . [tf] ([tf]) \\(\d+) (\d+)\s+(\d+) (\d+) (\S+) (\S+) (\S+) (\S+)/o) {
		my ($oid,$name,$typedef,$delim,$typrelid,$typelem,$typarray,$tin,$tout,$bin,$bout) =
		die "Duplicated OID $oid!: $_\n" if exists $pgtype{$oid};
		$pgtype{$name} = {
			oid     => $oid,
			delim   => $delim,
			textin  => $tin,
			textout => $tout,
			binin   => $bin,
			binout  => $bout,
			quote   => 'quote_string',
			dequote => 'dequote_string',
			define  => 'PG_' . uc($name),
			sql     => 0,
			sqlc    => 0,
			svtype  => 0,
		if ($name =~ /_/) {
			(my $basename = $name) =~ s/_//;
			if (exists $pgtype{$basename}) {
				$pgtype{$name}{delim} = $pgtype{$basename}{delim};
		length($name) > $maxlen and $maxlen = length($name);
		$thisname = $name;
		## Special hack for array types
		if ($tin =~ /^array/ and $name =~ /^_/) {
			$pgtype{$name}{define} = 'PG' . uc $name . 'ARRAY';
	elsif (/^DESCR\("(.+?)"/) {
		$pgtype{$thisname}{description} = $1;
	elsif (/^DATA/) {
		die "Bad line at $. ->$_\n";
close $fh or die qq{Could not close "$file": $!\n};

my ($oldfh,$newfh);

## Rewrite types.h
$file = 'types.h';
open $newfh, '>', "$file.tmp" or die qq{Could not create "$file.tmp": $!\n};

my $slashstar = '/' . '*';
my $starslash = '*' . '/';
print $newfh qq{$slashstar
Do not edit this file directly - it is generated by types.c

typedef struct sql_type_info {
	int     type_id;
	char*   type_name;
	bool    bind_ok;
	char    array_delimeter;
	char*   arrayout;
	char*   (*quote)();
	void    (*dequote)();
	union   {
			int pg;
			int sql;
	} type;
	int     svtype;
} sql_type_info_t;

sql_type_info_t* pg_type_data(int);
sql_type_info_t* sql_type_data(int);


$maxlen += 5;
for (sort {
		$pgtype{$a}{define} =~ /ARRAY/ <=> $pgtype{$b}{define} =~ /ARRAY/
		or $pgtype{$a}{define} cmp $pgtype{$b}{define}
	} keys %pgtype) {
	printf $newfh "#define %${maxlen}s  $pgtype{$_}{oid}\n", $pgtype{$_}{define};

print $newfh "\n";
close $newfh or die qq{Could not close "$file.tmp": $!\n};
system("mv $file.tmp $file");
print "Wrote $file\n";

## Rewrite Pg.xs
$file = 'Pg.xs';
open $oldfh, '<', $file or die qq{Could not open "$file": $!\n};
open $newfh, '>', "$file.tmp" or die qq{Could not write to "$file.tmp": $!\n};
my $step = 0;
while (<$oldfh>) {
	if (0 == $step) {
		if (/ALIAS:/) {
			print $newfh $_;
			$step = 1;
			for (sort { $pgtype{$a}{define} cmp $pgtype{$b}{define} } keys %pgtype) {
				printf $newfh "\t%-${maxlen}s = $pgtype{$_}{oid}\n", $pgtype{$_}{define};
			printf $newfh "\n\t%-${maxlen}s = 1\n", 'PG_ASYNC';
			printf $newfh "\t%-${maxlen}s = 2\n", 'PG_OLDQUERY_CANCEL';
			printf $newfh "\t%-${maxlen}s = 4\n\n", 'PG_OLDQUERY_WAIT';
	elsif (1 == $step) {
		next unless /CODE:/;
		$step = 2;
	print $newfh $_;
close $newfh or die qq{Could not close "$file.tmp": $!\n};
close $oldfh  or die qq{Could not close "$file": $!\n};
system("mv $file.tmp $file");
print "Wrote $file\n";

## Rewrite
$file = '';
open $oldfh, '<', $file or die qq{Could not open "$file": $!\n};
open $newfh, '>', "$file.tmp" or die qq{Could not write to "$file.tmp": $!\n};
$step = 0;
while (<$oldfh>) {
	if (0 == $step) {
		if (/pg_types/) {
			print $newfh $_;
			$step = 0;
			for (sort { $pgtype{$a}{define} cmp $pgtype{$b}{define} } keys %pgtype) {
				printf $newfh "%s$pgtype{$_}{define}", !($step++ % 5) ? "\n\t\t\t" : ' ';
			print $newfh "\n";
			$step = 1;
	elsif (1 == $step) {
		next unless /\]/;
		$step = 2;
	elsif (2 == $step) {
		if (/data types exported/) {
			print $newfh $_;
			$step = 0;
			for (sort { $pgtype{$a}{define} cmp $pgtype{$b}{define} } keys %pgtype) {
				printf $newfh "%s$pgtype{$_}{define}", !($step++ % 6) ? "\n " : ' ';
			print $newfh "\n\n";
			$step = 3;
	elsif (3 == $step) {
		next unless /sticky/;
		$step = 4;
	print $newfh $_;
close $newfh or die qq{Could not close "$file.tmp": $!\n};
close $oldfh or die qq{Could not close "$file": $!\n};
system("mv $file.tmp $file");
print "Wrote $file\n";

## Rewrite 01constants.t
$file = 't/01constants.t';
open $oldfh, '<', $file or die qq{Could not open "$file": $!\n};
open $newfh, '>', "$file.tmp" or die qq{Could not write to "$file.tmp": $!\n};
$step = 0;
while (<$oldfh>) {
	if (0 == $step) {
		if (/^is/) {
			for (sort { $pgtype{$a}{define} cmp $pgtype{$b}{define} } keys %pgtype) {
				printf $newfh qq{is (%-*s, %5s, '%s returns correct value');\n},
					3+$maxlen, $pgtype{$_}{define}, $pgtype{$_}{oid}, $pgtype{$_}{define};
			print $newfh "\ndone_testing();\n";
			$step = 1;
	print $newfh $_;
close $newfh or die qq{Could not close "$file.tmp": $!\n};
close $oldfh or die qq{Could not close "$file": $!\n};
system("mv $file.tmp $file");
print "Wrote $file\n";

## Rewrite 99_pod.t
$file = 't/99_pod.t';
open $oldfh, '<', $file or die qq{Could not open "$file": $!\n};
open $newfh, '>', "$file.tmp" or die qq{Could not write to "$file.tmp": $!\n};
$step = 0;
while (<$oldfh>) {
	if (0 == $step) {
		if (/types.c/) {
			print $newfh $_;
			for (sort { $pgtype{$a}{define} cmp $pgtype{$b}{define} } keys %pgtype) {
				print $newfh "\t\t qr{$pgtype{$_}{define}},\n";
			print $newfh "\n";
			$step = 1;
	elsif (1 == $step) {
		next unless /;/;
		$step = 2;
	print $newfh $_;
close $newfh or die qq{Could not close "$file.tmp": $!\n};
close $oldfh or die qq{Could not close "$file": $!\n};
system("mv $file.tmp $file");
print "Wrote $file\n";

## Rewrite types.c
$file = 'types.c';
open $newfh, '>', "$file.tmp" or die qq{Could not write to "$file.tmp": $!\n};

print $newfh qq{$slashstar

   Copyright (c) 2003-2014 Greg Sabino Mullane and others: see the Changes file
   You may distribute under the terms of either the GNU General Public
   License or the Artistic License, as specified in the Perl README file.


    Please do not edit the C portions of this file directly. 
    It is automatically generated by the enclosed Perl script.

#include "Pg.h"


## Read in our DATA information to make things more specific
while (<DATA>) {
	last if /^__END__/;
	next unless /^[a-z]/o;
	my ($name,$q,$dq,$sql,$sqlc,$svtype) = split / +/ => $_;
	if (!exists $pgtype{$name}) {
		die qq{Type ($name) was not found in source file $typefile!\n};
	$pgtype{$name}{quote}   = $q;
	$pgtype{$name}{dequote} = $dq;
	$pgtype{$name}{sql}     = $sql;
	$pgtype{$name}{sqlc}    = $sqlc;
	$pgtype{$name}{svtype}  = $svtype;
	## For arrays, we want to echo the base svtype
	if ($svtype and exists $pgtype{"_$name"} and $pgtype{"_$name"}{textin} =~ /array/) {
		$pgtype{"_$name"}{svtype} = $svtype;

## Map all types into a sql_type_info structure

print $newfh "static sql_type_info_t pg_types[] = {\n";

my %pos;
my $item = 0;
for my $name (sort {$a cmp $b } keys %pgtype) {
	my $t = $pgtype{$name};
	my ($sqltype,$quote,$dequote) = (0,0,0);
	(my $sql = $t->{sql}) =~ s{^(\w+).*}{$1};

	printf $newfh qq! {%-*s,%-*s,%d,'%s',%-22s,%-12s,%-14s,\{%s\},%d\},\n!,
		$maxlen, $t->{define}, $maxlen-2, "\"$name\"", 1, $t->{delim}, "\"$t->{textout}\"", $t->{quote}, $t->{dequote}, $sql, $t->{svtype};
	$pos{$name} = $item++;

print $newfh "\};\n\n";

print $newfh
"sql_type_info_t* pg_type_data(int sql_type)
\tswitch(sql_type) {

for my $name (sort { $a cmp $b } keys %pgtype) {
	printf $newfh qq{\t\tcase %-*s return \&pg_types\[%d\];\n}, 1+$maxlen, "$pgtype{$name}{define}:", $pos{$name};

print $newfh "\t\tdefault: return NULL;\n\t\}\n\}\n\n";

print $newfh "static sql_type_info_t sql_types[] = \{\n";

undef %pos;
$maxlen = 1;
for my $name (sort { $a cmp $b } keys %pgtype) {
	next unless $pgtype{$name}{sql};
	for my $sql (split /\|/ => $pgtype{$name}{sql}) {
		## {SQL_VARCHAR, "SQL_VARCHAR", quote_string, dequote_string, {VARCHAROID}, DBDPG_TRUE },
		printf $newfh qq! {%s,"%s",1,',', "none", $pgtype{$name}{quote}, $pgtype{$name}{dequote}, \{$pgtype{$name}{define}\}, $pgtype{$name}{svtype}\},\n!, $sql, $sql;
		$maxlen = length $sql if length $sql > $maxlen;
		$pos{$sql} = $item if $pgtype{$name}{sqlc};
print $newfh "\};\n\n";

print $newfh "sql_type_info_t* sql_type_data(int sql_type)\n\{\n";

print $newfh "\tswitch(sql_type) \{\n";
for (sort { $pos{$a} <=> $pos{$b} } keys %pos) {
	printf $newfh qq{\t\tcase %-*s return \&sql_types\[%d\];\n}, 1+$maxlen, "$_:", $pos{$_};
print $newfh "\t\tdefault: return NULL;\n\t\}\n\}\n\n/" ."*\n";

1 while <DATA> !~ /!perl/;
print $newfh "#!perl\n";
while (<DATA>) { print $newfh $_; }
close($newfh) or die qq{Could not close "$file.tmp": $!\n};
system("mv $file.tmp $file");
print "Wrote $file\n";

## Format: for each type, there are 6 items, space separated:
## 1. The given name, from the Postgres source code (pg_type.h)
## 2. The function name we use to do the quoting, or 0 if we do not bind it
## 3. The function name we use for DE-quoting
## 4. The closest SQL_ datatype, or 0 if there is none. May be multiple, separated by |
## 5. Whether this is the one to use for reverse SQL_ type mapping
## 6. What type of SV we can put this in: 1: IV 2: NV

## Simple quoting (e.g. text) - wrap in single quotes, escape backslashes and apostrophes
## This is also the default action for types not specified here
varchar  quote_string  dequote_string  SQL_VARCHAR               1  0
text     quote_string  dequote_string  SQL_LONGVARCHAR           1  0
char     quote_string  dequote_char    SQL_CHAR                  0  0
bpchar   quote_string  dequote_char    SQL_CHAR                  1  0
cid      quote_string  dequote_string  0                         0  0

## Things that get special quoting
int2     quote_int     null_dequote    SQL_SMALLINT|SQL_TINYINT  1  1
int4     quote_int     null_dequote    SQL_INTEGER               1  1
int8     quote_int     null_dequote    SQL_BIGINT                1  0
float4   quote_float   null_dequote    0                         1  2
float8   quote_float   null_dequote    SQL_FLOAT|SQL_DOUBLE|SQL_NUMERIC|SQL_REAL 1  2
numeric  quote_float   null_dequote    SQL_DECIMAL               1  2
oid      quote_int     null_dequote    0                         0  1
name     quote_name    null_dequote    SQL_VARCHAR               0  0 ## XXX Wrong

## Boolean
bool     quote_bool    dequote_bool    SQL_BOOLEAN               1  3

## Geometric types
point    quote_geom    dequote_string  0                         0  0
line     quote_geom    dequote_string  0                         0  0
lseg     quote_geom    dequote_string  0                         0  0
box      quote_geom    dequote_string  0                         0  0
path     quote_path    dequote_string  0                         0  0
polygon  quote_geom    dequote_string  0                         0  0
circle   quote_circle  dequote_string  0                         0  0

## Similar enough to geometric types that we use the same quoting rules
tid      quote_geom    dequote_string  0                         0  0

## Binary - very different quoting rules
bytea    quote_bytea   dequote_bytea   SQL_VARBINARY             1  0

## Time and date
date        quote_string  dequote_string  SQL_TYPE_DATE                     1  0
time        quote_string  dequote_string  SQL_TYPE_TIME                     1  0
timestamp   quote_string  dequote_string  SQL_TIMESTAMP|SQL_TYPE_TIMESTAMP  1  0
timestamptz quote_string  dequote_string  SQL_TYPE_TIMESTAMP_WITH_TIMEZONE|SQL_TYPE_TIME_WITH_TIMEZONE       1  0

