The London Perl and Raku Workshop takes place on 26th Oct 2024. If your company depends on Perl, please consider sponsoring and/or attending.

## Test of the database handle methods
## The following methods are *not* (explicitly) tested here:
## "take_imp_data"  "pg_server_trace"  "pg_server_untrace"  "pg_type_info"
## "data_sources" (see 04misc.t)
## "disconnect" (see 01connect.t)
## "pg_savepoint"  "pg_release"  "pg_rollback_to" (see 20savepoints.t)
## "pg_getline"  "pg_endcopy"  "pg_getcopydata"  "pg_getcopydata_async" (see 07copy.t)
## "pg_putline"  "pg_putcopydata"  "pg_putcopydata_async (see 07copy.t)
## "pg_cancel"  "pg_ready"  "pg_result" (see 08async.t)

use 5.006;
use strict;
use warnings;
use Data::Dumper;
use Test::More;
use DBI     ':sql_types';
use DBD::Pg ':pg_types';
use lib 't','.';
require '';

my $dbh = connect_database();

if (! $dbh) {
	plan skip_all => 'Connection to database failed, cannot continue testing';
plan tests => 559;

isnt ($dbh, undef, 'Connect to database for database handle method testing');

my ($pglibversion,$pgversion) = ($dbh->{pg_lib_version},$dbh->{pg_server_version});
my ($schema,$schema2,$schema3) = ('dbd_pg_testschema', 'dbd_pg_testschema2', 'dbd_pg_testschema3');
my ($table1,$table2,$table3) = ('dbd_pg_test1','dbd_pg_test2','dbd_pg_test3');
my ($sequence2,$sequence3,$sequence4) = ('dbd_pg_testsequence2','dbd_pg_testsequence3','dbd_pg_testsequence4');

my ($SQL, $sth, $result, @result, $expected, $warning, $rows, $t, $info);

# Quick simple "tests"

$dbh->do(q{}); ## This used to break, so we keep it as a test...
$SQL = q{SELECT '2529DF6AB8F79407E94445B4BC9B906714964AC8' FROM dbd_pg_test WHERE id=?};
$sth = $dbh->prepare($SQL);
$sth = $dbh->prepare_cached($SQL);

# Populate the testing table for later use

$SQL = 'INSERT INTO dbd_pg_test(id,val) VALUES (?,?)';

$sth = $dbh->prepare($SQL);
$sth->bind_param(1, 1, SQL_INTEGER);

# Test of the "last_insert_id" database handle method

$t='DB handle method "last_insert_id" fails when no arguments are given';
eval {
like ($@, qr{last_insert_id.*least}, $t);

$t='DB handle method "last_insert_id" fails when given a non-existent sequence';
eval {
is ($dbh->state, '42P01', $t);

$t='DB handle method "last_insert_id" fails when given a non-existent table';
eval {
like ($@, qr{not find}, $t);

$t='DB handle method "last_insert_id" fails when given an arrayref as last argument';
eval {
like ($@, qr{last_insert_id.*hashref}, $t);

$t='DB handle method "last_insert_id" works when given an empty sequence argument';
eval {
is ($@, q{}, $t);

$t='DB handle method "last_insert_id" fails when given a table with no primary key';
$dbh->do('CREATE TEMP TABLE dbd_pg_test_temp(a int)');
eval {
like ($@, qr{last_insert_id}, $t);


$t='DB handle method "do" returns correct count with CREATE AS SELECT';
$result = $dbh->do($SQL);
$expected = $pgversion >= 90000 ? 3 : '0E0';
is ($result, $expected, $t);

$t='DB handle method "execute" returns correct count with CREATE AS SELECT';
$sth = $dbh->prepare($SQL);
$result = $sth->execute();
$expected = $pgversion >= 90000 ? 3 : '0E0';
is ($result, $expected, $t);

$t='DB handle method "do" works properly with passed-in array with undefined entries';
$dbh->do('CREATE TEMP TABLE foobar (id INT, p TEXT[])');
my @aa;
$aa[2] = 'asasa';
eval {
	$dbh->do('INSERT INTO foobar (p) VALUES (?)', undef, \@aa);
is ($@, q{}, $t);

$SQL = 'SELECT * FROM foobar';
$result = $dbh->selectall_arrayref($SQL)->[0];
is_deeply ($result, [undef,[undef,undef,'asasa']], $t);

$t='DB handle method "last_insert_id" works when given a valid sequence and an invalid table';
eval {
	$result = $dbh->last_insert_id(undef,undef,'dbd_pg_nonexistenttable_test',undef,{sequence=>'dbd_pg_testsequence'});
is ($@, q{}, $t);

$t='DB handle method "last_insert_id" returns a numeric value';
like ($result, qr{^\d+$}, $t);

$t='DB handle method "last_insert_id" works when given a valid sequence and an invalid table';
eval {
	$result = $dbh->last_insert_id(undef,undef,'dbd_pg_nonexistenttable_test',undef, 'dbd_pg_testsequence');
is ($@, q{}, $t);

$t='DB handle method "last_insert_id" returns a numeric value';
like ($result, qr{^\d+$}, $t);

$t='DB handle method "last_insert_id" works when given a valid table';
eval {
	$result = $dbh->last_insert_id(undef,undef,'dbd_pg_test',undef);
is ($@, q{}, $t);

$t='DB handle method "last_insert_id" works when given an empty attrib';
eval {
	$result = $dbh->last_insert_id(undef,undef,'dbd_pg_test',undef,'');
is ($@, q{}, $t);

$t='DB handle method "last_insert_id" works when called twice (cached) given a valid table';
eval {
	$result = $dbh->last_insert_id(undef,undef,'dbd_pg_test',undef);
is ($@, q{}, $t);

$dbh->do("CREATE SCHEMA $schema2");
$dbh->do("CREATE SEQUENCE $schema2.$sequence2");
$dbh->do("CREATE SEQUENCE $schema.$sequence4");
$dbh->{Warn} = 0;
$dbh->do("CREATE TABLE $schema2.$table2(a INTEGER PRIMARY KEY NOT NULL DEFAULT nextval('$schema2.$sequence2'))");
$dbh->do("CREATE TABLE $schema.$table2(a INTEGER PRIMARY KEY NOT NULL DEFAULT nextval('$schema.$sequence4'))");
$dbh->{Warn} = 1;
$dbh->do("INSERT INTO $schema2.$table2 DEFAULT VALUES");

$t='DB handle method "last_insert_id" works when called with a schema not in the search path';
eval {
	$result = $dbh->last_insert_id(undef,$schema2,$table2,undef);
is ($@, q{}, $t);

$t='search_path respected when using last_insert_id with no cache (first table)';
$dbh->do("SELECT setval('$schema2.$sequence2',200)");
$dbh->do("SELECT setval('$schema.$sequence4',100)");
$dbh->do("SET search_path = $schema,$schema2");
eval {
	$result = $dbh->last_insert_id(undef,undef,$table2,undef,{pg_cache=>0});
is ($@, q{}, $t);
is ($result, 100, $t);

$t='search_path respected when using last_insert_id with no cache (second table)';
$dbh->do("SET search_path = $schema2,$schema");
eval {
	$result = $dbh->last_insert_id(undef,undef,$table2,undef,{pg_cache=>0});
is ($@, q{}, $t);
is ($result, 200, $t);

$t='Setting cache on (explicit) returns last result, even if search_path changes';
$dbh->do("SET search_path = $schema,$schema2");
eval {
	$result = $dbh->last_insert_id(undef,undef,$table2,undef,{pg_cache=>1});
is ($@, q{}, $t);
is ($result, 200, $t);

$t='Setting cache on (implicit) returns last result, even if search_path changes';
$dbh->do("SET search_path = $schema,$schema2");
eval {
	$result = $dbh->last_insert_id(undef,undef,$table2,undef);
is ($@, q{}, $t);
is ($result, 200, $t);

	$t='DB handle method "last_insert_id" fails when the sequence name is changed and cache is used';

	if ($pgversion < 80300) {
		$dbh->do("DROP TABLE $schema2.$table2");
		$dbh->do("DROP SEQUENCE $schema2.$sequence2");
		skip ('Cannot test sequence rename on pre-8.3 servers', 2);
	$dbh->do("ALTER SEQUENCE $schema2.$sequence2 RENAME TO $sequence3");
	eval {
	like ($@, qr{last_insert_id}, $t);

	$t='DB handle method "last_insert_id" works when the sequence name is changed and cache is turned off';
	eval {
		$dbh->last_insert_id(undef,$schema2,$table2,undef, {pg_cache=>0});
	is ($@, q{}, $t);
	$dbh->do("DROP TABLE $schema2.$table2");
	$dbh->do("DROP SEQUENCE $schema2.$sequence3");

$dbh->do("DROP SCHEMA $schema2");
$dbh->do("DROP TABLE $table2");
$dbh->do("DROP SEQUENCE $sequence4");

# Test of the "selectrow_array" database handle method

$t='DB handle method "selectrow_array" works';
$SQL = 'SELECT id FROM dbd_pg_test ORDER BY id';
@result = $dbh->selectrow_array($SQL);
$expected = [10];
is_deeply (\@result, $expected, $t);

# Test of the "selectrow_arrayref" database handle method

$t='DB handle method "selectrow_arrayref" works';
$result = $dbh->selectrow_arrayref($SQL);
is_deeply ($result, $expected, $t);

$t='DB handle method "selectrow_arrayref" works with a prepared statement handle';
$sth = $dbh->prepare($SQL);
$result = $dbh->selectrow_arrayref($sth);
is_deeply ($result, $expected, $t);

# Test of the "selectrow_hashref" database handle method

$t='DB handle method "selectrow_hashref" works';
$result = $dbh->selectrow_hashref($SQL);
$expected = {id => 10};
is_deeply ($result, $expected, $t);

$t='DB handle method "selectrow_hashref" works with a prepared statement handle';
$sth = $dbh->prepare($SQL);
$result = $dbh->selectrow_hashref($sth);
is_deeply ($result, $expected, $t);

# Test of the "selectall_arrayref" database handle method

$t='DB handle method "selectall_arrayref" works';
$result = $dbh->selectall_arrayref($SQL);
$expected = [[10],[11],[12]];
is_deeply ($result, $expected, $t);

$t='DB handle method "selectall_arrayref" works with a prepared statement handle';
$sth = $dbh->prepare($SQL);
$result = $dbh->selectall_arrayref($sth);
is_deeply ($result, $expected, $t);

$t='DB handle method "selectall_arrayref" works with the MaxRows attribute';
$result = $dbh->selectall_arrayref($SQL, {MaxRows => 2});
$expected = [[10],[11]];
is_deeply ($result, $expected, $t);

$t='DB handle method "selectall_arrayref" works with the Slice attribute';
$SQL = 'SELECT id, val FROM dbd_pg_test ORDER BY id';
$result = $dbh->selectall_arrayref($SQL, {Slice => [1]});
$expected = [['Roseapple'],['Pineapple'],['Kiwi']];
is_deeply ($result, $expected, $t);

# Test of the "selectall_hashref" database handle method

$t='DB handle method "selectall_hashref" works';
$result = $dbh->selectall_hashref($SQL,'id');
$expected = {10=>{id =>10,val=>'Roseapple'},11=>{id=>11,val=>'Pineapple'},12=>{id=>12,val=>'Kiwi'}};
is_deeply ($result, $expected, $t);

$t='DB handle method "selectall_hashref" works with a prepared statement handle';
$sth = $dbh->prepare($SQL);
$result = $dbh->selectall_hashref($sth,'id');
is_deeply ($result, $expected, $t);

# Test of the "selectcol_arrayref" database handle method

$t='DB handle method "selectcol_arrayref" works';
$result = $dbh->selectcol_arrayref($SQL);
$expected = [10,11,12];
is_deeply ($result, $expected, $t);

$t='DB handle method "selectcol_arrayref" works with a prepared statement handle';
$result = $dbh->selectcol_arrayref($sth);
is_deeply ($result, $expected, $t);

$t='DB handle method "selectcol_arrayref" works with the Columns attribute';
$result = $dbh->selectcol_arrayref($SQL, {Columns=>[2,1]});
$expected = ['Roseapple',10,'Pineapple',11,'Kiwi',12];
is_deeply ($result, $expected, $t);

$t='DB handle method "selectcol_arrayref" works with the MaxRows attribute';
$result = $dbh->selectcol_arrayref($SQL, {Columns=>[2], MaxRows => 1});
$expected = ['Roseapple'];
is_deeply ($result, $expected, $t);

# Test of the "commit" and "rollback" database handle methods

	local $SIG{__WARN__} = sub { $warning = shift; };

	$t='DB handle method "commit" gives no warning when AutoCommit is off';
	ok (! length $warning, $t);

	$t='DB handle method "rollback" gives no warning when AutoCommit is off';
	ok (! length $warning, $t);

	$t='DB handle method "commit" returns true';
	ok ($dbh->commit, $t);

	$t='DB handle method "rollback" returns true';
	ok ($dbh->rollback, $t);

	$t='DB handle method "commit" gives a warning when AutoCommit is on';
	ok (length $warning, $t);

	$t='DB handle method "rollback" gives a warning when AutoCommit is on';
	ok (length $warning, $t);

# Test of the "begin_work" database handle method

$t='DB handle method "begin_work" gives a warning when AutoCommit is on';
eval {
isnt ($@, q{}, $t);

$t='DB handle method "begin_work" gives no warning when AutoCommit is off';
eval {
is ($@, q{}, $t);
ok (!$dbh->{AutoCommit}, 'DB handle method "begin_work" sets AutoCommit to off');

$t='DB handle method "commit" after "begin_work" sets AutoCommit to on';
ok ($dbh->{AutoCommit}, $t);

$t='DB handle method "begin_work" gives no warning when AutoCommit is off';
eval {
is ($@, q{}, $t);

$t='DB handle method "begin_work" sets AutoCommit to off';
ok (!$dbh->{AutoCommit}, $t);

$t='DB handle method "rollback" after "begin_work" sets AutoCommit to on';
ok ($dbh->{AutoCommit}, $t);


# Test of the "get_info" database handle method

$t='DB handle method "get_info" with no arguments gives an error';
eval {
isnt ($@, q{}, $t);

my %get_info = (
  SQL_DRIVER_NAME            =>  6,
  SQL_DBMS_NAME              => 17,
  SQL_DBMS_VERSION           => 18,
  SQL_USER_NAME              => 47,
  # this also tests the dynamic attributes that run SQL
  SQL_COLLATION_SEQ          => 10004,
  SQL_DATABASE_NAME          => 16,
  SQL_SERVER_NAME            => 13,

for (keys %get_info) {
	$t=qq{DB handle method "get_info" works with a value of "$_"};
	my $back = $dbh->get_info($_);
	ok (defined $back, $t);

	$t=qq{DB handle method "get_info" works with a value of "$get_info{$_}"};
	my $forth = $dbh->get_info($get_info{$_});
	ok (defined $forth, $t);

	$t=q{DB handle method "get_info" returned matching values};
	is ($back, $forth, $t);

# Make sure SQL_MAX_COLUMN_NAME_LEN looks normal
$t='DB handle method "get_info" returns a valid looking SQL_MAX_COLUMN_NAME_LEN string}';
my $namedatalen = $dbh->get_info('SQL_MAX_COLUMN_NAME_LEN');
cmp_ok ($namedatalen, '>=', 63, $t);

# Make sure odbcversion looks normal
$t='DB handle method "get_info" returns a valid looking ODBCVERSION string}';
my $odbcversion = $dbh->get_info(18);
like ($odbcversion, qr{^([1-9]\d|\d[1-9])\.\d\d\.\d\d00$}, $t);

# Testing max connections is good as this info is dynamic
$t='DB handle method "get_info" returns a number for SQL_MAX_DRIVER_CONNECTIONS';
my $maxcon = $dbh->get_info('SQL_MAX_DRIVER_CONNECTIONS');
like ($maxcon, qr{^\d+$}, $t);

$t='DB handle method "get_info" returns correct string for SQL_DATA_SOURCE_READ_ONLY when "on"';
$dbh->do(q{SET transaction_read_only = 'on'});
is ($dbh->get_info(25), 'Y', $t);

$t='DB handle method "get_info" returns correct string for SQL_DATA_SOURCE_READ_ONLY when "off"';
## Recent versions of Postgres are very fussy: must rollback
$dbh->do(q{SET transaction_read_only = 'off'});
is ($dbh->get_info(25), 'N', $t);

# Test of the "table_info" database handle method

$t='DB handle method "table_info" works when called with empty arguments';
$sth = $dbh->table_info('', '', 'dbd_pg_test', '');
my $number = $sth->rows();
ok ($number, $t);

$t='DB handle method "table_info" works when called with \'%\' arguments';
$sth = $dbh->table_info('%', '%', 'dbd_pg_test', '%');
$number = $sth->rows();
ok ($number, $t);

$t=q{DB handle method "table_info" works when called with a 'TABLE' last argument};
$sth = $dbh->table_info( '', '', '', q{'TABLE'});

# Check required minimum fields
$t='DB handle method "table_info" returns fields required by DBI';
$result = $sth->fetchall_arrayref({});
my %missing;
for my $r (@$result) {
	for (@required) {
		$missing{$_}++ if ! exists $r->{$_};
is_deeply (\%missing, {}, $t);

## Check some of the returned fields:
$result = $result->[0];
is ($result->{TABLE_CAT}, undef, 'DB handle method "table_info" returns proper TABLE_CAT');
is ($result->{TABLE_NAME}, 'dbd_pg_test', 'DB handle method "table_info" returns proper TABLE_NAME');
is ($result->{TABLE_TYPE}, 'TABLE', 'DB handle method "table_info" returns proper TABLE_TYPE');

$t=q{DB handle method "table_info" returns correct number of rows when given a 'TABLE,VIEW' type argument};
$sth = $dbh->table_info(undef,undef,undef,'TABLE,VIEW');
$number = $sth->rows();
cmp_ok ($number, '>', 1, $t);

$t=q{DB handle method "table_info" returns correct number of rows when given a 'TABLE,VIEW,SYSTEM TABLE,SYSTEM VIEW' type argument};
$sth = $dbh->table_info(undef,undef,undef,'TABLE,VIEW,SYSTEM TABLE,SYSTEM VIEW');
$number = $sth->rows();
cmp_ok ($number, '>', 1, $t);

$t='DB handle method "table_info" returns zero rows when given an invalid type argument';
$sth = $dbh->table_info(undef,undef,undef,'DUMMY');
$rows = $sth->rows();
is ($rows, 0, $t);

$t=q{DB handle method "table_info" returns correct number of rows when given a 'VIEW' type argument};
$sth = $dbh->table_info(undef,undef,undef,'VIEW');
$rows = $sth->rows();
cmp_ok ($rows, '<', $number, $t);

$t=q{DB handle method "table_info" returns correct number of rows when given a 'TABLE' type argument};
$sth = $dbh->table_info(undef,undef,undef,'TABLE');
$rows = $sth->rows();
cmp_ok ($rows, '<', $number, $t);

$dbh->do('CREATE TEMP TABLE dbd_pg_local_temp (i INT)');

$t=q{DB handle method "table_info" returns correct number of rows when given a 'LOCAL TEMPORARY' type argument};
$sth = $dbh->table_info(undef,undef,undef,'LOCAL TEMPORARY');
$rows = $sth->rows();
cmp_ok ($rows, '<', $number, $t);
cmp_ok ($rows, '>', 0, $t);

$t=q{DB handle method "table_info" returns correct number of rows when given a 'MATERIALIZED VIEW' type argument};
$sth = $dbh->table_info(undef,undef,undef,'MATERIALIZED VIEW');
$rows = $sth->rows();
is ($rows, 0, $t);

	if ($pgversion < 90300) {
		skip 'Postgres version 9.3 or better required to create materialized views', 1;
	$dbh->do('CREATE MATERIALIZED VIEW dbd_pg_matview (a) AS SELECT count(*) FROM pg_class');
	$t=q{DB handle method "table_info" returns correct number of rows when given a 'MATERIALIZED VIEW' type argument};
	$sth = $dbh->table_info(undef,undef,undef,'MATERIALIZED VIEW');
	$rows = $sth->rows();
	is ($rows, 1, $t);

# Test listing catalog names
$t='DB handle method "table_info" works when called with a catalog of %';
$sth = $dbh->table_info('%', '', '');
ok ($sth, $t);

# Test listing schema names
$t='DB handle method "table_info" works when called with a schema of %';
$sth = $dbh->table_info('', '%', '');
ok ($sth, $t);

{ # Test listing table types

my @expected = ('LOCAL TEMPORARY',
                'SYSTEM TABLE',
                'SYSTEM VIEW',

$t='DB handle method "table_info" works when called with a type of %';
$sth = $dbh->table_info('', '', '', '%');
ok($sth, $t);

$t='DB handle method "table_info" type list returns all expected types';
my %advertised = map { $_->[0] => 1 } @{ $sth->fetchall_arrayref([3]) };
is_deeply([sort keys %advertised], [sort @expected], $t);

$t='DB handle method "table_info" object list returns no unadvertised types';
$sth = $dbh->table_info('', '', '%');
my %surprises = map { $_->[0] => 1 }
                  grep { ! $advertised{$_->[0]} }
                    @{ $sth->fetchall_arrayref([3]) };

is_deeply([keys %surprises], [], $t)
  or diag('Objects of unexpected type(s) found: '
          . join(', ', sort keys %surprises));

} # END test listing table types

# Test of the "column_info" database handle method

# Check required minimum fields
$t='DB handle method "column_info" returns fields required by DBI';
$sth = $dbh->column_info('','','dbd_pg_test','score');
$result = $sth->fetchall_arrayref({});
@required =
undef %missing;
for my $r (@$result) {
	for (@required) {
		$missing{$_}++ if ! exists $r->{$_};
is_deeply (\%missing, {}, $t);

# Check that pg_constraint was populated
$t=q{DB handle method "column info" 'pg_constraint' returns a value for constrained columns};
$result = $result->[0];
like ($result->{pg_constraint}, qr/score/, $t);

# Check that it is not populated for non-constrained columns
$t=q{DB handle method "column info" 'pg_constraint' returns undef for non-constrained columns};
$sth = $dbh->column_info('','','dbd_pg_test','id');
$result = $sth->fetchall_arrayref({})->[0];
is ($result->{pg_constraint}, undef, $t);

# Check the rest of the custom "pg" columns
$t=q{DB handle method "column_info" returns good value for 'pg_type'};
is ($result->{pg_type}, 'integer', $t);

## Check some of the returned fields:
my $r = $result;
is ($r->{TABLE_CAT},   undef,               'DB handle method "column_info" returns proper TABLE_CAT');
is ($r->{TABLE_NAME},  'dbd_pg_test',       'DB handle method "column_info returns proper TABLE_NAME');
is ($r->{COLUMN_NAME}, 'id',                'DB handle method "column_info" returns proper COLUMN_NAME');
is ($r->{DATA_TYPE},   4,                   'DB handle method "column_info" returns proper DATA_TYPE');
is ($r->{COLUMN_SIZE}, 4,                   'DB handle method "column_info" returns proper COLUMN_SIZE');
is ($r->{NULLABLE},    '0',                 'DB handle method "column_info" returns proper NULLABLE');
is ($r->{REMARKS},     'Bob is your uncle', 'DB handle method "column_info" returns proper REMARKS');
is ($r->{COLUMN_DEF},  undef,               'DB handle method "column_info" returns proper COLUMN_DEF');
is ($r->{IS_NULLABLE}, 'NO',                'DB handle method "column_info" returns proper IS_NULLABLE');
is ($r->{pg_type},     'integer',           'DB handle method "column_info" returns proper pg_type');
is ($r->{ORDINAL_POSITION}, 1,              'DB handle method "column_info" returns proper ORDINAL_POSITION');

# Make sure we handle CamelCase Column Correctly
$t=q{DB handle method "column_info" works with non-lowercased columns};
$sth = $dbh->column_info('','','dbd_pg_test','CaseTest');
$result = $sth->fetchall_arrayref({})->[0];
is ($result->{COLUMN_NAME}, q{"CaseTest"}, $t);


	if ($pgversion < 80300) {
		skip ('DB handle method column_info attribute "pg_enum_values" requires at least Postgres 8.3', 2);

        local $dbh->{Warn} = 0;

        $dbh->do( q{CREATE TYPE dbd_pg_enumerated AS ENUM ('foo', 'bar', 'baz', 'buz')} );
        $dbh->do( q{CREATE TEMP TABLE dbd_pg_enum_test ( is_enum dbd_pg_enumerated NOT NULL )} );

	$t='DB handle method "column_info" returns proper pg_type';
    $sth = $dbh->column_info('','','dbd_pg_enum_test','is_enum');
    $result = $sth->fetchall_arrayref({})->[0];
    is ($result->{pg_type}, 'dbd_pg_enumerated', $t);

	$t='DB handle method "column_info" returns proper pg_enum_values';
    is_deeply ($result->{pg_enum_values}, [ qw( foo bar baz buz ) ], $t);

	$dbh->do('DROP TABLE dbd_pg_enum_test');
	$dbh->do('DROP TYPE dbd_pg_enumerated');

# Test of the "primary_key_info" database handle method

# Check required minimum fields
$t='DB handle method "primary_key_info" returns required fields';
$sth = $dbh->primary_key_info('','','dbd_pg_test');
$result = $sth->fetchall_arrayref({});
undef %missing;
for my $r (@$result) {
	for (@required) {
		$missing{$_}++ if ! exists $r->{$_};
is_deeply (\%missing, {}, $t);

## Check some of the returned fields:
$r = $result->[0];
is ($r->{TABLE_CAT},   undef,              'DB handle method "primary_key_info" returns proper TABLE_CAT');
is ($r->{TABLE_NAME},  'dbd_pg_test',      'DB handle method "primary_key_info" returns proper TABLE_NAME');
is ($r->{COLUMN_NAME}, 'id',               'DB handle method "primary_key_info" returns proper COLUMN_NAME');
is ($r->{PK_NAME},     'dbd_pg_test_pkey', 'DB handle method "primary_key_info" returns proper PK_NAME');
is ($r->{DATA_TYPE},   'int4',             'DB handle method "primary_key_info" returns proper DATA_TYPE');
is ($r->{KEY_SEQ},     1,                  'DB handle method "primary_key_info" returns proper KEY_SEQ');

# Test of the "primary_key" database handle method

$t='DB handle method "primary_key" works';
@result = $dbh->primary_key('', '', 'dbd_pg_test');
$expected = ['id'];
is_deeply (\@result, $expected, $t);

$t='DB handle method "primary_key" returns empty list for invalid table';
@result = $dbh->primary_key('', '', 'dbd_pg_test_do_not_create_this_table');
$expected = [];
is_deeply (\@result, $expected, $t);

# Test of the "statistics_info" database handle method


$dbh->{private_dbdpg}{version} >= 80000
	or skip ('Server must be version 8.0 or higher to test database handle method "statistics_info"', 10);

$t='DB handle method "statistics_info" returns undef: no table';
$sth = $dbh->statistics_info(undef,undef,undef,undef,undef);
is ($sth, undef, $t);

## Invalid table
$t='DB handle method "statistics_info" returns undef: bad table';
$sth = $dbh->statistics_info(undef,undef,'dbd_pg_test9',undef,undef);
is ($sth, undef, $t);

## Create some tables with various indexes
	local $SIG{__WARN__} = sub {};

	## Drop the third schema
	$dbh->do("DROP SCHEMA IF EXISTS $schema3 CASCADE");

	$dbh->do("CREATE TABLE $table1 (a INT, b INT NOT NULL, c INT NOT NULL, ".
			 'CONSTRAINT dbd_pg_test1_pk PRIMARY KEY (a))');
	$dbh->do("ALTER TABLE $table1 ADD CONSTRAINT dbd_pg_test1_uc1 UNIQUE (b)");
	$dbh->do("CREATE UNIQUE INDEX dbd_pg_test1_index_c ON $table1(c)");

	$dbh->do("CREATE TABLE $table2 (a INT, b INT, c INT, PRIMARY KEY(a,b), UNIQUE(b,c))");
	$dbh->do("CREATE INDEX dbd_pg_test2_expr ON $table2(c,(a+b))");

	$dbh->do("CREATE TABLE $table3 (a INT, b INT, c INT, PRIMARY KEY(a)) WITH OIDS");
	$dbh->do("CREATE UNIQUE INDEX dbd_pg_test3_index_b ON $table3(b)");
	$dbh->do("CREATE INDEX dbd_pg_test3_index_c ON $table3 USING hash(c)");
	$dbh->do("CREATE INDEX dbd_pg_test3_oid ON $table3(oid)");
	$dbh->do("CREATE UNIQUE INDEX dbd_pg_test3_pred ON $table3(c) WHERE c > 0 AND c < 45");

my $correct_stats = {
one => [
	[ undef, $schema, $table1, undef, undef, undef, 'table', undef, undef, undef, '0', '0', undef, undef ],
	[ undef, $schema, $table1, '0', undef, 'dbd_pg_test1_index_c', 'btree',  1, 'c', 'A', '0', '1', undef, 'c' ],
	[ undef, $schema, $table1, '0', undef, 'dbd_pg_test1_pk',      'btree',  1, 'a', 'A', '0', '1', undef, 'a' ],
	[ undef, $schema, $table1, '0', undef, 'dbd_pg_test1_uc1',     'btree',  1, 'b', 'A', '0', '1', undef, 'b' ],
	two => [
	[ undef, $schema, $table2, undef, undef, undef, 'table', undef, undef, undef, '0', '0', undef, undef ],
	[ undef, $schema, $table2, '0', undef, 'dbd_pg_test2_b_key',   'btree',  1, 'b', 'A', '0', '1', undef, 'b' ],
	[ undef, $schema, $table2, '0', undef, 'dbd_pg_test2_b_key',   'btree',  2, 'c', 'A', '0', '1', undef, 'c' ],
	[ undef, $schema, $table2, '0', undef, 'dbd_pg_test2_pkey',    'btree',  1, 'a', 'A', '0', '1', undef, 'a' ],
	[ undef, $schema, $table2, '0', undef, 'dbd_pg_test2_pkey',    'btree',  2, 'b', 'A', '0', '1', undef, 'b' ],
	[ undef, $schema, $table2, '1', undef, 'dbd_pg_test2_expr',    'btree',  1, 'c', 'A', '0', '1', undef, 'c' ],
	[ undef, $schema, $table2, '1', undef, 'dbd_pg_test2_expr',    'btree',  2, undef, 'A', '0', '1', undef, '(a + b)' ],
	three => [
	[ undef, $schema, $table3, undef, undef, undef, 'table', undef, undef, undef, '0', '0', undef, undef ],
	[ undef, $schema, $table3, '0', undef, 'dbd_pg_test3_index_b', 'btree',  1, 'b', 'A', '0', '1', undef, 'b' ],
	[ undef, $schema, $table3, '0', undef, 'dbd_pg_test3_pkey',    'btree',  1, 'a', 'A', '0', '1', undef, 'a' ],
	[ undef, $schema, $table3, '0', undef, 'dbd_pg_test3_pred',    'btree',  1, 'c', 'A', '0', '1', '((c > 0) AND (c < 45))', 'c' ],
	[ undef, $schema, $table3, '1', undef, 'dbd_pg_test3_oid',     'btree',  1, 'oid', 'A', '0', '1', undef, 'oid' ],
	[ undef, $schema, $table3, '1', undef, 'dbd_pg_test3_index_c', 'hashed', 1, 'c', 'A', '0', '4', undef, 'c' ],
	three_uo => [
	[ undef, $schema, $table3, '0', undef, 'dbd_pg_test3_index_b', 'btree',  1, 'b', 'A', '0', '1', undef, 'b' ],
	[ undef, $schema, $table3, '0', undef, 'dbd_pg_test3_pkey',    'btree',  1, 'a', 'A', '0', '1', undef, 'a' ],
	[ undef, $schema, $table3, '0', undef, 'dbd_pg_test3_pred',    'btree',  1, 'c', 'A', '0', '1', '((c > 0) AND (c < 45))', 'c' ],

## Make some per-version tweaks

## 8.5 changed the way foreign key names are generated
if ($pgversion >= 80500) {
	$correct_stats->{two}[1][5] = $correct_stats->{two}[2][5] = 'dbd_pg_test2_b_c_key';

my $stats;

$t="Correct stats output for $table1";
$sth = $dbh->statistics_info(undef,$schema,$table1,undef,undef);
$stats = $sth->fetchall_arrayref;
is_deeply ($stats, $correct_stats->{one}, $t);

$t="Correct stats output for $table2";
$sth = $dbh->statistics_info(undef,$schema,$table2,undef,undef);
$stats = $sth->fetchall_arrayref;
is_deeply ($stats, $correct_stats->{two}, $t);

$t="Correct stats output for $table3";
$sth = $dbh->statistics_info(undef,$schema,$table3,undef,undef);
$stats = $sth->fetchall_arrayref;
## Too many intra-version differences to try for an exact number here:
$correct_stats->{three}[5][11] = $stats->[5][11] = 0;
is_deeply ($stats, $correct_stats->{three}, $t);

$t="Correct stats output for $table3 (unique only)";
$sth = $dbh->statistics_info(undef,$schema,$table3,1,undef);
$stats = $sth->fetchall_arrayref;
is_deeply ($stats, $correct_stats->{three_uo}, $t);

	$t="Correct stats output for $table1";
	$sth = $dbh->statistics_info(undef,undef,$table1,undef,undef);
	$stats = $sth->fetchall_arrayref;
	is_deeply ($stats, $correct_stats->{one}, $t);

	$t="Correct stats output for $table3";
	$sth = $dbh->statistics_info(undef,undef,$table2,undef,undef);
	$stats = $sth->fetchall_arrayref;
	is_deeply ($stats, $correct_stats->{two}, $t);

	$t="Correct stats output for $table3";
	$sth = $dbh->statistics_info(undef,undef,$table3,undef,undef);
	$stats = $sth->fetchall_arrayref;
	$correct_stats->{three}[5][11] = $stats->[5][11] = 0;
	is_deeply ($stats, $correct_stats->{three}, $t);

	$t="Correct stats output for $table3 (unique only)";
	$sth = $dbh->statistics_info(undef,undef,$table3,1,undef);
	$stats = $sth->fetchall_arrayref;
	is_deeply ($stats, $correct_stats->{three_uo}, $t);

# Clean everything up
$dbh->do("DROP TABLE $table3");
$dbh->do("DROP TABLE $table2");
$dbh->do("DROP TABLE $table1");

} ## end of statistics_info tests

# Test of the "foreign_key_info" database handle method

## Neither pktable nor fktable specified
$t='DB handle method "foreign_key_info" returns undef: no pk / no fk';
$sth = $dbh->foreign_key_info(undef,undef,undef,undef,undef,undef);
is ($sth, undef, $t);

# Drop any tables that may exist
my $fktables = join ',' => map { "'dbd_pg_test$_'" } (1..3);
$SQL = "SELECT n.nspname||'.'||r.relname FROM pg_catalog.pg_class r, pg_catalog.pg_namespace n WHERE relkind='r' AND r.relnamespace = n.oid AND r.relname IN ($fktables)";
	local $SIG{__WARN__} = sub {};
	for (@{$dbh->selectall_arrayref($SQL)}) {
		$dbh->do("DROP TABLE $_->[0] CASCADE");
## Invalid primary table
$t='DB handle method "foreign_key_info" returns undef: bad pk / no fk';
$sth = $dbh->foreign_key_info(undef,undef,'dbd_pg_test9',undef,undef,undef);
is ($sth, undef, $t);

## Invalid foreign table
$t='DB handle method "foreign_key_info" returns undef: no pk / bad fk';
$sth = $dbh->foreign_key_info(undef,undef,undef,undef,undef,'dbd_pg_test9');
is ($sth, undef, $t);

## Both primary and foreign are invalid
$t='DB handle method "foreign_key_info" returns undef: bad fk / bad fk';
$sth = $dbh->foreign_key_info(undef,undef,'dbd_pg_test9',undef,undef,'dbd_pg_test9');
is ($sth, undef, $t);

## Create a pk table

# Create identical tables and relations in multiple schemas, and in the
# opposite order of the search_path, so we have at least a vague chance
# of testing that we respect the search_path order.
$dbh->do("CREATE SCHEMA $schema3");
$dbh->do("CREATE SCHEMA $schema2");
$dbh->do("SET search_path = $schema2,$schema3");
for my $s ($schema3, $schema2) {
	local $SIG{__WARN__} = sub {};
	$dbh->do("CREATE TABLE $s.dbd_pg_test1 (a INT, b INT NOT NULL, c INT NOT NULL, ".
			 'CONSTRAINT dbd_pg_test1_pk PRIMARY KEY (a))');
	$dbh->do("ALTER TABLE $s.dbd_pg_test1 ADD CONSTRAINT dbd_pg_test1_uc1 UNIQUE (b)");
	$dbh->do("CREATE UNIQUE INDEX dbd_pg_test1_index_c ON $s.dbd_pg_test1(c)");

## Make sure the foreign_key_info is turning this back on internally:
$dbh->{pg_expand_array} = 0;

## Good primary with no foreign keys
$t='DB handle method "foreign_key_info" returns undef: good pk (but unreferenced)';
$sth = $dbh->foreign_key_info(undef,undef,$table1,undef,undef,undef);
is ($sth, undef, $t);

## Create a simple foreign key table
for my $s ($schema3, $schema2) {
	local $SIG{__WARN__} = sub {};
	$dbh->do("CREATE TABLE $s.dbd_pg_test2 (f1 INT PRIMARY KEY, f2 INT NOT NULL, f3 INT NOT NULL)");
	$dbh->do("ALTER TABLE $s.dbd_pg_test2 ADD CONSTRAINT dbd_pg_test2_fk1 FOREIGN KEY(f2) REFERENCES $s.dbd_pg_test1(a)");

## Bad primary with good foreign
$t='DB handle method "foreign_key_info" returns undef: bad pk / good fk';
$sth = $dbh->foreign_key_info(undef,undef,'dbd_pg_test9',undef,undef,$table2);
is ($sth, undef, $t);

## Good primary, good foreign, bad schemas
$t='DB handle method "foreign_key_info" returns undef: good pk / good fk / bad pk schema';
my $testschema = 'dbd_pg_test_badschema11';
$sth = $dbh->foreign_key_info(undef,$testschema,$table1,undef,undef,$table2);
is ($sth, undef, $t);

$t='DB handle method "foreign_key_info" returns undef: good pk / good fk / bad fk schema';
$sth = $dbh->foreign_key_info(undef,undef,$table1,undef,$testschema,$table2);
is ($sth, undef, $t);

## Good primary
$sth = $dbh->foreign_key_info(undef,undef,$table1,undef,undef,undef);
$result = $sth->fetchall_arrayref({});

# Check required minimum fields
$t='DB handle method "foreign_key_info" returns fields required by DBI';
$result = $sth->fetchall_arrayref({});
@required =
undef %missing;
for my $r (@$result) {
	for (@required) {
		$missing{$_}++ if ! exists $r->{$_};
is_deeply (\%missing, {}, $t);

$t='Calling foreign_key_info does not change pg_expand_array';
is ($dbh->{pg_expand_array}, 0, $t);

## Good primary
$t='DB handle method "foreign_key_info" works for good pk';
$sth = $dbh->foreign_key_info(undef,undef,$table1,undef,undef,undef);
$result = $sth->fetchall_arrayref();
my $fk1 = [
					 undef, ## Catalog
					 $schema2, ## Schema
					 $table1, ## Table
					 'a', ## Column
					 undef, ## FK Catalog
					 $schema2, ## FK Schema
					 $table2, ## FK Table
					 'f2', ## FK Table
					 1, ## Ordinal position
					 3, ## Update rule
					 3, ## Delete rule
					 'dbd_pg_test2_fk1', ## FK name
					 'dbd_pg_test1_pk',  ## UK name
					 '7', ## deferability
					 'PRIMARY', ## unique or primary
					 'int4', ## uk data type
					 'int4'  ## fk data type
$expected = [$fk1];
is_deeply ($result, $expected, $t);

## Same with explicit table
$t='DB handle method "foreign_key_info" works for good pk / good fk';
$sth = $dbh->foreign_key_info(undef,undef,$table1,undef,undef,$table2);
$result = $sth->fetchall_arrayref();
is_deeply ($result, $expected, $t);

## Foreign table only
$t='DB handle method "foreign_key_info" works for good fk';
$sth = $dbh->foreign_key_info(undef,undef,undef,undef,undef,$table2);
$result = $sth->fetchall_arrayref();
is_deeply ($result, $expected, $t);

## Add a foreign key to an explicit unique constraint
$t='DB handle method "foreign_key_info" works for good pk / explicit fk';
	local $SIG{__WARN__} = sub {};
	$dbh->do('ALTER TABLE dbd_pg_test2 ADD CONSTRAINT dbd_pg_test2_fk2 FOREIGN KEY (f3) '.
$sth = $dbh->foreign_key_info(undef,undef,$table1,undef,undef,undef);
$result = $sth->fetchall_arrayref();
my $fk2 = [
					 '0', ## cascade
					 '2', ## set null
$expected = [$fk1,$fk2];
is_deeply ($result, $expected, $t);

## Add a foreign key to an implicit unique constraint (a unique index on a column)
$t='DB handle method "foreign_key_info" works for good pk / implicit fk';
	local $SIG{__WARN__} = sub {};
	$dbh->do('ALTER TABLE dbd_pg_test2 ADD CONSTRAINT dbd_pg_test2_aafk3 FOREIGN KEY (f3) '.
$sth = $dbh->foreign_key_info(undef,undef,$table1,undef,undef,undef);
$result = $sth->fetchall_arrayref();
my $fk3 = [
					 '4', ## set default
					 '1', ## restrict
					 undef, ## plain indexes have no named constraint
$expected = [$fk3,$fk1,$fk2];
is_deeply ($result, $expected, $t);

## Create another foreign key table to point to the first (primary) table
$t='DB handle method "foreign_key_info" works for multiple fks';
for my $s ($schema3, $schema2) {
	local $SIG{__WARN__} = sub {};
	$dbh->do("CREATE TABLE $s.dbd_pg_test3 (ff1 INT NOT NULL)");
	$dbh->do("ALTER TABLE $s.dbd_pg_test3 ADD CONSTRAINT dbd_pg_test3_fk1 FOREIGN KEY(ff1) REFERENCES $s.dbd_pg_test1(a)");

$sth = $dbh->foreign_key_info(undef,undef,$table1,undef,undef,undef);
$result = $sth->fetchall_arrayref();
my $fk4 = [
$expected = [$fk3,$fk1,$fk2,$fk4];
is_deeply ($result, $expected, $t);

## Test that explicit naming two tables brings back only those tables
$t='DB handle method "foreign_key_info" works for good pk / good fk (only)';
$sth = $dbh->foreign_key_info(undef,undef,$table1,undef,undef,$table3);
$result = $sth->fetchall_arrayref();
$expected = [$fk4];
is_deeply ($result, $expected, $t);

## Multi-column madness
$t='DB handle method "foreign_key_info" works for multi-column keys';
	local $SIG{__WARN__} = sub {};
	$dbh->do('ALTER TABLE dbd_pg_test1 ADD CONSTRAINT dbd_pg_test1_uc2 UNIQUE (b,c,a)');
	$dbh->do('ALTER TABLE dbd_pg_test2 ADD CONSTRAINT dbd_pg_test2_fk4 ' .
					 'FOREIGN KEY (f1,f3,f2) REFERENCES dbd_pg_test1(c,a,b)');

$sth = $dbh->foreign_key_info(undef,undef,$table1,undef,undef,$table2);
$result = $sth->fetchall_arrayref();
## "dbd_pg_test2_fk4" FOREIGN KEY (f1, f3, f2) REFERENCES dbd_pg_test1(c, a, b)
my $fk5 = [
# For the rest of the multi-column, only change:
# primary column name [3]
# foreign column name [7]
# ordinal position [8]
my @fk6 = @$fk5; my $fk6 = \@fk6; $fk6->[3] = 'a'; $fk6->[7] = 'f3'; $fk6->[8] = 2;
my @fk7 = @$fk5; my $fk7 = \@fk7; $fk7->[3] = 'b'; $fk7->[7] = 'f2'; $fk7->[8] = 3;
$expected = [$fk3,$fk1,$fk2,$fk5,$fk6,$fk7];
is_deeply ($result, $expected, $t);

$t='DB handle method "foreign_key_info" works with FetchHashKeyName NAME_lc';
$dbh->{FetchHashKeyName} = 'NAME_lc';
$sth = $dbh->foreign_key_info(undef,undef,$table1,undef,undef,$table2);
$result = $sth->fetchrow_hashref();
ok (exists $result->{'fk_table_name'}, $t);

$t='DB handle method "foreign_key_info" works with FetchHashKeyName NAME_uc';
$dbh->{FetchHashKeyName} = 'NAME_uc';
$sth = $dbh->foreign_key_info(undef,undef,$table1,undef,undef,$table2);
$result = $sth->fetchrow_hashref();
ok (exists $result->{'FK_TABLE_NAME'}, $t);

$t='DB handle method "foreign_key_info" works with FetchHashKeyName NAME';
$dbh->{FetchHashKeyName} = 'NAME';
$sth = $dbh->foreign_key_info(undef,undef,$table1,undef,undef,$table2);
$result = $sth->fetchrow_hashref();
ok (exists $result->{'FK_TABLE_NAME'}, $t);

# Clean everything up
for my $s ($schema3, $schema2) {
	$dbh->do("DROP TABLE $s.dbd_pg_test3");
	$dbh->do("DROP TABLE $s.dbd_pg_test2");
	$dbh->do("DROP TABLE $s.dbd_pg_test1");
$dbh->do("DROP SCHEMA $schema2");
$dbh->do("DROP SCHEMA $schema3");

$dbh->do("SET search_path = $schema");
# Test of the "tables" database handle method

$t='DB handle method "tables" works';
@result = $dbh->tables('', '', 'dbd_pg_test', '');
like ($result[0], qr/dbd_pg_test/, $t);

$t='DB handle method "tables" works with a "pg_noprefix" attribute';
@result = $dbh->tables('', '', 'dbd_pg_test', '', {pg_noprefix => 1});
is ($result[0], 'dbd_pg_test', $t);

$t='DB handle method "tables" works with type=\'%\'';
@result = $dbh->tables('', '', 'dbd_pg_test', '%');
like ($result[0], qr/dbd_pg_test/, $t);

# Test of the "type_info_all" database handle method

$result = $dbh->type_info_all();

# Quick check that the structure looks correct
$t='DB handle method "type_info_all" returns a valid structure';
my $badresult=q{};
if (ref $result eq 'ARRAY') {
	my $index = $result->[0];
	if (ref $index ne 'HASH') {
		$badresult = 'First element in array not a hash ref';
	else {
			$badresult = "Field $_ missing" if !exists $index->{$_};
else {
	$badresult = 'Array reference not returned';
diag "type_info_all problem: $badresult" if $badresult;
ok (!$badresult, $t);

# Test of the "type_info" database handle method

# Check required minimum fields
$t='DB handle method "type_info" returns fields required by DBI';
$result = $dbh->type_info(4);
@required =
undef %missing;
for (@required) {
	$missing{$_}++ if ! exists $result->{$_};
is_deeply (\%missing, {}, $t);

# Test of the "quote" database handle method

my %quotetests = (
	q{0} => q{'0'},
	q{Ain't misbehaving } => q{'Ain''t misbehaving '},
	NULL => q{'NULL'},
	"" => q{''}, ## no critic

for (keys %quotetests) {
	$t=qq{DB handle method "quote" works with a value of "$_"};
	$result = $dbh->quote($_);
	is ($result, $quotetests{$_}, $t);

## Test timestamp - should quote as a string
$t='DB handle method "quote" work on timestamp';
my $tstype = 93;
my $testtime = '2006-01-28 11:12:13';
is ($dbh->quote( $testtime, $tstype ), qq{'$testtime'}, $t);

$t='DB handle method "quote" works with an undefined value';
my $foo;
	no warnings;## Perl does not like undef args
	is ($dbh->quote($foo), q{NULL}, $t);
$t='DB handle method "quote" works with a supplied data type argument';
is ($dbh->quote(1, 4), 1, $t);

## Test bytea quoting
my $scs = $dbh->{pg_standard_conforming_strings};
for my $byteval (1 .. 255) {
	my $byte = chr($byteval);
	$result = $dbh->quote($byte, { pg_type => PG_BYTEA });
	if ($byteval < 32 or $byteval >= 127) {
		$expected = $scs
			? sprintf q{E'\\\\%03o'}, $byteval
				: sprintf q{'\\\\%03o'}, $byteval;
	else {
		$expected = $scs
			? sprintf q{E'%s'}, $byte
				: sprintf q{'%s'}, $byte;
	if ($byte eq '\\') {
		$expected =~ s{\\}{\\\\\\\\};
	elsif ($byte eq q{'}) {
		$expected = $scs ? q{E''''} : q{''''};
	$t = qq{Byte value $byteval quotes to $expected};
	is ($result, $expected, $t);

## Various backslash tests
$t='DB handle method "quote" works properly with backslashes';
my $E = $pgversion >= 80100 ? q{E} : q{};
is ($dbh->quote('foo\\bar'), qq{${E}'foo\\\\bar'}, $t);

$t='DB handle method "quote" works properly without backslashes';
is ($dbh->quote('foobar'), q{'foobar'}, $t);

# Test various quote types

## Points
$t='DB handle method "quote" works with type PG_POINT';
eval { $result = $dbh->quote(q{123,456}, { pg_type => PG_POINT }); };
is ($@, q{}, $t);

$t='DB handle method "quote" returns correct value for type PG_POINT';
is ($result, q{'123,456'}, $t);

$t='DB handle method "quote" fails with invalid PG_POINT string';
eval { $result = $dbh->quote(q{[123,456]}, { pg_type => PG_POINT }); };
like ($@, qr{Invalid input for geometric type}, $t);

$t='DB handle method "quote" fails with invalid PG_POINT string';
eval { $result = $dbh->quote(q{A123,456}, { pg_type => PG_POINT }); };
like ($@, qr{Invalid input for geometric type}, $t);

## Lines and line segments
$t='DB handle method "quote" works with valid PG_LINE string';
eval { $result = $dbh->quote(q{123,456}, { pg_type => PG_LINE }); };
is ($@, q{}, $t);

$t='DB handle method "quote" fails with invalid PG_LINE string';
eval { $result = $dbh->quote(q{[123,456]}, { pg_type => PG_LINE }); };
like ($@, qr{Invalid input for geometric type}, $t);

$t='DB handle method "quote" fails with invalid PG_LINE string';
eval { $result = $dbh->quote(q{<123,456}, { pg_type => PG_LINE }); };
like ($@, qr{Invalid input for geometric type}, $t);

$t='DB handle method "quote" fails with invalid PG_LSEG string';
eval { $result = $dbh->quote(q{[123,456]}, { pg_type => PG_LSEG }); };
like ($@, qr{Invalid input for geometric type}, $t);

$t='DB handle method "quote" fails with invalid PG_LSEG string';
eval { $result = $dbh->quote(q{[123,456}, { pg_type => PG_LSEG }); };
like ($@, qr{Invalid input for geometric type}, $t);

## Boxes
$t='DB handle method "quote" works with valid PG_BOX string';
eval { $result = $dbh->quote(q{1,2,3,4}, { pg_type => PG_BOX }); };
is ($@, q{}, $t);

$t='DB handle method "quote" fails with invalid PG_BOX string';
eval { $result = $dbh->quote(q{[1,2,3,4]}, { pg_type => PG_BOX }); };
like ($@, qr{Invalid input for geometric type}, $t);

$t='DB handle method "quote" fails with invalid PG_BOX string';
eval { $result = $dbh->quote(q{1,2,3,4,cheese}, { pg_type => PG_BOX }); };
like ($@, qr{Invalid input for geometric type}, $t);

## Paths - can have optional square brackets
$t='DB handle method "quote" works with valid PG_PATH string';
eval { $result = $dbh->quote(q{[(1,2),(3,4)]}, { pg_type => PG_PATH }); };
is ($@, q{}, $t);

$t='DB handle method "quote" returns correct value for type PG_PATH';
is ($result, q{'[(1,2),(3,4)]'}, $t);

$t='DB handle method "quote" fails with invalid PG_PATH string';
eval { $result = $dbh->quote(q{<(1,2),(3,4)>}, { pg_type => PG_PATH }); };
like ($@, qr{Invalid input for path type}, $t);

$t='DB handle method "quote" fails with invalid PG_PATH string';
eval { $result = $dbh->quote(q{<1,2,3,4>}, { pg_type => PG_PATH }); };
like ($@, qr{Invalid input for path type}, $t);

## Polygons
$t='DB handle method "quote" works with valid PG_POLYGON string';
eval { $result = $dbh->quote(q{1,2,3,4}, { pg_type => PG_POLYGON }); };
is ($@, q{}, $t);

$t='DB handle method "quote" fails with invalid PG_POLYGON string';
eval { $result = $dbh->quote(q{[1,2,3,4]}, { pg_type => PG_POLYGON }); };
like ($@, qr{Invalid input for geometric type}, $t);

$t='DB handle method "quote" fails with invalid PG_POLYGON string';
eval { $result = $dbh->quote(q{1,2,3,4,cheese}, { pg_type => PG_POLYGON }); };
like ($@, qr{Invalid input for geometric type}, $t);

## Circles - can have optional angle brackets
$t='DB handle method "quote" works with valid PG_CIRCLE string';
eval { $result = $dbh->quote(q{<(1,2,3)>}, { pg_type => PG_CIRCLE }); };
is ($@, q{}, $t);

$t='DB handle method "quote" returns correct value for type PG_CIRCLE';
is ($result, q{'<(1,2,3)>'}, $t);

$t='DB handle method "quote" fails with invalid PG_CIRCLE string';
eval { $result = $dbh->quote(q{[(1,2,3)]}, { pg_type => PG_CIRCLE }); };
like ($@, qr{Invalid input for circle type}, $t);

$t='DB handle method "quote" fails with invalid PG_CIRCLE string';
eval { $result = $dbh->quote(q{1,2,3,4,H}, { pg_type => PG_CIRCLE }); };
like ($@, qr{Invalid input for circle type}, $t);

# Test of the "quote_identifier" database handle method

%quotetests = (
									q{0} => q{"0"},
									q{Ain't misbehaving } => q{"Ain't misbehaving "},
									NULL => q{"NULL"},
									"" => q{""}, ## no critic
for (keys %quotetests) {
	$t=qq{DB handle method "quote_identifier" works with a value of "$_"};
	$result = $dbh->quote_identifier($_);
	is ($result, $quotetests{$_}, $t);
$t='DB handle method "quote_identifier" works with an undefined value';
is ($dbh->quote_identifier(undef), q{}, $t);

$t='DB handle method "quote_identifier" works with schemas';
is ($dbh->quote_identifier( undef, 'Her schema', 'My table' ), q{"Her schema"."My table"}, $t);

# Test of the "table_attributes" database handle method (deprecated)

# Because this function is deprecated and really just calling the column_info() 
# and primary_key() methods, we will do minimal testing.
$t='DB handle method "table_attributes" returns the expected fields';
$result = $dbh->func('dbd_pg_test', 'table_attributes');
$result = $result->[0];
@required =
undef %missing;
for (@required) {
	$missing{$_}++ if ! exists $result->{$_};
is_deeply (\%missing, {}, $t);

# Test of the "pg_lo_*" database handle methods

$t='DB handle method "pg_lo_creat" returns a valid descriptor for reading';
$dbh->{AutoCommit}=1; $dbh->{AutoCommit}=0; ## Catch error where not in begin

my ($R,$W) = ($dbh->{pg_INV_READ}, $dbh->{pg_INV_WRITE});
my $RW = $R|$W;
my $object;

$t='DB handle method "pg_lo_creat" works with old-school dbh->func() method';
$object = $dbh->func($W, 'pg_lo_creat');
like ($object, qr/^\d+$/o, $t);
isnt ($object, 0, $t);

$t='DB handle method "pg_lo_creat" works with deprecated dbh->func(...lo_creat) method';
$object = $dbh->func($W, 'lo_creat');
like ($object, qr/^\d+$/o, $t);
isnt ($object, 0, $t);

$t='DB handle method "pg_lo_creat" returns a valid descriptor for writing';
$object = $dbh->pg_lo_creat($W);
like ($object, qr/^\d+$/o, $t);
isnt ($object, 0, $t);

$t='DB handle method "pg_lo_open" returns a valid descriptor for writing';
my $handle = $dbh->pg_lo_open($object, $W);
like ($handle, qr/^\d+$/o, $t);
isnt ($object, -1, $t);

$t='DB handle method "pg_lo_lseek" works when writing';
$result = $dbh->pg_lo_lseek($handle, 0, 0);
is ($result, 0, $t);
isnt ($object, -1, $t);

$t='DB handle method "pg_lo_write" works';
my $buf = 'tangelo mulberry passionfruit raspberry plantain' x 500;
$result = $dbh->pg_lo_write($handle, $buf, length($buf));
is ($result, length($buf), $t);
cmp_ok ($object, '>', 0, $t);

$t='DB handle method "pg_lo_close" works after write';
$result = $dbh->pg_lo_close($handle);
ok ($result, $t);

# Reopen for reading
$t='DB handle method "pg_lo_open" returns a valid descriptor for reading';
$handle = $dbh->pg_lo_open($object, $R);
like ($handle, qr/^\d+$/o, $t);
cmp_ok ($handle, 'eq', 0, $t);

$t='DB handle method "pg_lo_lseek" works when reading';
$result = $dbh->pg_lo_lseek($handle, 11, 0);
is ($result, 11, $t);

$t='DB handle method "pg_lo_tell" works';
$result = $dbh->pg_lo_tell($handle);
is ($result, 11, $t);

$t='DB handle method "pg_lo_read" reads back the same data that was written';
$dbh->pg_lo_lseek($handle, 0, 0);
my ($buf2,$data) = ('','');
while ($dbh->pg_lo_read($handle, $data, 513)) {
	$buf2 .= $data;
is (length($buf), length($buf2), $t);


	#$pgversion < 80300 and skip ('Server version 8.3 or greater needed for pg_lo_truncate tests', 2);
	skip ('pg_lo_truncate is not working yet', 2);
	$t='DB handle method "pg_lo_truncate" works';
	$result = $dbh->pg_lo_truncate($handle, 4);
	is ($result, 0, $t);

	$dbh->pg_lo_lseek($handle, 0, 0);
	($buf2,$data) = ('','');
	while ($dbh->pg_lo_read($handle, $data, 100)) {
		$buf2 .= $data;
	is (length($buf2), 4, $t);

$t='DB handle method "pg_lo_close" works after read';
$result = $dbh->pg_lo_close($handle);
ok ($result, $t);

$t='DB handle method "pg_lo_unlink" works';
$result = $dbh->pg_lo_unlink($object);
is ($result, 1, $t);

$t='DB handle method "pg_lo_unlink" fails when called second time';
$result = $dbh->pg_lo_unlink($object);
ok (!$result, $t);


	my $super = is_super();

	$super or skip ('Cannot run largeobject tests unless run as Postgres superuser', 38);

  SKIP: {

		eval {
			require File::Temp;
		$@ and skip ('Must have File::Temp to test pg_lo_import* and pg_lo_export', 8);

		$t='DB handle method "pg_lo_import" works';
		my ($fh,$filename) = File::Temp::tmpnam();
		print {$fh} "abc\ndef";
		close $fh or warn 'Failed to close temporary file';
		$handle = $dbh->pg_lo_import($filename);
		my $objid = $handle;
		ok ($handle, $t);

		$t='DB handle method "pg_lo_import" inserts correct data';
		$SQL = "SELECT data FROM pg_largeobject where loid = $handle";
		$info = $dbh->selectall_arrayref($SQL)->[0][0];
		is_deeply ($info, "abc\ndef", $t);

	  SKIP: {
			if ($pglibversion < 80400) {
				skip ('Cannot test pg_lo_import_with_oid unless compiled against 8.4 or better server', 5);
			if ($pgversion < 80100) {
				skip ('Cannot test pg_lo_import_with_oid against old versions of Postgres', 5);

			$t='DB handle method "pg_lo_import_with_oid" works with high number';
			my $highnumber = 345167;
			my $thandle;
		  SKIP: {

				skip ('Known bug: pg_log_import_with_oid throws an error. See RT #90448', 3);

				$thandle = $dbh->pg_lo_import_with_oid($filename, $highnumber);
				is ($thandle, $highnumber, $t);
				ok ($thandle, $t);

				$t='DB handle method "pg_lo_import_with_oid" inserts correct data';
				$SQL = "SELECT data FROM pg_largeobject where loid = $thandle";
				$info = $dbh->selectall_arrayref($SQL)->[0][0];
				is_deeply ($info, "abc\ndef", $t);

			$t='DB handle method "pg_lo_import_with_oid" fails when given already used number';
			eval {
				$thandle = $dbh->pg_lo_import_with_oid($filename, $objid);
			is ($thandle, undef, $t);

			$t='DB handle method "pg_lo_import_with_oid" falls back to lo_import when number is 0';
			eval {
				$thandle = $dbh->pg_lo_import_with_oid($filename, 0);
			ok ($thandle, $t);

		unlink $filename;

		$t='DB handle method "pg_lo_open" works after "pg_lo_insert"';
		$handle = $dbh->pg_lo_open($handle, $R);
		like ($handle, qr/^\d+$/o, $t);

		$t='DB handle method "pg_lo_read" returns correct data after "pg_lo_import"';
		$data = '';
		$result = $dbh->pg_lo_read($handle, $data, 100);
		is ($result, 7, $t);
		is ($data, "abc\ndef", $t);

		$t='DB handle method "pg_lo_export" works';
		($fh,$filename) = File::Temp::tmpnam();
		$result = $dbh->pg_lo_export($objid, $filename);
		ok (-e $filename, $t);
		$result = read $fh, $data, 10;
		is ($result, 7, $t);
		is ($data, "abc\ndef", $t);
		close $fh or warn 'Could not close tempfile';
		unlink $filename;

	## Same pg_lo_* tests, but with AutoCommit on


	$t='DB handle method "pg_lo_creat" fails when AutoCommit on';
	eval {
	like ($@, qr{pg_lo_creat when AutoCommit is on}, $t);

	$t='DB handle method "pg_lo_open" fails with AutoCommit on';
	eval {
		$dbh->pg_lo_open($object, $W);
	like ($@, qr{pg_lo_open when AutoCommit is on}, $t);

	$t='DB handle method "pg_lo_read" fails with AutoCommit on';
	eval {
		$dbh->pg_lo_read($object, $data, 0);
	like ($@, qr{pg_lo_read when AutoCommit is on}, $t);

	$t='DB handle method "pg_lo_lseek" fails with AutoCommit on';
	eval {
		$dbh->pg_lo_lseek($handle, 0, 0);
	like ($@, qr{pg_lo_lseek when AutoCommit is on}, $t);

	$t='DB handle method "pg_lo_write" fails with AutoCommit on';
	$buf = 'tangelo mulberry passionfruit raspberry plantain' x 500;
	eval {
		$dbh->pg_lo_write($handle, $buf, length($buf));
	like ($@, qr{pg_lo_write when AutoCommit is on}, $t);

	$t='DB handle method "pg_lo_close" fails with AutoCommit on';
	eval {
	like ($@, qr{pg_lo_close when AutoCommit is on}, $t);

	$t='DB handle method "pg_lo_tell" fails with AutoCommit on';
	eval {
	like ($@, qr{pg_lo_tell when AutoCommit is on}, $t);

	$t='DB handle method "pg_lo_unlink" fails with AutoCommit on';
	eval {
	like ($@, qr{pg_lo_unlink when AutoCommit is on}, $t);

  SKIP: {

		eval {
			require File::Temp;
		$@ and skip ('Must have File::Temp to test pg_lo_import and pg_lo_export', 5);

		$t='DB handle method "pg_lo_import" works (AutoCommit on)';
		my ($fh,$filename) = File::Temp::tmpnam();
		print {$fh} "abc\ndef";
		close $fh or warn 'Failed to close temporary file';
		$handle = $dbh->pg_lo_import($filename);
		ok ($handle, $t);

		$t='DB handle method "pg_lo_import" inserts correct data (AutoCommit on, begin_work not called)';
		$SQL = 'SELECT data FROM pg_largeobject where loid = ?';
		$sth = $dbh->prepare($SQL);
		$info = $sth->fetchall_arrayref()->[0][0];
		is_deeply ($info, "abc\ndef", $t);

		# cleanup last lo
		$dbh->{AutoCommit} = 0;
		$dbh->{AutoCommit} = 1;

		$t='DB handle method "pg_lo_import" works (AutoCommit on, begin_work called, no command)';
		$handle = $dbh->pg_lo_import($filename);
		ok ($handle, $t);
		$info = $sth->fetchall_arrayref()->[0][0];
		is_deeply ($info, "abc\ndef", $t);

		$t='DB handle method "pg_lo_import" works (AutoCommit on, begin_work called, no command, rollback)';
		$handle = $dbh->pg_lo_import($filename);
		ok ($handle, $t);
		$info = $sth->fetchall_arrayref()->[0][0];
		is_deeply ($info, undef, $t);

		$t='DB handle method "pg_lo_import" works (AutoCommit on, begin_work called, second command)';
		$dbh->do('SELECT 123');
		$handle = $dbh->pg_lo_import($filename);
		ok ($handle, $t);
		$info = $sth->fetchall_arrayref()->[0][0];
		is_deeply ($info, "abc\ndef", $t);

		$t='DB handle method "pg_lo_import" works (AutoCommit on, begin_work called, second command, rollback)';
		$dbh->do('SELECT 123');
		$handle = $dbh->pg_lo_import($filename);
		ok ($handle, $t);
		$info = $sth->fetchall_arrayref()->[0][0];
		is_deeply ($info, undef, $t);

		$t='DB handle method "pg_lo_import" works (AutoCommit not on, no command)';
		$dbh->{AutoCommit} = 0;
		$handle = $dbh->pg_lo_import($filename);
		ok ($handle, $t);
		$info = $sth->fetchall_arrayref()->[0][0];
		is_deeply ($info, "abc\ndef", $t);

		$t='DB handle method "pg_lo_import" works (AutoCommit not on, second command)';
		$dbh->do('SELECT 123');
		$handle = $dbh->pg_lo_import($filename);
		ok ($handle, $t);
		$info = $sth->fetchall_arrayref()->[0][0];
		is_deeply ($info, "abc\ndef", $t);

		unlink $filename;
		$dbh->{AutoCommit} = 1;

		my $objid = $handle;
		$t='DB handle method "pg_lo_export" works (AutoCommit on)';
		($fh,$filename) = File::Temp::tmpnam();
		$result = $dbh->pg_lo_export($objid, $filename);
		ok (-e $filename, $t);
		$result = read $fh, $data, 10;
		is ($result, 7, $t);
		is ($data, "abc\ndef", $t);
		close $fh or warn 'Could not close tempfile';
		unlink $filename;

		# cleanup last lo
		$dbh->{AutoCommit} = 0;
		$dbh->{AutoCommit} = 1;
	$dbh->{AutoCommit} = 0;

# Test of the "pg_notifies" database handle method

$t='DB handle method "pg_notifies" does not throw an error';
eval {
is ($@, q{}, $t);

$t='DB handle method "pg_notifies" (func) returns the correct values';
my $notify_name = 'dbdpg_notify_test';
my $pid = $dbh->selectall_arrayref('SELECT pg_backend_pid()')->[0][0];
$dbh->do("LISTEN $notify_name");
$dbh->do("NOTIFY $notify_name");
$info = $dbh->func('pg_notifies');
is_deeply ($info, [$notify_name, $pid, ''], $t);

$t='DB handle method "pg_notifies" returns the correct values';
$dbh->do("NOTIFY $notify_name");
$info = $dbh->pg_notifies;
is_deeply ($info, [$notify_name, $pid, ''], $t);

# Test of the "getfd" database handle method

$t='DB handle method "getfd" returns a number';
$result = $dbh->func('getfd');
like ($result, qr/^\d+$/, $t);

# Test of the "state" database handle method

$t='DB handle method "state" returns an empty string on success';
$result = $dbh->state();
is ($result, q{}, $t);

$t='DB handle method "state" returns a five-character code on error';
eval {
	$dbh->do('SELECT dbdpg_throws_an_error');
$result = $dbh->state();
like ($result, qr/^[A-Z0-9]{5}$/, $t);

# Test of the "private_attribute_info" database handle method

	if ($DBI::VERSION < 1.54) {
		skip ('DBI must be at least version 1.54 to test private_attribute_info', 2);

	$t='DB handle method "private_attribute_info" returns at least one record';
	my $private = $dbh->private_attribute_info();
	my ($valid,$invalid) = (0,0);
	for my $name (keys %$private) {
		$name =~ /^pg_\w+/ ? $valid++ : $invalid++;
	ok ($valid >= 1, $t);

	$t='DB handle method "private_attribute_info" returns only internal names';
	is ($invalid, 0, $t);


# Test of the "clone" database handle method

$t='Database handle method "clone" does not throw an error';
my $dbh2;
eval { $dbh2 = $dbh->clone(); };
is ($@, q{}, $t);

$t='Database handle method "clone" returns a valid database handle';
eval {
	$dbh2->do('SELECT 123');
is ($@, q{}, $t);


# Test of the "ping" and "pg_ping" database handle methods

my $mtvar; ## This is an implicit test of getcopydata: please leave this var undefined

for my $type (qw/ ping pg_ping /) {

	$t=qq{DB handle method "$type" returns 1 on an idle connection};
	is ($dbh->$type(), 1, $t);

	$t=qq{DB handle method "$type" returns 2 when in COPY IN state};
	$dbh->do('COPY dbd_pg_test(id,pname) TO STDOUT');
	is ($dbh->$type(), 2, $t);
	## the ping messes up the copy state, so all we can do is rollback

	$t=qq{DB handle method "$type" returns 2 when in COPY IN state};
	$dbh->do('COPY dbd_pg_test(id,pname) FROM STDIN');
	is ($dbh->$type(), 2, $t);

	$t=qq{DB handle method "$type" returns 3 for a good connection inside a transaction};
	$dbh->do('SELECT 123');
	is ($dbh->$type(), 3, $t);

	$t=qq{DB handle method "$type" returns a 4 when inside a failed transaction};
	eval {
		$dbh->do('DBD::Pg creating an invalid command for testing');
	is ($dbh->$type(), 4, $t);

	my $val = $type eq 'ping' ? 0 : -1;
	$t=qq{DB handle method "type" fails (returns $val) on a disconnected handle};
	is ($dbh->$type(), $val, $t);

	$t='Able to reconnect to the database after disconnect';
	$dbh = connect_database({nosetup => 1});
	isnt ($dbh, undef, $t);

	$val = $type eq 'ping' ? 0 : -3;
	$t=qq{DB handle method "$type" returns $val after a lost network connection (outside transaction)};
	is ($dbh->$type(), $val, $t);

	## Reconnect, and try the same thing but inside a transaction
	$val = $type eq 'ping' ? 0 : -3;
	$t=qq{DB handle method "$type" returns $val after a lost network connection (inside transaction)};
	$dbh = connect_database({nosetup => 1});
	$dbh->do(q{SELECT 'DBD::Pg testing'});
	is ($dbh->$type(), $val, $t);

	$type eq 'ping' and $dbh = connect_database({nosetup => 1});


sub socket_fail {
	my $ldbh = shift;
	$ldbh->{InactiveDestroy} = 1;
	my $fd = $ldbh->{pg_socket} or die 'Could not determine socket';
	open(DBH_PG_FH, '<&='.$fd) or die "Could not open socket: $!"; ## no critic
	close DBH_PG_FH or die "Could not close socket: $!";