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## Test the COPY functionality

use 5.006;
use strict;
use warnings;
use Data::Dumper;
use DBD::Pg ':async';
use Test::More;
use lib 't','.';
require '';

my $dbh = connect_database();

if ($dbh) {
	plan tests => 57;
else {
	plan skip_all => 'Connection to database failed, cannot continue testing';

ok (defined $dbh, 'Connect to database for bytea testing');

my ($result,$expected,@data,$t);

my $table = 'dbd_pg_test4';
$dbh->do(qq{CREATE TABLE $table(id2 integer, val2 text)});
my $pgversion = $dbh->{pg_server_version};

# Test of the pg_putline and pg_endcopy methods

## pg_putline should fail unless we are in a COPY IN state
$t='pg_putline fails when issued without a preceding COPY command';
eval {
ok ($@, $t);

$t='putline returned a value of 1 for success';
$dbh->do("COPY $table FROM STDIN");
$result = $dbh->pg_putline("12\tMulberry\n");
is ($result, 1, $t);

$t='putline returned a value of 1 for success';
$result = $dbh->pg_putline("13\tStrawberry\n");
is ($result, 1, $t);

$t='putline returned a value of 1 for success';
$result = $dbh->pg_putline("14\tBlueberry\n");
is ($result, 1, $t);

## Commands are not allowed while in a COPY IN state
$t='do() fails while in a COPY IN state';
eval {
	$dbh->do(q{SELECT 'dbdpg_copytest'});
ok ($@, $t);

## pg_getline is not allowed as we are in a COPY_IN state
$t='pg_getline fails while in a COPY IN state';
$data[0] = '';
eval {
	$dbh->pg_getline($data[0], 100);
ok ($@, $t);

$t='pg_endcopy returned a 1';
$result = $dbh->pg_endcopy();
is ($result, 1, $t);

## Make sure we can issue normal commands again
$dbh->do(q{SELECT 'dbdpg_copytest'});

## Make sure we are out of the COPY IN state and pg_putline no longer works
$t='pg_putline fails when issued after pg_endcopy called';
eval {
ok ($@, $t);

## Check that our lines were inserted properly
$t='putline inserted values correctly';
$expected = [[12 => 'Mulberry'],[13 => 'Strawberry'],[14 => 'Blueberry']];
$result = $dbh->selectall_arrayref("SELECT id2,val2 FROM $table ORDER BY id2");
is_deeply ($result, $expected, $t);

# pg_endcopy should not work because we are no longer in a COPY state
$t='pg_endcopy fails when called twice after COPY IN';
eval {
ok ($@, $t);


# Test of the pg_getline method

## pg_getline should fail unless we are in a COPY OUT state
$t='pg_getline fails when issued without a preceding COPY command';
eval {
	$dbh->pg_getline($data[0], 100);
ok ($@, $t);

$t='pg_getline returns a 1';
$dbh->do("COPY $table TO STDOUT");
my ($buffer,$badret,$badval) = ('',0,0);
$result = $dbh->pg_getline($data[0], 100);
is ($result, 1, $t);

## Commands are not allowed while in a COPY OUT state
$t='do() fails while in a COPY OUT state';
eval {
	$dbh->do(q{SELECT 'dbdpg_copytest'});
ok ($@, $t);

## pg_putline is not allowed as we are in a COPY OUT state
$t='pg_putline fails while in a COPY OUT state';
eval {
ok ($@, $t);

$t='pg_getline returned a 1';
$result = $dbh->pg_getline($data[1], 100);
is ($result, 1, $t);

$t='pg_getline returned a 1';
$result = $dbh->pg_getline($data[2], 100);
is ($result, 1, $t);

$t='pg_getline returns empty on final call';
$result = $dbh->pg_getline($data[3], 100);
is ($result, '', $t);

$t='getline returned all rows successfuly';
$result = \@data;
$expected = ["12\tMulberry\n","13\tStrawberry\n","14\tBlueberry\n",''];
is_deeply ($result, $expected, $t);

## Make sure we can issue normal commands again
$dbh->do(q{SELECT 'dbdpg_copytest'});

## Make sure we are out of the COPY OUT state and pg_getline no longer works
$t='pg_getline fails when issued after pg_endcopy called';
eval {
	$dbh->pg_getline($data[5], 100);
ok ($@, $t);

## pg_endcopy should fail because we are no longer in a COPY state
$t='pg_endcopy fails when called twice after COPY OUT';
eval {
ok ($@, $t);

## Test the new COPY methods

$dbh->do("DELETE FROM $table");

$t='pg_putcopydata fails if not after a COPY FROM statement';
eval {
like ($@, qr{COPY FROM command}, $t);

$t='pg_getcopydata fails if not after a COPY TO statement';
eval {
like ($@, qr{COPY TO command}, $t);

$t='pg_getcopydata_async fails if not after a COPY TO statement';
eval {
like ($@, qr{COPY TO command}, $t);

$t='pg_putcopyend warns but does not die if not after a COPY statement';
eval { require Test::Warn; };
if ($@) {
	pass ('Skipping Test::Warn test');
else {
	Test::Warn::warning_like (sub { $dbh->pg_putcopyend(); }, qr/until a COPY/, $t);

$t='pg_getcopydata does not work if we are using COPY .. TO';
$dbh->do("COPY $table FROM STDIN");
eval {
like ($@, qr{COPY TO command}, $t);

$t='pg_putcopydata does not work if we are using COPY .. FROM';
$dbh->do("COPY $table TO STDOUT");
eval {
like ($@, qr{COPY FROM command}, $t);

$t='pg_putcopydata works and returns a 1 on success';
$dbh->do("COPY $table FROM STDIN");
$result = $dbh->pg_putcopydata("15\tBlueberry");
is ($result, 1, $t);

$t='pg_putcopydata works on second call';
$dbh->do("COPY $table FROM STDIN");
$result = $dbh->pg_putcopydata("16\tMoreBlueberries");
is ($result, 1, $t);

$t='pg_putcopydata fails with invalid data';
$dbh->do("COPY $table FROM STDIN");
eval {
ok ($@, $t);

$t='Calling pg_getcopydata gives an error when in the middle of COPY .. TO';
eval {
like ($@, qr{COPY TO command}, $t);

$t='Calling do() gives an error when in the middle of COPY .. FROM';
eval {
	$dbh->do('SELECT 123');
like ($@, qr{call pg_putcopyend}, $t);

$t='pg_putcopydata works after a rude non-COPY attempt';
eval {
	$result = $dbh->pg_putcopydata("17\tMoreBlueberries");
is ($@, q{}, $t);
is ($result, 1, $t);

$t='pg_putcopyend works and returns a 1';
eval {
	$result = $dbh->pg_putcopyend();
is ($@, q{}, $t);
is ($result, 1, $t);

$t='pg_putcopydata fails after pg_putcopyend is called';
eval {
	$result = $dbh->pg_putcopydata('root');
like ($@, qr{COPY FROM command}, $t);

$t='Normal queries work after pg_putcopyend is called';
eval {
	$dbh->do('SELECT 123');
is ($@, q{}, $t);

$t='Data from pg_putcopydata was entered correctly';
$result = $dbh->selectall_arrayref("SELECT id2,val2 FROM $table ORDER BY id2");
$expected = [['12','Mulberry'],['13','Strawberry'],[14,'Blueberry'],[17,'MoreBlueberries']];
is_deeply ($result, $expected, $t);

$t='pg_getcopydata fails when argument is not a variable';
$dbh->do("COPY $table TO STDOUT");
eval {
like ($@, qr{read-only}, $t);

$t='pg_getcopydata works and returns the length of the string';
$data[0] = 'old';
eval {
is ($@, q{}, $t);
is ($data[0], "13\tStrawberry\n", $t);

$t='pg_getcopydata works when argument is a reference';
eval {
is ($@, q{}, $t);
is ($data[0], "14\tBlueberry\n", $t);

$t='Calling do() gives an error when in the middle of COPY .. TO';
eval {
	$dbh->do('SELECT 234');
like ($@, qr{pg_getcopydata}, $t);

$t='Calling pg_putcopydata gives an errors when in the middle of COPY .. FROM';
eval {
like ($@, qr{COPY FROM command}, $t);

$t='pg_getcopydata returns 0 when no more data';
eval {
	$result = $dbh->pg_getcopydata(\$data[0]);
is ($@, q{}, $t);
is ($data[0], '', $t);
is ($result, -1, $t);

$t='Normal queries work after pg_getcopydata runs out';
eval {
	$dbh->do('SELECT 234');
is ($@, q{}, $t);

$t='Async queries work after COPY OUT';
$dbh->do('CREATE TEMP TABLE foobar AS SELECT 123::INTEGER AS x');
$dbh->do('COPY foobar TO STDOUT');
1 while ($dbh->pg_getcopydata($buffer) >= 0);

eval {
	$dbh->do('SELECT 111', { pg_async => PG_ASYNC} );
is ($@, q{}, $t);

$t='Async queries work after COPY IN';
$dbh->do('COPY foobar FROM STDIN');

eval {
	$dbh->do('SELECT 222', { pg_async => PG_ASYNC} );
is ($@, q{}, $t);

	$pgversion < 80200 and skip ('Server version 8.2 or greater needed for test', 1);

	$t='pg_getcopydata works when pulling from an empty table into an empty var';
	$dbh->do(q{COPY (SELECT 1 FROM pg_class LIMIT 0) TO STDOUT});
	eval {
		my $newvar;
	is ($@, q{}, $t);

# Make sure rollback and commit reset our internal copystate tracking

$t='commit resets COPY state';
$dbh->do("COPY $table TO STDOUT");
eval {
	$dbh->do(q{SELECT 'dbdpg_copytest'});
ok (!$@, $t);

$t='rollback resets COPY state';
$dbh->do("COPY $table TO STDOUT");
eval {
	$dbh->do(q{SELECT 'dbdpg_copytest'});
ok (!$@, $t);

# Keep old-style calls around for backwards compatibility

$t=q{old-style dbh->func('text', 'putline') still works};
$dbh->do("COPY $table FROM STDIN");
$result = $dbh->func("13\tOlive\n", 'putline');
is ($result, 1, $t);

$t=q{old-style dbh->func(var, length, 'getline') still works};
$dbh->do("COPY $table TO STDOUT");
$result = $dbh->func($data[0], 100, 'getline');
is ($result, 1, $t);
1 while ($result = $dbh->func($data[0], 100, 'getline'));

$dbh->do("DROP TABLE $table");
