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## Test arrays

use 5.006;
use strict;
use warnings;
use Test::More;
use Data::Dumper;
use DBI     ':sql_types';
use DBD::Pg ':pg_types';
use lib 't','.';
require '';

my $dbh = connect_database();

if (! $dbh) {
	plan skip_all => 'Connection to database failed, cannot continue testing';
plan tests => 201;

isnt ($dbh, undef, 'Connect to database for array testing');

my ($sth,$result,$t);

my $pgversion = $dbh->{pg_server_version};

my $SQL = q{DELETE FROM dbd_pg_test WHERE pname = 'Array Testing'};
my $cleararray = $dbh->prepare($SQL);

$SQL = q{INSERT INTO dbd_pg_test(id,pname,testarray) VALUES (99,'Array Testing',?)};
my $addarray = $dbh->prepare($SQL);

$SQL = q{INSERT INTO dbd_pg_test(id,pname,testarray2) VALUES (99,'Array Testing',?)};
my $addarray_int = $dbh->prepare($SQL);

$SQL = q{INSERT INTO dbd_pg_test(id,pname,testarray3) VALUES (99,'Array Testing',?)};
my $addarray_bool = $dbh->prepare($SQL);

$SQL = q{SELECT testarray FROM dbd_pg_test WHERE pname= 'Array Testing'};
my $getarray = $dbh->prepare($SQL);

$SQL = q{SELECT testarray2 FROM dbd_pg_test WHERE pname= 'Array Testing'};
my $getarray_int = $dbh->prepare($SQL);

$SQL = q{SELECT testarray3 FROM dbd_pg_test WHERE pname= 'Array Testing'};
my $getarray_bool = $dbh->prepare($SQL);

$t='Array quoting allows direct insertion into statements';
$SQL = q{INSERT INTO dbd_pg_test (id,testarray) VALUES };
my $quoteid = $dbh->quote(123);
my $quotearr = $dbh->quote([q{Quote's Test}]);
$SQL .= qq{($quoteid, $quotearr)};
eval {
is ($@, q{}, $t);

## Input (eval-able Perl)
## Expected (ERROR or raw PostgreSQL output)
## Name of test

my $array_tests =
Empty array

Empty array with two levels

Empty array with three levels

Two empty arrays

Three empty arrays at second level

ERROR: must be of equal size
Unbalanced empty arrays

ERROR: Cannot bind a reference
Bare hashref

ERROR: only scalars and other arrays
Hashref at top level

ERROR: only scalars and other arrays
Hidden hashref

ERROR: must be of equal size
Unbalanced array

ERROR: must be of equal size
Unbalanced array

ERROR: must be of equal size
Unbalanced array

ERROR: must be of equal size
Unbalanced array

Simple 1-D numeric array

Simple 1-D text array

Text array with commas and quotes

Text array with commas, escaped closing brace

Text array with commas, escaped closing bracket

Simple 1-D numeric array

Simple 2-D numeric array

Simple 2-D numeric array

Simple 3-D numeric array

3-D mixed array

3-D mixed array

Simple single quote

Simple double quote

[[q{O"RLY?}],[q|'Ya' - "really"|],[123]]
{{"O\"RLY?"},{"'Ya' - \"really\""},{123}}
Many quotes

Single backslash testing

Double backslash testing

[["Test\\\nRun","Quite \"so\""],["back\\\\\\\\slashes are a \"pa\\\\in\"",123] ]
{{"Test\\\nRun","Quite \"so\""},{"back\\\\\\\\slashes are a \"pa\\\\in\"",123}}
Escape party - backslash+newline, two + one

NEED 80200: Simple undef test

NEED 80200: Simple undef test

NEED 80200: Multiple undef test


## Note: We silently allow things like this: [[[]],[]]

sub safe_getarray {
	my $ret = eval {
	return $@ || $ret;

for my $test (split /\n\n/ => $array_tests) {
	next unless $test =~ /\w/;
	my ($input,$expected,$msg) = split /\n/ => $test;
	my $perl_input = eval $input;

	if ($msg =~ s/NEED (\d+):\s*//) {
		my $ver = $1;
		if ($pgversion < $ver) {
		  SKIP: {
				skip ('Cannot test NULL arrays unless version 8.2 or better', 6);


	# INSERT via bind values
	eval {
	if ($expected =~ /error:\s+(.+)/i) {
		like ($@, qr{$1}, "[bind] Array insert error : $msg : $input");
	else {
		is ($@, q{}, "[bind] Array insert success : $msg : $input");

		$t="[bind][!expand] Correct array inserted: $msg : $input";
		$dbh->{pg_expand_array} = 0;
		is (safe_getarray, $expected, $t);

		$t="[bind][expand] Correct array inserted: $msg : $input";
		$dbh->{pg_expand_array} = 1;
		is_deeply (safe_getarray, $perl_input, $t);

	# INSERT via `quote' and dynamic SQL
	eval {
		$quotearr = $dbh->quote($perl_input);
		$SQL = qq{INSERT INTO dbd_pg_test(id,pname,testarray) VALUES (99,'Array Testing',$quotearr)};
	if ($expected =~ /error:\s+(.+)/i) {
		my $errmsg = $1;
		$errmsg =~ s/bind/quote/;
		like ($@, qr{$errmsg}, "[quote] Array insert error : $msg : $input");
	else {
		is ($@, q{}, "[quote] Array insert success : $msg : $input");

		# No need to recheck !expand case.

		$t="[quote][expand] Correct array inserted: $msg : $input";
		is_deeply (safe_getarray, $perl_input, $t);

	if ($msg =~ /STOP/) {
		warn "Exiting for DEBUGGING. Result is:\n";
		warn Dumper $result;

## Test of no-item and empty string arrays

$t=q{String array with no items returns empty array};
$result = $getarray->fetchall_arrayref();
is_deeply ($result, [[[]]], $t);

$t=q{String array with empty string returns empty string};
$result = $getarray->fetchall_arrayref();
is_deeply ($result, [[['']]], $t);

## Test non-string array variants

$t=q{Integer array with no items returns empty array};
$result = $getarray_int->fetchall_arrayref();
is_deeply ($result, [[[]]], $t);

$t=q{Boolean array with no items returns empty array};
$result = $getarray_bool->fetchall_arrayref();
is_deeply ($result, [[[]]], $t);

$t=q{Boolean array gets created and returned correctly};
$result = $getarray_bool->fetchall_arrayref();
is_deeply ($result, [[[1]]], $t);

$result = $getarray_bool->fetchall_arrayref();
is_deeply ($result, [[[0]]], $t);

$result = $getarray_bool->fetchall_arrayref();
is_deeply ($result, [[[1]]], $t);

$result = $getarray_bool->fetchall_arrayref();
is_deeply ($result, [[[0]]], $t);

$result = $getarray_bool->fetchall_arrayref();
is_deeply ($result, [[[0,1,0,0,1,1]]], $t);

## Test of read-only undef sections

$t = 'Modification of undefined parts of array are allowed';
$result = $getarray_bool->fetchall_arrayref()->[0][0];
$result->[2] = 22;
is_deeply ($result, [0,1,22,0,undef,undef], $t);

## Pure string to array conversion testing

my $array_tests_out =
Simple test of single array element

Simple test of multiple array elements

Simple test of multiple array elements

Array with text items

Array with numeric items

Array with escaped items

Multi-level integer array

Multi-level integer array

Multi-level integer array

Multi-level integer array

Multi-level integer array

NEED 80200: Array with a null

NEED 80200: Array with many nulls and a quoted int

Final item is empty

NEED 80200: Last item is NULL

NEED 80200: Only item is NULL

NEED 80200: Two NULL items only

NEED 80200: Three NULL items only

NEED 80200: Middle item is NULL

NEED 80200: First item is NULL

Fake NULL is text

Deep nesting

Deep nesting

Deep nesting

Deep nesting

Test of boolean type

Test of boolean types

Test of oid type - should not quote

Text number should quote

Unspecified int should not quote

Integer number should quote

Type 'box' works


$Data::Dumper::Indent = 0;

for my $test (split /\n\n/ => $array_tests_out) {
	next unless $test =~ /\w/;
	my ($input,$expected,$msg) = split /\n/ => $test;
	my $qexpected = $expected;
	if ($expected =~ s/\s*quote:\s*(.+)//) {
		$qexpected = $1;
	if ($msg =~ s/NEED (\d+):\s*//) {
		my $ver = $1;
		if ($pgversion < $ver) {
		  SKIP: {
				skip ('Cannot test NULL arrays unless version 8.2 or better', 1);
	if ($pgversion < 80200) {
		if ($input =~ /SKIP/ or $test =~ /Fake NULL|boolean/) {
		  SKIP: {
				skip ('Cannot test some array items on pre-8.2 servers', 1);

	$t="Array test $msg : $input";
	$SQL = qq{SELECT ARRAY[$input]};
	$result = '';
	eval {
		$result = $dbh->selectall_arrayref($SQL)->[0][0];
	if ($result =~ /error:\s+(.+)/i) {
		like ($@, qr{$1}, "Array failed : $msg : $input");
	else {
		$expected = eval $expected;
		## is_deeply does not handle type differences
		is ( (Dumper $result), (Dumper $expected), $t);

## Check utf-8 in and out of the database

	eval { require Encode; };
	skip ('Encode module is needed for unicode tests', 14) if $@;

	my $server_encoding = $dbh->selectall_arrayref('SHOW server_encoding')->[0][0];
	skip ('Cannot reliably test unicode without a UTF8 database', 14)
		if $server_encoding ne 'UTF8';

	$t='String should be UTF-8';
	local $dbh->{pg_enable_utf8} = 1;
	my $utf8_str = chr(0x100).'dam'; # LATIN CAPITAL LETTER A WITH MACRON
    ok (Encode::is_utf8( $utf8_str ), $t);

	$t='quote() handles utf8';
	my $quoted = $dbh->quote($utf8_str);
	is ($quoted, qq{'$utf8_str'}, $t);

	$t='Quoted string should be UTF-8';
    ok (Encode::is_utf8( $quoted ), $t);

	$t='quote() handles utf8 inside array';
	$quoted = $dbh->quote([$utf8_str, $utf8_str]);
	is ($quoted, qq!'{"$utf8_str","$utf8_str"}'!, $t);

	$t='Quoted array of strings should be UTF-8';
    ok (Encode::is_utf8( $quoted ), $t);

	$t='Inserting utf-8 into an array via quoted do() works';
	$dbh->do('DELETE FROM dbd_pg_test');
	$SQL = qq{INSERT INTO dbd_pg_test (id, testarray, val) VALUES (1, $quoted, 'one')};
	eval {
	is ($@, q{}, $t);

	$t='Retreiving an array containing utf-8 works';
	$SQL = q{SELECT id, testarray, val FROM dbd_pg_test WHERE id = 1};
	$sth = $dbh->prepare($SQL);
	$result = $sth->fetchall_arrayref()->[0];
	my $expected = [1,[$utf8_str,$utf8_str],'one'];
	is_deeply ($result, $expected, $t);

	$t='Selected string should be UTF-8';
    ok (Encode::is_utf8( $result->[1][0] ), $t);

	$t='Selected string should be UTF-8';
    ok (Encode::is_utf8( $result->[1][1] ), $t);

	$t='Inserting utf-8 into an array via prepare and arrayref works';
	$dbh->do('DELETE FROM dbd_pg_test');
	$SQL = q{INSERT INTO dbd_pg_test (id, testarray, val) VALUES (?, ?, 'one')};
	$sth = $dbh->prepare($SQL);
	eval {
	is ($@, q{}, $t);

	local $dbh->{pg_enable_utf8} = 1;

	$t='Retreiving an array containing utf-8 works';
	$SQL = q{SELECT id, testarray, val FROM dbd_pg_test WHERE id = 1};
	$sth = $dbh->prepare($SQL);
	$result = $sth->fetchall_arrayref()->[0];
	$expected = [1,['Bob',$utf8_str],'one'];
	is_deeply ($result, $expected, $t);

	$t='Selected ASCII string should be UTF-8';
    ok (Encode::is_utf8( $result->[1][0] ), $t);

	$t='Selected string should be UTF-8';
    ok (Encode::is_utf8( $result->[1][1] ), $t);

	$t='Non utf-8 inside an array is not return as utf-8';
	$dbh->do('DELETE FROM dbd_pg_test');
	$SQL = q{INSERT INTO dbd_pg_test (id, testarray, val) VALUES (1, '{"noutfhere"}', 'one')};
	$SQL = q{SELECT testarray FROM dbd_pg_test WHERE id = 1};
	$sth = $dbh->prepare($SQL);
	$result = $sth->fetchall_arrayref()->[0][0];
	ok (!Encode::is_utf8($result), $t);

## Quick test of empty arrays
my $expected = $pgversion >= 80300 ? [[[]]] : [[undef]];

$t=q{Empty int array is returned properly};
$result = $dbh->selectall_arrayref(q{SELECT array(SELECT 12345::int WHERE 1=0)::int[]});
is_deeply ($result, $expected, $t);

$t=q{Empty text array is returned properly};
$result = $dbh->selectall_arrayref(q{SELECT array(SELECT 'empty'::text WHERE 1=0)::text[]});
is_deeply ($result, $expected, $t);
