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use warnings;
use strict;
use utf8;
use open qw(:std :utf8);
use lib qw(lib ../lib);

use Test::More tests    => 67;
use Encode qw(decode encode);
use Carp;

my $LE = $] > 5.01 ? '<' : '';

    # Подготовка объекта тестирования для работы с utf8
    my $builder = Test::More->builder;
    binmode $builder->output,         ":utf8";
    binmode $builder->failure_output, ":utf8";
    binmode $builder->todo_output,    ":utf8";

    use_ok 'DR::Tarantool::Spaces';
    use_ok 'DR::Tarantool::Tuple';


my $s = DR::Tarantool::Spaces->new({
    0 => {
        name    => 'test',
        default_type    => 'NUM',
        fields  => [
            qw(a b c),
                type    => 'UTF8STR',
                name    => 'd'
                type    => 'NUM64',
                name    => 'a123',
                type    => 'STR',
                name    => 'abcd',
        indexes => {
            0 => [ qw(a b) ],
            1 => 'd'

my $tp = new DR::Tarantool::Tuple( [ 'aa', 'bb', 'cc' ], $s->space('test') );
isa_ok $tp => 'DR::Tarantool::Tuple';

is $tp->raw(0), 'aa', 'raw(0)';
is $tp->a, 'aa', 'raw(0)';
is $tp->raw(1), 'bb', 'raw(1)';
is $tp->b, 'bb', 'raw(1)';
is $tp->raw(2), 'cc', 'raw(2)';
is $tp->c, 'cc', 'raw(2)';
cmp_ok join(':', @{ $tp->raw }), 'eq', 'aa:bb:cc', 'raw';
is $tp->raw(3), undef, 'raw(3)';
is $tp->d, undef, 'raw(3)';
ok !eval { $tp->unknown; 1 }, 'unknown';

my $tp2 = $tp->next(['dd', 'ee']);
my $tp3 = $tp->next(['ff', 'gg']);
isa_ok $tp2 => 'DR::Tarantool::Tuple';
isa_ok $tp3 => 'DR::Tarantool::Tuple';

is $tp2->raw(0), 'dd', 'tp2->raw(0)';
is $tp2->raw(1), 'ee', 'tp2->raw(1)';
is $tp3->raw(0), 'ff', 'tp3->raw(0)';
is $tp3->raw(1), 'gg', 'tp3->raw(1)';

my $it = $tp->iter;
isa_ok $it => 'DR::Tarantool::Iterator';
is $it->count, 3, 'count';

$tp = $it->next;
is $tp->raw(0), 'aa', 'raw(0)';
is $tp->raw(1), 'bb', 'raw(1)';
$tp = $it->next;
is $tp->raw(0), 'dd', 'raw(0)';
is $tp->raw(1), 'ee', 'raw(1)';
$tp = $it->next;
is $tp->raw(0), 'ff', 'raw(0)';
is $tp->raw(1), 'gg', 'raw(1)';
$tp = $it->next;
is $tp, undef, 'iterator finished';

my @tlist = $it->all;
is scalar(@tlist), 3, '3 items by ->all';
is $tlist[0]->a, 'aa', 'item[0].raw(0)';
is $tlist[0]->b, 'bb', 'item[0].raw(1)';
is $tlist[1]->a, 'dd', 'item[1].raw(0)';
is $tlist[1]->b, 'ee', 'item[1].raw(1)';
is $tlist[2]->a, 'ff', 'item[2].raw(0)';
is $tlist[2]->b, 'gg', 'item[2].raw(1)';

@tlist = $it->all('a');
is scalar @tlist, 3, '3 items by ->all("a")';
cmp_ok join(':', @tlist), 'eq', 'aa:dd:ff', 'items were fetched properly';

while( my $t = $it->next ) {
    isa_ok $t => 'DR::Tarantool::Tuple';
while( my $t = $it->next ) {
    isa_ok $t => 'DR::Tarantool::Tuple';

$tp = new DR::Tarantool::Tuple( [ [ 'aa' ], [ 'bb' ], [ 'cc' ] ],

is $tp->raw(0), 'aa', 'tuple[0]';
is $tp->next->raw(0), 'bb', 'tuple[0]';
is $tp->next->next->raw(0), 'cc', 'tuple[0]';

$tp = DR::Tarantool::Tuple->unpack(
    [ pack("L$LE", 10), pack("L$LE", 20) ], $s->space('test')
isa_ok $tp => 'DR::Tarantool::Tuple';
is $tp->raw(0), 10, 'raw(0)';
is $tp->raw(1), 20, 'raw(1)';

$tp = new DR::Tarantool::Tuple( [ [ 'aa' ], [ 'bb' ], ], $s->space('test') );
isa_ok $tp => 'DR::Tarantool::Tuple';
is $tp->iter->count, 2, 'create tuple list';

my $iter = $tp->iter;
isa_ok $iter => 'DR::Tarantool::Iterator', 'iterator';
isa_ok $iter->next => 'DR::Tarantool::Tuple', 'no iterator class';

$iter = $tp->iter('TestItem', 'new1');
isa_ok $iter => 'DR::Tarantool::Iterator', 'iterator with TestItem';
$tp = $iter->next;
isa_ok $tp => 'TestItem';
isa_ok $tp->{tuple} => 'DR::Tarantool::Tuple';
is $tp->{tuple}->raw(0), 'aa',  'tuple(0).raw(0)';
is $iter->next->{tuple}->raw(0), 'bb', 'tuple(1).raw(0)';

$tp = DR::Tarantool::Tuple->new([ [ 'aa' ], [ 'bb' ], ], $s->space('test'));
$iter = $tp->iter;
undef $tp;
is $iter->count, 2, 'iterator saves tuple ref';

# You have to use external tool to watch memory
while($ENV{LEAK_TEST}) {
    $tp = DR::Tarantool::Tuple->new([ [ 'aa' ], [ 'bb' ], ], $s->space('test'));
    $tp = $tp->iter('TestItem', 'new1')->next;

$tp = DR::Tarantool::Tuple->new([ [ 'bb' ], [ 'cc' ], ], $s->space('test'));
$iter = $tp->iter('TestItem');

is_deeply $iter->next, bless([ 'bb' ] => 'TestItem'),
    'iter without constructor name';
is_deeply $iter->next, bless([ 'cc' ] => 'TestItem'),
    'iter without constructor name';
is_deeply $iter->item(1), bless([ 'cc' ] => 'TestItem'),
    'iter without constructor name';
is_deeply $iter->item(-1), bless([ 'cc' ] => 'TestItem'),
    'iter without constructor name';

isa_ok $iter->{items}[0] => 'ARRAY', "item[0] isn't blessed";
isa_ok $iter->{items}[1] => 'ARRAY', "item[1] isn't blessed";

$tp = DR::Tarantool::Tuple->new([ qw(a b c d e f g h i) ], $s->space('test'));
is_deeply $tp->raw, [ qw(a b c d e f g h i) ], 'tuple->raw';
is_deeply $tp->tail, [ qw(g h i) ], 'tuple->tail';

package TestItem;

sub new1 {
    my ($class, $tuple) = @_;
    return bless { tuple => $tuple } => $class;