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# - common test driver code

use Test::More ;
use Template::Simple ;

use Data::Dumper ;

sub template_tester {

	my( $tests ) = @_ ;

# plan for one expected ok() call per test

	plan( tests => scalar @{$tests} * 2 ) ;

	my( $obj, $tmpl ) ;

# loop over all the tests

	foreach my $compiled ( 0, 1 ) {

		foreach my $test ( @{$tests} ) {

			$test->{name} .= ' - compiled' if $compiled ;

			if ( $test->{skip} ) {
				ok( 1, "SKIPPING $test->{name}" ) ;
				next ;

			if ( $test->{compile_skip} && $compiled ) {
				ok( 1, "SKIPPING $test->{name}" ) ;
				next ;

			unless( $obj && $test->{keep_obj} ) {

# if there is no kept object, we will constuct one

				$obj = eval {
						%{ $test->{opts} || {} }
					) ;
				} ;

print $@ if $@ ;

# check for expected errors
# no errors in new() to catch (yet)


			$test->{obj} = $obj ;

# see if we use the test's template or keep the previous one

			$tmpl = $test->{template} if defined $test->{template} ;

#print "TMPL [$tmpl]\n" ;
# run any setup sub before this test. this can is used to modify the
# object for this test (e.g. delete templates from the cache).

			if( my $pretest = $test->{pretest} ) {
				$pretest->($test) ;

#print Dumper $obj if $test->{dump} ;

			if ( $compiled ) {

				my $tmpl_name = 'test' ;
				$obj->add_templates( {$tmpl_name => $tmpl} ) ;
				eval { $obj->compile( $tmpl_name ) } ;
#print "ERR $@\n" ;

				next if check_error( $test ) ;

# get any existing template object
# render the template and catch any fatal errors

			my $rendered = eval {
				$obj->render( $tmpl, $test->{data} ) ;
			} ;

# if we had an error and expected it, we pass this test

			next if check_error( $test ) ;

			if( my $posttest = $test->{posttest} ) {
				$posttest->($test) ;

# see if the expansion was what we expected

			my $ok = ${$rendered} eq $test->{expected} ;

# dump any bad renderings

			print <<ERR unless $ok ;

# report success/failure for this test

			ok( $ok, $test->{name} ) ;

sub check_error {

	my( $test ) = @_ ;

	if ( $@ ) {
#print "ERR $@\n" ;
		if ( $test->{error} && $@ =~ /$test->{error}/ ) {

			ok( 1, $test->{name} ) ;
		else {

			print "unexpected error: $@\n" ;
			ok( 0, $test->{name} ) ;

		return 1 ;

	return ;

1 ;