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=head1 NAME

DBD::JDBC - JDBC proxy driver for the DBI module


    use DBI;
    $dbh = DBI->connect("dbi:JDBC:hostname=$hostname;port=$port;url=$url",
                        $user, $password);

    # See the DBI module documentation.


  Perl 5.8.6 or higher
  DBI 1.48 or higher
  Convert::BER 1.31
  Java Virtual Machine compatible with JDK 1.4
  A JDBC driver
  log4j 1.2.13


DBD::JDBC is a Perl module which works in conjunction with a
server written in Java to provide a DBI front end to a JDBC
driver. The Perl module and Java server may be installed on
different machines, as long as socket connections are
allowed. The Java server portion is multi-threaded and supports
multiple simultaneous connections.

This driver currently supports JDBC drivers which implement the
JDBC 1.22 interface.  JDBC 2.0-compatible drivers are expected to
work, but no JDBC 2.0 functionality is explicitly exposed via
DBD::JDBC. The C<$h-E<gt>jdbc_func> method exposes additional JDBC
and driver-specific methods. Only Java methods with primitive or
String parameters and return types are currently supported in
this way.

The expected use for this module is as a DBI interface to
databases with JDBC drivers but no DBI drivers. The
implementation of this module was originally done for a non-SQL
database in order to take advantage of the existing SQL parser in
the database's JDBC driver.

The Java classes provided with this module also allow a Java
application or servlet to create a JDBC connection and then
execute a Perl script which can use that pre-existing JDBC
connection via DBI. This particular functionality was implemented
in order to allow Perl customizations to a Java servlet-based
application. See the example in the C<example/> directory.


Before using DBD::JDBC, you must start the DBD::JDBC server. 

=head2 Starting the server

The DBD::JDBC server is a Java application intended to be run
from the command line. It may be installed, along with whatever
JDBC driver you wish to use, on any host capable of accessing the
database you wish to use via JDBC. Perl applications using
DBD::JDBC will open a socket connection to this server. You will
need to know the hostname and port where this server is running.

To start the server,

=over 4

=item 1

Place the dbd_jdbc.jar file, log4j-1.2.13.jar, and your
database's JDBC driver on the machine where you wish to run the

=item 2

Add dbd_jdbc.jar, log4j-1.2.13.jar, a file, and
your database's JDBC driver to your classpath. Follow any other
instructions which came with your JDBC driver. For example, a
type 2 JDBC driver may require that the database's native
libraries be added to your path or library path.

=item 3

Start the server, providing at least the required system
properties on the command line:

=over 4

=item jdbc.drivers I<(required)>

This should be set to the complete class name of your JDBC
driver. If you want to use more than one JDBC driver, use a
colon-separated list of driver names. See the standard Javadoc
documentation for C<java.sql.DriverManager> for an example.

=item dbd.port I<(required)>

This is the port to which this server will listen. Your Perl
client applications will need to know this in order to connect.




  java -Ddbd.port=12345 com.vizdom.dbd.jdbc.Server

Here is a simple example shell script for running the server
(written for bash).

  export CLASSPATH=dbd_jdbc.jar:log4j-1.2.13.jar:.:/oracle/jdbc/$CLASSPATH
  java -Djdbc.drivers=$DRIVERS -Ddbd.port=9001 com.vizdom.dbd.jdbc.Server

=head2 Setting up log4j

As of DBD:JDBC 0.70, the server uses log4j for logging. log4j is
a Java logging implementation from the Apache Logging
project. More information is available at 

A log4j jar file and sample configuration file are included with
DBD::JDBC. The log4j jar file is in the t/hsqldb directory since
it's also used by hsqldb. The properties file,,
is in the unzipped module directory. The sample file has all logging disabled. To enable
logging, change the value of OFF in the following line = OFF

to one of the following values: FATAL, ERROR, WARN, INFO, DEBUG,
TRACE, ALL. Log messages will be written to stdout. You can
configure log4j to log to files; see the log4j documentation for
more information on how to configure log4j.

Here's an example command line which starts the server from the
unzipped module distribution (no JDBC driver is included in the
classpath). Notice that "." is in the classpath in order to

java -Ddbd.port=9001 -classpath 'dbd_jdbc.jar;t/hsqldb/log4j-1.2.13.jar;.' com.vizdom.dbd.jdbc.Server 

=head2 Connecting to the server

A dsn for DBD::JDBC has the following form:



=over 4

=item *

C<$host> is the hostname on which the DBD::JDBC server is running
(optionally followed by C<:$port>; if so, the port name/value
pair is optional).

=item *

C<$port> is the port on which the DBD::JDBC server is running.

=item *

C<$url> is a complete JDBC url for your JDBC driver. You might
want to test this URL in a Java application (in the same
environment in which you intend to run the DBD::JDBC server)
before attempting to connect from Perl. Your JDBC url may need to
include your database host and port information; these values are
distinct from those needed in the DBD::JDBC dsn, which are for
the DBD::JDBC server, not the database.

If the JDBC url contains the characters ';' or '=', those
characters must be URL-encoded. For example,

    $url =~ s/([=;])/uc sprintf("%%%02x",ord($1))/eg;

The driver will unescape the url before sending it to the JDBC
driver. [See the driver code if you really want to know why.]

=item *

C<$charset> is the character set used by your DBI application
(i.e. the character set in use on whichever machine is running
Perl, not the machine running the DBD::JDBC server, unless
they're the same). This should be specified in the form of a
valid Java character encoding name. If no character set is given,
the driver defaults to ISO8859_1. See
for a list of supported encodings. The character set name must be
encoded in ASCII so that the server can appropriately decode it.

Any strings sent to the DBD::JDBC server as parameter values will
be converted from this encoding to Unicode (Java's native
encoding). Use C<bind_param> and a type hint to avoid character
set conversion of binary data. Data being returned as strings
(everything other than binary columns) will be converted to this

The character set in use will be available as the database handle
attribute 'jdbc_character_set'. Changing this attribute will have
no effect on character conversion; the character set is
established at connection time.



   $dsn = "dbi:JDBC:hostname=myhost;port=12345;url=jdbc:odbc:mydatasource";
   $dsn = "dbi:JDBC:hostname=myhost:12345;url=jdbc:oracle:thin:\@mydbhost:1521:test;jdbc_character_set=ASCII";

=head2 Specifying JDBC connection properties

You can specify JDBC connection properties in the JDBC URL. You
can also specify connection properties as follows: 

   %properties = ('user' => 'user', 
                  'password' => 'password', 
                  '' => 'dbhost', 
                  'host.port' => '7000');

   $dsn = "dbi:JDBC:hostname=host:9001;url=jdbc:opentext:db:";
   $dbh = DBI->connect($dsn, undef, undef, 
          { PrintError => 0, RaiseError => 1, jdbc_properties => \%properties })
          or die "Failed to connect: ($DBI::err) $DBI::errstr\n";

When specifying properties this way, use C<undef> for the user
and password parameters in the C<DBI-E<gt>connect> method. The
DBD::JDBC server will use the JDBC method
C<DriverManager.getConnection(String, Properties)> when the
username and password parameters are undefined. Otherwise, it
will use the  JDBC method
C<DriverManager.getConnection(String, String, String)> and ignore
any other connection properties. 


=head2 Reading long data

As of DBD::JDBC 0.70, the default behavior of this driver is to
read long fields in their entirety. This behavior is controlled
by the driver attribute C<jdbc_longreadall>. When
C<jdbc_longreadall> is true, the DBI attributes LongReadLen and
LongTruncOk will be ignored and the entire contents of long
fields will be returned. To return to the default DBI behavior,
set C<jdbc_longreadall> to false. 

=head2 Calling JDBC methods

JDBC methods are exposed using the C<$h-E<gt>jdbc_func> method and Java
reflection. This feature is not intended to replace any existing
DBI methods, merely to provide access to JDBC-specific methods
with no DBI equivalent. Reflection, rather than explicit methods
corresponding to methods in the JDBC API, is used in order to
allow access to driver-specific methods not in the JDBC API.

The general syntax is

  $h->jdbc_func(parameter, ..., <jdbc_method_name>);

For example, 

  $ret = $dbh->jdbc_func("getAutoCommit");
  $ret = $sth->jdbc_func("mycursor", "Statement.setCursorName");

The driver-specific method C<jdbc_func> replaces the previous use
of the standard DBI method C<func> for calling JDBC
methods. Since C<jdbc_func> is a driver-specific method, the
C<jdbc_> prefix previously required on the method name argument
is no longer required. Use of the C<jdbc_> prefix on the method
name is still supported.

The following limitations apply: 


=item *

Only public methods can be called.

=item *

In general, only methods whose parameters and return values are
primitive types (C<int>, C<boolean>, C<void>, etc.) or Strings can be
called. See below for more details.

=item *

DBD::JDBC doesn't know which methods are being called when
reflection is used. This means that interleaving DBI methods and
calls to JDBC methods using C<jdbc_func> may leave DBD::JDBC in an
inconsistent state. One example of this is C<$sth-E<gt>rows>: if you've
called C<> directly, rather than using C<$sth-E<gt>fetch>,
the row count will not accurately reflect the rows in the result

=item *

Methods can only be called on the Connection, Statement,
ResultSet, and ResultSetMetaData objects.


The JDBC method name is used as the jdbc_func method name. Parameters
are passed as strings by default. To pass parameters of other
types, pass the parameter as reference to an array in which the
first element is the parameter and the second is one of the DBI
SQL_XXX typecodes. For example,

    $h->jdbc_func("string parameter", [11 => SQL_INTEGER], 
             [1 => SQL_BIT], "method_name");

It is very important to use the correct typecodes for the actual
parameter types of the Java method in order to enable Java
reflection to locate the correct method. The method will be
looked up using the C<java.lang.class.getMethod(String, Class[])>
method, so if the parameter types don't match the actual method
parameters, the method won't be found.

SQL types are mapped to Java types by mapping the DBI constants
to values from java.sql.Types, then mapping the C<java.sql.Types>
values to Java types.

    DBI constant           java.sql.Types constant    Java type
    SQL_CHAR               CHAR                       String
    SQL_VARCHAR            VARCHAR                    String
    SQL_LONGVARCHAR        LONGVARCHAR                String
    SQL_BINARY             BINARY                     byte[]
    SQL_VARBINARY          VARBINARY                  byte[]
    SQL_LONGVARBINARY      LONGVARBINARY              byte[]
    SQL_BIT                BIT                        boolean
    SQL_TINYINT            TINYINT                    byte
    SQL_SMALLINT           SMALLINT                   short
    SQL_INTEGER            INTEGER                    int
    DBD::JDBC::SQL_BIGINT  BIGINT                     long
    SQL_REAL               REAL                       float
    SQL_FLOAT              FLOAT                      double
    SQL_DOUBLE             DOUBLE                     double
    SQL_NUMERIC            NUMERIC                    java.math.BigDecimal
    SQL_DECIMAL            DECIMAL                    java.math.BigDecimal
    SQL_DATE               DATE                       java.sql.Date
    SQL_TIME               TIME                       java.sql.Time
    SQL_TIMESTAMP          TIMESTAMP                  java.sql.Timestamp

The mapping from C<java.sql.Types> to Java types is taken from Table
21.6.1 in I<JDBC Data Access with Java>, by Hamilton, Cattell,
and Fisher. See also Table 47.9.1 in I<JDBC API Tutorial and
Reference, Second Edition>, by White, Fisher, Cattell, Hamilton,
and Hapner.

For C<SQL_DATE>, C<SQL_TIME>, and C<SQL_TIMESTAMP> parameters,
the default JDBC string representations for these types must be

    SQL_DATE: yyyy-mm-dd
    SQL_TIME: hh:mm:ss
    SQL_TIMESTAMP: yyyy-mm-dd hh:mm:ss.f

(The C<.f> portion of the timestamp format is in nanoseconds and
is optional.)

Possible return values from C<$h-E<gt>jdbc_func> are C<undef> if the
Java method returned C<null> or had a C<void> return type, 1 or 0
if the Java method had a C<boolean> return type, or a scalar for
any other return type (the C<Object> returned by
C<java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke> will be converted to a String
by calling its C<toString> method).

You are not limited to calling methods defined by the JDBC
API. Any public method defined by your JDBC driver on the
available objects, with parameters and return type as described
above, may be called.

C<jdbc_func> is made available using DBI's C<install_method>
method. This means that errors are handled in the standard DBI
manner, not the way they're handled for C<$h-E<gt>func>.

B<Connection methods>

To call JDBC methods on the JDBC Connection object, use the
C<jdbc_func> method on the C<$dbh> handle. 


    $ret = $dbh->jdbc_func("jdbc_getAutoCommit");
    $dbh->jdbc_func([1 => SQL_BIT], "jdbc_setAutoCommit");
    $ret = $dbh->jdbc_func("select * from client", "jdbc_nativeSQL");
    $dbh->jdbc_func([4 => SQL_INTEGER], "jdbc_setTransactionIsolation");

B<Statement, ResultSet, and ResultSetMetaData methods>

To call JDBC methods on the JDBC Statement, ResultSet, and
ResultSetMetaData objects, use the C<jdbc_func> method on the C<$sth>
handle and prefix the method name with one of the listed
interface names. You may use either Statement or
PreparedStatement to indicate the current PreparedStatement
object, since DBD::JDBC uses PreparedStatements internally.

ResultSet and ResultSetMetaData methods are not available until
after C<$sth-E<gt>execute> has been called.


    $ret = $sth->jdbc_func("jdbc_Statement.getMaxFieldSize");
    $sth1->jdbc_func("mycursor", "jdbc_Statement.setCursorName");
    $sth1->jdbc_func([22 => SQL_INTEGER], "jdbc_Statement.setMaxFieldSize");

    $ret = $sth1->jdbc_func("");
    $ret = $sth1->jdbc_func("cname", "jdbc_ResultSet.getString");
    $ret = $sth2->jdbc_func("eno", [5003 => SQL_INTEGER], "jdbc_ResultSet.updateInt");

    $ret = $sth1->jdbc_func([1 => SQL_INTEGER], "jdbc_ResultSetMetaData.getSchemaName");


If for some reason you reach the end of a ResultSet using
C<$sth-E<gt>jdbc_func("")> rather than one of the standard DBI
methods (C<fetch>, etc.), the DBI statement handle will continue
to think that it's active. You must call C<$sth-E<gt>finish> explicitly
in this case.

Be aware of which JDBC methods are called by the standard DBI
methods. For example, C<$sth-E<gt>fetch> calls C<next> and reads all the
columns in the current row. With some JDBC drivers, you will not
be able to call $sth->fetch followed by C<$sth-E<gt>jdbc_func("column_name",
"ResultSet.getString")> because all the data for the row has already been

If you are using a JDBC driver with scrollable result sets,
please note that support for such is provided purely through
C<jdbc_func>, not through any explicit DBD::JDBC support. This means
that a loop over the set, such as

    while ($row = $sth->fetch()) { 
        # do something

will cause DBD::JDBC to mark the statement handle as inactive at
the end of the loop (C<$sth-E<gt>{Active}> will be false). You can still
use C<jdbc_func> to operate on the underlying ResultSet, but you can't
continue to use any DBI method which requires that the statement
handle be active. The following sequence seems to work, though
perhaps it shouldn't: 

    while ($row = $sth->fetch()) { 
        # do something
    while ($row = $sth->fetch()) { 
        # do something else

Some sort of explicit support for scrollable result sets will
probably be implemented at a later date.

=head2 Closing cursors

When a statement handle goes out of scope, Perl will call its
DESTROY method. This method will cause C<Statement.close> to be
called on the associated Java C<Statement> object in the
DBD::JDBC server. For many applications, this is
sufficient. However, if you find that statement handles are not
being destroyed quickly enough, or you are maintaining a
collection of statements for repeated use, you may choose to
close the ResultSet associated with the Statement explicitly
using C<jdbc_func>. Closing the ResultSet will not prevent you from
executing the statement again, but it will release any database
resources held by the ResultSet.

Typical usage: 

    $sth = $dbh->prepare("select id from sched");
    while ($row = $sth->fetch()) { 
        # do something
    # At this point, the statement handle is no longer active, but
    # the ResultSet still exists on the server.

DBD::JDBC does not close ResultSet objects when C<$sth-E<gt>finish> is
called (whether it is called implicitly when the end of the
result set is reached or explicitly in your program) in order to
support scrollable result sets. With a scrollable result set,
reaching the end of the data does not mean that the ResultSet
is unusable, so calling C<close> would be unfortunate. 

=head2 Character sets

You can find out what character set Java thinks your platform
uses by examining the value of the system property

    System.out.println("This system uses: " + System.getProperty("file.encoding"));

Local experimentation (in the US) indicates that Windows NT uses
"Cp1252" (Windows Latin-1) and Unix variants (AIX, Solaris) use

=head2 jdbc_error

When a JDBC exception is thrown in the server, the exception and
any exceptions chained to the original are returned and placed in
the C<jdbc_error> attribute of the most-recently-used
handle. This attribute will contain an array of hashrefs with
keys C<err>, C<errstr>, and C<state>. The first error's values
will also be available via C<$h-E<gt>err>, C<$h-E<gt>errstr>, and

    foreach $err (@{$sth->{jdbc_error}}) {
        print "Error: ($err->{err}/$err->{state}) $err->{errstr}\n";

=head2 DBI to JDBC method mappings

What follows is a guide to the JDBC methods being called when a
DBI method or property is accessed. See the source code for
C<com.vizdom.dbd.jdbc.Connection> for details.

=over 4

=item DBI->connect

        DriverManager.getConnection(url, username, password)
        DriverManager.getConnection(url, properties)

        Connection.setAutoCommit   [if AutoCommit was specified]

=item $dbh->prepare


=item $dbh->commit


=item $dbh->rollback


=item $dbh->disconnect

        PreparedStatement.close()   [for each open statement]

=item $dbh->ping


=item $dbh->{AutoCommit} 


=item $sth->execute

        PreparedStatement.setXXX(value)   [if there are any parameters]

=item $sth->fetch

=item $sth->{CursorName}


=item $sth->{NAME}


=item $sth->{TYPE}


=item $sth->{PRECISION}


=item $sth->{SCALE}


=item $sth->{NULLABLE}


=item $sth->DESTROY

        [This is called automatically when a statement handle
        goes out of scope]



=head2 Statement parameters and column values

Parameter values are sent to the DBD::JDBC server as a sequence
of bytes. Numeric parameters are encoded as strings rather than
numbers (so 11 is sent as the two characters '1' '1').

When the DBD::JDBC server receives the parameter values, the
bytes are converted to a Java String (using the character
encoding specified at connection time by the jdbc_character_set
value) and the PreparedStatement.setString() method is used to
set the parameter value. 

If a type hint (one of the SQL_XXX types you can import from the
DBI module) is supplied along with a parameter in
C<$sth-E<gt>bind_param()>, the type code will be mapped to the
corresponding JDBC type code and passed along to the DBD::JDBC
server. The JDBC type will be used to determine which
PreparedStatement.setXXX method to call. The mapping from type
hint to setXXX method is taken from Table 21.2, p. 394, in I<JDBC
Data Access with Java>.

        TINYINT, SMALLINT: setShort
        INTEGER: setInt
        BIGINT: setLong
        REAL: setFloat
        FLOAT, DOUBLE: setDouble
        DECIMAL, NUMERIC: setBigDecimal
        BIT: setBoolean

Type hints are required for binary data in order to avoid having
binary parameter values passed through the default character
conversion process. In other cases, they are generally optional
and may in fact reduce performance by causing unneccessary data
conversions. For example, if your database's JDBC driver passes
all data to the database as strings, the JDBC driver will 
have to convert numbers back to strings anyway. 

A call to C<$sth-E<gt>fetch> will cause the DBD::JDBC server to
use the column type information from ResultSetMetaData to
determine how to retrieve column data.

        Column type         Method used        
        BINARY, VARBINARY   getBytes
        LONGVARBINARY       getBinaryStream
        BLOB                getBlob().getBinaryStream
        CLOB                getClob().getCharacterStream
        LONGVARCHAR         getCharacterStream
        ARRAY               getString
        all others          getString

Once retrieved, the data is returned to Perl as a sequence of
bytes. The caller may choose whether to treat the returned scalar
as a character string, number, or byte string.

=head2 NUM_OF_PARAMS implementation

The statement attribute NUM_OF_PARAMS is set when C<$dbh-E<gt>prepare>
is called. Since JDBC doesn't expose this information about
PreparedStatements, DBD::JDBC uses a simple '?'  counting method
which may fail to provide an accurate count if the parameter
marker is not '?' or the syntax does not conform to standard SQL
(and possibly even if it does, if I've interpreted the SQL
grammar poorly). Depending on this value to be accurate is not
recommended, although you may find that it is sufficient for your

=head2 last_insert_id implementation

The JDBC specification supports retrieval of generated keys after
an insert statement as of Java 1.4. In some cases, it is possible
for a JDBC driver to retrieve the generated keys without being
provided any other information. In other cases, you must tell the
driver the names of the columns representing the keys. According
to the JDBC specification, this must be done when the statement
is initially prepared or executed. The DBI specification for the
C<last_insert_id> method allows you to ask for the generated
keys, optionally by column name, after the statement has
completed execution. In order to resolve this timing mismatch,
DBD::JDBC can be given column names or indexes as optional
parameters to the <$dbh-E<gt>prepare> method.

    my @list = ('name', 'type'); 
    $sth = $dbh->prepare("insert into document (name, author, type) " .
         "values ('name','last_insert_id.t','memo')", 
         { jdbc_columnnames => \@list });

    @list = (1, 2); 
    $sth = $dbh->prepare("insert into document (name, author, type) " .
         "values ('name','last_insert_id.t','memo')", 
         { jdbc_columnindexes => \@list });

The column index values are intended to be indexes into the
underlying table, not the corresponding elements of the insert
list, so using them may require knowledge of your database

As suggested by the DBI specification, the last retrieved value
for inserted key(s) will be cached by the connection until
another value is retrieved.

When the "table" or "field" parameters are provided in the call
to C<last_insert_id>, the values must match the values provided
in the ResultSetMetaData associated with the ResultSet returned
by the JDBC C<getGeneratedKeys> method. If your JDBC driver
doesn't set the metadata, you should avoid passing the parameters
in the call to C<last_insert_id>. DBD::JDBC ignores the "catalog"
and "schema" parameters since they're not used to determine the
keys in JDBC.

DBD::JDBC uses the JDBC method
C<DatabaseMetaData.supportsGetGeneratedKeys> to determine whether
to attempt to retrieve generated keys. If this method returns
false, no keys will be retrieved.


All errors generated by DBD::JDBC have IJDBC as the SQLSTATE. If
a SQLException was thrown by the JDBC driver without a SQLSTATE,
DBD::JDBC will set the SQLSTATE to IDRVR.

=head2 Errors generated by the Perl driver

=over 4

=item Unsupported AutoCommit value  (no error number)

If you attempt to set AutoCommit to anything other than 0 or 1,
the driver will die with this error.


=over 4

=item Error code 100

An error occurred while sending a request to the server.

=item Error code 101

An error occurred while receiving a response from the server.

=item Error code 102

There was a problem decoding a server response packet.

=item Error code 103

The dsn supplied to C<connect> is missing one or more required values.

=item Error code 104

A connection to the server could not be established. The server
may not be running, or the host or port information may be

=item Error code 105

An C<$sth-E<gt>execute> call caused the server to return an invalid
response. This is an internal error.


=head2 Errors generated by the Java server

=over 4

=item Error code 1

The client requested an operation on a statement object which does not
exist on the serer. 

=item Error code 2

C<fetch> was called on a statement which has no data. For
example, this error might result if C<fetch> is called before a
statement is executed.

=item Error code 3

The server was asked to return the value of an unknown attribute.

=item Error code 4

This error code indicates that the client attempted to do
something which requires a cursor (a ResultSet) on the server,
but no cursor is present. 

=item Error code 5

No metadata is currently available. This error will result if a
request is made for a statement attribute at a time when no
ResultSet is associated with the statement. 

=item Error code 6

This error code indicates that the client sent a message to the
server which the server does not understand.

=item Error code 7

The server was unable to respond
to the client's request. This error would likely be sent as the
result of another, undetected, error on the server.

=item Error code 8

This error code is used when the server wishes to send a random
error string to the client. For example, arbitrary Java
exceptions may be sent with this error code. 

=item Error code 9

An error occurred during C<fetch>. The error text will describe
the actual error.

=item Error code 10

This error code indicates that the client's requested character
encoding is not supported. 

=item Error code 11

An error occurred while setting a statement parameter.

=item Error code 12

A long field was truncated during C<fetch>.

=item Error code 13

A reflection request was made, but there's no object on which to
call the indicated method. For example, trying to call
C<> before calling C<$sth-E<gt>execute> will cause this
error to be reported, since no ResultSet exists.

=item Error code 14

An unknown class name was passed to C<$sth-E<gt>jdbc_func>.

=item Error code 15

A Java exception related to reflection was thrown. This may
include, for example, C<NoSuchMethodException> if the requested
method can't be located.


=head1 TO DO

See the ToDo file included with the distribution. Highlights include

=over 4

=item *

Make the complete JDBC interface available from DBI.

=item *

DBI metadata methods, cancel, row cache.

=item *

Better handling of long fields via some sort of streaming interface.

=item *

JDBC 2.0 support.


=head1 SEE ALSO

perldoc DBI

For general DBI information and questions, see the DBI home
page at

This site contains pointers to archives of the DBI mailing lists
and list subscription information. DBI in general is primarily
supported through the dbi-users mailing list.

=head1 AUTHOR

Gennis Emerson <>


Copyright 1999-2001,2005-2006 Vizdom Software, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or 
modify it under the same terms as the Perl Kit, namely, under 
the terms of either:
      a) the GNU General Public License as published 
      by the Free Software Foundation; either version 1 
      of the License, or (at your option) any later 
      version, or
      b) the "Artistic License" that comes with the 
      Perl Kit.

This program is distributed in the hope that it will be seful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
either the GNU General Public License or the Artistic License
for more details. 

=head1 hsqldb COPYRIGHT

The tests for this module make use of hsqldb. 

  Copyright (c) 2001-2005, The HSQL Development Group
  All rights reserved.

  Copyright (c) 1995-2000, The Hypersonic SQL Group.
  All rights reserved.

See the full hsqldb copyright and license statements in the
t/hsqldb directory or at 
