The Perl Toolchain Summit needs more sponsors. If your company depends on Perl, please support this very important event.
package CPANPLUS::Dist::Slackware;

use strict;
use warnings;

our $VERSION = '1.021';

use parent qw(CPANPLUS::Dist::Base);

use English qw( -no_match_vars );

use CPANPLUS::Dist::Slackware::PackageDescription;
use CPANPLUS::Error;

use Cwd qw();
use ExtUtils::Packlist;
use File::Find qw();
use File::Spec qw();
use IO::Compress::Gzip qw($GzipError);
use IPC::Cmd qw();
use Locale::Maketext::Simple ( Style => 'gettext' );
use Module::Pluggable require => 1;
use Params::Check qw();

local $Params::Check::VERBOSE = 1;

In order to manage packages as a non-root user, which is highly recommended,
you must have sudo and, optionally, fakeroot.

sub format_available {
    my $missing_programs_count = 0;
    for my $program (
        qw(/sbin/makepkg /sbin/installpkg /sbin/upgradepkg /sbin/removepkg))
        if ( !IPC::Cmd::can_run($program) ) {
                loc(q{You do not have '%1' -- '%2' not available}, $program,
    return ( $missing_programs_count == 0 );

sub init {
    my $dist = shift;

    my $status = $dist->status;

        qw(_pkgdesc _fakeroot_cmd _file_cmd _run_perl_cmd _strip_cmd _plugins)

    $status->_fakeroot_cmd( IPC::Cmd::can_run('fakeroot') );
    $status->_file_cmd( IPC::Cmd::can_run('file') );
    $status->_run_perl_cmd( IPC::Cmd::can_run('cpanp-run-perl') );
    $status->_strip_cmd( IPC::Cmd::can_run('strip') );

    $status->_plugins( [ grep { $_->available($dist) } $dist->plugins ] );

    return 1;

sub prepare {
    my ( $dist, @params ) = @_;

    my $status = $dist->status;
    my $module = $dist->parent;

    my $pkgdesc = CPANPLUS::Dist::Slackware::PackageDescription->new(
        module => $module );

    $status->dist( $pkgdesc->outputname );

    umask oct '022';


        # CPANPLUS::Dist:MM does not accept multiple options in
        # makemakerflags.  Thus all options have to be passed via
        # environment variables.
        local $ENV{PERL_MM_OPT}   = $dist->_perl_mm_opt;
        local $ENV{PERL_MB_OPT}   = $dist->_perl_mb_opt;
        local $ENV{MODULEBUILDRC} = 'NONE';

        # We are not allowed to write to XML/SAX/ParserDetails.ini.
        local $ENV{SKIP_SAX_INSTALL} = 1;

        $dist->_call_plugins('pre_prepare') or return;

        $dist->SUPER::prepare(@params) or return;

        $dist->_call_plugins('post_prepare') or return;

    return $status->prepared(1);

sub create {
    my ( $dist, @params ) = @_;

    my $param_ref = $dist->_parse_params(@params) or return;
    my $status = $dist->status;


        # Some tests fail if PERL_MM_OPT and PERL_MB_OPT are set during the
        # create stage.
        delete local $ENV{PERL_MM_OPT};
        delete local $ENV{PERL_MB_OPT};
        local $ENV{MODULEBUILDRC} = 'NONE';

        $dist->SUPER::create(@params) or return;


        $dist->_fake_install($param_ref) or return;

    $dist->_compress_manual_pages($param_ref) or return;

    $dist->_install_docfiles($param_ref) or return;

    $dist->_process_installed_files($param_ref) or return;

    $dist->_make_installdir($param_ref) or return;

    $dist->_write_slack_desc($param_ref) or return;

    $dist->_call_plugins('pre_package') or return;

    $dist->_write_config_files($param_ref) or return;

    $dist->_makepkg($param_ref) or return;

    return $status->created(1);

sub install {
    my ( $dist, @params ) = @_;

    my $param_ref = $dist->_parse_params(@params) or return;
    my $status = $dist->status;

    $dist->_installpkg($param_ref) or return;

    return $status->installed(1);

sub _parse_params {
    my ( $dist, %params ) = @_;

    my $module = $dist->parent;
    my $cb     = $module->parent;
    my $conf   = $cb->configure_object;

    my $param_ref;
        local $Params::Check::ALLOW_UNKNOWN = 1;
        my $tmpl = {
            force       => { default => $conf->get_conf('force') },
            verbose     => { default => $conf->get_conf('verbose') },
            keep_source => { default => 0 },
            make        => { default => $conf->get_program('make') },
            perl        => { default => $EXECUTABLE_NAME },
        $param_ref = Params::Check::check( $tmpl, \%params ) or return;
    return $param_ref;

sub _call_plugins {
    my ( $dist, $method ) = @_;

    my $status = $dist->status;

    for my $plugin ( @{ $status->_plugins } ) {
        if ( $plugin->can($method) ) {
            $plugin->$method($dist) or return;
    return 1;

sub _perl_mm_opt {
    my $dist = shift;

    return << 'END_PERL_MM_OPT';

sub _perl_mb_opt {
    my $dist = shift;

    return << 'END_PERL_MB_OPT';
--installdirs vendor
--config installvendorman1dir=/usr/man/man1
--config installvendorman3dir=/usr/man/man3

sub _run_perl {
    my $dist = shift;

    my $status = $dist->status;

    my $run_perl_cmd = $status->_run_perl_cmd;
    return $run_perl_cmd if $run_perl_cmd;

    my $perl_wrapper
        = 'use strict; BEGIN { my $old = select STDERR; $|++;'
        . ' select $old; $|++; $0 = shift(@ARGV); my $rv = do($0);'
        . ' die $@ if $@; }';
    return ( '-e', $perl_wrapper );

sub _fake_install {
    my ( $dist, $param_ref ) = @_;

    my $status  = $dist->status;
    my $module  = $dist->parent;
    my $pkgdesc = $status->_pkgdesc;

    my $verbose = $param_ref->{verbose};

    my $wrksrc = $module->status->extract;
    if ( !$wrksrc ) {
        error( loc(q{No dir found to operate on!}) );

    my $destdir = $pkgdesc->destdir;

    my $cmd;
    my $installer_type = $module->status->installer_type;
    if ( $installer_type eq 'CPANPLUS::Dist::MM' ) {
        my $make = $param_ref->{make};
        $cmd = [ $make, 'install', "DESTDIR=$destdir" ];
    elsif ( $installer_type eq 'CPANPLUS::Dist::Build' ) {
        my $perl     = $param_ref->{perl};
        my @run_perl = $dist->_run_perl;
        $cmd = [
            $perl, @run_perl, 'Build', 'install', '--destdir', $destdir,
            split( ' ', $dist->_perl_mb_opt )
    else {
        error( loc( q{Unknown type '%1'}, $installer_type ) );

    msg( loc( q{Staging distribution in '%2'}, $destdir ) );

    return $dist->_run_command( $cmd,
        { dir => $wrksrc, verbose => $verbose } );

sub _makepkg {
    my ( $dist, $param_ref ) = @_;

    my $status  = $dist->status;
    my $module  = $dist->parent;
    my $cb      = $module->parent;
    my $conf    = $cb->configure_object;
    my $pkgdesc = $status->_pkgdesc;

    my $verbose    = $param_ref->{verbose};
    my $destdir    = $pkgdesc->destdir;
    my $outputname = $pkgdesc->outputname;

    my $needs_chown = 0;
    my $cmd = [ '/sbin/makepkg', '-l', 'y', '-c', 'y', $outputname ];
    if ( $EFFECTIVE_USER_ID > 0 ) {
        my $fakeroot = $status->_fakeroot_cmd;
        if ($fakeroot) {
            unshift @{$cmd}, $fakeroot;
        else {
            my $sudo = $conf->get_program('sudo');
            if ($sudo) {
                unshift @{$cmd}, $sudo;
                $needs_chown = 1;
            else {
                error( loc($NONROOT_WARNING) );

    msg( loc( q{Creating package '%1'}, $outputname ) );

    my $orig_uid = $UID;
    my $orig_gid = ( split /\s+/, $GID )[0];
    if ($needs_chown) {
        my @stat = $dist->_stat($destdir);
        return if !@stat;
        $orig_uid = $stat[4];
        $orig_gid = $stat[5];

        $dist->_chown_recursively( 0, 0, $destdir ) or return;

    my $fail = 0;
    if (!$dist->_run_command(
            $cmd, { dir => $destdir, verbose => $verbose }

    if ($needs_chown) {
        if ( -d $destdir ) {
            if (!$dist->_chown_recursively( $orig_uid, $orig_gid, $destdir ) )
        if ( -f $outputname ) {
            if (!$dist->_chown_recursively(
                    $orig_uid, $orig_gid, $outputname

    if ( !$param_ref->{keep_source} ) {

        # Keep the staging directory if something failed.
        if ( !$fail ) {
            msg( loc( q{Removing '%1'}, $destdir ) );
            if ( !$cb->_rmdir( dir => $destdir ) ) {

    return ( $fail ? 0 : 1 );

sub _installpkg {
    my ( $dist, $param_ref ) = @_;

    my $status  = $dist->status;
    my $module  = $dist->parent;
    my $cb      = $module->parent;
    my $conf    = $cb->configure_object;
    my $pkgdesc = $status->_pkgdesc;

    my $verbose    = $param_ref->{verbose};
    my $outputname = $pkgdesc->outputname;

    my $cmd
        = [ '/sbin/upgradepkg', '--install-new', '--reinstall', $outputname ];
    if ( $EFFECTIVE_USER_ID > 0 ) {
        my $sudo = $conf->get_program('sudo');
        if ($sudo) {
            unshift @{$cmd}, $sudo;
        else {
            error( loc($NONROOT_WARNING) );

    msg( loc( q{Installing package '%1'}, $outputname ) );

    return $dist->_run_command( $cmd, { verbose => $verbose } );

sub _compress_manual_pages {
    my ( $dist, $param_ref ) = @_;

    my $status  = $dist->status;
    my $pkgdesc = $status->_pkgdesc;

    my $mandir = File::Spec->catdir( $pkgdesc->destdir, 'usr', 'man' );
    return 1 if !-d $mandir;

    my $fail   = 0;
    my $wanted = sub {
        my $filename = $_;

        # Skip files that are already compressed.
        return if $filename =~ /\.gz$/;

        if ( -l $filename ) {
            my $target = $dist->_readlink($filename);
            if ($target) {
                if ( $dist->_symlink( "$target.gz", "$filename.gz" ) ) {
                    if ( !$dist->_unlink($filename) ) {
                else {
            else {
        elsif ( -f $filename ) {
            if ( !$dist->_gzip($filename) ) {
    File::Find::find( $wanted, $mandir );

    return ( $fail ? 0 : 1 );

sub _install_docfiles {
    my ( $dist, $param_ref ) = @_;

    my $status  = $dist->status;
    my $module  = $dist->parent;
    my $cb      = $module->parent;
    my $pkgdesc = $status->_pkgdesc;

    my $wrksrc = $module->status->extract;
    if ( !$wrksrc ) {
        error( loc(q{No dir found to operate on!}) );

    my @docfiles = $pkgdesc->docfiles;

    my $docdir = File::Spec->catdir( $pkgdesc->destdir, $pkgdesc->docdir );
    $cb->_mkdir( dir => $docdir ) or return;

    my $readme = $pkgdesc->readme_slackware;
    my $readmefile = File::Spec->catfile( $docdir, 'README.SLACKWARE' );
    $dist->_write_file( $readmefile, $readme ) or return;

    # Create perl-Some-Module.SlackBuild.
    my $script     = $pkgdesc->build_script;
    my $scriptfile = File::Spec->catfile( $docdir,
        $pkgdesc->normalized_name . '.SlackBuild' );
    $dist->_write_file( $scriptfile, $script ) or return;

    # Copy files like README and Changes.
    my $fail = 0;
    for my $docfile (@docfiles) {
        my $from = File::Spec->catfile( $wrksrc, $docfile );
        if ( !$cb->_copy( file => $from, to => $docdir ) ) {

    return ( $fail ? 0 : 1 );

sub _verify_filename {
    my ( $dist, $filename ) = @_;

    my $status  = $dist->status;
    my $pkgdesc = $status->_pkgdesc;
    my $name    = $pkgdesc->normalized_name;

    my $general_whitelist = qr{ /(?:etc|usr|var|opt)/ }xms;

    my $standard_whitelist = qr{
            | /usr/$
            | /usr/(?:bin|doc|man)/
            | /usr/(?:lib(?:64)?|share)/$
            | /usr/(?:lib(?:64)?|share)/perl5/

    my $command = qr{ /usr/bin/. }xms;

    $filename = substr $filename, 1;    # Remove leading '.'.
    if ( $filename !~ $general_whitelist ) {
            loc( q{Blacklisted file found in '%1': '%2'}, $name, $filename )
    elsif ( $filename =~ $command ) {
        msg( loc( q{'%1' provides command '%2'}, $name, $filename ) );
    elsif ( $filename !~ $standard_whitelist ) {
        msg( loc( q{'%1' provides extra file '%2'}, $name, $filename ) );
    return 1;

sub _process_packlist {
    my ( $dist, $filename ) = @_;

    my $status  = $dist->status;
    my $pkgdesc = $status->_pkgdesc;

    my $destdir = $pkgdesc->destdir;

    my ($old_pl) = ExtUtils::Packlist->new($filename);
    my @keys = grep {m{^\Q$destdir\E}xms} keys %{$old_pl};
    if ( !@keys ) {
        @keys = keys %{$old_pl};
    if (@keys) {
        my ($new_pl) = ExtUtils::Packlist->new();
        for my $key (@keys) {
            my $value = $old_pl->{$key};
            $key =~ s{^\Q$destdir\E}{}xms;

            # Add .gz to manual pages.
            if ( $key =~ m{^/usr/man/}xms ) {
                if ( $key !~ m{\.gz$}xms ) {
                    $key .= '.gz';
                if ( ref $value eq 'HASH' ) {
                    if (   defined $value->{type}
                        && $value->{type} eq 'link'
                        && defined $value->{from} )
                        my $from = $value->{from};
                        if ( $from =~ m{^/usr/man/}xms ) {
                            if ( $from !~ m{\.gz$}xms ) {
                                $from .= '.gz';
                                $value->{from} = $from;

            if ( -e "$destdir$key" ) {
                $new_pl->{$key} = $value;
    return 1;

sub _process_installed_files {
    my ( $dist, $param_ref ) = @_;

    my $status  = $dist->status;
    my $module  = $dist->parent;
    my $cb      = $module->parent;
    my $pkgdesc = $status->_pkgdesc;

    my $destdir = $pkgdesc->destdir;

    my $orig_dir = Cwd::cwd();
    if ( !$cb->_chdir( dir => $destdir ) ) {

    my $fail = 0;
    my @packlists;
    my $wanted = sub {
        my $filename = $_;

        return if $filename eq q{.};

        my @stat = $dist->_lstat($filename);
        return if !@stat;

        # Check whether the distribution tries to install files in
        # non-standard directories.
        my $pathname = $File::Find::name;
        if ( -d _ ) {
            $pathname .= q{/};
        if ( !$dist->_verify_filename($pathname) ) {

        # Skip symbolic links.
        return if -l _;

        # Sanitize the file modes.
        my $perm = ( $stat[2] & oct '0755' ) | oct '0200';
        if ( !$dist->_chmod( $perm, $filename ) ) {

        if ( -d $filename ) {

            # Remove empty directories.
            rmdir $filename;
        elsif ( -f $filename ) {
            if ( $filename eq 'perllocal.pod'
                || ( $filename =~ /\.bs$/ && -z $filename ) )
                if ( !$dist->_unlink($filename) ) {
            elsif ( $filename eq '.packlist' ) {
                push @packlists, $File::Find::name;
            else {
                my $type = $dist->_filetype($filename);
                if ( $type =~ /ELF.+(?:executable|shared object)/s ) {
                    if ( !$dist->_strip($filename) ) {
    File::Find::finddepth( $wanted, q{.} );

    for my $packlist (@packlists) {
        if ( !$dist->_process_packlist($packlist) ) {

    if ( !$cb->_chdir( dir => $orig_dir ) ) {

    return ( $fail ? 0 : 1 );

sub _make_installdir {
    my ( $dist, $param_ref ) = @_;

    my $status  = $dist->status;
    my $module  = $dist->parent;
    my $cb      = $module->parent;
    my $pkgdesc = $status->_pkgdesc;

    my $installdir = File::Spec->catdir( $pkgdesc->destdir, 'install' );
    return $cb->_mkdir( dir => $installdir );

sub _write_config_files {
    my ( $dist, $param_ref ) = @_;

    my $status  = $dist->status;
    my $module  = $dist->parent;
    my $cb      = $module->parent;
    my $pkgdesc = $status->_pkgdesc;

    my $destdir = $pkgdesc->destdir;

    return 1 if !-d File::Spec->catdir( $destdir, 'etc' );

    my $orig_dir = Cwd::cwd();
    if ( !$cb->_chdir( dir => $destdir ) ) {

    # Find and rename the configuration files.
    my $fail = 0;
    my @conffiles;
    my $wanted = sub {
        my $filename = $_;

        # Skip files that have already been renamed.
        return if $filename =~ /\.new$/;

        if ( -l $filename || -f $filename ) {
            if ( !$cb->_move( file => $filename, to => "$" ) ) {
            push @conffiles, $filename;
    File::Find::find( { wanted => $wanted, no_chdir => 1 }, 'etc' );

    if ( !$cb->_chdir( dir => $orig_dir ) ) {

    return   if $fail;
    return 1 if !@conffiles;

    @conffiles = sort { uc $a cmp uc $b } @conffiles;

    # List the configuration files in README.SLACKWARE.
    $dist->_append_config_files_to_readme_slackware(@conffiles) or return;

    # Add a config function to
    my $script = $pkgdesc->config_function;
    for my $conffile (@conffiles) {
        $conffile =~ s/('+)/'"$1"'/g;    # Quote single quotes.
        $script .= "config '$'\n";

    my $installdir = File::Spec->catdir( $pkgdesc->destdir, 'install' );
    my $doinstfile = File::Spec->catfile( $installdir, '' );
    return $dist->_write_file( $doinstfile, { append => 1 }, $script );

sub _append_config_files_to_readme_slackware {
    my ( $dist, @conffiles ) = @_;

    my $status  = $dist->status;
    my $pkgdesc = $status->_pkgdesc;

    my $readme
        = "\n"
        . "Configuration files\n"
        . "-------------------\n\n"
        . "This package provides the following configuration files:\n\n"
        . join( "\n", map {"* /$_"} @conffiles ) . "\n";

    my $docdir = File::Spec->catdir( $pkgdesc->destdir, $pkgdesc->docdir );
    my $readmefile = File::Spec->catfile( $docdir, 'README.SLACKWARE' );
    return $dist->_write_file( $readmefile, { append => 1 }, $readme );

sub _write_slack_desc {
    my ( $dist, $param_ref ) = @_;

    my $status  = $dist->status;
    my $module  = $dist->parent;
    my $cb      = $module->parent;
    my $pkgdesc = $status->_pkgdesc;

    my $installdir = File::Spec->catdir( $pkgdesc->destdir, 'install' );
    my $descfile = File::Spec->catfile( $installdir, 'slack-desc' );
    my $desc = $pkgdesc->slack_desc;
    return $dist->_write_file( $descfile, $desc );

sub _read_file {
    my ( $dist, $filename ) = @_;

    my $fh;
    if ( !open $fh, '<', $filename ) {
        error( loc( q{Could not open file '%1': %2}, $filename, $OS_ERROR ) );

    my $text = do { local $RS = undef; <$fh> };

    if ( !close $fh ) {
            loc( q{Could not close file '%1': %2}, $filename, $OS_ERROR ) );

    return $text;

sub _write_file {
    my ( $dist, $filename, @lines ) = @_;

    my $param_ref = ( ref $lines[0] eq 'HASH' ) ? shift @lines : {};
    my $mode      = ( $param_ref->{append} )    ? '>>'         : '>';
    my $binmode   = $param_ref->{binmode};

    my $fh;
    if ( !open $fh, $mode, $filename ) {
            loc( q{Could not create file '%1': %2}, $filename, $OS_ERROR ) );

    if ($binmode) {
        if ( !binmode $fh, $binmode ) {
                loc(q{Could not set binmode for file '%1' to '%2': %3},
                    $filename, $binmode, $OS_ERROR

    my $fail = 0;
    if ( !print {$fh} @lines ) {
            loc( q{Could not write to file '%1': %2}, $filename, $OS_ERROR )

    if ( !close $fh ) {
            loc( q{Could not close file '%1': %2}, $filename, $OS_ERROR ) );

    return ( $fail ? 0 : 1 );

sub _run_command {
    my ( $dist, $cmd, $param_ref ) = @_;

    my $module = $dist->parent;
    my $cb     = $module->parent;

    my $dir     = $param_ref->{dir};
    my $verbose = $param_ref->{verbose};
    my $buf_ref = $param_ref->{buffer};
    if ( !$buf_ref ) {
        my $buf;
        $buf_ref = \$buf;

    my $orig_dir;
    if ($dir) {
        $orig_dir = Cwd::cwd();
        if ( !$cb->_chdir( dir => $dir ) ) {

    my $fail = 0;
    if (!IPC::Cmd::run(
            command => $cmd,
            buffer  => $buf_ref,
            verbose => $verbose
        my $cmdline = join q{ }, @{$cmd};
        error( loc( q{Could not run '%1': %2}, $cmdline, ${$buf_ref} ) );

    if ($orig_dir) {
        if ( !$cb->_chdir( dir => $orig_dir ) ) {

    return ( $fail ? 0 : 1 );

sub _filetype {
    my ( $dist, $filename ) = @_;

    my $status = $dist->status;

    my $filetype;
    my $file_cmd = $status->_file_cmd;
    if ($file_cmd) {
        my $cmd = [ $file_cmd, '-b', $filename ];
        if ( !$dist->_run_command( $cmd, { buffer => \$filetype } ) ) {
            undef $filetype;
    if ($filetype) {
        chomp $filetype;
    else {
        $filetype = 'data';
    return $filetype;

sub _strip {
    my ( $dist, @filenames ) = @_;

    my $status = $dist->status;

    my $strip_cmd = $status->_strip_cmd;
    return 1 if !$strip_cmd;

    my $cmd = [ $strip_cmd, '--strip-unneeded', @filenames ];
    return $dist->_run_command($cmd);

sub _gzip {
    my ( $dist, @filenames ) = @_;

    my $fail = 0;
    for my $filename (@filenames) {
        if ( IO::Compress::Gzip::gzip( $filename, "$filename.gz" ) ) {
            if ( !$dist->_unlink($filename) ) {
        else {
                loc(q{Could not compress file '%1': %2}, $filename,
    return ( $fail ? 0 : 1 );

sub _stat {
    my ( $dist, $filename ) = @_;

    my @stat = stat $filename;
    if ( !@stat ) {
        error( loc( q{Could not stat '%1': %2}, $filename, $OS_ERROR ) );
    return @stat;

sub _lstat {
    my ( $dist, $filename ) = @_;

    my @stat = lstat $filename;
    if ( !@stat ) {
        error( loc( q{Could not lstat '%1': %2}, $filename, $OS_ERROR ) );
    return @stat;

sub _chmod {
    my ( $dist, $mode, @filenames ) = @_;

    my $fail = 0;
    for my $filename (@filenames) {
        if ( !chmod $mode, @filenames ) {
            error( loc( q{Could not chmod '%1': %2}, $filename, $OS_ERROR ) );
    return ( $fail ? 0 : 1 );

sub _chown_recursively {
    my ( $dist, $uid, $gid, @filenames ) = @_;

    my $module = $dist->parent;
    my $cb     = $module->parent;
    my $conf   = $cb->configure_object;

    my $cmd = [ '/bin/chown', '-R', "$uid:$gid", @filenames ];
    if ( $EFFECTIVE_USER_ID > 0 ) {
        my $sudo = $conf->get_program('sudo');
        if ($sudo) {
            unshift @{$cmd}, $sudo;
        else {
            error( loc($NONROOT_WARNING) );
    return $dist->_run_command($cmd);

sub _unlink {
    my ( $dist, @filenames ) = @_;

    my $fail = 0;
    for my $filename (@filenames) {
        if ( !unlink $filename ) {
                loc( q{Could not unlink '%1': %2}, $filename, $OS_ERROR ) );
    return ( $fail ? 0 : 1 );

sub _symlink {
    my ( $dist, $oldfile, $newfile ) = @_;

    my $fail = 0;
    if ( !symlink $oldfile, $newfile ) {
            loc(q{Could not symlink '%1' to '%2': %3},
                $oldfile, $newfile, $OS_ERROR
    return ( $fail ? 0 : 1 );

sub _readlink {
    my ( $dist, $filename ) = @_;

    my $target = readlink $filename;
    if ( !$target ) {
        error( loc( q{Could not readlink '%1': %2}, $filename, $OS_ERROR ) );
    return $target;


=head1 NAME

CPANPLUS::Dist::Slackware - Install Perl distributions on Slackware Linux

=head1 VERSION

This document describes CPANPLUS::Dist::Slackware version 1.021.


    ### from the cpanp interactive shell
    $ cpanp
    CPAN Terminal> i Some::Module --format=CPANPLUS::Dist::Slackware

    ### using the command-line tool
    $ cpan2dist --format CPANPLUS::Dist::Slackware Some::Module
    $ sudo /sbin/installpkg /tmp/perl-Some-Module-1.0-i486-1_CPANPLUS.tgz


Do you prefer to manage all software in your operating system's native package

This CPANPLUS plugin creates Slackware compatible packages from Perl
distributions.  You can either install the created packages using the API
provided by CPANPLUS or manually via C<installpkg>.

=head2 Using CPANPLUS::Dist::Slackware

Start an interactive shell to edit the CPANPLUS settings:

    $ cpanp
    CPAN Terminal> s reconfigure

Once CPANPLUS is configured, modules can be installed.  Example:

    CPAN Terminal> i Smart::Comments --format=CPANPLUS::Dist::Slackware

You can make CPANPLUS::Dist::Slackware your default format by setting the
C<dist_type> key:

    CPAN Terminal> s conf dist_type CPANPLUS::Dist::Slackware

CPANPLUS sometimes fails to show interactive prompts if the C<verbose> option
is not set.  Thus you might want to enable verbose output:

    CPAN Terminal> s conf verbose 1

Make your changes permanent:

    CPAN Terminal> s save

User settings are stored in F<$HOME/.cpanplus/lib/CPANPLUS/Config/>.

Packages may also be created from the command-line.  Example:

    $ cpan2dist --format CPANPLUS::Dist::Slackware Smart::Comments
    $ sudo /sbin/installpkg /tmp/perl-Smart-Comments-1.0.4-i486-1_CPANPLUS.tgz

=head2 Managing packages as a non-root user

The C<sudo> command must be installed and configured.  If the C<fakeroot>
command is installed, packages will be built without the help of C<sudo>.
Installing packages still requires root privileges though.

=head2 Documentation files

README files and changelogs are stored in a package-specific subdirectory in
F</usr/doc>.  In addition, a F<README.SLACKWARE> file that lists the package's
build dependencies is supplied.

=head2 Configuration files

Few Perl distributions provide configuration files in F</etc> but if such a
distribution, e.g. Mail::SpamAssassin, is updated you have to check for new
configuration files.  The package's F<README.SLACKWARE> file lists the
configuration files.  Updated configuration files have got the filename
extension ".new" and must be merged by the system administrator.


=over 4

=item B<< CPANPLUS::Dist::Slackware->format_available >>

Returns a boolean indicating whether or not the Slackware Linux package
management tools are available.

    $is_available = CPANPLUS::Dist::Slackware->format_available();

=item B<< $dist->init >>

Sets up the CPANPLUS::Dist::Slackware object for use.  Creates all the
needed status accessors.

    $success = $dist->init();

Called automatically whenever a new CPANPLUS::Dist object is created.

=item B<< $dist->prepare(%params) >>

Runs C<perl Makefile.PL> or C<perl Build.PL> and determines what prerequisites
this distribution declared.

    $success = $dist->prepare(
        perl    => '/path/to/perl',
        force   => (1|0),
        verbose => (1|0)

If you set C<force> to true, it will go over all the stages of the C<prepare>
process again, ignoring any previously cached results.

Returns true on success and false on failure.

You may then call C<< $dist->create >> on the object to build the distribution
and to create a Slackware compatible package.

=item B<< $dist->create(%params) >>

Builds the distribution, runs the test suite and executes C<makepkg> to create
a Slackware compatible package.  Also scans for and attempts to satisfy any
prerequisites the module may have.

    $success = $dist->create(
        perl        => '/path/to/perl',
        make        => '/path/to/make',
        skiptest    => (1|0),
        force       => (1|0),
        verbose     => (1|0)
        keep_source => (1|0)

If you set C<skiptest> to true, the test stage will be skipped.  If you set
C<force> to true, C<create> will go over all the stages of the build process
again, ignoring any previously cached results.  It will also ignore a bad
return value from the test stage and still allow the operation to return true.

Returns true on success and false on failure.

You may then call C<< $dist->install >> on the object to actually install the
created package.

=item B<< $dist->install(%params) >>

Installs the package using C<upgradepkg --install-new --reinstall>.  If the
package is already installed on the system, the existing package will be
replaced by the new package.

    $success = $dist->install(verbose => (1|0));

Returns true on success and false on failure.


=head1 PLUGINS

You can write plugins to patch or customize Perl distributions.  Put your
plugins into the CPANPLUS::Dist::Slackware::Plugin namespace.  Plugins can
provide the following methods.

=over 4

=item B<< $plugin->available($dist) >>

This method, which must exist, returns true if the plugin applies to the given

=item B<< $plugin->pre_prepare($dist) >>

Use this method to patch a distribution or to set environment variables that
help to configure the distribution.  Called before the Perl distribution is
prepared, i.e. before the command C<perl Makefile.PL> or C<perl Build.PL> is
run.  Returns true on success.

=item B<< $plugin->post_prepare($dist) >>

Use this method to, for example, unset previously set environment variables.
Called after the Perl distribution has been prepared.  Returns true on

=item B<< $plugin->pre_package($dist) >>

This method is called after the Perl distribution has been installed in the
temporary staging directory and before a Slackware compatible package is
created.  Use this method to install additional files like init scripts or to
append text to the F<README.SLACKWARE> file.  Returns true on success.



=over 4

=item B<< In order to manage packages as a non-root user... >>

You are using CPANPLUS as a non-root user but C<sudo> is not installed.

=item B<< You do not have '/sbin/makepkg'... >>

The Slackware Linux package management tools are not installed.

=item B<< Blacklisted file found... >>

Distributions are not allowed to install files outside of F</etc>, F</usr>,
F</var> and F</opt>.

=item B<< Could not chdir into DIR >>

CPANPLUS::Dist::Slackware could not change its current directory while
building the package.

=item B<< Could not create directory DIR >>

A directory could not be created.  Are the parent directory's owner or
mode bits wrong?  Is the file system mounted read-only?

=item B<< Could not create file FILE >>

A file could not be opened for writing.  Check your file and directory

=item B<< Could not write to file FILE >>

Is a file system, e.g. F</tmp> full?

=item B<< Could not compress file FILE >>

A manual page could not be compressed.

=item B<< Failed to copy FILE1 to FILE2 >>

A file could not be copied.

=item B<< Failed to move FILE1 to FILE2 >>

A file could not be renamed.

=item B<< Could not run COMMAND >>

An external command failed to execute.

=item B<< No dir found to operate on! >>

For some reason, the Perl distribution's archive has not been extracted by

=item B<< Unknown type 'CPANPLUS::Dist::WHATEVER' >>

CPANPLUS::Dist::Slackware supports CPANPLUS::Dist::MM and



Similar to the build scripts provided by L<>,
CPANPLUS::Dist::Slackware respects the following environment variables:

=over 4

=item B<TMP>

The staging directory where the Perl distributions are temporarily installed.
Defaults to F<$TMPDIR/CPANPLUS> or to F</tmp/CPANPLUS> if C<$ENV{TMPDIR}> is
not set.

=item B<OUTPUT>

The package output directory where all created packages are stored.  Defaults
to F<$TMPDIR> or F</tmp>.

=item B<ARCH>

The package architecture.  Defaults to "i486" on x86-based platforms, to "arm"
on ARM-based platforms and to the system's hardware identifier, i.e. the
output of C<uname -m> on all other platforms.

=item B<BUILD>

The build number that is added to the filename.  Defaults to "1".

As packages may be built recursively, setting this variable is mainly useful
when all packages are rebuilt, e.g. after Perl has been upgraded.

=item B<TAG>

This tag is added to the package filename.  Defaults to "_CPANPLUS".

=item B<PKGTYPE>

The package extension.  Defaults to "tgz".  May be set to "tbz", "tlz" or
"txz".  The proper compression utility, i.e. C<gzip>, C<bzip2>, C<lzma>, or
C<xz>, needs to be installed on the machine.



Requires the Slackware Linux package management tools C<makepkg>,
C<installpkg>, C<updatepkg>, and C<removepkg>.  Other required commands are
C<chown>, C<file>, C<gcc>, C<make>, and C<strip>.

In order to manage packages as a non-root user, which is highly recommended,
you must have C<sudo> and, optionally, C<fakeroot>.  You can download a script
that builds C<fakeroot> from L<>.

CPANPLUS::Dist::Slackware requires the modules CPANPLUS, Cwd, File::Find,
File::Spec, IO::Compress::Gzip, IPC:Cmd, Locale::Maketext::Simple, and


Packages created with CPANPLUS::Dist::Slackware may conflict with packages
from L<> and packages created with C<cpan2tgz>.

=head1 SEE ALSO

cpanp(1), cpan2dist(1), sudo(8), fakeroot(1), CPANPLUS::Dist::MM,
CPANPLUS::Dist::Build, CPANPLUS::Dist::Base

=head1 AUTHOR

Andreas Voegele E<lt>voegelas@cpan.orgE<gt>


CPANPLUS sometimes fails to show interactive prompts if the C<verbose> option
is not set.  This has been reported as bug #47818 and bug
#72095 at L<>.

Please report any bugs to C<bug-cpanplus-dist-slackware at>, or
through the web interface at L<>.


Copyright 2012-2015 Andreas Voegele

This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
the same terms as Perl itself.

See for more information.
