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=head1 NAME

beacon - beacon command line client


use strict;

our $VERSION = '0.2.4';

use Getopt::Long;
use Pod::Usage;
use Data::Beacon;
use Data::Beacon::Collection;

my ($configfile, $file, $name, $testmode, $linksmode, $premeta, $mtime, $dbi,
    $help, $man, $quiet, $verbose, $query, $user, $password);
my %commands = map { $_ => 1 }
    qw(dump expand about parse list init insert update upsert delete query queryexpand);

    "config:s" => \$configfile,
    "help|?" => \$help,
    "man" => \$man,
    "pre:s" => \$premeta,
    "file:s" => \$file,
    "name:s" => \$name,
    "test" => \$testmode,
    "quiet" => \$quiet,
    "verbose" => \$verbose,
    "mtime" => \$mtime,
    "dbi:s" => \$dbi,
    "user:s" => \$user,
    "password:s" => \$password,
    # TODO: head and tail
) or pod2usage(2);
my $msg = "beacon version $VERSION (based on Data::Beacon ${Data::Beacon::VERSION})";
pod2usage( -msg => $msg, -verbose => 1 ) 
    if $help or (@ARGV and $ARGV[0] eq 'help');
pod2usage(-verbose => 2) if $man;

my %handlers = ( errors => 'print' );
$handlers{errors} = undef if $quiet;

if ( $configfile ) {
    open (CNF, $configfile) || failed("could not open config file: $configfile");
    my @cnf = grep { $_ ne "" } 
              map { chomp; $_ =~ s/^\s*|#.*$//g; $_ } <CNF>;
    my $line = 0;
    my %config = map { 
        $_ =~ /^([^ ]+)\s*=\s*(.*)$/ || 
            failed("error in config file $configfile line $line");
        $1 => $2 
    } @cnf;
    $dbi ||= $config{dbi};
    $user ||= $config{user};
    $password ||= $config{password};

my $beaconfile;

my $collection;
if ( $dbi ) {
    $dbi = "dbi:$dbi" unless $dbi =~ /^dbi:/;
    my %opt = (dbi => $dbi);
    $opt{user} = $user if defined $user;
    $opt{password} = $password if defined $password;
    $opt{error} = \&failed unless $quiet;
    $collection = Data::Beacon::Collection->new( %opt );
    failed( $collection->lasterror ) if $collection->errors;

# additional sophisticated command line parsing follows
my %metafields;
while (@ARGV[0] =~ /^([^=]*)=(.*)$/) {
    $metafields{$1} = $2;
    shift @ARGV;

my $cmd = shift @ARGV;

if (defined $cmd) {
    if ($cmd eq 'links') {
        $cmd = 'dump'; 
        $linksmode = 1;
    unless ($commands{$cmd}) {
        if (defined $file) {
            $name = $cmd;
            $cmd = shift @ARGV;
        } elsif (defined $name) {
            $file = $cmd;
            $cmd = shift @ARGV;
        } else {
            $file = $cmd;
            $cmd = "parse";
            # misspelled command?
            failed("File '$file' not found. Use -h for help")
                unless ($file eq '-' or -f $file);
unless ($cmd) {
    if (defined $file or defined $name) {
        $cmd = 'about';
    } else {
        failed("Please specify at least a command, name, file, or -h or -m for help!\n");

# parse the metafile first
if (defined $premeta) {
    my $m = beacon($premeta);
    failed( $m->lasterror ) if $m->errors;
    $handlers{pre}= { $m->meta() };

$handlers{pre} = { } if (%metafields && !$handlers{pre});
foreach (keys %metafields) {
    $handlers{pre}->{$_} = $metafields{$_};

sub requirefile {
    $file = shift @ARGV unless defined $file;
    failed("Please specifiy a file to parse") unless defined $file;
    $handlers{mtime} = $file if $mtime;
    $beaconfile = beacon( $file, %handlers );

sub requirename {
    $name = shift @ARGV unless defined $name;
    failed("Please specifiy a beacon name!") unless defined $name;
    $name = lc($name);
    failed("Not a valid beacon name: $name") unless $name =~ /^[a-z][a-z0-9_.-]*$/;

sub requirestore {
    failed("Command $cmd requires a beacon collection.")
        unless $collection;

if ($cmd eq 'list' or $cmd eq 'init') {
} elsif($cmd eq 'parse') {
} else {
    if ($cmd =~ /^((query)?expand|dump|about|query)$/) {
        $collection ? requirename() : requirefile();
        if ( $cmd =~ /^query(expand)?$/ ) {
            $query = shift @ARGV;
            failed("Please specifiy an id to query for!") unless defined $query;
    } else { # delete|insert|update|upsert : require collection and name
        requirefile() if $cmd =~ /^(insert|update)$/;

# end of additional command line parsing

if ($testmode) {
    print "Running in test mode with the following arguments:\n";
    print "  command: $cmd\n";
    print "  file:    $file\n";
    print "  name:    $name\n";
    print "  config:  $configfile\n";
    print "  pre:     $premeta\n" if defined $premeta;
    print "  query:   $query\n" if $cmd eq 'query';
    exit; # TODO: we could perform some more action but read-only

my $beacon = $beaconfile;
if ( $collection ) {
    if ( $cmd =~ /^(about|dump|(query)?expand|query|delete|update)$/ ) {
        $beacon = $collection->get( $name );
        if (!$beacon) {
            my $msg = $collection->lasterror;
            $msg ||= "could not find in collection: $name";

# Now finally do something

if ( $cmd eq 'parse' ) { # parse a file
    if ( !$beaconfile->errors ) { # unless file not found
        print $beaconfile->metafields();
    # TODO: show whether there have been errors
} elsif( $cmd eq 'about' ) { # show info about a file or stored beacon
    print $beacon->metafields(); 
} elsif( $cmd eq 'dump' ) { # dump a full, parsed beacon file
    print $beacon->metafields() unless $linksmode;
    $beacon->parse( links => 'print' );
    # TODO: we may warn on errors, wrong count etc.
} elsif( $cmd eq 'expand' ) { # dump a full, parsed beacon file
    $beacon->parse( links => 'expand' );
        # links => sub { # TODO: implement this method
        #    print join('|', $beacon->expand(@_)) . "\n";
        # });
} elsif( $cmd =~ /^query(expand)?$/ ) {
    my $expand = $1;
    if ( $beacon->can('query') ) {
        my $links = $beacon->query( $query ); # TODO use link handler
        if ($links) {
            foreach my $l (@$links) {
                if ( $expand ) { # TODO move to the library
                    print join('|', $beacon->expand(@$l)) . "\n";
                } else {
                    print plainbeaconlink(@$l)."\n";
    } else {
        # start parsing
        while ( my @link = $beaconfile->nextlink ) {
            print plainbeaconlink(@link)."\n" if $link[0] eq $query;
} elsif( $cmd eq 'list' ) {
    info("Listing all collected Beacons:");
    my @list = $collection->list();
    print join("\n", @list). "\n" if @list;
} elsif( $cmd eq 'insert' ) {
    info("Inserting new Beacon $name");
    failed("please use 'update' to replace existing Beacon $name")
        if ( $collection->get( $name ) );
    $collection->insert( $name, $beaconfile );
} elsif( $cmd eq 'update' ) {
    info("Updating Beacon $name");
    failed("please use 'insert' to add non-existing Beacon $name")
        if ( !$collection->get( $name ) );
    $collection->insert( $name, $beaconfile );
} elsif( $cmd eq 'delete' ) {
    info("Deleting Beacon $name");
    failed("could not remove Beacon $name")
        unless $collection->remove( $name );

# TODO: implement command 'init' if needed

sub info {
    print $_[0] . "\n" if $verbose;

sub failed { # error handler
    my $msg = shift;
    $msg =~ s/\n$//g;
    $msg =~ s/ at .+ line \d+//;
    print STDERR "$msg!\n";



beacon [ <options> ] {KEY=VALUE} [ <command> <name> ] [ <file> ]


  -file <name>   specify a BEACON file (use '-' for stdin)
  -name <name>   specify a name (for Beacons in a collection)
  -pre <file>    start with meta fields from a given BEACON file
  -mtime         use file's modification time if no TIMESTAMP given
  -test          enable test mode (no stored Beacon is modified)
  -quiet         suppress all error messages
  -help          brief help message
  -man           full documentation with examples
  -verbose       print additional messages
  -dbi <dbi>     database connection to a beacon collection
  -config <file> specify config file, e.g. for database connection

  about  <name>  show meta information about a file or stored beacon
  parse  <name>  parse a full BEACON file and print meta information
  dump   <name>  parse a BEACON file or dump a stored beacon
  links  <name>  only print links, without meta fields
  expand <name>  parse and expand a BEACON file or dump a stored Beacon
  query <name> <id> query a BEACON file or stored Beacon for an identifier

  list                  list names of all Beacons in a collection
  insert <name> <file>  insert a new beacon from file to a collection
  update <name> <file>  replace a beacon from file to a collection
  delete <name>         remove a beacon from a collection


This command line script manages beacon files. You can use it for parsing,
validating, expanding, and storing beacon files.


The first command line argument is treated as command or as [file]name,
if it does not match a known command. The following commands are recognized:


=item about

Print the meta fields. This command is the default, if no command is specified.
Parsing BEACON file with this commands stops at the first non-meta line, so 
errors in the links will not be detected.

=item parse

Print the meta fields, possibly extended by automatically generated fields,
such as C<COUNT> after parsing the full BEACON file. Use this command to
validate a BEACON file.

=item links

Parse a BEACON file and print all valid links.

=item dump

Parse a BEACON file and print all meta fields (possibly extended),
followed by all valid links.

=item expand

Print all valid links in fully expanded form, without meta fields.

=item query

Query a BEACON file ore stored BEACON for an id (without prefix).



To show the meta fields of a BEACON file (command C<about>):

  beacon about myfile

As C<about> is the default command, alternatively you can use one of:

  beacon myfile
  beacon -file myfile
  beacon -file myfile about

To connect to a collection of Beacons, you can use the dbi option:

  beacon -dbi SQLite:dbname=mydb.db
  beacon -dbi mysql:database=mydb;

It is recommended to put dbi, user, and password in a configuration
file. You can then simply say:

  beacon -c my.conf list
  beacon -c my.conf about mybeacon
  beacon -c my.conf query mybeacon someid

To validate a BEACON file and show errors only:

  beacon parse myfile > /dev/null

Prepend meta fields from file C<mfields> to BEACON file C<myfile>.
Use last modification time of C<myfile> as TIMESTAMP if not included
in C<myfile>:

  beacon -pre myfields -mtime dump myfile

=head1 NOTE

The command name C<beacon> clashes with a tool of same name from the
ax25-tools package (L<>). If you need to use
beacon together with hamradio, you need to rename one of the two scripts.

=head1 AUTHOR

Jakob Voss C<< <> >>

=head1 LICENSE

Copyright (C) 2010 by Verbundzentrale Goettingen (VZG) and Jakob Voss

This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
under the same terms as Perl itself, either Perl version 5.8.8 or, at
your option, any later version of Perl 5 you may have available.

In addition you may fork this library under the terms of the 
GNU Affero General Public License.