
=head1 NAME

beacon - beacon command line client


use strict;

our $VERSION = '0.2.4';

use Getopt::Long;
use Pod::Usage;
use Data::Beacon;

my ($configfile, $file, $name, $testmode, $linksmode, $premeta, $mtime, $dbi,
    $help, $man, $quiet, $verbose, $query, $user, $password);
my %commands = map { $_ => 1 }
    qw(dump expand about parse query queryexpand);

    "config:s" => \$configfile,
    "help|?" => \$help,
    "man" => \$man,
    "pre:s" => \$premeta,
    "file:s" => \$file,
    "name:s" => \$name,
    "test" => \$testmode,
    "quiet" => \$quiet,
    "verbose" => \$verbose,
    "mtime" => \$mtime,
    "dbi:s" => \$dbi,
    "user:s" => \$user,
    "password:s" => \$password,
    # TODO: head and tail
) or pod2usage(2);
my $msg = "beacon version $VERSION (based on Data::Beacon ${Data::Beacon::VERSION})";
pod2usage( -msg => $msg, -verbose => 1 ) 
    if $help or (@ARGV and $ARGV[0] eq 'help');
pod2usage(-verbose => 2) if $man;

my %handlers = ( errors => 'print' );
$handlers{errors} = undef if $quiet;

if ( $configfile ) {
    open (CNF, $configfile) || failed("could not open config file: $configfile");
    my @cnf = grep { $_ ne "" } 
              map { chomp; $_ =~ s/^\s*|#.*$//g; $_ } <CNF>;
    my $line = 0;
    my %config = map { 
        $_ =~ /^([^ ]+)\s*=\s*(.*)$/ || 
            failed("error in config file $configfile line $line");
        $1 => $2 
    } @cnf;
    $dbi ||= $config{dbi};
    $user ||= $config{user};
    $password ||= $config{password};

my $beaconfile;

my $collection;
if ( $dbi ) {
    $dbi = "dbi:$dbi" unless $dbi =~ /^dbi:/;
    my %opt = (dbi => $dbi);
    $opt{user} = $user if defined $user;
    $opt{password} = $password if defined $password;
    $opt{error} = \&failed unless $quiet;
    $collection = Data::Beacon::Collection->new( %opt );
    failed( $collection->lasterror ) if $collection->errors;

# additional sophisticated command line parsing follows
my %metafields;
while (@ARGV[0] =~ /^([^=]*)=(.*)$/) {
    $metafields{$1} = $2;
    shift @ARGV;

my $cmd = shift @ARGV;

if (defined $cmd) {
    if ($cmd eq 'links') {
        $cmd = 'dump'; 
        $linksmode = 1;
    unless ($commands{$cmd}) {
        if (defined $file) {
            $name = $cmd;
            $cmd = shift @ARGV;
        } elsif (defined $name) {
            $file = $cmd;
            $cmd = shift @ARGV;
        } else {
            $file = $cmd;
            $cmd = "parse";
            # misspelled command?
            failed("File '$file' not found. Use -h for help")
                unless ($file eq '-' or -f $file);
unless ($cmd) {
    if (defined $file or defined $name) {
        $cmd = 'about';
    } else {
        failed("Please specify at least a command, name, file, or -h or -m for help!\n");

# parse the metafile first
if (defined $premeta) {
    my $m = beacon($premeta);
    failed( $m->lasterror ) if $m->errors;
    $handlers{pre}= { $m->meta() };

$handlers{pre} = { } if (%metafields && !$handlers{pre});
foreach (keys %metafields) {
    $handlers{pre}->{$_} = $metafields{$_};

sub requirefile {
    $file = shift @ARGV unless defined $file;
    failed("Please specifiy a file to parse") unless defined $file;
    $handlers{mtime} = $file if $mtime;
    $beaconfile = beacon( $file, %handlers );

sub requirename {
    $name = shift @ARGV unless defined $name;
    failed("Please specifiy a beacon name!") unless defined $name;
    $name = lc($name);
    failed("Not a valid beacon name: $name") unless $name =~ /^[a-z][a-z0-9_.-]*$/;

sub requirestore {
    failed("Command $cmd requires a beacon collection.")
        unless $collection;

if( $cmd eq 'parse' ) {
} else {
    if ($cmd =~ /^((query)?expand|dump|about|query)$/) {
        $collection ? requirename() : requirefile();
        if ( $cmd =~ /^query(expand)?$/ ) {
            $query = shift @ARGV;
            failed("Please specifiy an id to query for!") unless defined $query;

# end of additional command line parsing

if ($testmode) {
    print "Running in test mode with the following arguments:\n";
    print "  command: $cmd\n";
    print "  file:    $file\n";
    print "  name:    $name\n";
    print "  config:  $configfile\n";
    print "  pre:     $premeta\n" if defined $premeta;
    print "  query:   $query\n" if $cmd eq 'query';
    exit; # TODO: we could perform some more action but read-only

my $beacon = $beaconfile;
if ( $collection ) {
    if ( $cmd =~ /^(about|dump|(query)?expand|query|delete|update)$/ ) {
        $beacon = $collection->get( $name );
        if (!$beacon) {
            my $msg = $collection->lasterror;
            $msg ||= "could not find in collection: $name";

# Now finally do something

if ( $cmd eq 'parse' ) { # parse a file
    if ( !$beaconfile->errors ) { # unless file not found
        print $beaconfile->metafields();
    # TODO: show whether there have been errors
} elsif( $cmd eq 'about' ) { # show info about a file or stored beacon
    print $beacon->metafields(); 
} elsif( $cmd eq 'dump' ) { # dump a full, parsed beacon file
    print $beacon->metafields() unless $linksmode;
    $beacon->parse( links => 'print' );
    # TODO: we may warn on errors, wrong count etc.
} elsif( $cmd eq 'expand' ) { # dump a full, parsed beacon file
    $beacon->parse( links => 'expand' );
        # links => sub { # TODO: implement this method
        #    print join('|', $beacon->expand(@_)) . "\n";
        # });
} elsif( $cmd =~ /^query(expand)?$/ ) {
    my $expand = $1;
    if ( $beacon->can('query') ) {
        my $links = $beacon->query( $query ); # TODO use link handler
        if ($links) {
            foreach my $l (@$links) {
                if ( $expand ) { # TODO move to the library
                    print join('|', $beacon->expand(@$l)) . "\n";
                } else {
                    print plainbeaconlink(@$l)."\n";
    } else {
        # start parsing
        while ( my @link = $beaconfile->nextlink ) {
            print plainbeaconlink(@link)."\n" if $link[0] eq $query;

sub info {
    print $_[0] . "\n" if $verbose;

sub failed { # error handler
    my $msg = shift;
    $msg =~ s/\n$//g;
    $msg =~ s/ at .+ line \d+//;
    print STDERR "$msg!\n";



beacon [ <options> ] {KEY=VALUE} [ <command> <name> ] [ <file> ]


  -file <name>   specify a BEACON file (use '-' for stdin)
  -name <name>   specify a name (for Beacons in a collection)
  -pre <file>    start with meta fields from a given BEACON file
  -mtime         use file's modification time if no TIMESTAMP given
  -test          enable test mode (no stored Beacon is modified)
  -quiet         suppress all error messages
  -help          brief help message
  -man           full documentation with examples
  -verbose       print additional messages
  -dbi <dbi>     database connection to a beacon collection
  -config <file> specify config file, e.g. for database connection

  about  <name>  show meta information about a file or stored beacon
  parse  <name>  parse a full BEACON file and print meta information
  dump   <name>  parse a BEACON file or dump a stored beacon
  links  <name>  only print links, without meta fields
  expand <name>  parse and expand a BEACON file or dump a stored Beacon
  query <name> <id> query a BEACON file or stored Beacon for an identifier


This command line script can parse, test, and serialize BEACON files.


The first command line argument is treated as command or as [file]name,
if it does not match a known command. The following commands are recognized:


=item about

Print the meta fields. This command is the default, if no command is specified.
Parsing BEACON file with this commands stops at the first non-meta line, so 
errors in the links will not be detected.

=item parse

Print the meta fields, possibly extended by automatically generated fields,
such as C<COUNT> after parsing the full BEACON file. Use this command to
validate a BEACON file.

=item links

Parse a BEACON file and print all valid links.

=item dump

Parse a BEACON file and print all meta fields (possibly extended),
followed by all valid links.

=item expand

Print all valid links in fully expanded form, without meta fields.

=item query

Query a BEACON file ore stored BEACON for an id (without prefix).



To show the meta fields of a BEACON file (command C<about>):

  beacon about myfile

As C<about> is the default command, alternatively you can use one of:

  beacon myfile
  beacon -file myfile
  beacon -file myfile about

To validate a BEACON file and show errors only:

  beacon parse myfile > /dev/null

Prepend meta fields from file C<mfields> to BEACON file C<myfile>.
Use last modification time of C<myfile> as TIMESTAMP if not included
in C<myfile>:

  beacon -pre myfields -mtime dump myfile

=head1 NOTE

The command name C<beacon> clashes with a tool of same name from the
ax25-tools package (L<http://www.linux-ax25.org/>). If you need to use
beacon together with hamradio, you need to rename one of the two scripts.

=head1 AUTHOR

Jakob Voss C<< <jakob.voss@gbv.de> >>

=head1 LICENSE

Copyright (C) 2010 by Verbundzentrale Goettingen (VZG) and Jakob Voss

This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
under the same terms as Perl itself, either Perl version 5.8.8 or, at
your option, any later version of Perl 5 you may have available.

In addition you may fork this library under the terms of the 
GNU Affero General Public License.