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# tests for PICA::Store and subclasses (to be included in other tests)

sub teststore {
    my ($store) = @_;
    my (%result, $record);

    my $r = PICA::Record::readpicarecord('t/files/minimal.pica');
    my @records = (
        #PICA::Record->new("002@ \$0Aau\n021A \$aDas zweite Kapital\n028A \$dKarl\$aMarx"),

    while( @records ) {
        $record = shift @records;

        my %result = $store->create($record);
        if (not %result or not $result{record}) {
            ok( 0, "Failed to create record: " . $result{errormessage} );

        isa_ok( $result{record}, 'PICA::Record' );
        my $id = $result{id};
        ok( $id, "create[$id] returned an id: $id" );

        %result = $store->get( $id );
        isa_ok( $result{record}, "PICA::Record", "get($id) returned a PICA::Record" );
        ok( $id, "get($id) returned an id" );

        is( $result{record}->sf('021A$a'), $record->sf('021A$a'),
            "UTF-8 not broken on create" );

        my $version = $result{version};
        my $history;

        if ($store->can('history')) {
            $history = $store->history( $id );
            is( scalar @$history, 1, "history for $id: 1" );
            is( $history->[0]->{version}, $version, "history contains version" );
            is( $history->[0]->{is_new}, 1, "history contains is_new" );

        if (@records) {
            $record = $records[0];            
            %result = $store->update( $id, $record, $version );
            ok ($result{record} && $result{id}, "updateRecord($id)");
            if ($store->can('history')) {
                $history = $store->history( $id );
                is( scalar @$history, 2, "history for $id: 2" );
                is( $history->[0]->{is_new}, 0, "history contains is_new (0)" );
                is( $history->[1]->{is_new}, 1, "history contains is_new (1)" );

        %result = $store->delete( $id );
        is ( $result{id}, $id, "deleteRecord($id)" );

        if ($store->can('history')) {
            # $history = $store->history( $id );
            # print Dumper($history);
        if ($store->can('recentchanges')) {
            # TODO ...
        if ($store->can('deletions')) {
            # ...

    %result = $store->get( -1 );

    ok ($result{errorcode}, "getRecord of non-existing id");

    return 1;
