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use strict;
use warnings;

use Test::More;
use RDF::Lazy;
use Data::Dumper;
use utf8;

    eval { require Template; };
    if ($@) {
        diag('Skipping template test, requires Template Toolkit');

my ($graph,$rdf,$node,$vars);

$graph = RDF::Lazy->new;

$node = $graph->literal("hallo","en");
test_tt('[% foo %]', { foo => $node }, "hallo", "plain literal");
test_tt('[% foo.is_literal ? 1 : 0 %]', { foo => $node }, "1", "is literal");
test_tt('[% foo.lang %]', { foo => $node }, "en", "language tag");
test_tt('[% foo.datatype %]', { foo => $node }, "", "no datatype");

my $x = $graph->uri("<>");
ok( $x->is_resource );

$node = $graph->literal("hallo","<>"); # bug in 0.06 !
test_tt('[% foo %]', { foo => $node }, "hallo", "datatype literal");
test_tt('[% foo.lang %]', { foo => $node }, "", "no language tag");
test_tt('[% foo.datatype %]', { foo => $node }, "", "datatype");

$rdf = <<'TURTLE';
@prefix foaf: <> .
<> <> <> .
<> foaf:knows <> .
<> foaf:knows <> .
<> foaf:name "Alice" .
<> foaf:name "Bob" .

$graph = RDF::Lazy->new( $rdf, namespaces => {
    foaf => '',
    'ex' => '',

$a = $graph->resource('"');

test_tt('[% a %]', { a => $a }, '"', 'plain URI with quot');
test_tt('[% a.href %]', { a => $a }, ';', 'escaped URI with quot');

$vars = {
    'a' => $graph->resource(''),
    'b' => $graph->ex_bob,

test_tt('[% a.foaf_name %]', $vars, 'Alice', 'single literal property');
test_tt('[% a.foaf_knows %]', $vars, '', 'single uri property');
test_tt('[% a.foaf_knows.foaf_name %]', $vars, 'Bob', 'property chain');

@prefix foaf: <> .
    foaf:name "Robert"@en, "Роберт"@ru ;
    foaf:knows [ foaf:name "Алиса"@ru ] ;
    foaf:age "very old", 88, "eightyeight" .

test_tt('[% b.foaf_name("@en") %]', $vars, 'Robert', 'Property value of specific language');
test_tt('[% b.foaf_name("@ru") %]', $vars, 'Роберт', 'Property value of specific language');
test_tt('[% x = b.foaf_knows("-"); x.foaf_name.lang %]', $vars, 'ru', 'Select blank node and language' );
test_tt('[% b.foaf_age("^") %]', $vars, '88', 'Property value with datatype');


sub test_tt {
    my ($template, $vars, $expected, $msg) = @_;
    my $out;
    Template->new->process(\$template, $vars, \$out);
    is $out, $expected, $msg;
