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=head1 NAME

seealso - command line client to query SeeAlso services


use strict;

our $VERSION = '0.11';

use SeeAlso::Client;
use SeeAlso::Server;
use Getopt::Long;
use Pod::Usage;
use JSON::XS;

my ($verbose, $quiet, $debug, $help, $man, $pretty);
my ($csv, $json, $n3, $rdfjson, $listformats);
# my ($inifile);

    "quiet" => \$quiet,
    "help|?" => \$help,
    "man" => \$man,
    "debug" => \$debug,
    "verbose" => \$verbose,
    "pretty" => \$pretty,
    "json" => \$json,
    "n3" => \$n3,
    "rdfjson" => \$rdfjson,
    "csv" => \$csv,
 #   "ini" => \$inifile,
    "formats" => \$listformats,
) or pod2usage(2);
pod2usage(1) if $help;
pod2usage(-verbose => 2) if $man;

failed('Please specify a SeeAlso service (URL or name) to query') unless @ARGV;

# format
my $format = "json";
if ($csv) { $format = "csv"; }
elsif ($rdfjson) { $format = "rdfjson"; }
elsif ($n3) { $format = "n3"; }

my $service = shift @ARGV;
my @ids = @ARGV;

my $client = eval { SeeAlso::Client->new( $service ); };
failed($@) if ($@);

print "Using SeeAlso service at " . $client->baseURL . "\n" if $verbose;

if (@ids) {
    foreach my $id (@ids) {
        print "Query for $id\n" if $verbose;
        my $result = $client->query( $id ); # query always for JSON
        my $json = JSON::XS->new->pretty->utf8(0) if $pretty;
        my $output = "";
        if ($format eq "json") {
            $output = $result->toJSON('',$json);
        } elsif ($format eq "csv") {
            $output .= '"LABEL","DESCRIPTION","URI"' . "\n" if $pretty;
            $output .= $result->toCSV();
        } elsif ($format eq "n3") {
            $output = $result->toN3();
        } elsif ($format eq "rdfjson") {
            $output = $result->toRDFJSON( '', $json )
        print "$output\n" unless $quiet; # TODO but into output file of given
    # TODO: better combine multiple results
} else {
    if ($listformats) {
        my $formats = $client->getFormats();
        print SeeAlso::Server::_unapiListFormats( $formats, '', '' );
    } else {
        print "Please specify one or more IDs\n"; # TODO: Get OSD

sub failed {
    my $msg = shift;
    $msg =~ s/\n$//;
    $msg =~ s/ at .+ line \d+//;
    print STDERR "$msg!\n";


seealso service [identifier] [identifier] ...

=head1 OPTIONS

 -help          brief help message
 -man           full documentation with examples
 -verbose       print additional information what is beeing done
 -quiet         don't print anything
 -debug         print additional debugging information
 -pretty        pretty output (releant only for JSON and CSV format)
 -json          output in JSON format (default) 
 -csv           output in CSV format
 -n3            output in Notation3 format
 -rdfjson       output in RDF/JSON format

=head1 AUTHOR

Jakob Voss C<< <> >>

=head1 LICENSE

Copyright (C) 2007-2010 by Verbundzentrale Goettingen (VZG) and Jakob Voss

This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
under the same terms as Perl itself, either Perl version 5.8.8 or, at
your option, any later version of Perl 5 you may have available.