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use strict;
use warnings;
package SeeAlso::Server;
  $SeeAlso::Server::VERSION = '0.71';
#ABSTRACT: SeeAlso Linkserver Protocol Server

use utf8;

use Carp qw(croak);
use CGI qw(-oldstyle_urls 3.0);

Carp::carp(__PACKAGE__." is deprecated - please use Plack::App::SeeAlso instead!");

use SeeAlso::Identifier;
use SeeAlso::Response;
use SeeAlso::Source;

use base 'Exporter';
our @EXPORT_OK = qw(xmlencode);

sub new {
    my ($class, %params) = @_;

    my $logger = $params{logger};

    my $cgi = $params{cgi};
    croak('Parameter cgi must be a CGI object!')
        if defined $cgi and not UNIVERSAL::isa($cgi, 'CGI');

    SeeAlso::Source::expand_from_config( \%params, 'Server' );

    my $self = bless {
        cgi => ($cgi || undef),
        logger => $logger,
        xslt => ($params{xslt} || undef),
        clientbase => ($params{clientbase} || undef),
        debug => ($params{debug} || 0),
        formats => { 'seealso' => { type => 'text/javascript' } },
        errors => [],
        idtype => ($params{idtype} || 'SeeAlso::Identifier'),
    }, $class;

## no critic
    eval "require " . $self->{idtype};
    croak $@ if $@;
    croak($self->{idtype} . ' is not a SeeAlso::Identifier')
        unless UNIVERSAL::isa( $self->{idtype}, 'SeeAlso::Identifier' );
## use critic

    $self->setExpires($params{expires}) if $params{expires};

    if ($params{formats}) {
        my %formats = %{$params{formats}};
        foreach my $name (keys %formats) {
            next if $name eq 'seealso' or $name eq 'debug';
            my $format = $formats{$name};
            my $value = $formats{$name};
            if (not $format) {
                $self->{formats}{$name} = 0;
            } elsif (ref($format) eq 'HASH') {
                # TODO: enable default format handlers with 
                next unless defined $format->{type};
                next unless ref($format->{filter}) eq 'CODE' or 
                            ref($format->{method}) eq 'CODE';
                $self->{formats}{$name} = {
                    "type" => $format->{type},
                    "docs" => $format->{docs},
                    "method" => $format->{method},
                    "filter" => $format->{filter},
            } else {
                # enable default format handlers for known formats
                if ($name eq 'rdfjson') {
                    $self->{formats}{'rdfjson'} = {
                        type => "application/rdf+json",
                        filter => sub { return $_[0]->toRDFJSON; },
                } elsif ($name eq 'n3') {
                    $self->{formats}{'n3'} = {
                        type => "text/n3",
                        filter => sub { return $_[0]->toN3; },
                # } elsif ($name eq 'rdf') {
                    #$self->{formats}{'rdf'} = {
                    #    type => "application/rdf+xml",
                    #    filter => sub { return $_[0]->toRDFXML; },
                } elsif ($name eq 'csv') {
                    $self->{formats}{'csv'} = {
                        type => "text/csv",
                        filter => sub { return $_[0]->toCSV; },
                } elsif ($name eq 'redirect') {
                    $self->{formats}{'redirect'} = {
                        type => "text/html",
                        raw => 1, # includes HTTP headers
                        filter => sub { return $_[0]->toRedirect($value); },
                # TODO: ttl : (text/turtle)

    # enable by default if not disabled
    if ( not defined $self->{formats}{opensearchdescription} ) {
        $self->{formats}{"opensearchdescription"} = {

    $self->logger($params{logger}) if defined $params{logger};

    return $self;

sub query {
    my ($self, $source, $identifier, $format, $callback) = @_;
    my $http = "";

    if (ref($source) eq "CODE") {
        $source = new SeeAlso::Source( $source );
    croak('First parameter must be a SeeAlso::Source or code reference!')
        unless defined $source and UNIVERSAL::isa($source, 'SeeAlso::Source');

    if ( ref($identifier) eq 'CODE' ) {
        $identifier = &$identifier( $self->param('id') );
    } elsif (UNIVERSAL::isa( $identifier,'SeeAlso::Identifier::Factory' )) {
        $identifier = $identifier->create( $self->param('id') );
    } elsif (not defined $identifier) {
        $identifier = $self->param('id');

## no critic
    if ( not UNIVERSAL::isa( $identifier, 'SeeAlso::Identifier' ) ) {
        my $class = $self->{idtype};
        $identifier = eval "new $class(\$identifier)"; # TODO: what if this fails?
## use critic

    $format = $self->param('format') unless defined $format;
    $format = "" unless defined $format;
    $callback = $self->param('callback') unless defined $callback;
    $callback = "" unless defined $callback;

    # If everything is ok up to here, we should definitely return some valid stuff
    $format = "seealso" if ( $format eq "debug" && $self->{debug} == -1 ); 
    $format = "debug" if ( $format eq "seealso" && $self->{debug} == 1 ); 

    if ($format eq 'opensearchdescription') {
        $http = $self->openSearchDescription( $source );
        if ($http) {
            $http = CGI::header( -status => 200, -type => 'application/opensearchdescription+xml; charset: utf-8' ) . $http;
            return $http;

    $self->{errors} = []; # clean error list
    my $response;
    my $status = 200;

    if ( not $identifier ) {
        $self->errors( "invalid identifier" );
        $response = SeeAlso::Response->new;
    } elsif ($format eq "seealso" or $format eq "debug" or !$self->{formats}{$format}
                                  or $self->{formats}{$format}->{filter} ) {
        eval {
            local $SIG{'__WARN__'} = sub {
            $response = $source->query( $identifier );
        if ($@) {
            $self->errors( $@ );
            undef $response;
        } else {
            if (defined $response && !UNIVERSAL::isa($response, 'SeeAlso::Response')) {
                $self->errors( ref($source) . "->query must return a SeeAlso::Response object but it did return '" . ref($response) . "'");
                undef $response;

        $response = SeeAlso::Response->new() unless defined $response;

        if ($callback && !($callback =~ /^[a-zA-Z0-9\._\[\]]+$/)) {
            $self->errors( "Invalid callback name specified" );
            undef $callback;
            $status = 400;
    } else {
        $response = SeeAlso::Response->new( $identifier );

    if ( $self->{logger} ) {
        my $service = $source->description( "ShortName" );
        eval {
            $self->{logger}->log( $self->{cgi}, $response, $service )
            || $self->errors("Logging failed");
        $self->errors( $@ ) if $@;

    if ( $format eq "seealso" ) {
        my %headers =  (-status => $status, -type => 'text/javascript; charset: utf-8');
        $headers{"-expires"} = $self->{expires} if ($self->{expires});
        $http .= CGI::header( %headers );
        $http .= $response->toJSON($callback);
    } elsif ( $format eq "debug") {
        $http .= CGI::header( -status => $status, -type => 'text/javascript; charset: utf-8' );
        $http .= "/*\n";
        # TODO
        # use Class::ISA; # deprecated
        # my %vars = ( Server => $self, Source => $source, Identifier => $identifier, Response => $response );
        # foreach my $var (keys %vars) {
        #     $http .= "$var is a " .
        #         join(", ", map { $_ . " " . $_->VERSION; }
        #         Class::ISA::self_and_super_path(ref($vars{$var})))
        #     . "\n"
        # }
        $http .= "\n";
        $http .= "HTTP response status code is $status\n";
        $http .= "\nInternally the following errors occured:\n- "
              . join("\n- ", $self->errors) . "\n" if $self->errors;
        $http .= "*/\n";
        $http .= $response->toJSON($callback) . "\n";
    } else { # other unAPI formats
        # TODO is this properly logged?
        # TODO: put 'seealso' as format method in the array
        my $f = $self->{formats}{$format};
        if ($f) {
            if ($f->{filter}) {
                $http = $f->{filter}($response); # TODO: what if this fails?!
            } else {
                $http = $f->{method}($identifier); # TODO: what if this fails?!
            if (!$f->{raw}) { # TODO: Autodetect headers if already in HTTP
                my $type = $f->{type} . "; charset: utf-8";
                my $header = CGI::header( -status => $status, -type => $type );
                $http = $header . $http; 
        } else { # unknown format or not defined format
            $http = $self->listFormats($response);
    return $http;

sub param {
    my ($self, $name) = @_;
    if ( defined $self->{cgi} ) { 
      return $self->{cgi}->param($name); 

    return defined $self->{cgi} ? $self->{cgi}->param($name) : CGI::param($name);

    return CGI::param($name);

sub logger {
    my $self = shift;
    my $logger = shift;
    return $self->{logger} unless defined $logger;
    if (!UNIVERSAL::isa($logger, 'SeeAlso::Logger')) {
        $logger = SeeAlso::Logger->new($logger);
    $self->{logger} = $logger;

sub setExpires {
    my ($self, $expires) = @_;
    $self->{expires} = $expires;

sub listFormats {
    my ($self, $response) = @_;

    my $status = 200;
    my $id = $response->query();
    if ($response->query() ne "") {
        $status = $response->size ? 300 : 404;

    my $headers = CGI::header( -status => $status, -type => 'application/xml; charset: utf-8' );
    $headers .= '<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>' . "\n";

    if ($self->{xslt}) {
        $headers .= "<?xml-stylesheet type=\"text/xsl\" href=\"" . xmlencode($self->{xslt}) . "\"?>\n";
        $headers .= "<?seealso-query-base " . xmlencode($self->baseURL) . "?>\n";
    if ($self->{clientbase}) {
        $headers .= "<?seealso-client-base " . xmlencode($self->{clientbase}) . "?>\n";

    return _unapiListFormats( $self->{formats}, $id, $headers );

# $formats: hash reference
# $id : scalar (optional)
# $headers : scalar (optional, use undef to disable)
sub _unapiListFormats { # TODO: move this to HTTP::unAPI or such
    my ($formats, $id, $headers) = @_;

    $headers = '<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>' unless defined $headers;
    my @xml;
    if ($id ne "") {
        push @xml, '<formats id="' . xmlencode($id) . '">';
    } else {
        push @xml, '<formats>';

    foreach my $name (sort({$b cmp $a} keys(%$formats))) {
        my $format = $formats->{$name};
        if ( $format && $name ne 'debug' ) {
            my $fstr = "<format name=\"" . xmlencode($name) . "\" type=\"" . xmlencode($format->{type}) . "\"";
            $fstr .= " docs=\"" . xmlencode($format->{docs}) . "\"" if defined $format->{docs};
            push @xml, $fstr . " />";

    push @xml, '</formats>';    

    return $headers . join("\n", @xml) . "\n";

sub errors {
    my $self = shift;
    my $message = shift;
    if ( defined $message ) {
        chomp $message;
        push @{ $self->{errors} }, $message;
    return @{ $self->{errors} };

sub openSearchDescription {
    my ($self, $source) = @_;

    my $baseURL = $self->baseURL;

    return unless $source and UNIVERSAL::isa( $source, "SeeAlso::Source" );
    my %descr = %{ $source->description };

    my @xml = '<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>';
    push @xml, '<OpenSearchDescription xmlns="" xmlns:dc="" xmlns:dcterms="" xmlns:seealso="" >';

    my $shortName = $descr{"ShortName"}; # TODO: shorten to 16 chars maximum
    push @xml, "  <ShortName>" . xmlencode( $shortName ) . "</ShortName>"
        if defined $shortName;

    my $longName = $descr{"LongName"}; # TODO: shorten to 48 chars maximum
    push @xml, "  <LongName>" . xmlencode( $longName ) . "</LongName>"
        if defined $longName;

    my $description = $descr{"Description"}; # TODO: shorten to 1024 chars maximum
    push @xml, "  <Description>" . xmlencode( $description ) . "</Description>"
        if defined $description;

    $baseURL = $descr{"BaseURL"}  # overwrites standard
        if defined $descr{"BaseURL"};

    my $modified = $descr{"DateModified"};
    push @xml, "  <dcterms:modified>" . xmlencode( $modified ) . "</dcterms:modified>"
        if defined $modified;

    my $src = $descr{"Source"};
    push @xml, "  <dc:source>" . xmlencode( $src ) . "</dc:source>"
        if defined $src;

    if ($descr{"Examples"}) { # TODO: add more parameters
        foreach my $example ( @{ $descr{"Examples"} } ) {
            my $id = $example->{id};
            my $args = "searchTerms=\"" . xmlencode($id) . "\"";
            my $response = $example->{response};
            if (defined $response) {
                $args .= " seealso:response=\"" . xmlencode($response) . "\"";
            push @xml, "  <Query role=\"example\" $args />";
    my $template = $baseURL . (($baseURL =~ /\?/) ? '&' : '?')
                 . "id={searchTerms}&format=seealso&callback={callback}";
    push @xml, "  <Url type=\"text/javascript\" template=\"" . xmlencode($template) . "\"/>";
    push @xml, "</OpenSearchDescription>";

    return join("\n", @xml);

sub baseURL {
    my $self = shift;
    my $cgi = $self->{cgi};

    my $url = (defined $cgi ? $cgi->url : CGI::url());

    # remove id, format, and callback parameter
    my $q = "&" . (defined $cgi ? $cgi->query_string() : CGI::query_string());
    $q =~ s/&(id|format|callback)=[^&]*//g;
    $q =~ s/^&//;

    $url .= "?$q" if $q;
    return $url;

sub xmlencode {
    my $data = shift;
    if ($data =~ /[\&\<\>"]/) {
      $data =~ s/\&/\&amp\;/g;
      $data =~ s/\</\&lt\;/g;
      $data =~ s/\>/\&gt\;/g;
      $data =~ s/"/\&quot\;/g;
    return $data;



=head1 NAME

SeeAlso::Server - SeeAlso Linkserver Protocol Server

=head1 VERSION

version 0.71


The core of every SeeAlso linkserver is a query method that gets a 
L<SeeAlso::Identifier> and returns a L<SeeAlso::Response>.

  use SeeAlso::Server;
  use SeeAlso::Response;

  sub query {
      my $identifier = shift;

      my $response = SeeAlso::Response->new( $identifier );
      $response->add( $label, $description, $uri );

      return $response;

  my @description = ( "ShortName" => "MySimpleServer" );
  my $server = SeeAlso::Server->new( description => \@description );
  my $http = $server->query( \&query );
  print $http;

Instead of providing a simple query method, you can also use a
L<SeeAlso::Source> object. Identifiers can be validated and normalized 
with a validation method or a L<SeeAlso::Identifier> object.

  # get responses from a database (not implemented yet)
  my $source = SeeAlso::Source::DBI->new( $connection, $sqltemplate );

  # automatically convert identifier to uppercase
  print $server->query( $source, sub { return uc($_[0]); } );



Basic module for a Webservice that implements the SeeAlso link server
Protocol. SeeAlso is a combination of unAPI and OpenSearch Suggestions,
so this module also implements the unAPI protocol version 1.

=head1 METHODS

=head2 new ( [ %params ] )

Creates a new SeeAlso::Server object. You may specify the following


=item cgi

a L<CGI> object. If not specified, a new L<CGI> object is created on query.

=item expires

Send HTTP "Expires" header for caching (see the setExpires method for details).

=item debug

Debug level. By default (0) format=debug adds debugging information
as JavaScript comment in the JSON response. You can force this with
C<debug = 1> and prohibit with C<debug = -1>.

=item logger

set a L<SeeAlso::Logger> for this server. See the method C<logger> below.

=item xslt

the URL (relative or absolute) of an XSLT script to display the unAPI
format list. It is recommended to use the XSLT client 'showservice.xsl'
that is available in the 'client' directory of this package.

=item clientbase

the base URL (relative or absolute) of a directory that contains
client software to access the service. Only needed for the XSLT 
script so far.

=item formats

An additional hash of formats (experimental). The structure is:

  name => {
     type => "...",
     docs => "...",        # optional
     method => \&code,     # either
     filter => \&code,     # or

or for known formats

  name => 1

You can use this parameter to provide more formats then 'seealso' and
'opensearchdescription' via unAPI. By setting a name to false, it will
not be shown - this way you can disable support of opensearchdescription.
Known formats are C<seealso>, C<n3>, C<rdfjson>, C<csv>, and C<redirect>.

=item idtype

Subclass of L<SeeAlso::Identifier> to be use when creating an identifier.

=item config

Configuration settings as hash reference or as configuration file that will
be read into a hash reference. Afterwarrds the The C<Server> section of the
configuration is added to the other parameters (existing parameters are not 


=head2 query ( $source [, $identifier | $factory [, $format [, $callback ] ] ] )

Perform a query by a given source, identifier, format and (optional)
callback parameter. Returns a full HTTP message with HTTP headers.
Missing parameters are tried to get from the server's L<CGI> object.

This is what the method actually does:
The source (of type L<SeeAlso::Source>) is queried for the
identifier (of type L<SeeAlso::Identifier> or a plain string or function).
Depending on the response (of type L<SeeAlso::Response>) and the requested
format ('seealso' or 'opensearchdescription' for valid responses)
the right HTTP response is returned. This can be either a
list of formats in unAPI Response format (XML), or a list
of links in OpenSearch Suggestions Response format (JSON),
or an OpenSearch Description Document (XML).

This method catches all warnings and errors that may occur in the query 
method and appends them to the error list that can be accessed by the
errors method. The error list is cleaned before each call of query.

=head2 param ( $name )

Return the value of a CGI parameter.

=head2 logger ( [ $logger ] )

Get/set a logger for this server. The logger must be of class L<SeeAlso::Logger>
or it will be passed to its constructor. This means you can also use references to
file handles and L<IO::Handle> objects.

=head2 setExpires( $expires )

Set "Expires" HTTP header for cache control. The parameter is expected to be
either a HTTP Date (better use L<HTTP::Date> to create it) or a string such as
"now" (immediately), "+180s" (in 180 seconds), "+2m" (in 2 minutes), "+12h" 
(in 12 hours), "+1d" (in 1 day), "+3M" (in 3 months), "+1y" (in 1 year), 
"-3m" (3 minutes ago).

The "Expires" header is only sent for responses in seealso format!

=head2 listFormats ( $response )

Return a HTTP response that lists available formats according to the
unAPI specification version 1. You must provide a L<SeeAlso::Response>
object. If this response has no query then no unAPI parameter was provided
so HTTP status code 200 is returned. Otherwise the status code depends
on whether the response is empty (HTTP code 404) or not (HTTP code 300).

=head2 errors ( [ $message ] )

Returns a list of errors and warning messages that have ocurred during the 
last query. You can also add an error message but this is only useful interally.

=head2 openSearchDescription ( $source )

Returns an OpenSearch Description document based on the description of the
passed L<SeeAlso::Source> instance.

=head2 baseURL ( )

Return the full SeeAlso base URL of this server. 
You can append the 'format=seealso' parameter
to get a SeeAlso simple base URL.


=head2 xmlencode ( $string )

Replace &, <, >, " by XML entities.

=head1 AUTHOR

Jakob Voss


This software is copyright (c) 2013 by Jakob Voss.

This is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
the same terms as the Perl 5 programming language system itself.
