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package LaTeX::TikZ::Formatter;

use strict;
use warnings;

=head1 NAME

LaTeX::TikZ::Formatter - LaTeX::TikZ formatter object.

=head1 VERSION

Version 0.02


our $VERSION = '0.02';


A formatter object turns a L<LaTeX::TikZ::Set> tree into the actual TikZ code, depending on some parameters such as the scale, the unit or the origin.


use Sub::Name ();

use LaTeX::TikZ::Point;

use LaTeX::TikZ::Interface;

use LaTeX::TikZ::Tools;

use Any::Moose;
use Any::Moose 'Util::TypeConstraints';


=head2 C<unit>

The unit in which lengths are printed.
Valid units are C<cm> for centimeters and C<pt> for points.

Defaults to C<cm>.


has 'unit' => (
 is      => 'ro',
 isa     => enum([ qw/cm pt/ ]),
 default => 'cm',

=head2 C<format>

The format used to print the numbers.

Defaults to C<%s>.


has 'format' => (
 is      => 'ro',
 isa     => 'Str',
 default => '%s',

=head2 C<scale>

The scale of the drawing.

Defaults to C<1>.


has 'scale' => (
 is      => 'rw',
 isa     => 'Num',
 default => 1,

=head2 C<width>

The width of the drawing area.

Defaults to C<undef> for none.


has 'width' => (
 is  => 'rw',
 isa => 'Maybe[Num]',

=head2 C<height>

The height of the drawing area.

Defaults to C<undef> for none.


has 'height' => (
 is  => 'rw',
 isa => 'Maybe[Num]',

=head2 C<origin>

A point coerced into a L<LaTeX::TikZ::Point> object that represents the logical origin of the printed area.
If L</width> and L</height> are set, the canvas will be equivalent to a rectangle whose lower left corner at C<-$origin> and of given width and length.

Defaults to C<(0, 0)>, meaning that the drawing area goes from C<(0, 0)> to C<($width, $height)>.


has 'origin' => (
 is     => 'rw',
 isa    => 'LaTeX::TikZ::Point::Autocoerce',
 coerce => 1,

=head1 METHODS

=head2 C<id>

An unique identifier of the formatter object.


sub id {
 my $tikz = shift;

 my $origin = $tikz->origin;
 if (defined $origin) {
  my ($x, $y) = map $origin->$_, qw/x y/;
  $origin = "($x;$y)";
 } else {
  $origin = "(0;0)";

 join $;, map {
  defined() ? "$_" : '(undef)';
 } map($tikz->$_, qw/unit format scale width height/), $origin;

=head2 C<render @sets>

Processes all the L<LaTeX::TikZ::Set> objects given in C<@sets> to produce the actual TikZ code to insert in the LaTeX file.
First, all the mods applied to the sets and their subsets are collected, and a declaration is emitted if needed for each of them by calling L<LaTeX::TikZ::Mod/declare>.
Then, the image code is generated for each set.

This method returns a list of array references :

=over 4

=item *

The first one contains the header lines to include between the C<\documentclass> and the C<\begin{document}>.

=item *

The second one contains the mod declaration lines to put inside the document, between C<\begin{document}> and C<\end{document}>.

=item *

Finally, there's one array reference for each given TikZ set, which contain the lines for the actual TikZ pictures.


The lines returned by L</render> don't end with a line feed.

    my ($header, $declarations, $set1_body, $set2_body) = $formatter->render($set1, $set2);

    open my $tex, '>', 'test.tex' or die "open('>test.tex'): $!";

    print $tex "$_\n" for (
      "First set :"
      "Second set :"


my $find_mods = do {
 our %seen;

 my $find_mods_rec;
 $find_mods_rec = do {
  no warnings 'recursion';

  Sub::Name::subname('find_mods_rec' => sub {
   my ($set, $layers, $others) = @_;

   for ($set->mods) {
    my $tag = $_->tag;
    next if $seen{$tag}++;

    if ($_->isa('LaTeX::TikZ::Mod::Layer')) {
     push @$layers, $_;
    } else {
     push @$others, $_;

   my @subsets = $set->isa('LaTeX::TikZ::Set::Sequence')
                 ? $set->kids
                 : $set->isa('LaTeX::TikZ::Set::Path')
                   ? $set->ops
                   : ();

   $find_mods_rec->($_, $layers, $others) for @subsets;

 Sub::Name::subname('find_mods' => sub {
  local %seen = ();


my $translate;

sub render {
 my ($tikz, @sets) = @_;

 unless ($translate) {
  require LaTeX::TikZ::Functor;
  $translate = LaTeX::TikZ::Functor->new(
   rules => [
    'LaTeX::TikZ::Set::Point' => sub {
     my ($functor, $set, $v) = @_;

      point => [
       $set->x + $v->x,
       $set->y + $v->y,
      label => $set->label,
      pos   => $set->pos,

 my $origin = $tikz->origin;
 if (defined $origin) {
  @sets = map $_->$translate($origin), @sets;

 my (@layers, @other_mods);
 my $seq = LaTeX::TikZ::Set::Sequence->new(kids => \@sets);
 $find_mods->($seq, \@layers, \@other_mods);

 my $w = $tikz->width;
 my $h = $tikz->height;
 my $canvas = '';
 if (defined $w and defined $h) {
  require LaTeX::TikZ::Set::Rectangle;
  for (@sets) {
    from   => 0,
    width  => $w,
    height => $h,
  $_ = $tikz->len($_) for $w, $h;
  $canvas = ",papersize={$w,$h},body={$w,$h}";

 my @header = (

 my @decls;
 push @decls, LaTeX::TikZ::Mod::Layer->declare(@layers) if  @layers;
 push @decls, $_->declare($tikz)                        for @other_mods;

 my @bodies = map [
  @{ $_->draw($tikz) },
 ], @sets;

 return \@header, \@decls, @bodies;

=head2 C<len $len>

Format the given length according to the formatter options.


sub len {
 my ($tikz, $len) = @_;

 $len = 0 if LaTeX::TikZ::Tools::numeq($len, 0);

 sprintf $tikz->format . $tikz->unit, $len * $tikz->scale;

=head2 C<angle $theta>

Format the given angle (in radians) according to the formatter options.


sub angle {
 my ($tikz, $a) = @_;

 $a = ($a * 180) / CORE::atan2(0, -1);
 $a += 360 if LaTeX::TikZ::Tools::numcmp($a, 0) < 0;

 require POSIX;
 sprintf $tikz->format, POSIX::ceil($a);

=head2 C<label $name, $pos>

Returns the TikZ code for a point labeled C<$name> at position C<$pos> according to the formatter options.


sub label {
 my ($tikz, $name, $pos) = @_;

 my $scale = sprintf '%0.2f', $tikz->scale / 5;

 "node[scale=$scale,$pos] {$name}";

=head2 C<thickness>

Format the given line thickness according to the formatter options.


sub thickness {
 my ($tikz, $width) = @_;

 # width=1 is 0.4 points for a scale of 2.5
 0.8 * $width * ($tikz->scale / 5);

 formatter => sub {



=head1 SEE ALSO


=head1 AUTHOR

Vincent Pit, C<< <perl at> >>, L<>.

You can contact me by mail or on C<> (vincent).

=head1 BUGS

Please report any bugs or feature requests to C<bug-latex-tikz at>, or through the web interface at L<>.
I will be notified, and then you'll automatically be notified of progress on your bug as I make changes.

=head1 SUPPORT

You can find documentation for this module with the perldoc command.

    perldoc LaTeX::TikZ


Copyright 2010 Vincent Pit, all rights reserved.

This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself.


1; # End of LaTeX::TikZ::Formatter