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package LaTeX::TikZ::Functor;

use strict;
use warnings;

=head1 NAME

LaTeX::TikZ::Functor - Build functor methods that recursively visit nodes of a LaTeX::TikZ::Set tree.

=head1 VERSION

Version 0.02


our $VERSION = '0.02';


A functor takes a L<LaTeX::TikZ::Set> tree and clones it according to certain rules.

Rules can apply not only to L<LaTeX::TikZ::Set> consumer objects, but also to the L<LaTeX::TikZ::Mod> consumer objects they contain.
The are stored as L<LaTeX::TikZ::Functor::Rule> objects.

When the functor is called onto a set object, all its associated rules are tried successively, and the handler of the first matching rule is executed with :

=over 4

=item *

the functor object as its first argument ;

=item *

the current set object as its second argument ;

=item *

the arguments passed to the functor itself starting at the third argument.


The handler is expected to return the new set/mod that will in the resulting set tree.
If the new set is different from the original, then the functor is applied to all the mods of the set, and their cloned version are added to the new set.

If no matching rule is found, the object is returned as-is.


use Carp ();

use Sub::Name ();

use LaTeX::TikZ::Functor::Rule;

use LaTeX::TikZ::Interface;

use LaTeX::TikZ::Tools;

my $lts_tc = LaTeX::TikZ::Tools::type_constraint('LaTeX::TikZ::Set');

my $validate_spec;
 $validate_spec = Sub::Name::subname('validate_spec' => sub {
  my ($spec) = @_;

  my ($replace, $target);
  if (defined $spec and ref $spec eq ''
    and $spec =~ /^(\+?)([A-Za-z][A-Za-z0-9_]*(?:::[A-Za-z][A-Za-z0-9_]*)*)$/) {
   $replace = defined($1) && $1 eq '+';
   $target  = $2;
  } else {
   Carp::confess("Invalid rule spec $spec");

  return $target, $replace;

=head1 METHODS

=head2 C<< new rules => [ $spec1 => $handler1, $spec2 => $handler2, ... ] >>

Creates a new functor object that will use both the default and these user-specified rules.
The functor is also a code reference that expects to be called against L<LaTeX::TikZ::Set> objects.

The default set and mod rules clone their relevant objects, so you get a clone functor (for the default set types) if you don't specify any user rule.

    # The default is a clone method
    my $clone = Tikz->functor;
    my $dup = $set->$clone;

If there is already a default rule for one of the C<$spec>s, it is replaced by the new one ; otherwise, the user rule is appended to the list of default rules.

    # A translator
    my $translate = Tikz->functor(
     # Only replace the way point sets are cloned
     'LaTeX::TikZ::Set::Point' => sub {
      my ($functor, $set, $x, $y) = @_;

       point => [
        $set->x + $x,
        $set->y + $y,
       label => $set->label,
       pos   => $set->pos,
    my $shifted = $set->$translate(1, 1);

But if one of the C<$spec>s begins with C<'+'>, the rule will replace I<all> default rules that apply to subclasses or subroles of C<$spec> (including C<$spec> itself).

    # A mod stripper
    my $strip = Tikz->functor(
     # Replace all existent mod rules by this simple one
     '+LaTeX::TikZ::Mod' => sub { return },
    my $naked = $set->$strip;

The functor will map unhandled sets and mods to themselves without cloning them, since it has no way to know how to do it.
Thus, if you define your own L<LaTeX::TikZ::Set> or L<LaTeX::TikZ::Mod> object, be sure to register a default rule for it with the L</default_rule> method.


my @default_set_rules;
my @default_mod_rules;

sub new {
 my ($class, %args) = @_;

 my @set_rules = @default_set_rules;
 my @mod_rules = @default_mod_rules;

 my @user_rules = @{$args{rules} || []};
 while (@user_rules) {
  my ($spec, $handler) = splice @user_rules, 0, 2;

  my ($target, $replace) = $validate_spec->($spec);

  my $rule = LaTeX::TikZ::Functor::Rule->new(
   target  => $target,
   handler => $handler,

   into      => $rule->is_set ? \@set_rules : \@mod_rules,
   overwrite => 1,
   replace   => $replace,

 my %dispatch = map { $_->target => $_ } @set_rules, @mod_rules;

 my $self;

 $self = bless sub {
  my $set = shift;


  my $rule = $dispatch{ref($set)};
  unless ($rule) {
   for (@set_rules) {
    if ($_->handles($set)) {
     $rule = $_;
  return $set unless $rule;

  my $new_set = $rule->handler->($self, $set, @_);
  return $set if $new_set == $set;

  my @new_mods;
  for my $mod ($set->mods) {
   my $rule = $dispatch{ref($mod)};
   unless ($rule) {
    for (@mod_rules) {
     if ($_->handles($mod)) {
      $rule = $_;
   push @new_mods, $rule ? $rule->handler->($self, $mod, @_)
                         : $mod;

  return $new_set;
 }, $class;

 functor => sub {

  __PACKAGE__->new(rules => \@_);

=head2 C<< default_rule $spec => $handler >>

Adds to all subsequently created functors a default rule for the class or role C<$spec>.

An exception is thrown if there is already a default rule for C<$spec> ; otherwise, the new rule is appended to the current list of rules.
But if C<$spec> begins with C<'+'>, the rule will replace I<all> default rules that apply to subclasses or subroles of C<$spec> (including C<$spec> itself).

Returns true if and only if an existent rule was replaced.


sub default_rule {
 my ($spec, $handler) = @_;

 my ($target, $replace) = $validate_spec->($spec);

 my $rule = LaTeX::TikZ::Functor::Rule->new(
  target  => $target,
  handler => $handler,

  into      => $rule->is_set ? \@default_set_rules : \@default_mod_rules,
  overwrite => 0,
  replace   => $replace,

=head1 SEE ALSO

L<LaTeX::TikZ>, L<LaTeX::TikZ::Functor::Rule>.

=head1 AUTHOR

Vincent Pit, C<< <perl at> >>, L<>.

You can contact me by mail or on C<> (vincent).

=head1 BUGS

Please report any bugs or feature requests to C<bug-latex-tikz at>, or through the web interface at L<>.
I will be notified, and then you'll automatically be notified of progress on your bug as I make changes.

=head1 SUPPORT

You can find documentation for this module with the perldoc command.

    perldoc LaTeX::TikZ


Copyright 2010 Vincent Pit, all rights reserved.

This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself.


1; # End of LaTeX::TikZ::Functor