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#!perl -T

use strict;
use warnings;

use Test::More tests => 3 + 7 * 4;

use lib 't/lib';

use LaTeX::TikZ::Meta::TypeConstraint::Autocoerce;

 my $tc = eval {
   target => undef,
 like $@, qr/^No meta object for undefined target/, 'Undef target';

 my $target = 'LaTeX::TikZ::A::Class::Likely::Not::To::Exist';
 my $tc = eval {
   target => $target,
 like $@, qr/^No meta object for target \Q$target\E/, 'Nonexistent target';

 my $tc = eval {
   target => 'LaTeX::TikZ::Meta::TypeConstraint::Autocoerce',
 is $@, '', 'Valid target';

 package LaTeX::TikZ::TestX;

 use Mouse;
 use Mouse::Util::TypeConstraints qw<
  coerce from via

 has 'id' => (
  is       => 'ro',
  isa      => 'Int',
  required => 1,

   name   => 'LaTeX::TikZ::TestX::Autocoerce',
   target => find_type_constraint(__PACKAGE__),
   mapper => sub {
    my ($last) = $_[0] =~ /::([^:]+)$/;
    join '::', __PACKAGE__, "From$last";

 coerce 'LaTeX::TikZ::TestX::Autocoerce'
     => from 'LaTeX::TikZ::TestX'
     => via { $_ };

 coerce 'LaTeX::TikZ::TestX::Autocoerce'
     => from 'Int'
     => via { __PACKAGE__->new(id => $_) };


 sub main::X () { __PACKAGE__ }

 package LaTeX::TikZ::TestY;

 use Mouse;

 has 'num' => (
  is       => 'ro',
  isa      => 'Num',
  required => 1,


 sub main::Y () { __PACKAGE__ }

 package LaTeX::TikZ::TestZ;

 use Mouse;

 has 'x' => (
  is       => 'ro',
  isa      => 'LaTeX::TikZ::TestX::Autocoerce',
  required => 1,
  coerce   => 1,


 sub main::Z () { __PACKAGE__ }

 package LaTeX::TikZ::TestW;

 use Mouse;
 use Mouse::Util::TypeConstraints;

 has 'x' => (
  is       => 'ro',
  isa      => 'LaTeX::TikZ::TestX',
  required => 1,

 coerce 'LaTeX::TikZ::TestX::Autocoerce'
     => from +(__PACKAGE__)
     => via { $_->x };


 sub main::W () { __PACKAGE__ }

my $y = Y->new(
 num => '3.14159',

my $y2 = Y->new(
 num => exp(1),

my $time = time;
my $x0 = X->new(
 id => $time,

my $w = W->new(
 x => $x0,

my @tests = (
 [ 123, 123,   'autocoerce X from int'       ],
 [ $x0, $time, 'autocoerce X from X'         ],
 [ $x0, $time, 'autocoerce X from X twice'   ],
 [ $y,  3,     'autocoerce X from Y'         ],
 [ $y2, 2,     'autocoerce X from another Y' ],
 [ $w,  $time, 'autocoerce X from W'         ],
 [ $w,  $time, 'autocoerce X from W twice'   ],

for my $test (@tests) {
 my ($x, $exp, $desc) = @$test;
 my $z = eval {
  Z->new(x => $x);
 my $err = $@;
 if (ref $exp eq 'Regexp') {
  like $err, $exp, "could not $desc";
  fail "$desc placeholder $_" for 1 .. 3;
 } else {
  is     $err,   '',   "$desc doesn't croak";
  isa_ok $z,     Z(),  "$desc returns a Z object";
  $x = $z->x;
  isa_ok $x,     X(),  "$desc stores an X into the Z object";
  is     $x->id, $exp, "$desc correctly";