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use strict;
use warnings;

use Carp   qw/croak/;
use Config qw/%Config/;
use Cwd    qw/cwd/;

use App::Rgit;
use App::Rgit::Utils qw/:levels/;
use App::Rgit::Policy;

 $VERSION = '0.08';

my %opts;
my $cmd;

 @ARGV = grep {
  defined $cmd ? $_
               : ( /^-([DIKV]+)$/ ? do { $opts{$_} = 1 for split //, $1; () }
                                  : do { $cmd = $_ unless /^-/; $_ } )
 } @ARGV;
 $cmd = ' ' unless defined $cmd;

my $policy;

if (-t && $opts{I}) {
 $policy = 'Interactive';
} elsif ($opts{K}) {
 $policy = 'Keep';
$policy = eval { App::Rgit::Policy->new(policy => $policy) };
if (not defined $policy) {
 print STDERR $@ if $@;
 $policy = App::Rgit::Policy->new(policy => 'Default');

setpgrp 0, 0 if $Config{d_setpgrp};

my $ar = App::Rgit->new(
 git    => undef, # Autodiscovery
 root   => undef, # Autodiscovery
 cmd    => $cmd,
 args   => \@ARGV,
 policy => $policy,
 debug  => $opts{D} ? INFO : WARN,

print STDOUT "rgit $VERSION\n" if $opts{V};

exit $ar->run;


=head1 NAME

rgit - Recursively execute a command on all the git repositories in a directory tree.

=head1 VERSION

Version 0.08




This utility recursively searches in a root directory (which may be the current working directory or - if it has been set - the directory given by the C<GIT_DIR> environment variable) for all git repositories, sort this list by the repository path, C<chdir> into each of them, and executes the specified git command.
For efficiency reasons, repositories located inside a bare repository or under the F<.git> directory of a work repository won't be searched for.

Moreover, those formats are substituted in the arguments before running the command :

=over 4

=item *

C<%n> with the current repository name.

=item *

C<%g> with the relative path (based from the root directory) to the current repository.

=item *

C<%G> with the absolute path to the current repository.

=item *

C<%w> with the relative path (based from the root directory) to the current repository's working directory.

=item *

C<%W> with the absolute path to the current repository's working directory.

=item *

C<%b> with a "bareified" relative path, i.e. C<%g> if this is a bare repository, and C<%w.git> otherwise.

=item *

C<%B> with an absolute version of the "bareified" path.

=item *

C<%R> with the absolute path to the root directory.

=item *

C<%%> with a bare C<%>.


There are actually a few commands that are only executed once in the root directory : C<daemon>, C<gui>, C<help>, C<init> and C<version>.
For any of those, no format substitution is done.

You can specify which C<git> executable to use with the C<GIT_EXEC_PATH> environment variable.


C<rgit> takes its options as the capital switches that comes before the git command.
It's possible to bundle them together.
They are removed from the argument list before calling C<git>.

=over 4

=item *


Keep processing on error.
The default policy is to stop whenever an error occured.

=item *


Enables interactive mode when the standard input is a tty.
Requires L<Term::ReadKey> to be installed.
This lets you choose interactively what to do when one of the commands returns a non-zero status.

=item *


Outputs diagnostics.

=item *


Outputs the version.



Execute C<git gc> on all the repositories below the current directory :

    rgit gc

Tag all the repositories with their name :

    rgit tag %n

Add a remote to all repositories in "/foo/bar" to their bare counterpart in C<qux> on F<host> :

    GIT_DIR="/foo/bar" rgit remote add host git://host/qux/%b


The core modules L<Carp>, L<Config>, L<Cwd>, L<Exporter>, L<File::Find>, L<File::Spec> and L<POSIX>.

=head1 AUTHOR

Vincent Pit, C<< <perl at> >>, L<>.
You can contact me by mail or on C<> (vincent).

=head1 BUGS

Please report any bugs or feature requests to C<bug-rgit at>, or through the web interface at L<>.
I will be notified, and then you'll automatically be notified of progress on your bug as I make changes.

=head1 SUPPORT

You can find documentation for this module with the perldoc command.

    perldoc rgit

Tests code coverage report is available at L<>.


Copyright 2008,2009,2010 Vincent Pit, all rights reserved.

This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself.
