#!/usr/bin/env perl

# mt-aws-glacier - Amazon Glacier sync client
# Copyright (C) 2012-2014  Victor Efimov
# http://mt-aws.com (also http://vs-dev.com) vs@vs-dev.com
# License: GPLv3
# This file is part of "mt-aws-glacier"
#    mt-aws-glacier is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
#    it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
#    the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
#    (at your option) any later version.
#    mt-aws-glacier is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
#    but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
#    GNU General Public License for more details.
#    You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
#    along with this program.  If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.

use strict;
use warnings;
use utf8;
use Test::More tests => 35;
use FindBin;
use lib map { "$FindBin::RealBin/$_" } qw{../lib ../../lib};
use TestUtils 'w_fatal';
use LCGRandom;
use Digest::SHA qw/sha256_hex/;
use Test::Deep;

ok ! eval { lcg_rand(); 1 };
like $@, qr/seed uninitialized/;

	# make sure we have same number sequence each time
	is sha256_hex(join(',', map { lcg_rand() } (1..10_000))), '135cbcb5641b2e7d387b083a3aa25de8e6066f28d5fe84e569dbba4ab94b1b86';
	is sha256_hex(join(',', map { lcg_rand() } (1..10_000))), '135cbcb5641b2e7d387b083a3aa25de8e6066f28d5fe84e569dbba4ab94b1b86';
	is sha256_hex(join(',', map { lcg_rand() } (1..10_000))), '8fc1c7490ccbc9fc34c484bdd94d18e3c7a43c80c8a82892127f71ce25e7d552';

	# make sure it's lcg
	cmp_deeply [ map { lcg_rand } 1..10 ], [12345,1406932606,654583775,1449466924,229283573,1109335178,1051550459,1293799192,794471793,551188310];

	my @a = map { lcg_rand } 1..10;
	my @b = map { lcg_rand } 1..10;
	cmp_deeply [@b], [@a], "lcg_srand without argument works like with 0";

		#use integer;
		my $max = 2**31;
		is $max % (1<<31), 0;
		is ( ( ($max-1) % (1<<31) ), 2147483647);
		local $LCGRandom::seed = $max-1;

		is lcg_rand(), 1043980748, "should work with 64bit ints";

	for my $seed (0, 101, 105){
		my @a = map { lcg_rand } 1..10;
		my @a1 = map { lcg_rand } 1..5;
		my @bb;
		lcg_srand $seed, sub {
			@bb = map { lcg_rand } 1..10;
		my @a2 = map { lcg_rand } 1..5;
		cmp_deeply [@a1, @a2], [@a], "lcg_srand properly localize seed";
		cmp_deeply [@bb], [@a], "lcg_srand accepts callback";

	ok ! eval { lcg_irand(); 1 };
	like $@, qr/should pass two arguments/;
	ok ! eval { lcg_irand(1); 1 };
	like $@, qr/should pass two arguments/;
	ok ! eval { lcg_irand(1, 2, 3); 1 };
	like $@, qr/should pass two arguments/;
	ok ! eval { lcg_irand(2,1); 1 };
	like $@, qr/b should be greater or equal than a/;
	ok eval { lcg_irand(0,0); 1 };

		our $rand_fake;
		no warnings 'redefine';
		local *LCGRandom::lcg_rand = sub { $rand_fake };

		test_fast_ok 504, "lcg_irand produce right ranges" => sub {
			for my $seed (1231236, 4_000_000_000+87654, 1_876_354_567) {
				for my $base (0, -101, 103) {
					for my $size (0, 1, 7, 11) {
						my $previous = undef;
						for my $i (1..15) {
							local $rand_fake = $seed + $i;
							my $a = $base;
							my $b = $base+$size;
							my $r = lcg_irand($a, $b);

							if (defined $previous) {
								if ($previous == $b) {
									fast_ok $r == $a;
								} else {
									fast_ok $r == $previous+1;
							$previous = $r;
	lcg_srand 167846290 => sub {
		is sha256_hex(join(',', map { lcg_irand(-114, 87) } (1..1000))), '50a3718bff562bf3151b791ce9dc9782dad03193532f5ef043b83021e25887a9';

	lcg_srand 167846290 => sub {
		for (1..5) {
			my @a = map { $_ } 1..100;
			my @b = lcg_shuffle @a;
			is join(',', sort { $a cmp $b } @b), join(',', sort { $a cmp $b } @a);

	lcg_srand 167846290 => sub {
		my @a = map { lcg_rand() } 1..1000;
		my @b = lcg_shuffle @a;
		is sha256_hex(join(',', @b)), '9f8ad1002c5bfc23047165aaab63bbe3b1e9abdfe63e0348ffa53b90b1d9284a';

	lcg_srand 167846290 => sub {
		my @a = map { lcg_rand() } 1..2;
		my @b = lcg_shuffle @a;
		cmp_deeply [@a], [@b], "not necessary shuffle two elements array";

	lcg_srand 167846291 => sub {
		my @a = map { lcg_rand() } 1..2;
		my @b = lcg_shuffle @a;
		cmp_deeply [@a], [reverse @b], "abble to shuffle two elements array";
