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package Toader::Config;

use warnings;
use strict;
use base 'Error::Helper';
use Sys::Hostname;
use Config::Tiny;

=head1 NAME

Toader::Config - Represents the Toader config.

=head1 VERSION

Version 1.0.0


our $VERSION = '1.0.0';

=head1 METHODS

=head2 new

This initiates the object.

One argument is required and it is a Toader object.

    my $foo = Toader::Config->new( $toader );
    if ( $foo->error ){
        warn('error:'.$foo->error.': '.$foo->errorString);


sub new{
	my $toader=$_[1];

	my $self={
	bless $self;

	#make sure a Toader object is specified
	if ( ! defined( $toader ) ){
		$self->{errorString}='No toader object specified';
		return $self;

	#make sure it is a Toader object
	if ( ref( $toader ) ne 'Toader' ){
		$self->{errorString}='The passed object is "'.ref( $toader ).'" and not a Toader object';
		return $self;

	#saves the Toader object

	#gets the directory
	if ( ! defined( $self->{dir} ) ){
		$self->{errorString}='The Toader object did not return a directory';
		return $self;		

	#this handles the toader config file
	if ( -f $self->{configFile} ){
		$self->{config}=Config::Tiny->read( $self->{configFile} );
		if ( ! defined( $self->{config} ) ){
			$self->{errorString}='Unable to read the config file, "'.
			return $self;

	#sets some defaults for the config if they are not set
	#default to the site name being the hostname
	if ( ! defined( $self->{config}->{_}->{site} ) ){
	#sets the owner if one is not specified
	if ( ! defined( $self->{config}->{_}->{'owner'} ) ){
	#sets the default last
	if ( ! defined( $self->{config}->{_}->{'last'} ) ){
	#disable vcs by default
	if ( ! defined( $self->{config}->{_}->{'vcs'} ) ){

	#gets the Toader::VCS object
	if ( $toader->error ){
		$self->{errorString}='Toader->getVCS errored. error="'.
			$self->{toader}->error.'" errorString="'.$self->{toader}->errorString.'"';
		return $self;

	#checks if VCS is usable
	if ( $self->{vcs}->error ){
		$self->{errorString}='Toader::VCS->usable errored. error="'.
			$self->{toader}->error.'" errorString="'.$self->{toader}->errorString.'"';
		return $self;

	return $self;

=head2 getConfig

This returns the L<Config::Tiny> object storing the Toader

There is no need to do any error checking as long as
Toader new suceeded with out issue.

    my $config=$foo->getConfig;


sub getConfig{
	my $self=$_[0];
	#blank any previous errors
		return undef;

	return $self->{config};

=head2 getConfigFile

This returns the config file for Toader.

    my $configFile=$foo->getConfigFile;


sub getConfigFile{
	my $self=$_[0];
	#blank any previous errors
		return undef;

	return $self->{configFile};

=head2 listSections

This returns a list of sections.

    my @sections=$foo->listSections;


sub listSections{
	my $self=$_[0];
	#blank any previous errors
		return undef;

	return keys( %{ $self->{config} } );

=head2 listVariables

This returns a list of variables for a section.

    my @variables=$foo->listVariables( $section );
    if ( $foo->error ){
        warn( 'error:'.$foo->error.': '.$foo->errorString );


sub listVariables{
	my $self=$_[0];
	my $section=$_[1];

	#blank any previous errors
		return undef;

	# make sure a variable is specifed
	if ( ! defined( $section ) ){
		$self->{erroRstring}='No variable name specified';
		return undef;

	#default to _
	if ( ! defined( $section ) ){

	# make sure the section exists
	if ( ! defined( $self->{config}->{$section} ) ){
		$self->{erroRstring}='The section "'.$section.'" does not exist';
		return undef;

	return keys( %{ $self->{config}->{$section} } );

=head2 valueDel

This deletes a specified value.

Two arguments are taken. The first is the section. If not
specified, "_" is used. The second and required one is the
variable name.

As long as the section exists, which it always will for '_',
and a variable name is specified, this won't error.

	$foo->valueDel( $section, $variable );


sub valueDel{
	my $self=$_[0];
	my $section=$_[1];
	my $variable=$_[2];

	#blank any previous errors
		return undef;

	# make sure a variable is specifed
	if ( ! defined( $variable ) ){
		$self->{erroRstring}='No variable name specified';
		return undef;

	#default to _
	if ( ! defined( $section ) ){

	# make sure the section exists
	if ( ! defined( $self->{config}->{$section} ) ){
		$self->{erroRstring}='The section "'.$section.'" does not exist';
		return undef;

	if ( ! defined( $self->{config}->{$section}->{$variable} ) ){
		return 1;
	delete( $self->{config}->{$section}->{$variable} );
	return 1;

=head2 valueGet

This returns a value that has been set for a variable.

Two arguments are taken. The first is the section. If not
specified, "_" is used. The second and required one is the
variable name.

As long as the section exists, which it always will for '_',
and a variable name is specified, this won't error.

If a value does not exist, undef is returned.

    my $value=$foo->valueGet( $section, $variable );


sub valueGet{
	my $self=$_[0];
	my $section=$_[1];
	my $variable=$_[2];
	#blank any previous errors
		return undef;
	# make sure a variable is specifed
	if ( ! defined( $variable ) ){
		$self->{erroRstring}='No variable name specified';
		return undef;
	#default to _
	if ( ! defined( $section ) ){
	# make sure the section exists
	if ( ! defined( $self->{config}->{$section} ) ){
		$self->{erroRstring}='The section "'.$section.'" does not exist';
		return undef;
	return $self->{config}->{$section}->{$variable};

=head2 valueSet

This sets a new value for the config.

Third arguments are taken. The first is the section. If not
specified, "_" is used. The second and required one is the
variable name. The third and required is the the value.

If the specified section does not exist, a new one will be created.

Neither the section or variable name can match /[\t \n\=\#\;]/.

    my $value=$foo->valueSet( $section, $variable, $value );


sub valueSet{
	my $self=$_[0];
	my $section=$_[1];
	my $variable=$_[2];
	my $value=$_[2];
	#blank any previous errors
		return undef;

	# make sure a variable is specifed
	if ( ! defined( $variable ) ){
		$self->{erroRstring}='No variable name specified';
		return undef;

	#default to _
	if ( ! defined( $section ) ){

	#makes sure a valid section and variable is specified
	if ( $variable =~ /[\t \n\=\#\;]/  ){
		$self->{errorString}='The variable,"'.$variable.'", matched /[\t \n\=\#\;]/';
		return undef;
	if ( $section =~ /[\t \n\=\#\;]/  ){
		$self->{errorString}='The section,"'.$section.'", matched /[\t \n\=\#\;]/';
		return undef;

	#set it if no section has been created yet
	if ( ! defined( $self->{config}->{$section} ) ){
		$self->{config}->{$section}={ $variable=>$value };

	return 1;

=head2 write

Writes the config out to the Toader config file.

    if ( $foo->error ){
        warn('error:'.$foo->error.': '.$foo->errorString);


sub write{
	my $self=$_[0];
	#blank any previous errors
		return undef;

	#try to write the config out and error if it does not
	if ( ! $self->{config}->write( $self->{configFile} ) ){
		$self->{errorString}='Failed to write the config out';
		return undef;

	#if VCS is not usable, stop here
	if ( ! $self->{VCSusable} ){
		return 1;

	#if it is under VCS, we have nothing to do
	my $underVCS=$self->{vcs}->underVCS( $self->{configFile} );
	if ( $self->{vcs}->error ){
		$self->{errorString}='Toader::VCS->underVCS errored. error="'.
			$self->{vcs}->error.'" errorString="'.$self->{vcs}->errorString.'"';
		return undef;
	if ( $underVCS ){
		return 1;

	#add it as if we reach here it is not under VCS and VCS is being used
	$self->{vcs}->add( $self->{configFile} );
	if ( $self->{vcs}->error ){
		$self->{errorString}='Toader::VCS->add errored. error="'.
			$self->{vcs}->error.'" errorString="'.$self->{vcs}->errorString.'"';
		return undef;

	return 1;


=head2 1, noToaderObj

No L<Toader> object specified.

=head2 2, notAtoaderObj

The specified object is not a L<Toader> object.

=head2 3, noDirSet

The L<Toader> object did not return a directory.

=head2 4, configReadFailed

Failed to read the config file.

=head2 5, sectionDoesNotExist

The section does not exist.

=head2 6, noVariableSpecified

No variable name specified.

=head2 7, invalidVariableOrSection

Variable or section matched /[\t \n\=\#\;]/.

=head2 8, configWriteFailed

Failed to write the config out.

=head2 9, getVCSerrored

L<Toader>->getVCS errored.

=head2 10, VCSusableErrored

L<Toader::VCS>->usable errored.

=head2 11, underVCSerrored

L<Toader::VCS>->underVCS errored.

=head2 12, VCSaddErrored

L<Toader::VCS>->add errored.

=head1 AUTHOR

Zane C. Bowers-Hadley, C<< <vvelox at> >>

=head1 BUGS

Please report any bugs or feature requests to C<bug-toader at>, or through
the web interface at L<>.  I will be notified, and then you'll
automatically be notified of progress on your bug as I make changes.

=head1 SUPPORT

You can find documentation for this module with the perldoc command.

    perldoc Toader::Config

You can also look for information at:

=over 4

=item * RT: CPAN's request tracker


=item * AnnoCPAN: Annotated CPAN documentation


=item * CPAN Ratings


=item * Search CPAN





Copyright 2011 Zane C. Bowers-Hadley.

This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
under the terms of either: the GNU General Public License as published
by the Free Software Foundation; or the Artistic License.

See for more information.


1; # End of Toader::Config