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package ZConf::RSS::GUI;

use warnings;
use strict;
use ZConf::GUI;
use ZConf::RSS;

=head1 NAME

ZConf::RSS::GUI - Provides various GUI methods for ZConf::RSS.

=head1 VERSION

Version 0.0.2


our $VERSION = '0.0.2';


    use ZConf::RSS::GUI;

    my $zcrssGui = ZConf::RSS::GUI->new();

=head1 METHODS

=head2 new

=head3 args hash

=head4 obj

This is object returned by ZConf::RSS.

    my $zcrssGui=ZConf::RSS::GUI->new({obj=>$obj});
         print "Error!\n";


sub new{
	my %args;
		%args= %{$_[1]};
	my $function='new';

	my $self={error=>undef,
	bless $self;

	#gets the object or initiate it
	if (!defined($args{obj})) {
		if ($self->{obj}->{error}) {
			$self->{errorString}='Failed to initiate ZConf::RSS. error="'.
			                     $self->{obj}->{error}.'" errorString="'.$self->{obj}->{errorString}.'"';
			warn($self->{module}.' '.$function.':'.$self->{error}.': '.$self->{errorString});
			return $self;
	}else {

	#gets the zconf object

	#gets the gui
	if ($self->{obj}->{error}) {
		$self->{errorString}='Failed to initiate ZConf::GUI. error="'.
    	                     $self->{gui}->{error}.'" errorString="'.$self->{gui}->{errorString}.'"';
		warn($self->{module}.' '.$function.':'.$self->{error}.': '.$self->{errorString});
		return $self;


	my @preferred=$self->{gui}->which('ZConf::RSS');
	if ($self->{gui}->{error}) {
		$self->{errorString}='Failed to get the preferred backend list. error="'.
    	                     $self->{gui}->{error}.'" errorString="'.$self->{gui}->{errorString}.'"';
		warn($self->{module}.' '.$function.':'.$self->{error}.': '.$self->{errorString});
		return $self;

	#make sure we have something
	if (!defined($preferred[0])) {
		$self->{errorString}='Which did not return any preferred backends';
		warn($self->{module}.' '.$function.':'.$self->{error}.': '.$self->{errorString});
		return $self;

	#initiate the backend
	my $toeval='use ZConf::RSS::GUI::'.$preferred[0].';'."\n".
	my $er=eval($toeval);

	#failed to initiate the backend
	if (!defined($self->{be})) {
		$self->{errorString}='The backend returned undefined';
		warn($self->{module}.' '.$function.':'.$self->{error}.': '.$self->{errorString});
		return $self;

	#backend errored
	if ($self->{be}->{error}) {
		$self->{errorString}='The backend returned undefined. error="'.
    	                     $self->{be}->{error}.'" errorString="'.$self->{be}->{errorString}.'"';
		warn($self->{module}.' '.$function.':'.$self->{error}.': '.$self->{errorString});
		return $self;

	return $self;

=head2 addFeed

This invokes a dialog to add a new feed.

There is one optional arguement taken and it is the URL
for the feed. This will be used to automatically populate
URL feild in the dialog.

        print "Error!\n";


sub addFeed{
	my $self=$_[0];
	my $feed=$_[1];
	my $function='manage';

	if ($self->{error}) {
		warn($self->{module}.' '.$function.': A permanent error is set. error="'.$self->{error}.'" errorString="'.$self->{errorString}.'"');
		return undef;

	if ($self->{be}->{error}) {
		$self->{errorString}='The backend errored. error="'.
    	                     $self->{be}->{error}.'" errorString="'.$self->{be}->{errorString}.'"';
		warn($self->{module}.' '.$function.': A permanent error is set. error="'.$self->{error}.'" errorString="'.$self->{errorString}.'"');
		return undef;		

	return 1;

=head2 manage

Invokes the view window.

        print "Error!\n";


sub manage{
	my $self=$_[0];
	my $function='manage';

	if ($self->{error}) {
		warn($self->{module}.' '.$function.': A permanent error is set. error="'.$self->{error}.'" errorString="'.$self->{errorString}.'"');
		return undef;

	if ($self->{be}->{error}) {
		$self->{errorString}='The backend errored. error="'.
    	                     $self->{be}->{error}.'" errorString="'.$self->{be}->{errorString}.'"';
		warn($self->{module}.' '.$function.': A permanent error is set. error="'.$self->{error}.'" errorString="'.$self->{errorString}.'"');
		return undef;		

	return 1;

=head2 view

Invokes the view window.

        print "Error!\n";


sub view{
	my $self=$_[0];
	my $function='view';

	if ($self->{error}) {
		warn($self->{module}.' '.$function.': A permanent error is set. error="'.$self->{error}.'" errorString="'.$self->{errorString}.'"');
		return undef;

	if ($self->{be}->{error}) {
		$self->{errorString}='The backend errored. error="'.
    	                     $self->{be}->{error}.'" errorString="'.$self->{be}->{errorString}.'"';
		warn($self->{module}.' '.$function.': A permanent error is set. error="'.$self->{error}.'" errorString="'.$self->{errorString}.'"');
		return undef;		

	return 1;

=head2 dialogs

This returns a array of available dialogs.

    my @dialogs=$zcrssGui->dialogs;
        print "Error!\n";


sub dialogs{
	my $self=$_[0];
	my $function='dialogs';

	if ($self->{error}) {
		warn($self->{module}.' '.$function.': A permanent error is set. error="'.$self->{error}.'" errorString="'.$self->{errorString}.'"');
		return undef;

	my @dialogs=$self->{be}->dialogs;
	if ($self->{be}->{error}) {
		$self->{errorString}='The backend errored. error="'.
    	                     $self->{be}->{error}.'" errorString="'.$self->{be}->{errorString}.'"';
		warn($self->{module}.' '.$function.': A permanent error is set. error="'.$self->{error}.'" errorString="'.$self->{errorString}.'"');
		return undef;		

	return @dialogs;

=head2 windows

This returns a array of available dialogs.

    my @windows=$zcrssGui->windows;
        print "Error!\n";


sub windows{
	my $self=$_[0];
	my $function='windows';

	if ($self->{error}) {
		warn($self->{module}.' '.$function.': A permanent error is set. error="'.$self->{error}.'" errorString="'.$self->{errorString}.'"');
		return undef;

	my @windows=$self->{be}->windows;
	if ($self->{be}->{error}) {
		$self->{errorString}='The backend errored. error="'.
    	                     $self->{be}->{error}.'" errorString="'.$self->{be}->{errorString}.'"';
		warn($self->{module}.' '.$function.': A permanent error is set. error="'.$self->{error}.'" errorString="'.$self->{errorString}.'"');
		return undef;		

	return @windows;

=head2 errorblank

This blanks the error storage and is only meant for internal usage.

It does the following.



#blanks the error flags
sub errorblank{
	my $self=$_[0];

	if ($self->{perror}) {
		warn('ZConf-DevTemplate errorblank: A permanent error is set');
		return undef;

	return 1;


=head2 1

Failed to initiate ZConf::RSS.

=head2 2

Failed to initiate ZConf::GUI.

=head2 3

Failed to get the preferred.

=head2 4

Failed to initiate the backend.

=head2 5

Backend errored.

=head2 6

No backend found via ZConf::GUI->which.

=head1 DIALOGS

=head2 addFeed

This adds a new feed.

=head1 WINDOWS

Please not that unless working directly and specifically with a backend, windows and dialogs
are effectively the same in that they don't return until the window exits, generally.

=head2 view

This allows the RSS feeds to be viewed.

=head2 manage

This allows the RSS feeds to be managed along with the templates.

=head1 AUTHOR

Zane C. Bowers, C<< <vvelox at> >>

=head1 BUGS

Please report any bugs or feature requests to C<bug-zconf-devtemplate at>, or through
the web interface at L<>.  I will be notified, and then you'll
automatically be notified of progress on your bug as I make changes.

=head1 SUPPORT

You can find documentation for this module with the perldoc command.

    perldoc ZConf::RSS::GUI

You can also look for information at:

=over 4

=item * RT: CPAN's request tracker


=item * AnnoCPAN: Annotated CPAN documentation


=item * CPAN Ratings


=item * Search CPAN





Copyright 2009 Zane C. Bowers, all rights reserved.

This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
under the same terms as Perl itself.


1; # End of ZConf::RSS::GUI