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use strict;

use Proc::Launcher;

use Test::More tests => 5;

use File::Temp qw(tempdir);
my $tempdir = tempdir('/tmp/proc_launcher_XXXXXX', CLEANUP => 1);

my $start_method = sub { sleep 600 };

my $launcher = Proc::Launcher->new( start_method => $start_method,
                                    daemon_name  => 'test',
                                    pid_dir      => $tempdir,

ok( ! $launcher->is_running(),
    "Checking that test process is not already running"

ok( $launcher->start(),
    "Starting the test process"

sleep 2;

ok( $launcher->is_running(),
    "Checking that process was started successfully"

ok( $launcher->stop(),
    "Calling 'stop' method"

sleep 2;

ok( ! $launcher->is_running(),
    "Checking that 'stop' successfully shut down the process"