The London Perl and Raku Workshop takes place on 26th Oct 2024. If your company depends on Perl, please consider sponsoring and/or attending.
package Elive::script::elive_raise_meeting;
use warnings; use strict;
use version;

use Getopt::Long;
use Date::Parse qw{};
use Pod::Usage;
use File::Basename qw{};

use Carp;

use Elive;
use Elive::Util;
use Elive::Entity::User;
use Elive::Entity::Group;
use Elive::Entity::Participant;
use Elive::Entity::Preload;
use Elive::Entity::Role;
use Elive::Entity::Session;
use Elive::View::Session;

use URI;
use URI::Escape;

use YAML::Syck;

=head1 NAME

elive_raise_meeting - Elluminate Live! Manager (ELM) meeting creation


  elive_raise_meeting [url] [options] [participants]

=head2 Authentication

 [url]                        # web address and site instance path,
                              # E.g.: 
 -user <username>             # SDK/SOAP username
 -pass <password>             # SDK/SOAP password

=head2 Basic Options

 -name         <meeting name> # set meeting name
 -facilitator  <userId>
 -meeting_pass <password>     # set meeting password
 -start  '[YYYY-MM-DD ]HH:MM' # start time
 -end    '[YYYY-MM-DD ]HH:MM' # end time
 -occurs {days|weeks}=<n>     # repeat over n days/weeks (elm2)

=head2 Moderators and Participants

 -moderators user|*group ...
 -participants user|*group|Display Name(loginName) ...

 Where each participant or moderator can be:

    'user'        - a single Elluminate user. This can be either the
                    user's username or user-id.

    '*group'      - a group of users. This can be either the group-name
                    or group-id. (elm3)

    'Display Name(loginName)'
                  - a guest login, e.g. "Robert(" (elm3)

=head2 Meeting Setup

 -boundary     0|15|30|..     # minutes participants can arrive before or
                              # leave after the scheduled meeting times.
 -max_talkers  <n>            # max no. of simultaneous talkers
 -max_cameras  <n>            # max no. of simultaneous cameras (elm3)
 -seats        <n>            # number of seats to reserve on server
 -profile_display      none|mod|all       # profiles to display (elm3)
                              # none, mod (moderators only), or all
 -recording_status     off|on|manual      # set recording status
                              #  - off:    recording disabled
                              #  - on:     starts automatically
                              #  - manual: recording started by moderator
 -recording_resolution cg|cc|mg|mc|fg|fc  # recording resolution (elm3)
                              #  - cg:course gray  - cc:course color
                              #  - mg:medium gray  - mc:medium color
                              #  - fg:fine gray    - fc:fine color
 -[no]invites                 # allow in-session invitations
 -[no]follow                  # lock whiteboard to moderator view (elm3)
 -[no]private                 # hide from public schedule
 -[no]restricted              # restrict entry to registered users (elm3)
 -[no]permissions             # let participants perform activities
 -[no]raise_hands             # automatically raise hands on entry
 -[no]supervised              # moderator can see private messages
 -[no]all_moderators          # all participants can moderate (elm3)

 -user_notes      <text>      # Set general user notes
 -moderator_notes <text>      # Set general moderator notes
 -cost_center     <code>      # Set a cost center code
 -exit_url        <address>   # URL to visit on meeting exit (elm3)

=head2 Preloads

 -upload             <local_file>     # upload a file from the client
 -import_from_server <remote_file>    # import a file from the server
 -add_preload        <preload_id>,... # reuse previous preloads

 Where preload files can include:

    *.wbd *.wbp                   - Elluminate Live! whiteboard files
    *.elp *.elpx                  - Elluminate Plan! files
    *.mpg, *.mov, *.qt, *.swf ... - Multimedia content

=head2 Compatibility Options

 -use elm2                  # ELM 2.x compat (via Elive::View::Session)
 -use elm3                  # ELM 3.x compat (via Elive::Entity::Session)
 -use Some::Custom::Class   # create session via a custom session class

=head2 Information

 -? --help                  # print this help
 -v --version               # print version and exit
 --dump=yaml                # output created sessions as YAML
 --debug=n                  # set debug level


Creates meetings on an Elluminate I<Live!> Manager (ELM) server.

=head1 SEE ALSO

perldoc Elive


my $class;

my $username;
my $password;
my $debug;
my $start_str;
my $end_str;
my $import;
my $upload;
my $preload_opt;
my $url;
my $help;
my @moderators;
my @participants;
my $dump;

my %occurs;
my $version;

main(@ARGV) unless caller;

sub bail {
    die @_;

sub main {

    local(@ARGV) = @_;

    my %session_data = (
	name => 'elive test meeting',
	boundaryMinutes => 15,

	'username|user=s' => \$username,
	'password|pass=s' => \$password,
	'start=s' => \$start_str,
	'end=s' => \$end_str,

	'moderators|moderator=s{,}' => \@moderators,
	'participants|participant|others|other=s{,}' => \@participants,
	'upload=s' => \$upload,
	'import_from_server|import=s' => \$import,
	'add_preload|use_preload=i' => \$preload_opt,
        'occurs=i%' => \%occurs,
	'use=s' => \$class,

	'all_moderators!' => \$session_data{allModerators},
	'boundary=i' => \$session_data{boundaryMinutes},
	'cost_center|cost_centre=s' => \$session_data{costCenter},
	'exit_url|redirect_url=s' => \$session_data{redirectURL},
	'facilitator=s' => \$session_data{facilitatorId},
	'follow|follow_moderator!' => \$session_data{followModerator},
	'invites|invitations!' => \$session_data{inSessionInvitation},
	'meeting_password|meeting_pass|session_password|session_pass=s' => \$session_data{password},
	'max_cameras|cameras|video_window=i' => \$session_data{videoWindow},
	'max_talkers|talkers=i' => \$session_data{maxTalkers},
	'moderator_notes=s' => \$session_data{moderatorNotes},
	'name|meeting_name=s' => \$session_data{name},
	'private!' => \$session_data{privateMeeting},
	'permissions!' => \$session_data{fullPermissions},
	'profile|profile_display=s' => \$session_data{profile},
	'raise_hands!' => \$session_data{raiseHandOnEnter},
	'restricted!' => \$session_data{restrictedMeeting},
	'recording_resolution=s' => \$session_data{recordingResolution},
	'recording|recording_status=s' => \$session_data{recordingStatus},
	'seats=i' => \ $session_data{seats},
	'supervised!' => \$session_data{supervised},
	'user_notes=s' => \$session_data{userNotes},

	'v|version' => \$version,
	'debug=i' => \$debug,
	'help|?' => \$help,
	'dump=s' => \$dump,
	or pod2usage(2);

    pod2usage(0) if $help;

    if ($version) {
	print "Elive v${Elive::VERSION} (c) 2009 - 2012\n";

    ($url = shift @ARGV)
	or pod2usage("missing url argument");

    Elive->debug($debug) if defined $debug;
    # debug may also be set via $ENV{ELIVE_DEBUG}
    $debug = Elive->debug;

    if ($debug) {
	$SIG{__WARN__} = \&Carp::cluck if $debug > 1;
	$SIG{__DIE__} = \&Carp::confess;

    $url ||= Elive::Util::prompt("Url ('http[s]://...'): ");

    unless ($username && $password) {
	# look for credentials encoded in the uri
	my $uri_obj = URI->new($url);
	my $userinfo = $uri_obj->userinfo; # credentials supplied in URI

	if ($userinfo) {
	    my ($uri_user, $uri_pass) = split(':', $userinfo, 2);
	    $username ||= URI::Escape::uri_unescape($uri_user);
	    $password ||= URI::Escape::uri_unescape($uri_pass)
		if $uri_pass;

    $username ||= Elive::Util::prompt('Username: ');
    $password ||= Elive::Util::prompt('Password: ', password => 1);

    our $connection; 
    $connection = Elive->connect($url, $username, $password);

    $class ||= do {
	# use hasn't specified elluminate compatibility, or which session
	# class to use. Guess it from their Elluminate server version.
	my $server_version = eval {$connection->version}
	or bail ($@ || "unable to get server details version\n");

	my $server_version_num = version->new($server_version)->numify;
	my $elm3_min_version_num = version->declare( '9.5.0' )->numify;

	warn "Elluminate Live! version: $server_version_num (elm3 min: $elm3_min_version_num)\n" if $debug;
	$server_version_num >= $elm3_min_version_num
	    ? 'elm3'
	    : 'elm2'

    $class = {elm2 => 'Elive::View::Session',
	      elm3 => 'Elive::Entity::Session'}->{$class} || $class;

    warn "Session class: $class\n" if $debug;

    eval "use $class";
    bail("unable to load class $class: $@") if $@;

    bail("class $class: does not implement the 'insert' method")
	unless eval{ $class->can('insert') };

    for ($session_data{recordingStatus}) {
	next unless defined;
	$_ = lc $_;
	# accept some of the other synonyms for the various modes as
	# seen in documentation and Elluminate's web interface.

	pod2usage("-recording_status must be: on/auto, off/none/disabled or manual/remote\n")
	    unless m{^on|off|remote$}x;

    for ($session_data{recordingResolution}) {
	next unless defined;
	$_ = uc $_;
	bail("-recording_resolution must be one of: 'cg', 'cc', 'mg', 'mc', 'fg' or 'fc'\n")
	    unless m{^[CMF][GC]$}x;

    for ($session_data{profile}) {
	next unless defined;
	$_ = lc $_;

	bail("-profile_display must be one of: 'none', 'gmod' or 'all'\n")
	    unless m{^(none|mod|all)$}x;

    my ($recurrence_count, $recurrence_days) = _get_occurrences(\%occurs);

    my $start = $start_str
	? Date::Parse::str2time($start_str)
	: time() + 15 * 60;

    my $end = $end_str
	? Date::Parse::str2time($end_str)
	: $start + 30 * 60;

    bail("end time ($end_str) is not later than start time ($start_str)\n")
	unless ($end > $start);

    my $upload_data;

    $session_data{facilitatorId} ||= Elive->login;
    $session_data{start} = $start . '000',
    $session_data{end} = $end . '000';

    if ($recurrence_count > 1) {
	$session_data{recurrenceCount} = $recurrence_count;
	$session_data{recurrenceDays} = $recurrence_days || 1;

    if (@moderators || @participants || @ARGV) {
	$session_data{participants} = build_participants(\@moderators, \@participants, \@ARGV);

    my $uploaded_preload;
    $uploaded_preload = Elive::Entity::Preload->upload($upload)
	if $upload;

    my $existing_preload;

    if ($preload_opt) {

	pod2usage("non numeric preload id")
	    unless $preload_opt =~ m{^\d+$}x;

	$existing_preload = Elive::Entity::Preload->retrieve( $preload_opt );
	bail("no existing preload: $preload_opt\n")
	    unless $existing_preload;

    my $imported_preload;
    if ($import) {

	print "importing server-side preload: $import\n";

	$imported_preload = Elive::Entity::Preload->import_from_server({
	    fileName => $import,
	    ownerId => $session_data{facilitatorId} || Elive->login,

	printf("imported '%s' preload: %s (%s)\n",
	       $imported_preload->type, $imported_preload->name, $imported_preload->mimeType);

    my @preloads = grep {$_} ($existing_preload, $uploaded_preload, $imported_preload);
    $session_data{add_preload} = \@preloads if @preloads;

    my $ptmp = Elive::Entity::Participants->new($session_data{participants});

    foreach (grep {! defined $session_data{$_} } keys %session_data) {
	delete $session_data{$_};

    warn YAML::Syck::Dump {session_data => \%session_data} if Elive->debug;

    my @sessions = $class->insert(\%session_data);

    if ($dump && $dump =~ m{yaml}i) {
	_yaml_dump_sessions( 'Elive::View::Session' => @sessions );
    else {
	warn "ignoring option: -dump=$dump" if $dump;
	_echo_sessions( @sessions );


    return @sessions;


sub build_participants {
    my ($moderators, $others, $args) = @_;

    my @participants_spec = (
	-moderators => @$moderators,
	-others => @$others

    my $p = Elive::Entity::Participants->new( \@participants_spec );

    # collate by role && type
    my @users  = grep {$_->user} @$p;
    my @groups = grep {$_->group} @$p;
    my @guests = grep {$_->guest} @$p;

    # Vet participants
    my @attendees;
    push (@attendees, _get_users( @users ))
	if @users;

    push (@attendees, _get_groups( @groups ))
	if @groups;

    push (@attendees, @guests)
	if @guests;

    return \@attendees;


sub show_participants {
    my ($session) = @_;

    my $participants = $session->participants;

    my @moderators = (map { _display_participant($_) }
		      grep {$_->is_moderator} 

    my @others = (map { _display_participant($_) }
		      grep { ! $_->is_moderator} 

    print "moderators: ".join(', ', @moderators)."\n"
	if @moderators;

    print "participants: ".join(', ', @others)."\n"
	if @others;



sub _display_participant {
    my $participant = shift;

    my $type = $participant->type;
    my $str;

    if (! $type)  {        # single participant
	my $user_obj = $participant->user;
	my $loginName = $user_obj->loginName;
	my $email = $user_obj->email;

	$str = ($loginName || $user_obj->userId);
	$str .= ' <'.$email.'>'
	    if $email;
    elsif ($type == 1) {   # group of participants
	my $group_obj = $participant->group;
	my $id = $group_obj->groupId;
	my $name = $group_obj->name;

	$str = '*'.$id;
	$str .= ' <group:'.$name.'>'
	    if $name;
    elsif ($type == 2) {   # invited guest
	my $guest_obj = $participant->guest;
	my $loginName = $guest_obj->loginName;
	my $displayName = $guest_obj->displayName;

	$str = $displayName;
	$str .= ' ('.$loginName.')'
	    if $loginName;
    else {
	warn "unknown participant type $type: ignored";
	$str = ''

    return $str;


sub _get_users {
    my @participants = grep {! $_->is_moderator} @_;
    my @moderators = grep {$_->is_moderator} @_;

    my @users;

    push (@users, map {{user => $_, role => ${Elive::Entity::Role::PARTICIPANT}}} __get_users(@participants))
	if @participants;

    push (@users, map {{user => $_, role => ${Elive::Entity::Role::MODERATOR}}} __get_users(@moderators))
	if @moderators;

    return @users;

sub __get_users {
    my @users_in = @_;

    my %users;

    foreach (@users_in) {
	my $user = Elive::Entity::User->stringify($_->user);
	$users{$user} = $_;

    my $filter = join(' OR ',
		      map {sprintf("loginName=%s OR userId=%s",
				   $_, $_)}
		      map {Elive::Entity::User->quote($_)}
		      (keys %users)

    my $db_users = Elive::Entity::User->list(filter => $filter);
    my @users;
    my %ids_seen;
    my %uids_seen;

    foreach my $user (@$db_users) {
        $ids_seen{lc $user->userId}++;
        $uids_seen{lc $user->loginName}++;

    foreach (keys %users) {
	delete $users{$_}
	    if $ids_seen{lc $_} or $uids_seen{lc $_};

    my @users_not_found = sort keys %users;
    bail("unknown user(s): @users_not_found\n")
	if @users_not_found;

    return @$db_users;


sub _get_groups {
    my @participants = grep {!$_->is_moderator > 2} @_;
    my @moderators = grep {$_->is_moderator} @_;

    my @groups;

    push (@groups, map {{user => $_, role => ${Elive::Entity::Role::PARTICIPANT}}} __get_groups(@participants))
	if @participants;

    push (@groups, map {{user => $_, role => ${Elive::Entity::Role::MODERATOR}}} __get_groups(@moderators))
	if @moderators;

    return @groups;

sub __get_groups {
    my @groups_in = @_;

    my %groups;

    foreach (@groups_in) {

	my $group_spec = Elive::Entity::Group->stringify($_->group);
	$group_spec =~ s{^\*}{};

	$groups{$group_spec} = $_;

    my $filter = join(' OR ',
		      map {sprintf("groupId=%s OR groupName=%s",
				   $_, $_)}
		      map {Elive::Entity::Group->quote($_)}
		      (keys %groups)

    my $db_groups = Elive::Entity::Group->list(filter => $filter);

    my %gids_seen;
    my %names_seen;

    foreach my $group (@$db_groups) {
	$gids_seen{ lc $group->groupId}++;
	$names_seen{ lc $group->groupName}++;

    foreach (keys %groups) {
	delete $groups{$_}
	    if $gids_seen{lc $_} || $names_seen{lc $_};

    my @groups_not_found = sort keys %groups;

    bail("unknown group(s): @groups_not_found\n")
	if @groups_not_found;

    return @$db_groups;


sub _get_occurrences {
    my $occurs = shift;

    my $recurrence_count = 1;
    my $recurrence_days = 1;

    foreach (keys %$occurs) {

	$recurrence_count = $occurs{$_};

	$recurrence_days =
	    m{^.*day(s?).*$}i       ? 1
	  : m{^.*week(s?).*$}i      ? 7
          : m{^.*fortnight(s?).*$}i ? 14
          : bail("occurs usage: --occurs days=n  or --occurs weeks=n\n");


    return ($recurrence_count, $recurrence_days);


sub _echo_sessions {
    my @sessions = @_;

    foreach my $session (@sessions) {
	print "created meeting: ".$session->name." with id ".$session->sessionId."\n";

	if (@{ $session->participants }) {


	else {
	    print "no participants\n";

	print "session address: ".$session->web_url."\n";



sub _yaml_dump_sessions {
    my $class = shift;
    my @sessions = @_;

    my @props = $class->properties;
    my %derivable = $class->derivable;
    my $entity_name = $class->entity_name;

    foreach my $session (@sessions) {
	my %vals = (
	    map {
		my $meth = $derivable{$_} || $_;
		my $val = $session->$meth;
		$_ => $val,
	    } (sort (@props, keys %derivable)));

	print YAML::Syck::Dump {$entity_name => \%vals};

