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use strict;
use warnings;
use Archive::Rgssad;
use Archive::Rgss3a;
use File::Basename;
use File::Path 'mkpath';
use Getopt::Long;

our $VERSION = '0.11';

my $help = 0;
my $list = 0;
my $dest = '.';
my $type = 0;

my $result = GetOptions(
  'help'   => \$help,
  'list'   => \$list,
  'dest:s' => \$dest,
  'type:i' => \$type);
my $file = shift;

sub usage {
  print STDERR <<USAGE;
Usage: $0 [-h] [-l] [-d exdir] archive [file(s) ...]
Extract files from RGSS archive

  -h, --help    show this usage
  -l, --list    list all entries
  -d, --dest    extract files to the specified directory
  -t, --type=0  automatically detect archive type
      --type=1  treat archive as .rgssad or .rgss2a (rgssad v1)
      --type=3  treat archive as .rgss3a (rgssad v3)

if ($help) {
  exit 0;
} elsif (!$result || !defined($file)) {
  exit 9;
} elsif (! -e $file) {
  print STDERR "File '$file' doesn't exist.\n";
  exit 1;
} elsif (! -f $file || ! -r $file) {
  print STDERR "Cannot open '$file' to read.\n";
  exit 1;

my %files = ();
$files{$_} = 1 for (@ARGV);

my $rgssad = undef;

if ($type == 0) {
  open FH, '<', $file;
  read FH, $_, 8;
  close FH;
  if (substr($_, 0, 7) ne "RGSSAD\0") {
    print STDERR "'$file' is not a valid rgssad archive\n";
    exit 2;
  } else {
    $type = ord substr($_, 7, 1);

if ($type == 1) {
  $rgssad = Archive::Rgssad->new($file);
} elsif ($type == 3) {
  $rgssad = Archive::Rgss3a->new($file);
} else {
  print STDERR "Cannot handle rgssad v$type format\n";
  exit 2;

for my $entry ($rgssad->entries) {
  my $path = $entry->path;
  $path =~ s|\\|/|g;
  $path = "$dest/$path";
  next if @ARGV > 0 && !exists($files{$path});
  print STDOUT $path, "\n";
  if (!$list) {
    open FH, '>', $path;
    binmode FH;
    print FH $entry->data;
    close FH;


=head1 NAME

rgssad - extract files from RGSS archive


B<rgssad> [B<-h>] [B<-l>] [B<-d> I<exdir>] I<archive> [I<file(s)> ...]

=head1 OPTIONS

=over 4

=item B<-h>, B<--help>

Print usage and exit.

=item B<-l>, B<--list>

Do not extract the entries to files, just list the paths of entries.

=item B<-d> I<extdir>, B<--dest>=I<extdir>

Extract files to the specified directory.

=item B<-t> I<version>, B<--type>=I<version>

Use I<type> to determine archive type or version. If version is 1, force
the script to treat archive as .rgssad or .rgss2a (rgssad v1). If version
is 3, force the script to treat archive as .rgss3a (rgssad v3). Otherwise,
the script will automatically detect archive type according to the version
number in archive header.



To list all entries of I<Game.rgssad>, try

    rgssad -l Game.rgssad

To extract all entries from I<Game.rgss2a> to directory I<resources>, try

    rgssad Game.rgss2a -d resources

To extract I<Data\Scripts.rvdata2> from I<Game.rgss3a> to current directory, try

    rgssad Game.rgss3a ./Data/Scripts.rvdata2

=head1 SEE ALSO

Archive::Rgssad and Archive::Rgss3a

=head1 AUTHOR

Zejun Wu, C<< <watashi at> >>

=head1 SUPPORT

You can find documentation for this script with the man command.

    man rgssad

You can also look for information at:

=over 4

=item * GitHub




Copyright 2012 Zejun Wu.

This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
under the terms of either: the GNU General Public License as published
by the Free Software Foundation; or the Artistic License.

See L<> for more information.
