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use strict;
use warnings;

use 5.008;

use Sash::Terminal;
use Sash::Plugin::Factory;

use Getopt::Long;

our $VERSION = '1.01';

#my $_client;
my $_username;
my $_password;
my $_endpoint;
my $_client;
my $_filename;
my $_interactive;
#my $_vendor;
#my $_database;
#my $_hostname;
my $_help;
my $_usage_str = <<EOF;
sash [-u username] [-p] [-e endpoint]

If you do not provide your username or password on the command line you will
be prompted for it.

# Lets get the command line values first
GetOptions (
    'u|user=s' => \$_username,
    'p|password=s' => \$_password,
    'e|endpoint=s' => \$_endpoint,
    'client=s' => \$_client,
    'f|filename=s' => \$_filename,
    'i|interactive=s' => \$_interactive,
    #'v|vendor=s' => \$_vendor,
    #'d|database=s' => \$_database,
    #'n|hostname=s' => \$_hostname,
    'h|help' => \$_help,

# Simple enough if they only asked for help.
if ( $_help ) {
    print $_usage_str;

# Create the terminal interface
my $terminal = Sash::Terminal->new;

# Command line takes precedence over the environment definitions
$_username = $ENV{SASH_USERNAME} unless defined $_username;
$_password = $ENV{SASH_PASSWORD} unless defined $_password;
$_endpoint = $ENV{SASH_ENDPOINT} unless defined $_endpoint;
$_client = $ENV{SASH_CLIENT} unless defined $_client;

# Make sure we the essentials if not from the command line.
$_username = $terminal->prompt_for( 'username' ) unless $_username;
$_password = $terminal->prompt_for( 'password', 1 ) unless $_password;
$_endpoint = $terminal->prompt_for( 'endpoint' ) unless $_endpoint;

# Did I invoke myself correctly or ask for simple help?
die $_usage_str unless $_username && $_endpoint; #( $_endpoint || $_vendor);

# Note this call returns the name of the plugin class
my $plugin_class = Sash::Plugin::Factory->get_class( {
    username => $_username,
    password => $_password,
    endpoint => $_endpoint,
    terminal => $terminal,
    client => $_client,
    # Or instead of endpoint supply the following
    # vendor => $_vendor,
    # database => $_database,
    # hostname => $_hostname,
} );

# Being the user interaction with the UI.
print <<EOF;
Connection to $_endpoint established!

Welcome to sash.  Commands end with the familiar ; or press 'return'.
Type 'help' for the complete command reference.

# Initiate the terminal and get it ready for liftoff.
$terminal->commands( "${plugin_class}::Command"->get_command_hash );

# Did the user give a file to run?
if ( defined $_filename ) {
    open my $fh, "<$_filename";
    my $script = join "\n", <$fh>;
    close $fh;
    my $args = { rawline => $script };
    Sash::Properties->output( Sash::Properties->perlval );
    eval {
        Sash::Command->default_command( $terminal, $args );
    }; if ( $@ ) {
        print "Your script did not run successfully:\n$@\n";
    exit 0 unless defined $_interactive;

    Sash::Properties->output( Sash::Properties->tabular );


=head1 NAME

sash - Sweet Ass Shell

=head1 VERSION

This documentation refers to version 1.01


This tool is a shell to some common data sources.  It was inspired by the many
character based database tools so that I could work with the API in
the same manner.  I simply wanted a CUI that worked on all of the different machines
that I work on including my ssh sessions.

After building the tool to behave similarly to the mysql client I rewrote it so
that it supported a Plugin API.  Now in principle it can be used to communicate
with any data source as long as a plugin has been written for it.  See the L</PLUGINS>
section for a list of known plugins that you can download and start using. You can
also search L<> for plugins as well in case
the documentation here isn't up to date.

In addition to installing plugins that can be used with I<sash>, you can also easily
develop them.  The L</DEVELOPMENT> section covers the steps necessary to develop your
own plugin for I<sash> so you that you can extend its functionality and give back
to the community.


There are several built-in commands that you can type in from the command line
in addition to the ones defined by the plugin you are using.  The table below
provides definitions of the commands.  For commands with an alias defined you
can type the alias instead of the full command name.  It saves some keystrokes.

=head2 clear

I<alias:> c

Clears and resets the editable command buffer.

=head2 edit

I<alias:> e

Brings the current command buffer into your favorite editor as defined by your
EDITOR environment variable.

=head2 history

I<alias:> h

Shows the current command history.  Its a known bug of another module's L<Term::ShellUI>
that the command history appears to be doubled up.  Its also a known bug that the bang
syntax does NOT work to invoke a previous command.

=head2 list

I<alias:> l

List the current command buffer.

=head2 quit

I<alias:> q|exit

Disconnect from the datasource and exit your sash session.

=head2 reconnect

Attempt to re-establish a connection to the data source.  This is useful for API based
plugins where server based valid sessions tend to expire quite rapidly.

=head2 result

The difference between operating as a client to a database and a client to an API
is mostly the time lag between request and response.  When using the mysql client
to communicate with the database installed locally the response time is very fast.
When waiting for the response from and API call you could wait a long time.  Some
operations using the API to get 5000 records can take several minutes.

The last thing you want to discover after you finally get your large result set back
is that you forgot to properly sort the records.  You really don't want to reissue
the command because again it could take several minutes.

Thankfully I<sash> solves this problem for you by storing (caching) the result of
any command that is issued to the data source.  The tool allows you to then enter
sub-commands based on the latest result so that you can quickly manipulate the data
without having to re-issue a command to the server.

The result command has a number of sub-commands available that are listed below with
their descriptions:

=head3 all

This displays all of the results that have been obtained and manipulated for the last
executed command.

=head3 limit

I<usage:> limit [value]

Limit the number of records displayed in the current result set to the defined value.
This is commonly done after a L</result>:L</sort> command.  

=head3 redo

This is the logical opposite of the I<undo> sub-command.  If you decide after an
I<undo> that you really did want the result the way it was you can issue a I<redo>
to get it back.

=head3 revert

This undoes the series of sub-command operations that have been performed and returns
the result back to the original value after the command was issued.

=head3 search

I<usage:> search [-i] [string]

=head3 sort

I<usage:> sort [[attribute] [asc|desc], [attribute] [asc|desc], ...]

=head3 undo

A typical sequence of L</result> sub-commands is illustrated below:

    sash> result sort LastName desc, FirstName asc
    sash> result limit 20

The above example would produce an ordered result with 20 records displayed. If
the user were to then L</undo> the previous L</result> operation then the full set
of ordered records would be displayed.  This illustrates the concept that L</result>
operations are sequential and operate on the previous result with the first result
being the output of the command issued to the server.

=head2 set

The L</set> command allows on to manipulate basic I<sash> properties.  The following
table describes the available sub-commands and their options:

=head3 output

I<usage:> output [tabular|vertical|perlval]

=head2 x

Use this command to introspect a defined variable.  This is similar to the x command
in the perl debugger but it provides a different type of synopsis of the value as 
provided by L</Data::Dumper>.

=head1 PLUGINS

=head2 Sash::Plugin::Salesforce

This plugin is for use with the API or Apex API as it is presently
called.  You must have a valid account before you can use it.  Writing
SOQL queries and viewing their results served as the birthpoint for I<sash>.

=head2 Sash::Plugin::VerticalResponse

This plugin is for use with the API.  For more information see


This section will document the steps that are necessary to create a plugin for I<sash>.

=head1 AUTHOR

Wes Bailey, <>

=head1 BUGS

When you find a bug in this plugin please contact the author.  At the present time
there are no known bugs.


I<sash> is really possible because of these fine modules available on cpan:

=over 4

=item * L<Term::ShellUI> 0.85

=item * L<Data::Table> 1.50

=item * L<Text::ASCIITable> 0.18

=item * L<Term::ReadKey> 2.30

=item * L<Time::HiRes> 1.86



Copyright (C) 2007, Wes Bailey, VerticalResponse Inc.

Sash is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
(at your option) any later version.

Sash is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.

You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA  02110-1301  USA
