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# Copyright © 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012 Casiano Rodriguez-Leon.
# Copyright © 2017 William N. Braswell, Jr.
# All Rights Reserved.
# Based on Parse::Yapp.
# Parse::Yapp is Copyright © 1998, 1999, 2000, 2001, Francois Desarmenien.
# Parse::Yapp is Copyright © 2017 William N. Braswell, Jr.
# All Rights Reserved.

require 5.004;

use Carp;

my (
  $lexlevel, # Used by the lexical analyzer. Controls in which section we are:
             # head (0), body(1) or tail (2)
  @lineno,   # Used by the lexical analyzer. $lineno[0] is the lione number for 
             # the beginning of the token, $lineno[1] the end
  $nberr,    # Number of errors up to now

my $syms;
my $head;    # list of texts inside header sections
my $tail;
my $token;
my $term;    # hash ref. key: token, value: an array describing the assoc and priority { '-' => [ 'LEFT' 1 ], '*' => [ 'LEFT' 2 ], }
my $termdef; # token definitions. key is token, value is regexp

my $whites;      # string with the code for white spaces (when automatic generated lexer)
my $lexer;       # boolean: true if %lexer was used
my $incremental; # build an incremental lexer: one that reads in chunks from $self->YYInputFile

my $nterm;
my $rules;
my $precterm; # hash ref. key token used in %prec. value: priority
my $start;
my $nullable;
my $semantic; # hash ref. Keys are the tokens. Value: 0 = syntactic 1 = semantic
my $dummy = []; # array ref. the dummy tokens

my ($expect);
my $namingscheme;
my $defaultaction;
my $filename;
my $tree = 0; # true if %tree or %metatree
my $metatree = 0;
my $flatlists = 0; # true if flat list semantic for * + and ? operators
my $bypass = 0;
my $prefix = ''; # yyprefix
my $buildingtree = 0;
my $alias = 0;
my $accessors = {}; # Hash for named accessors when %tree or %metatree is active { exp::left => 0 }
my $strict = 0; # When true, all tokens must be declared or a warning will be issued
my $nocompact; # Do not compact action tables. No DEFAULT field for "STATES"

my %nondeclared; # Potential non declared token identifiers appearing in the program
my %conflict;    # Hash of conflict name => { codeh => 'code handler', line => #line, #prodnumber1 => [pos1, pos2], #prodnumber2 => [pos1,pos2,pos3], ... }

sub not_an_id {
  my $id = shift;

  !defined($id) or $id !~ m/^[a-zA-Z_][[a-zA-Z_0-9]*$/;

# When using %metatree, i.e. generating a Translation Scheme
# returns true if $code was preceded by a %begin directive
sub is_begin_code {
  my $code = shift;

  return (UNIVERSAL::isa($code, 'ARRAY') and exists($code->[2]) and $code->[2] eq 'BEGINCODE');

# Produces the text containing the declarations
# and initializations of the associated variables
sub prefixcode {
  my  %index = @_;

  # When TS var $lhs refers to the father node
  my $text = ($metatree)? 'my $lhs = $_[0]; ' : '';

  # No identifiers were associated with the attributes if %index is empty
  return $text unless %index;

  $text .= join "", (map { "my \$$_ = \$_[$index{$_}]; " } (keys(%index)));

  # The former line produces the code for initialization of the attribute 
  # variables so that a production like:
  #                   exp: VAR.left '='.op exp.right { ... semantic action }
  # will produce s.t. like:
  #        sub {
  #            my $left = $_[1]; my $right = $_[3]; my $op = $_[2];  
  #            ... semantic action
  #        }

  return $text;

# Computes the hash %index used in sub 'prefixcode' 
# $index{a} is the index of the symbol associated with 'a' in the right hand side
# of the production. For example in 
#                              R: B.b A.a
# $index{a} will be 2.
sub symbol_index {
  my $rhs = shift || [];
  my $position = shift || @$rhs;
  my %index;

  local $_ = 0;
  for my $value (@{$rhs}) {
    $_++ unless (($value->[0] eq 'CODE') and $metatree) or ($value->[0] eq 'CONFLICTHANDLER');
    my $id = $value->[1][2];
    if (defined($id)) {
          "Error: attribute variable '\$$id' appears more than once", 
      if exists($index{$id});
      $index{$id} = $_;
    last if $_ >= $position;

  return %index;

# Computes the hash %index holding the position in the generated
# AST (as it is build by YYBuildAST) of the node associated with
# the identifier. For ex. in "E: E.left '+' E.right"
# $index{right} will be 1 (remember that '+' is a syntactic token)
sub child_index_in_AST {
  my $rhs = shift || [];
  my %index;

  local $_ = 0;
  for my $value (@{$rhs}) {
    my ($symb, $line, $id) = @{$value->[1]};

    # Accessors will be build only for explictly named attributes
    # Hal Finkel's patch
    next unless $$semantic{$symb};
    $index{$id} = $_ if defined($id);
    $_++ ;

  return %index;

# This sub gives support to the "%tree alias" directive.
# Expands the 'accessors' hash relation 
# for the current production. Uses 'child_index_in_AST'
# to build the mapping between names and indices
sub make_accessors {
  my $name = shift;
  return unless ($tree and $alias and defined($name) and $name->[0] =~m{^[a-zA-Z_]\w*$});

  my $rhs = shift;

  my %index = child_index_in_AST($rhs);
  for (keys(%index)) {
    $accessors->{"$name->[0]::$_"} = $index{$_};

# Gives support to %metatree
sub insert_delaying_code {
  my $code = shift;

  # If %begin the code will be executed at "tree time construction"
  return if is_begin_code($$code);
  if ($$code) {
    $$code = [ 
      # The user code is substituted by a builder of a node referencing the
      # actual sub
      "push \@_,  sub { $$code->[0] }; goto &Parse::Eyapp::Driver::YYBuildTS; ", 
  else {
    $$code = [ ' goto &Parse::Eyapp::Driver::YYBuildTS ', $lineno[0]]

# Called only from _AddRules
sub process_production {
  my ($rhs) = @_;

  my $position = $#$rules;
  my @newrhs = ();

  my $m = 0;
  for my $s (0..$#$rhs) {

      if ($what eq 'CODE') { # TODO: modify name scheme: RULE_POSITION

          if ($value) {

            # The auxiliary production generated for 
            # intermediate actions has access to the
            # attributes of the symbols to its left
            # Not needed if generating a TS
            my @optarg = $metatree? () : ($s+1); 

            # Variable declarations
            my %index = symbol_index($rhs, @optarg);
            $value->[0] = prefixcode(%index).$value->[0];

          insert_delaying_code(\$value) if $metatree;

          #                       rhs prec   name   code
          push(@$rules,[ $tmplhs, [], undef, undef, $value ]);
          push(@newrhs, $tmplhs);
     elsif ($what eq 'CONFLICTHANDLER') {
       my $ch = $value->[0];
       push @{$conflict{$ch}{production}{-$position}}, $m; 
#     elsif ($what eq 'CONFLICTVIEWPOINT') {
#     }
      push(@newrhs, $$value[0]);
  return \@newrhs;

# Receives a specification of the RHS of a production like in:
#       rhs([ $A, $val], name => $_[2], code => $code_rec, prec => $prec)
# Returns the data structure used to represent the RHS:
#      [ @rhs, $arg{prec}, $arg{name}, $arg{code}]
sub rhs {
  my @rhs = @{shift()};

  my %arg = @_;
  $arg{prec} = exists($arg{prec})? token($arg{prec}): undef;
  $arg{name} = undef unless exists($arg{name});
  $arg{code} = exists($arg{code})? token($arg{code}): undef;
  @rhs = map { ['SYMB', $_] } @rhs;

  return [ @rhs, $arg{prec}, $arg{name}, $arg{code}];

sub token {
  my $value = shift;

  return [ $value,  $lineno[0]];

sub symbol {
  my $id = shift;

  return ['SYMB', $id];

# To be used with the %lexer directive
sub make_lexer {
  my ($code, $line) = @_;

  my $errline = $line + ($code =~ tr/\n//);

my $lexertemplate = << 'ENDOFLEXER';
  sub { # lexical analyzer
    my $self = $_[0]; 
    for (${$self->input()}) {  # contextualize
#line <<line>> "<<filename>>"
      return ('', undef) if ($_ eq '') || (defined(pos($_)) && (pos($_) >= length($_)));
      die("Error inside the lexical analyzer. Line: <<errline>>. File: <<filename>>. No regexp matched.\n");
  } # end lexical analyzer

  $lexertemplate =~ s/<<code>>/$code/g;
  $lexertemplate =~ s/<<line>>/$line/g;
  $lexertemplate =~ s/<<errline>>/$errline/g;
  $lexertemplate =~ s/<<filename>>/$filename/g;
  $lexertemplate =~ s/<<end_user_code>>/################ @@@@@@@@@ End of User Code @@@@@@@@@ ###################/g;

  return $lexertemplate;

sub explorer_handler {
              my ($name, $code) = @_;
              my ($cn, $line) = @$name;

              my ($c, $li) = @$code;

              # TODO: this must be in Output
              my $conflict_header = <<"CONFLICT_EXPLORER";
  my \$self = \$_[0];
  for (\${\$self->input()}) {  
#line $li "$filename" 
              $c =~ s/^/$conflict_header/; # }

              # {
              # follows the closing curly bracket of the for .. to contextualize!!!!!!                 v
              $c =~ s/$/\n################ @@@@@@@@@ End of User Code @@@@@@@@@ ###################\n  }\n/;
              #$code->[0] = $c;
              $conflict{$cn}{explorer} = $c;
              $conflict{$cn}{explorerline} = $line;

              # TODO: error control. Factorize!!!!!
              $$syms{$cn} = $line;
              $$nterm{$cn} = undef;



%token ASSOC         /* is %(left|right|nonassoc) */
%token BEGINCODE     /* is %begin { Perl code ... } */
%token CODE          /* is { Perl code ... } */
%token CONFLICT      /* is %conflict */
%token DEFAULTACTION /* is %defaultaction */
%token EXPECT        /* is %expect */
%token HEADCODE      /* is %{ Perl code ... %} */
%token IDENT         /* is [A-Za-z_][A-Za-z0-9_]* */
%token LABEL         /* is :[A-Za-z0-9_]+ */
%token LITERAL       /* is a string literal like 'hello' */
%token METATREE      /* is %metatree */
%token NAME          /* is %name */             
%token NAMINGSCHEME  /* is %namingscheme */             
%token NOCOMPACT     /* is %nocompact */
%token NUMBER        /* is \d+ */
%token OPTION        /* is (%name\s*([A-Za-z_]\w*)\s*)?\? */
%token PLUS          /* is (%name\s*([A-Za-z_]\w*)\s*)?\+ */
%token PREC          /* is %prec */
%token PREFIX        /* is %prefix\s+([A-Za-z_][A-Za-z0-9_:]*::) */
%token SEMANTIC      /* is %semantic\s+token */
%token STAR          /* is (%name\s*([A-Za-z_]\w*)\s*)?\* */
%token START         /* is %start */
%token STRICT        /* is %strict */
%token SYNTACTIC     /* is %syntactic\s+token */
%token TAILCODE      /* is { Perl code ... } */
%token TOKEN         /* is %token */
%token TREE          /* is %tree */
%token TYPE          /* is %type */
%token UNION         /* is %union */

%start eyapp


# Main rule
eyapp: head body tail ;

#Common rules:

symbol: LITERAL {
                    or  do {
                        $$syms{$symbol} = $lineno;
                        $$term{$symbol} = undef;

                        # Warning! 
                        $$semantic{$symbol} = 0 unless exists($$semantic{$symbol});
    |   ident   #default action

ident:  IDENT   {
                    or  do {
                        $$syms{$symbol} = $lineno;
                        $$term{$symbol} = undef;

                        # Warning! 
                        $$semantic{$symbol} = 1 unless exists($$semantic{$symbol});
                        # Not declared identifier?
                        $nondeclared{$symbol} = 1 unless (exists($$nterm{$symbol}) or $$term{$symbol});

prodname:  IDENT 
      |   LABEL
      |   IDENT LABEL
              $_[1][0] .= $_[2][0];

# Head section:
head: headsec '%%'

#perlidents: /* empty */
#      | perlidents perlident

      |   perlident '::' IDENT
              $_[1][0] .= "::".$_[3][0];

headsec:    #empty  #default action
    |       decls   #default action

decls:  decls decl  #default action
    |   decl        #default action

decl:  '\n'                 #default action
    |   SEMANTIC typedecl toklist '\n'
                for (@{$_[3]}) {
                    my($symbol,$lineno, $def)=@$_;

                    #    exists($$token{$symbol})
                    #and do {
                    #    _SyntaxError(0,
                    #            "Token $symbol redefined: ".
                    #            "Previously defined line $$syms{$symbol}",
                    #            $lineno);
                    #    next;
                    $$term{$symbol} = [ ];
                    $$semantic{$symbol} = 1;
                    $$termdef{$symbol} = $def if $def;
    |   SYNTACTIC typedecl toklist '\n'
                for (@{$_[3]}) {
                    my($symbol,$lineno, $def)=@$_;

                    #    exists($$token{$symbol})
                    #and do {
                    #    _SyntaxError(0,
                    #            "Token $symbol redefined: ".
                    #            "Previously defined line $$syms{$symbol}",
                    #            $lineno);
                    #    next;
                    $$term{$symbol} = [ ];
                    $$semantic{$symbol} = 0;
                    $$termdef{$symbol} = $def if $def;
    |   DUMMY typedecl toklist '\n'
                for (@{$_[3]}) {
                    my($symbol,$lineno, $def)=@$_;

                    $$term{$symbol} = [ ];
                    $$semantic{$symbol} = 0;
                    push @$dummy, $symbol;
                    $$termdef{$symbol} = $def if $def;
    |   TOKEN typedecl toklist '\n'
                for (@{$_[3]}) {
                    my($symbol,$lineno, $def)=@$_;

                    and do {
                                "Token $symbol redefined: ".
                                "Previously defined line $$syms{$symbol}",
                    $$term{$symbol} = [ ];
                    $$termdef{$symbol} = $def if $def;
    |   ASSOC typedecl symlist '\n'  
                for (@{$_[3]}) {

                    and do {
                            "Precedence for symbol $symbol redefined: ".
                            "Previously defined line $$syms{$symbol}",
                    $$term{$symbol} = [ $_[1][0], $prec ];
    |   START ident '\n'                
              $start=$_[2][0] unless $start; 
    |   PREFIX '\n'                
              # TODO: Instead of ident has to be a prefix!!!
    |   WHITES CODE '\n'                
              push @{$_[2]}, 'CODE';
              $whites = $_[2]; 
    |   WHITES REGEXP '\n'                
              push @{$_[2]}, 'REGEXP';
              $whites = $_[2]; 
    |   WHITES '=' CODE '\n'                
              push @{$_[3]}, 'CODE';
              $whites = $_[3]; 
    |   WHITES '=' REGEXP '\n'                
              push @{$_[3]}, 'REGEXP';
              $whites = $_[3]; 
              $namingscheme = $_[2];
    |   HEADCODE '\n'                   { push(@$head,$_[1]); undef }
    |   UNION CODE '\n'                 { undef } #ignore
    |   DEFAULTACTION CODE '\n'         { $defaultaction = $_[2]; undef } 
    |   INCREMENTAL '\n'                { 
                                           $incremental = ''; 
    |   INCREMENTAL LITERAL '\n'        { 
                                           $incremental = $_[2][0]; 
    |   LEXER CODE '\n'                 { 
                                           my ($code, $line) = @{$_[2]};
                                           push @$head, [ make_lexer($code, $line), $line]; 
                                           $lexer = 1;
    |   TREE '\n'    
            $tree = $buildingtree = 1;
            $bypass = ($_[1][0] =~m{bypass})? 1 : 0;
            $alias = ($_[1][0] =~m{alias})? 1 : 0;
            $defaultaction = [ ' goto &Parse::Eyapp::Driver::YYBuildAST ', $lineno[0]]; 
    |   METATREE '\n'    
            $metatree = $tree = $buildingtree = 1;
    |   STRICT '\n'    
            $strict = 1;
    |   NOCOMPACT '\n'    
            $nocompact = 1;
    |   TYPE typedecl identlist '\n'
                for ( @{$_[3]} ) {

                    and do {
                                "Non-terminal $symbol redefined: ".
                                "Previously defined line $$syms{$symbol}",
                    delete($$term{$symbol});   #not a terminal
                    $$nterm{$symbol}=undef;    #is a non-terminal
    |   CONFLICT ident CODE '\n'
              my ($name, $code) = @_[2,3];
              my ($cn, $line) = @$name;

              my ($c, $li) = @$code;

              # TODO: this must be in Output
              my $conflict_header = <<"CONFLICT_HEADER";
  my \$self = \$_[0];
  for (\${\$self->input()}) {  
#line $li "$filename" 
              $c =~ s/^/$conflict_header/; # }

              # {
              # follows the closing curly bracket of the for .. to contextualize!!!!!!                 v
              $c =~ s/$/\n################ @@@@@@@@@ End of User Code @@@@@@@@@ ###################\n  }\n/;
              #$code->[0] = $c;
              $conflict{$cn}{codeh} = $c;
              $conflict{$cn}{line} = $line;

              $$syms{$cn} = $line;
              #$$nterm{$cn} = undef;

        # conflict syntacticvariable?  prodname : prodname
    |   CONFLICT ident perlident '?' prodname ':' prodname '\n'
              #print "<@{$_[2]} @{$_[3]} @{$_[5]} @{$_[7]}>\n";
              my $conflict = $_[2];
              my ($startsymbol, $line) = @{$_[3]};
              my @prodname = ($_[5][0], $_[7][0]);

              my $cn = $conflict->[0];

              my $c = <<"CONFLICT_HEADER";
  my \$self = \$_[0];
  for (\${\$self->input()}) {  
#line $line "$filename" 
    \$self->YYIf('$startsymbol', '$prodname[0]', '$prodname[1]');
################ @@@@@@@@@ End of User Code @@@@@@@@@ ###################

              $conflict{$cn}{codeh} = $c;
              $conflict{$cn}{line} = $line;

              $$syms{$cn} = $line;
              $$nterm{$cn} = undef;

              #$$nterm{$startsymbol} = undef;
              #delete $$syms{$startsymbol};

              if ($startsymbol eq 'EMPTY') {
              $c = <<"NESTEDPARSING";
{ \$self->YYIs('EMPTY', 1); }
              else {
              $c = <<"NESTEDPARSING";
{ \$self->YYNestedParse('$startsymbol'); }

              explorer_handler($conflict, [$c, $line]);

    |   CONFLICT ident neg REGEXP '?' prodname ':' prodname '\n'
              my $conflict = $_[2];
              my $neg = $_[3];
              my ($regexp, $line) = @{$_[4]};
              my @prodname = ($_[6][0], $_[8][0]);

              my $cn = $conflict->[0];

              my $c = <<"CONFLICT_HEADER";
  my \$self = \$_[0];
  for (\${\$self->input()}) {  
#line $line "$filename" 
    \$self->YYIf('.regexp', '$prodname[0]', '$prodname[1]');
################ @@@@@@@@@ End of User Code @@@@@@@@@ ###################

              $conflict{$cn}{codeh} = $c;
              $conflict{$cn}{line} = $line;

              $$syms{$cn} = $line;
              $$nterm{$cn} = undef;
              $regexp = substr($regexp,1,-1);

              if (!$neg) {
                $regexp = "\\G(?=$regexp)"; 
              else {
                $regexp = "\\G(?!$regexp)"; 

              $c = <<"NESTEDPARSING";
{ \$self->YYNestedRegexp('$regexp'); }

              explorer_handler($conflict, [$c, $line]);

    |   EXPLORER ident CODE '\n' # research testing
              my ($name, $code) = @_[2,3];

              explorer_handler($name, $code);
    |   EXPLORER ident LITERAL '\n' # 
              my ($name, $startsymbol) = @_[2,3];

              my $c = <<"NESTEDPARSING";
{ \$self->YYNestedParse($startsymbol->[0]); }
              my $li = $startsymbol->[1];

              explorer_handler($name, [$c, $li]);
    |   EXPLORER ident perlident '\n' # research testing: copy paste: factorize!
              my ($name, $startsymbol) = @_[2,3];

              my $c = <<"NESTEDPARSING";
{ \$self->YYNestedParse('$startsymbol->[0]'); }
              my $li = $startsymbol->[1];

              explorer_handler($name, [$c, $li]);
    |   EXPLORER ident perlident LITERAL '\n' # research testing: copy paste: factorize!
              my ($name, $startsymbol, $file) = @_[2,4];

              my $c = <<"NESTEDPARSING";
{ \$self->YYNestedParse('$startsymbol->[0]', $file->[0]); }
              my $li = $startsymbol->[1];

              explorer_handler($name, [$c, $li]);

    |   EXPECT NUMBER '\n'             { $expect=$_[2][0]; undef }
    |   EXPECT NUMBER NUMBER '\n'      { $expect= [ $_[2][0], $_[3][0]]; undef }
    |   EXPECTRR NUMBER '\n'           { 
                                          $expect = 0 unless defined($expect);
                                          croak "Number of reduce-reduce conflicts is redefined (line $_[2][1], file: $filename)\n" if ref($expect);
                                          $expect= [ $expect, $_[2][0]]; 
    |   error '\n'                     { $_[0]->YYErrok }

      /* empty */ {}
    | '!'         { 1; }
typedecl:   #empty
    |       '<' IDENT '>'

symlist:    symlist symbol  { push(@{$_[1]},$_[2]); $_[1] }
    |       symbol          { [ $_[1] ] }

toklist:    toklist tokendef        { push(@{$_[1]},$_[2]); $_[1] }
    |       tokendef                { [ $_[1] ] }

tokendef:   ident '=' REGEXP     { 
                                    push @{$_[3]}, 'REGEXP';
                                    push @{$_[1]}, $_[3]; 
    |       ident '=' '%' REGEXP { 
                                    push @{$_[4]}, 'CONTEXTUAL_REGEXP';
                                    push @{$_[1]}, $_[4]; 
    |       ident '=' '%' REGEXP '=' IDENT { 
                                    push @{$_[4]}, 'CONTEXTUAL_REGEXP_MATCH';
                                    push @{$_[4]}, $_[6];
                                    push @{$_[1]}, $_[4]; 
    |       ident '=' '%' REGEXP '!' IDENT { 
                                    push @{$_[4]}, 'CONTEXTUAL_REGEXP_NOMATCH';
                                    push @{$_[4]}, $_[6];
                                    push @{$_[1]}, $_[4]; 
    |       ident '=' CODE      { 
                                    push @{$_[3]}, 'CODE';
                                    push @{$_[1]}, $_[3]; 
    |       symbol               {
                                   push @{$_[1]}, [ @{$_[1]}, 'LITERAL'];

identlist:  identlist ident { push(@{$_[1]},$_[2]); $_[1] }
    |       ident           { [ $_[1] ] }

# Rule section
      rulesec '%%'
            or  $start=$$rules[1][0];

            or  _SyntaxError(2,"Start symbol $start not found ".
                                "in rules section",$_[2][1]);

            # Add conflict handlers
            # [ left hand side,   right hand side,  precedence, rulename, code, ]
            for my $A (keys %conflict) { 

              if  (defined($conflict{$A}{explorer}))  {
                  if (!$conflict{$A}{totalviewpoint}) {
                      my $code = $conflict{$A}{codeh};
                      $conflict{$A}{codeh} = "{ $conflict{$A}{explorer} }\n{ $code }";
                      delete $$syms{$A};
                      delete $$nterm{$A};
                      delete $$term{$A};
                      delete $conflict{$A}{explorer};
                  else {
                    my $lhs = [$A, $conflict{$A}{explorerline}];
                    my $code = $conflict{$A}{explorer};
                    my $rhss = [ rhs([], name => $lhs, code => $code), ];
                    _AddRules($lhs, $rhss);
                    delete $conflict{$A}{explorer};
              else {
                 delete $$syms{$A};
                 delete $$nterm{$A};
                 delete $$term{$A};

            # # If exists an @identifiers that is not a nterm and not a term is a warn
            if ($strict) {
              for (keys %nondeclared) {
                  warn "Warning! Non declared token $_ at line $$syms{$_} of $filename\n" 
                unless ($_ eq 'error' || $$term{$_} || exists($$nterm{$_}) || exists($conflict{$_}));
            # Superstart rule
            # [ left hand side,   right hand side,  precedence, rulename, code, ]
            $$rules[0]=[ '$start', [ $start, chr(0) ], undef, undef, undef,];  

    |   '%%'    { _SyntaxError(2,"No rules in input grammar",$_[1][1]); }

rulesec:  rulesec rules #default action
    |     startrules    #default action

startrules:  IDENT ':' 
                        { $start = $_[1][0] unless $start; } 
                      rhss ';'  
                        { _AddRules($_[1],$_[4]); undef }
  | error ';'          { $_[0]->YYErrok }

rules:  IDENT ':' rhss ';'  { _AddRules($_[1],$_[3]); undef }
  | error ';'               { $_[0]->YYErrok }

rhss: rhss '|' rule   { push(@{$_[1]},$_[3]); $_[1] }
  | rule            { [ $_[1] ] }

rule:   optname rhs prec epscode 
            my ($name, $rhs, $prec, $code) = @_[1..4];

            my %index = symbol_index($rhs);
            $code->[0] = prefixcode(%index).$code->[0] if ($code);

            insert_delaying_code(\$code) if $metatree;
            make_accessors($name, $rhs);
            push(@{$rhs}, $prec, $name, $code);  # only three???? what with prefixofcode?
    |   optname rhs         
            my ($name, $rhs) = @_[1, 2];
            my $code;

            # Be careful: $defaultaction must be replicated per action
            # to emulate "yacc/yapp" true behavior.
            # There was a previous bug when %metatree and %defaultaction
            # were activated ------------------V
            $code = $defaultaction && [ @$defaultaction ];

            and $rhs->[-1][0] eq 'CODE'
            and $code = ${pop(@{$rhs})}[1];

            my %index = symbol_index($rhs);
            $code->[0] = prefixcode(%index).$code->[0] if ($code);
            make_accessors($name, $rhs);

            insert_delaying_code(\$code) if $metatree;
            push(@{$rhs}, undef, $name, $code);


rhs:    #empty      #default action (will return undef)
    |   rhselts     #default action

rhselts:    rhselts rhseltwithid  
    |   rhseltwithid              { [ $_[1] ] }

rhseltwithid : 
      rhselt '.' IDENT 
          push @{$_[1][1]}, $_[3][0];
    | '$' rhselt  
          # check that is an identifier
            _SyntaxError(2,"\$ is allowed for identifiers only (Use dot notation instead)",$lineno[0]) 
          if not_an_id($_[2][1][0]);
          push @{$_[2][1]}, $_[2][1][0];
    | '$' error { _SyntaxError(2,"\$ is allowed for identifiers only",$lineno[0]) }

    | rhselt

rhselt:     symbol    { [ 'SYMB', $_[1] ] }
    | code    { [ 'CODE', $_[1] ] }
    | DPREC ident 
           my $cname = $_[2][0];
           [ 'CONFLICTHANDLER', $_[2] ] 
    #************** research *****************#
           [ 'CONFLICTVIEWPOINT', $_[1] ] 
    #************** research *****************#
    | '(' optname rhs ')' 
           my ($name, $rhs) = @_[2, 3];

           my $code = $defaultaction && [ @$defaultaction ];
           $code =[ ' goto &Parse::Eyapp::Driver::YYActionforParenthesis', $lineno[0]] unless $metatree;

           and $rhs->[-1][0] eq 'CODE'
           and $code = ${pop(@$rhs)}[1];

           my %index = symbol_index($rhs);
           $code->[0] = prefixcode(%index).$code->[0] if ($code);

           insert_delaying_code(\$code) if $metatree;
           my $A = token('PAREN-'.++$labelno);
           _AddRules($A, [[@$rhs, undef, $name, $code]]);

           [ 'SYMB', $A] 
    | rhselt STAR 
          my ($what, $val) = @{$_[1]};
          _SyntaxError(1, "Star(*) operator can't be applied to an action", $lineno[0]) 
            if $what eq 'CODE';
          my $A = token('STAR-'.++$labelno);
          my $code_rec = ' goto &Parse::Eyapp::Driver::YYActionforT_TX1X2 ';
          my $code_empty = ' goto &Parse::Eyapp::Driver::YYActionforT_empty ';

          my $rhss = [
                      rhs([ $A, $val], name => $_[2], code => $code_rec),
                      rhs([],          name => $_[2], code => $code_empty),
          _AddRules($A, $rhss);
          [ 'SYMB', $A]
    | rhselt '<' STAR symbol '>' 
          my ($what, $val) = @{$_[1]};
          _SyntaxError(1, "Star(*) operator can't be applied to an action", $lineno[0]) 
            if $what eq 'CODE';
          my $B = token('STAR-'.++$labelno);
          my $code_rec = ' goto &Parse::Eyapp::Driver::YYActionforT_TX1X2 ';
          my $code_single = ' goto &Parse::Eyapp::Driver::YYActionforT_single ';
          my $rhss = [#rhs [token , [value, line]] ...,   prec,  name,  code ]
                      rhs([ $B, $_[4], $val], name => $_[3], code => $code_rec),
                      rhs([ $val],            name =>  $_[3], code => $code_single),
          _AddRules($B, $rhss);

          my $A = token('STAR-'.++$labelno);
          my $code_empty = ' goto &Parse::Eyapp::Driver::YYActionforT_empty ';
          $code_single = ' { $_[1] } # optimize '."\n";

          $rhss = [
              rhs([ $B ], name => $_[3], code => $code_single ),
              rhs([],     name => $_[3], code => $code_empty),
          _AddRules($A, $rhss);
          [ 'SYMB', $A ]
    | rhselt OPTION 
          my ($what, $val) = @{$_[1]};
          _SyntaxError(1, "Question(?) operator can't be applied to an action", $lineno[0]) 
            if $what eq 'CODE';
          my $A = token('OPTIONAL-'.++$labelno);
          my $code_single = ' goto &Parse::Eyapp::Driver::YYActionforT_single ';
          my $code_empty = ' goto &Parse::Eyapp::Driver::YYActionforT_empty ';

          my $rhss = [
                      rhs([ $val], name => $_[2], code => $code_single),
                      rhs([],      name => $_[2], code => $code_empty),
          _AddRules($A, $rhss);
          [ 'SYMB', $A]
    | rhselt '<' PLUS symbol '>' 
          my ($what, $val) = @{$_[1]};
          _SyntaxError(1, "Plus(+) operator can't be applied to an action", $lineno[0]) 
            if $what eq 'CODE';
          my $A = token('PLUS-'.++$labelno);
          my $code_rec = ' goto &Parse::Eyapp::Driver::YYActionforT_TX1X2 ';
          my $code_single = ' goto &Parse::Eyapp::Driver::YYActionforT_single ';

          my $rhss = [
            rhs([$A, $_[4], $val], name => $_[3], code => $code_rec),
            rhs([$val],            name => $_[3], code => $code_single),
          _AddRules($A, $rhss);
          [ 'SYMB', $A]
    | rhselt PLUS 
           my ($what, $val) = @{$_[1]};
           _SyntaxError(1, "Plus(+) operator can't be applied to an action", $lineno[0]) 
             if $what eq 'CODE';
           my $A = token('PLUS-'.++$labelno);
           my $code_rec = ' goto &Parse::Eyapp::Driver::YYActionforT_TX1X2 ';
           my $code_single = ' goto &Parse::Eyapp::Driver::YYActionforT_single ';

           my $rhss = [
             rhs([$A, $val], name => $_[2], code => $code_rec),
             rhs([$val],     name => $_[2], code =>  $code_single)

           _AddRules($A, $rhss);
           [ 'SYMB', $A]

optname: /* empty */
       | NAME IDENT 
                      # save bypass status
           $_[2][2] = $_[1][0];
         {  # LABELs are used for dynamic conflict resolution
                      # save bypass status
           $_[2][2] = $_[1][0];
           # 0: identifier 1: line number 2: bypass 
           # concat the label to the name
           $_[2][0] .= "$_[3][0]";

       | NAME LABEL
         {  # LABELs are used for dynamic conflict resolution
                      # save bypass status
           $_[2][2] = $_[1][0];

prec: PREC symbol
                    or  do {
                        _SyntaxError(1,"No precedence for symbol $_[2][0]",
                        return undef;


epscode:      { $defaultaction }
    | code    { $_[1] }

    CODE      { $_[1] }
        _SyntaxError(2, "%begin code is allowed only when metatree is active\n", $lineno[0])
          unless $metatree;
        my $code = $_[1];
        push @$code, 'BEGINCODE';
        return $code;

# Tail section:

tail:       /*empty*/
        |   TAILCODE    { $tail=$_[1] }

sub _Error {

    my $token = $$value[0];
    my($what)= $token ? "input: '$token'" : "symbol";

    _SyntaxError(1,"Unexpected $what",$$value[1]);

sub slurp_perl_code {


  while($$input=~/([{}])/gc) {
          substr($$input,pos($$input)-1,1) eq '\\' #Quoted
      and next;
          $level += ($1 eq '{' ? 1 : -1)
      or last;
  and  _SyntaxError(2,"Unmatched { opened line $lineno[0]",-1);
  $code = substr($$input,$from,pos($$input)-$from-1);
  $lineno[1]+= $code=~tr/\n//;
  return [ $code, $lineno[0] ];

my %headertoken = (
  start => 'START',
  expect => 'EXPECT',
  token => 'TOKEN',
  strict => 'STRICT',
  type => 'TYPE',
  union => 'UNION',
  namingscheme => 'NAMINGSCHEME',
  metatree => 'METATREE',
  nocompact => 'NOCOMPACT',
  conflict => 'CONFLICT',
  whites    => 'WHITES',

# Used for <%name LIST_of_STH +>, <%name OPT_STH ?>
my %listtoken = (
  '*' => 'STAR',
  '+' => 'PLUS',
  '?' => 'OPTION',

my $ID = qr{[A-Za-z_][A-Za-z0-9_]*};
my $LABEL = qr{:[A-Za-z0-9_]+};
my $STRING = qr {
   '             # opening apostrophe
   (?:[^'\\]|    # an ordinary character
        \\\\|    # escaped \ i.e. \\
         \\'|    # escaped apostrophe i.e. \'
          \\     # escape i.e. \
  )*?            # non greedy repetitions
  '              # closing apostrophe

# Head section: \n separates declarations
      [\t\ ]+     # Any white space char but \n
    | \#[^\n]*    # Perl like comments
    |   /\*.*?\*/ # C like comments

# Head section: \n is not significant
      \s+        # Any white space char, including \n
    | \#[^\n]*   # Perl like comments
    |  /\*.*?\*/ # C like comments

my $REGEXP = qr{
   /             # opening slash
   (?:[^/\\]|    # an ordinary character
        \\\\|    # escaped \ i.e. \\
         \\/|    # escaped slash i.e. \/
          \\     # escape i.e. \
  )*?            # non greedy repetitions
  /              # closing slash

sub _Lexer {
    #At EOF
        pos($$input) >= length($$input)
    and return('',[ undef, -1 ]);

    #In TAIL section
        $lexlevel > 1
    and do {

        return('TAILCODE',[ substr($$input,$pos), $lineno[0] ]);

    #Skip blanks
            $lexlevel == 0
        ?   $$input=~m{\G($HEADERWHITESPACES)}gc
        :   $$input=~m{\G($BODYWHITESPACES)}gc
    and do {

        #Maybe At EOF
        pos($$input) >= length($$input) and return('',[ undef, -1 ]);

        $lineno[1]+= $blanks=~tr/\n//;


        and return('LABEL',[ $1, $lineno[0] ]);

    and return('IDENT',[ $1, $lineno[0] ]);

    and do {
        my $string = $1;

        # The string 'error' is reserved for the special token 'error'
        $string eq "'error'" and do {
            _SyntaxError(0,"Literal 'error' ".
                           "will be treated as error token",$lineno[0]);
            return('IDENT',[ 'error', $lineno[0] ]);

        my $lines = $string =~ tr/\n//;
        _SyntaxError(2, "Constant string $string contains newlines",$lineno[0]) if $lines;
        $lineno[1] += $lines;

        $string = chr(0) if $string eq "''";

        return('LITERAL',[ $string, $lineno[0] ]);

    # New section: body or tail
    and do {
        return($1, [ $1, $lineno[0] ]);

        $$input=~/\G\s*\{/gc and return ('CODE', &slurp_perl_code());  # }

    if($lexlevel == 0) {# In head section

        $$input=~/\G%(left|right|nonassoc)/gc and return('ASSOC',[ uc($1), $lineno[0] ]);

        and do {

            $$input=~/\G(.*?)%}/sgc or  _SyntaxError(2,"Unmatched %{ opened line $lineno[0]",-1);

            $lineno[1]+= $code=~tr/\n//;
            return('HEADCODE',[ $code, $lineno[0] ]);

        $$input=~/\G%prefix\s+([A-Za-z_][A-Za-z0-9_:]*::)/gc and return('PREFIX',[ $1, $lineno[0] ]);

        and do {
          my $treeoptions =  defined($2)? $2 : '';
          return('TREE',[ $treeoptions, $lineno[0] ])

        $$input=~/\G%(?:(semantic|syntactic|dummy)(?:\s+token)?)\b/gc and return(uc($1),[ undef, $lineno[0] ]);

        $$input=~/\G%(?:(incremental)(?:\s+lexer)?)\b/gc and return(uc($1),[ undef, $lineno[0] ]);

        $$input=~/\G%(lexer|defaultaction|union)\b\s*/gc   and return(uc($1),[ undef, $lineno[0] ]);

        $$input=~/\G([0-9]+)/gc   and return('NUMBER',[ $1, $lineno[0] ]);

        $$input=~/\G%expect-rr/gc and return('EXPECTRR',[ undef, $lineno[0] ]);

        $$input=~/\G%(explorer)/gc and return('EXPLORER',[ undef, $lineno[0] ]);

        $$input=~/\G%($ID)/gc     and return($headertoken{$1},[ undef, $lineno[0] ]);

        $$input=~/\G($REGEXP)/gc  and return('REGEXP',[ $1, $lineno[0] ]);

        $$input=~/\G::/gc and return('::',[ undef, $lineno[0] ]);

    else {  # In rule section

            # like in <%name LIST_of_STH *>
            # like in <%name LIST_of_STH +>
            # like in <%name OPT_STH ?>
            # returns STAR or PLUS or OPTION
        and return($listtoken{$2},[ $1, $lineno[0] ]);

            # like in %name LIST_of_STH *
            # like in %name LIST_of_STH +
            # like in %name OPT_STH ?
            # returns STAR or PLUS or OPTION
        and return($listtoken{$2},[ $1, $lineno[0] ]);

        and do {
          #my $bp = defined($1)?0:1; 
          return('NAME',[ 0, $lineno[0] ]);

        and return('PREC',[ undef, $lineno[0] ]);

        and return('DPREC',[ undef, $lineno[0] ]);

        and do {
          # return current bypass status
          return('NAME',[ $bypass, $lineno[0] ]);

    # Now label is returned in the "common" area
    #       $$input=~/\G($LABEL)/gc
    #   and return('LABEL',[ $1, $lineno[0] ]);

            $$input=~/\G%begin\s*{/gc  # }
        and return ('BEGINCODE', &slurp_perl_code());

        #********** research *************#
        and return('VIEWPOINT',[ $1, $lineno[0] ]);


    #Always return something
    or  die "Parse::Eyapp::Grammar::Parse: Match (.) failed: report as a BUG";

    my $char = $1;

    $char =~ s/\cM/\n/; # dos to unix

    $char eq "\n" and ++$lineno[1];

    ( $char ,[ $char, $lineno[0] ]);


sub _SyntaxError {

    $message= "*".
              [ 'Warning', 'Error', 'Fatal' ]->[$level].
              "* $message, at ".
              ($lineno < 0 ? "eof" : "line $lineno")." at file $filename\n";

        $level > 1
    and die $message;

    warn $message;

        $level > 0
    and ++$nberr;

        $nberr == 20 
    and die "*Fatal* Too many errors detected.\n"

# _AddRules
# There was a serious error I introduced between versions 171 and 172 (subversion
# numbers).  I delayed the instruction
#       my ($tmprule)=[ $lhs, [], splice(@$rhs,-3)];
# with catastrophic consequences for the resulting
# LALR tables.
# The splice of the ($precedence, $name, $code)
# must be done before this line, if not the counts of nullables 
# will no work!
#          @$rhs
#       or  do {
#           ++$$nullable{$lhs};
#           ++$epsrules;
#       };

sub _AddRules {

    and do {
        _SyntaxError(1,"Non-terminal $lhs redefined: ".
                       "Previously declared line $$syms{$lhs}",$lineno);

    and do {
        my($where) = exists($$token{$lhs}) ? $$token{$lhs} : $$syms{$lhs};
        _SyntaxError(1,"Non-terminal $lhs previously ".
                       "declared as token line $where",$lineno);

        ref($$nterm{$lhs})      #declared through %type
    or  do {
            $$syms{$lhs}=$lineno;   #Say it's declared here
            delete($$term{$lhs});   #No more a terminal
    $$nterm{$lhs}=[];       #It's a non-terminal now
    # Hal Finkel's patch: a non terminal is a semantic child
    $$semantic{$lhs} = 1; 

    my($epsrules)=0;        #To issue a warning if more than one epsilon rule

    for my $rhs (@$rhss) {
        #               ($precedence, $name, $code)
        my ($tmprule)=[ $lhs, [], splice(@$rhs,-3)];

        # Warning! the splice of the ($precedence, $name, $code)
        # must be done before this line, if not the counts of nullables 
        # will no work!
        or  do {

        # Reserve position for current rule
        push(@$rules, undef);
        my $position = $#$rules;

        # Expand to auxiliary productions all the intermediate codes
        $tmprule->[1] = process_production($rhs);
        $$rules[$position] = $tmprule; 

        $epsrules > 1
    and _SyntaxError(0,"More than one empty rule for symbol $lhs",$lineno);

# This sub is called fro Parse::Eyapp::Grammar::new
#       0       1      2          3         4     5          6               7                  8
# Args: object, input, firstline, filename, tree, nocompact, lexerisdefined, acceptinputprefix, start
#  See the call to thsi sub 'Parse' inside sub new in module 
sub Parse {

        @_ > 0
    or  croak("No input grammar\n");


    $input=\$_[0]; # we did a shift for $self, one less

    my $firstline = $_[1];
    $filename = $_[2] or croak "Unknown input file";
    @lineno= $firstline? ($firstline, $firstline) : (1,1);

    $tree = $_[3];
    if ($tree) { # factorize!
      $buildingtree = 1;
      $bypass = 0;
      $alias = 0;
      $defaultaction = [ ' goto &Parse::Eyapp::Driver::YYBuildAST ', 0]; 
      $namingscheme = [ '\&give_rhs_name', 0];

    $nocompact = $_[4];



    $rules=[ undef ];   #reserve slot 0 for start rule

    $start = $_[7] if ($_[7]); 

    $semantic = {};
    $strict = 0;


    $self->YYParse(yylex => \&_Lexer, yyerror => \&_Error); #???

    and _SyntaxError(2,"Errors detected: No output",-1);

    @$parsed{ 'HEAD', 'TAIL', 'RULES', 'NTERM', 'TERM',
              'NULL', 'PREC', 'SYMS',  'START', 'EXPECT', 
    =       (  $head,  $tail,  $rules,  $nterm,  $term,
               $nullable, $precterm, $syms, $start, $expect, 
               $semantic, $bypass, $accessors, $buildingtree,




