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my $INT    = '(int)\b';
my $ID     = '([a-zA-Z_][a-zA-Z_0-9]*)';
my $NUM    = '(\d+)';

%token NUM = /$NUM/
%token INT = /$INT/
%token ID  = /$ID/

%right '='
%left '+'

%conflict decORexp {
  if ($self->YYIs('decl')) { $self->YYSetReduce('ID:DEC' ); }
  else { $self->YYSetReduce('ID:EXP' ); }

%explorer decORexp decl

%expect-rr 1  # expect 1 reduce-reduce conflict

%tree bypass

    %name EMPTY
    /* empty */
  | %name PROG
    prog %decORexp? stmt

    %name EXP
    expr ';' 
  | %name DECL

    %name ID:EXP
    ID                            %PREC decORexp 
  | %name NUM 
  | %name TYPECAST
    INT '(' expr ')' /* typecast */ 
  | %name PLUS
    expr '+' expr
  | %name ASSIGN
    expr '=' expr

    %name DECLARATOR
    INT declarator ';'
    INT declarator '=' expr ';'

    %name ID:DEC
    ID                            %PREC decORexp 
  | '(' declarator ')'




Compile it with
   eyapp -C CplusplusNested

the compile it again, using 'decl' as start symbol:

   eyapp -S decl -P CplusplusNested.eyp

Run it with:

   ./ -t -nos -i


   ./ -t -i -c 'int (x) + 2; int (z) = 4;'

try with inputs:

     int (x) = 2;
     int (x) + 2;

the output will be a description of the generated abstract syntax tree

=head1  C++ Ambiguities

This grammar models a problematic part of the C++ grammar
the ambiguity between certain
declarations and statements. For example,

     int (x) = y+z;

parses as either an expr or a stmt.

Eyapp detects this as a reduce/reduce conflict:

  State 17 contains 1 reduce/reduce conflict

  State 17:

	expr -> ID .	(Rule 5)
	declarator -> ID .	(Rule 11)

	')'	[reduce using rule 11 (declarator)]
	$default	reduce using rule 5 (expr)

The C++ disambiguation rule is: 
take it as a declaration if it looks as a declaration,
otherwise is an expression.

This Eyapp parser solves the problem by dynamically changing the parser.

=head1 SEE ALSO

=over 2

=item * The file C<Cplusplus2.eyp> in C<examples/debuggintut>

=item * L<>

=item * L<>

=item * L<> 

=item * L<>

=item * Edward Willink's "Meta-Compilation for C++" PhD thesis at L<>

