Installation of Perl/Tk
    1. CPAN
    2. CPANP
    3. Module::Build
    4. ExtUtils-MakeMaker

Users of Linux or of the Strawberry Perl distribution usually have
Tk already installed or may install it easily with their package manager.
So this section is relevant only for users that work on Windows with the
Perl distribution ActivePerl.

Newer versions of ActivePerl install the MinGW package and the dmake
utility automatically when you use the shell commands cpan or cpanp for
the first time. I observed this with version v5.16.3, so maybe you can
ignore this section.

Please look whether Tk (the Perl/Tk package) or gcc (a C++ compiler) is 
installed. If none of them is present, choose one for install. In any 
case, you will need administative privileges for this.

Install gcc: Using ppm, install the MinGW package. This will also install
             the gcc compiler. When gcc is available, the installation of
             Games::Sudoku::Trainer can successfully install Tk as a 

Install Tk: In your browser, visit the website
            On the bottom, select your repository (32 bit or 64 bit). In the
            repository search for the "Tk" entry, copy the DOS command in it
            and insert it in the DOS shell window. This command will add Tk
            to the ppm repository of ActivePerl. Now you can use ppm to 
            install Tk.


There are several procedures available for installation of Perl modules. It's
recommended that you use the first one in this list that is available in your
Perl distribution. For all of them you will need administative privileges.

Use the shell command "cpan Games::Sudoku::Trainer".

Use the shell command "cpanp -i Games::Sudoku::Trainer".

For the following installation procedures you need a preliminary step:
Visit the website
and click on the search result "SudokuTrainer",
and from there download the distribution file, then unpack it:

On Linux:   tar -xzf SudokuTrainer-<version>.tar.gz
On Windows: Use a ZIP archiver program (e. g. winZIP or 7-Zip) to unpack the
            distribution file.
Finally enter the distribution directory:
cd SudokuTrainer-<version>.

3. Module::Build
Enter the following commands, depending on your platform:
	  Linux                      Windows
	  -----                      -------
	perl Build.PL              perl Build.PL
	./Build                    Build
	./Build test               Build test
	sudo ./Build install       Build install

4. ExtUtils-MakeMaker
This installation procedure is available since the first days of CPAN, and
it is still included in Perl installations. It uses the "make" utility.
However the name of this utility changes slightly depending on the platform.
e. g. on Windows the name is "dmake".

Enter the following commands, depending on your platform:
	  Linux                      Windows
	  -----                      -------
	perl Makefile.PL           perl Makefile.PL
	make                       dmake
	make test                  dmake test
	sudo make install          dmake install

Big parts of the installation instructions have been taken from the tutorial,
which was written by the German Perl forum